Tuesday, July 7, 2020


HARTFORD, CONN (July 7, 2020) – Today Mayor Bronin released the statement below after the Connecticut State Police informed the City of Hartford that the Middlesex State’s Attorney recommended that the State’s investigation into Police Chief Jason Thody’s car scrape on May 31, 2020 be closed and that the matter be referred back to the City of Hartford for any appropriate administrative action. 
Reports from the State Police show that a 911 caller reported Chief Thody’s car scrape and the State Police dispatched a car to respond.  The State trooper who responded did not locate Chief Thody’s car and “did not observe any signs of collision to any guardrail in the area” according to the investigation report filed.  The City expects to make a decision regarding potential discipline following the conclusion of the Internal Audit Commission’s look into the matter.  
“The 911 call confirms the basic facts that Chief Thody reported about this incident, which are that at approximately 4:50 PM on Sunday, May 31, Chief Thody was driving distractedly while conducting city business on his phone, veered and scraped against a guard rail, and continued on, as he was responding to an ongoing protest in Hartford,” said Mayor Luke Bronin.  “We will wait for any findings from the Internal Audit Commission, but at this point my assessment remains that this was a minor incident that Chief Thody documented and reported to the city’s Chief Operating Officer that same day.”


Does Luke Bronin not have a problem with his hand picked Police Chief and his total lack of integrity? Or is Bronin ok with this coverup by his Police Chief and Chief Operating. What else can you call it with all of the changing stories?

The biggest question for me is why? That recording is pretty bad, hitting guardrails, almost hitting two motorcycles, speeds on back roads in excess of 65 miles per hour. Is that the behavior the men and women of the Hartford Police Depart should strive to be like. Is that behavior that sets an example that the residents of Hartford and Hartford's youth should try to emulate.

Or does it most likely foster more mistrust of law enforcement and definitely the people of Hartford.

Maybe Bronin should listen to that recording, I heard the caller mention "heavy damage" not the "scrape"Bronin would like us to believe.

The whole thing is disgusting and makes Luke Bronin look like more of a hypocrite who will talk before the cameras about Police accountability and turn a blind eye to this.



  1. This is awesome! Luke may be from Greenwich but he quickly fit right in to the dirty, corrupt Hartford political landscape. He's operating like a true vet in these streets.
    That statement he made is proof positive that he's got his heels dug in and is gonna stand by his man. Only damage was to city property and that happens daily so as everyone already knows NOTHING IS GONNA HAPPEN. Just remember this everybody when those guys involved in the coverup try to hand out discipline to the grunts in the field for lesser violations.

  2. “Hartford Police Chief Jason Thody said his phone slid off the center console, leading him to swerve his SUV.” So Jason, how many times did your phone slide off the center console? When you almost hit the two motorcycles? Or was it when you hit the guardrail? Or was it when you were all over the road and couldn’t navigate your city vehicle in between the yellow and white line. Your a horrible liar, you always have been.

  3. The only thing that slid off Thody,s center console was a bottle of jack and a can of bud light.

  4. What Bronin doesn't seem to realize is that he can't win this one, no matter how he chooses to handle it. If he actually fires Thody (unlikely), he'll garner some praise, but the scars will remain because 1.)He insisted on nominating him in spite of public pushback, which makes him look look a dope, and 2.) His credibility as a decision-making leader if the city will take an even deeper nosedive.

    If he keeps him on, that Black America Undivided march that resulted in hundreds of angry young black people holding his feet to the fire for an hour on his doorstep will look like a Sunday School picnic compared to what will follow his decision.

    And if he privately gives Thody the option of resigning with dignity, handing himself the chance to make lovely parting speech for the print and TV media, praising Thody for his dedicated service to the city and wishing him the best as he chooses to "explore new opportunities", he'll still be seen as full of shit by the public because the truth--and all the lies--are still out there and everyone knows it was a staged resignation.

    Bottom line: Bronin ends up putting another nail is his political future coffin.

  5. Yo you heard about the HPD cops who went in uniform across city lines to West Hartford to bully two conard students going door to door who happened to knock on a cop's door and the cop's wife didn't like?
