Thursday, July 16, 2020


I have received numerous calls about the proposed Police Accountability Law  for Connecticut's Police Officers. The link to the bill on CT.GOV has been disabled so I am posting a PDF of the draft here.
 I haven't read the entire bill yet, so I will reserve my comments until I can digest it. Feel free to comment below


  1. I liked the part about making troopers have to become POST certified and finally holding them to the same standards that the rest of the police in Connecticut must maintain! Currently, Troopers and Inspectors in the Criminal Justice Division are the only ones who do not have to maintain POST standards.

  2. If this bill passes it will essentially handcuff every police officer in this state from doing their jobs. All the good proactive policing will cease and will be replaced by reactive policing. The job is not worth being arrested, sued, shot or killed over. Every democratically controlled city will turn into Chicago and it's all ready happening. Shootings are up, homicides are rising and at the end of the day this isn't going to affect the rich folks on the gold coast with their million dollar gated homes and private security. The politicians aren't going to suffer the consequences but the average people will. When was the last time you heard of a drive by shooting some rich CT town? The governor hides behind his own security detail, politicians have an entire police force at their disposal, so at the end of the day WE THE PEOPLE will suffer for bad politics and for political gain.

    1. Glastonbury drive by shooting, Thursday, July the 16th, 2020, at 10:08 hours.

  3. A mother and young child were shot in a drive by shooting in Glastonbury just yesterday!

    1. What does Glastonbury issue mean? People get shot all over the place.

  4. Drive by shorting in Glastonbury. What kind of knee jerk imagery conjure up in your mind?

    ‘Jilted shopper enacts revenge!
    Whole Foods shoppers argue over last package of organic strawberries. Angry fruitless customer retreats to car and waits.

    With full shopping cart, victorious shopper gallantly exits Whole Food alive with shortcake and melted chocolate anticipations, organic of course.

    With hands on blue steel and retaliation seconds away, rejected shopper now passenger instructs boyfriend driver a ‘slow pass’ against gleefully target pushing carriage carward. Upon meeting on hot asphalt, the Devil within unleashed vengeance into homeward bound customer. 10 well aimed bullets and casings strewn about, dying former customer Whole Foods collapses into cart and then both crush into the summer baked parking lot. As life exited with a dying gasp, shopper eyes lock into shooters disappointed face and cries out ‘Why?!’ Scanning the overturned carriage, the shooter’s malevolence falls selfishly short upon noticing the ripe succulent strawberries sizzling into the filthy lot. Just then, shooter’s memory flashes back to a much earlier time and their Mother’s every poignant inquiry, ‘ Ever wonder why we can’t have nice things?’

    I’m tell’n ya , don’t bump into anyone’s milkshake at Ben and Jerry’s or steal that last parking spot at J Gilbert’s. Glastonbury folk don’t take to kindly to strangers.

    “There was a drive by it Glastonbury yesterday!”

    Read “while visiting guests, Hartford mother and toddler injured by gunfire at Homewood suites in Glastonbury.“

    Seems targeted to me as Hartford ‘life’ spills over into Hartford suburbs.

    1. Seek help ASAP. Thank you, have a nice day.

  5. 1226

    Since you’re making recommendations, I recommend you Become educated on constructive irony and humor before committing any. You may have stone washed brain syndrome.

  6. What happens next will be extremely epic. Now that the politicians have passed their little "revenge on the police bill", the public will see what happens. Expect to wait a length of time for any police services. Expect to see pan handlers on every corner. Expect to see cars and quads racing through quiet neighborhoods. Expect to wake up to your vehicle being broken into during the evening. THIS WILL HAPPEN. Many officers will leave to other jobs. Good luck trying to find candidates that are willing to put their houses and family on the line to respond to a naked man running through the city. These politicians such as JOHN RITTER can handle these problems now. He knows what is best. He can now go and deal with the street racers and the shots fired. He can go with his team and deal with a naked person high on PCP running through the downtown area. I will hide in an alley and watch Netflix. The wake up call is coming. Be careful what you wish for...………..

  7. How quickly CT forgets. Remember when they made cops hand out cards when they pulled a car over. The cards would ask the driver if they think they were pulled over because of their race. Law Enforcement across the state stopped pulling cars over. The state lost millions. That will pale in comparison to what's about to happen. CT will see crime spike like they have never seen before. What cop is going to risk his pension, house or children's college fund on getting sued by some idiot who has nothing better to do. For the public that thinks "well if the cops don't do anything wrong they will be fine" have no idea how litigation works. People sue all the time for frivolous reasons. Even with no chance at winning, it still cost lots of money to defend in legal fees. The only people applying to be cops when qualified immunity is gone are the exact idiots you don't want as cops. When crime starts spiking, where do you think it will go up the most? Do you think crime will spike more in Avon CT or Hartford CT? It's not even a question you need to speculate over, just look at crime in areas across America that are already handcuffing the cops from doing their jobs. The removal of qualified immunity in this bill hurts the minority communities in CT. It does the exact opposite of it's claimed intent. HUGE mistake and sadly the citizens will be the ones hurt most by this. Let's hope the Federal Courts step in and reverse this before too much damage is done to our state.

  8. Seattle and Portland coming to Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury and more!

  9. Every cop should put anything and everything of value they own in a loved ones name, can’t put a lien on a cops house if their not on the note. You can’t sue a cops family member just because the cop has nothing to take.This practice has been going on with doctors and lawyers for decades . Hard part will be finding a trustworthy loved one.If they attach wages ,go off on an injury . See ? Even honest cops can turn bad if you back them in a corner. Please don’t think a $25,000 insurance policy is gonna suffice either. Shitbags usually sue for hundreds of thousands or even millions. I can’t wait for the lily white liberals in the burbs dialing 911 like their trying to win a prize on the radio! City crime is coming to a neighborhood near you !

  10. Good idea but then they go after your pension or garnish your pay check every week. Hard to escape a law suit unless you go on welfare.

  11. The only winning move is not to play the game. (War Games movie 1983).
