Monday, July 13, 2020


"Now what?"

 I think anyone who has ever had to put a claim through for repairs after an auto accident knows that the first thing  any insurance company will ask for is the Police Report and case number.
So where is the accident report for the recent crash and repairs to the City of Hartford's 2019 Chevrolet Tahoe assigned to Hartford Police Chief Jason Thody.

So where is Thody's accident report, commonly called a PR-1 by Police.
The short and concise answer from the Connecticut State Police in their e-mail below was received pursuant to my request for a copy of the CSP accident report, it doesn't exist.

From the e-mail: "Please understand that there was no investigation into a motor vehicle collision because an accident was not reported to the State Police; therefore  there is no report that we are able to provide you"

Let me ask a hypothetical question here, since CSP said there is no report and we know according to the Hartford COO Thea Montanez that the insurance Company paid a claim for over $3300.00 what documentation was submitted to validate the accident or is there a possibility that a phony report was submitted as part of a wider coverup?

Montanez  and Thody had initially claimed that the damage was under $1,000.00 so no report was required. So in my best Maury Povich voice I have to say "That was a lie". Damage exceeded $3300.00

These questions need to be answered, and answered truthfully for a change.

Lets start with the phone records verifying Thody's call to Montanez immediately after the crash as he claims and lets see the insurance documentation .
Csp Foi Email  on Scribd


  1. The tall tales of ThodyThody-Gate

    1st hit a guardrail reported to Connecticut State Police they declined to respond

    2nd nevermind miscommunication I left the marina to respond to BLM protest in Hartford hit the guard rail assessed the damage under $1,000 and responded to Hartford

    3rd oops my mistake I meant it was not safe to stop so I drove five miles to my house in HADDAM then I checked the damage and responded to Hartford oh and I checked the guardrail um the next day that's right

    4th sorry CSP investigator what I meant to say was I responded to my house then hit the guardrail then responded to Hartford for a BLM protest

    5th omg my mistake I really meant to say I never drove to Hartford just my house in HADDAM so yup I never ever responded to Hartford

    But don't worry my Assstsnt chief who reports to me will investigate it all, oh and the CSP lieutenant colonel who is also my assistant. Chiefs previous boss at CSP will investigate it and his bosses bosses yea I use to work for them too........nah no need for my chief of staff to do a supplement and attest to the miscommunication either yup yup

    So al the truth and a totally unbiased investigation so.......................nothing to see here

  2. Rosado was smart man to bail. The only issue is he left his BFF Madena here and he is starting to smell up the place.

  3. Good points...but I'm also curious as to why the State Police didn't respond to a report of a drunk driver driving like a "bat out of hell" and almost hitting a motorcyclist. I can't help but wonder if it was protecting their own. The 911 call certainly doesn't sound like confusion between "distracted" driving and a drunk driver - which Bronin erroneously says could appear to be one and the same. Not even close.

    The Council should get a collective backbone and demand his resignation - they don't need any more reports - the 911 call is more than enough. Thody should do the honorable thing and resign.

    Thank you for using FOI to get this story - if not for you, it would have been swept under the rug. And thanks to Josh Mitchum for actually doing his job. 1 out of 9 ain't bad.

    1. Thody and honorable are oxymorons. Please.

  4. Kevin,

    In your July 7th post, you attached several Connecticut State Police documents.

    One of the documents is an internal document written by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Davis, who is in charge of Connecticut State Police Internal Affairs Unit.

    Davis wrote, on 6/26/20 (one day after your first post about this crash) Thody called Davis and told him he left his home in Chester on 5/31/20 at 1645 hours in order to respond to Hartford in regards to an ongoing protest.

    Was that another “miscommunication”?

    He left his home?

    That contradicts Thody’s own supplement, Bowsza’s initial report and Medina’s report.

    Can you please determine what really happened?

    Can you also determine if Thody actually arrived in Hartford?

    There is no indication in any of the documents he actually arrived in Hartford.

    If Thody was so concerned about a protest in progress, why didn’t he actually show up?

    One can only speculate.


  5. Kevin,

    Thanks to you this Thody lie and Accident was
    The point that Bronan is missing is this :
    Thody was involved in an Accident Off Duty ,
    reported it ten dayus later,and then he lied and Said he Reported Same To Ct State Police,
    However , he lied and did not report it (not an Error.)


    1. This is not the first nor will it be the last time that Thody has lied.

    2. Also known as False Entry.

    3. Thody never was or is a “cop”. So he can lie. He’s been lying since he was a cadet.

  6. Wow !!!Kevin your really going after Thody hardcore . Is there a history between you and Thody?? Bad blood?? Even if he lied Mayor has his back, SUV is fixed and no civilians,were hurt,just a piece of metal that got repaired.
    I think you should let it go already.You are beating a dead horse.

  7. Let’s be honest. If the mayor fires thody. Thody will fight for his job back, plus back wages, plus other wages and the city will be on the hook for it. Thody will win with the help of the union. We all know he was drunk behind the wheel. The mayor also knows if he fires thody, then whatever dirt on the mayor thody has will be released. Thody and bronin are best buds forever.

    1. U must be new or unemployed. Chief position is not a member of the union.

  8. Anonymous @ 8:39 PM you wrote "Thank you for using FOI to get this story - if not for you, it would have been swept under the rug."

    I think you meant to say: "Thank you for using FOI to get this story - despite your efforts, it has been swept under the rug."

  9. Not only is he not in the union, he's under contract. Depending on how that contract was written, the Mayor might have the ability to force him out without any recourse.


  10. Nothing will Happen becayuse Jason Thody fondly known as CADET THODY is White.
    If Thody was Black he would of been fired immediately.

    I was under the impression that the Police Chief had to live in the city of Hartford.
    Thody lives in Haddam.

    Does the Audit Board and Council Investigating Thody realize that years ago Thody wass demoted for an off duty Fight downtown with a US MARINE.

  11. Should the internal Audit Commission investigate Hartford City Council personnel who have been on Chief Jason Thody's boat? Various City of Hartford employees have personal knowledge of Thody's boating habits and have personally witnessed a few Hartford City Council people with Thody on his boat, circa Summer 2019. COO Thea Montanez was also observed with Thody on his boat. These City of Hartford employees took several photographs of these boating adventures. Maybe these photos will be made available to the media.

    The people of Hartford are tough, determined and resolute, but they are not stupid.

    Mr. Brookman, would this constitute as an Ethics violation or conflict of interest?

    Working Family Council people - Keep up the good work!!

    White Mayor
    White Chief
    White Privilege

  12. Mr. Mayor, thank your service. I know you are doing your best to keep our City safe and staffed with the Best Leaders.

    I am writing this note on Mr. Brookman's blog in response to the Letter of Reprimand to Chief Jason Thody. It is my understanding that Chief Thody has had a take home car for 10 years. How could he not have known the policy? I was told by a handful of ranking police officials that Chief Rovella tasked Thody with preparing the past police promotional exam for Lieutenant and Captain. The City of Hartford take home car policy was listed as study material. Thody also made it mandatory reading for all officers through on-line police training. He knew and has known about this policy and all it's changes for a long time.

    Also, I was told he was once a Crime Scene Detective and Crime Scene Supervisor. The pictures he took of his damaged vehicle are not that of a crime scene detective. So either he didn't know what he was doing, he didn't care or he was intoxicated.

    I ask you, what is worse?

    The guardrail looks damaged. Paint transfer is damage. Metal scraping metal is damage. It was not like that before Thody hit it. Why hasn't DOT or the CSP inspected to ensure it is functional and safe? What would it cost to fix the damage of this guardrail? I saw a citizen get arrested the other day for driving over a high concrete median. Does the state have to make a complaint? Why haven't they made a complaint?

    White Mayor
    White Chief
    White Privilege

  13. Does anyone who has had to pay for bodywork before believe that Friendly's charges $50.00 per hr. for bodywork.The whole bill was a scam.Call up some shops and get quotes!


  14. Where is the HARTFORD POLICE Union President Vote of NO CONFIDENCE

    1. He’s working a PJ, he’ll get back to union business in a hot minute.

  15. To Anonymous @July 15, 2020 at 6:02 PM

    You're probably right about that. Last I knew, Friendly is a city tow contractor and would probably lose a lot of money if the PD/City Hall cut them out of the tow business. Don't forget, tow companies also charge storage fees that are known to be astronomical!

    It would probably work in Friendly's favor if they lowered the charges to the city considering that city hall makes the rules if you want to "play ball."

  16. Could Thody be a Chief in any other department or city of this size? Of course he couldn't. Luke needed him for some reason, but... to be fair, he has outlived his usefulness and will shortly be fired. Luke doesn't need him as an anchor as tries to flee the city into a new job with the Biden administration.

  17. "While this case does not involve any use of force, the citizen complaint alleges racial discrimination, and while that charge was not substantiated, there are elements of this case that are very concerning to me," said Thody. Really, and Thody has the gall to suspend this detective to the maximum of ten day’s?! How about driving drunk in a city vehicle, crashing, evading, and lying about it? Is that not concerning to you Thody? You are a complete disgrace and embarrassment to the badge and you will NEVER be respected. How do you even look at yourself in the mirror?

  18. The passive aggressive intimidation directed at Friendlys auto body on this blog needs to stop. These are honest hardworking people who have paid Hartford taxes for decades. To threaten to pull their contract or ruin their good name if they "don't play ball" is wrong, Why should they be put in this position and forced to lie for you. Knowing the owner and the family I am positive they will not lie for you. The charge of fifty dollars an hour for labor is below the national average for auto body work. That "scratch" was really a large scrape and dent that started at the front fender and extended all the way to the rear fender. Bodywork, paint and blending they gave you a huge deal which if I had to guess was because of bullying once Kevin released this story.

  19. no automobile body work is cheap.. any small dent can easily become a thousand dollars in an instant.. $3,000.00 for the work could easily have happened even for something that appears minor..

  20. If you call 50 autobody shops for a quote, none would give you $50.00 per hour. The question is why did Friendly!!!

  21. could be a like a "corporate" billing rate.. sometimes businesses will drop the rate for a continual "corporate" customer.. possible that happened here..

  22. Ah, It's all OVER, another one that got away, all that talk, threats & so forth, he did it again, who is next ?????
