Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Much more to come on this as I review more documents


  1. What a complete sh*tshow that 911 call is. In addition to being horrible for Thody, it exposes total incompetence on behalf of CSP and the 911 system.

  2. Very interesting.....the witness gave a different account then Thody,his chief of staff and Thea did,....Luke is still clinging to him...he better think again.....obviously Thody didnt stop because he didnt want to take a breathilizer test....

    1. Same thing Capt Roy did in Neeington on the pike...also covered up. Bet u didn't even hear about that one. Did ya?

  3. Thody is a complete drunken mess not capable of any leadership position. Anyone else would have been appropriately arrested. To top it off, he lied and covered it up. And this is the so called leader of HPD? What a travesty.

  4. Think about this for a minute and the potential city liability. This was not distracted driving. This was extreme drunk driving. Thody crashed and almost hit two motorcycles, without a care in the world. And Mayor Bronin is going to allow this and allow this drunken mess of a liability lead Hartford PD? That says a lot, speaks for itself. This is number what for drunken off duty incidents for Thody? I lost count, but I’m sure this time he learned his lesson lol lol lol! He’s an embarrassment to the agency and law enforcement.

  5. Nothing will happen!

  6. Holy shit. This sounds like a mountain of probable cause and a cover up by the leadership at HPD.

  7. Did Bronin respond to this from city hall, or his little get away spot in west Hartford.

  8. Luke Bronin needs to go him defending Thody is despicable and appalling. That clown is lucky he has yet to kill anyone with all his drinking problems. I can honestly say im happy i moved out of that shitty city.

  9. 911 caller gives registration plate and make/model of vehicle. 911 caller provided location of vehicle and details what he describes to be erratic driving by vehicle. two cyclist are almost creamed prior to the vehicle hitting guardrail. 911 caller said there would be extensive damage to the passenger side of the vehicle. Thody puts himself at that same location at the same time. You have damage to vehicle and damaged guardrail that is consistent with 911 callers report. Thody never stopped nor did he make a report to CSP. Thody never went to HPD regarding protesters. How is this okay??? I hope the cyclist come forward with their observations. Check his phone records and text messages. Talk to his neighbors where he parked the vehicle after the accident. check video footage in the marina and the area he traveled. check bar tab at marina. no way he covered all his tracks. you need the right investigator.

    1. Don’t worry, Thody already sent IAD to the marina to cover (up) all bases and ensure there was no video and/or other incriminating evidence.

  10. So does Thody have to seriously injure or worse yet kill somebody before Bronin takes this seriously?

  11. So what specific meeting was Thody going too that was so important he evaded responsibility? Did he ever get there? If so who can verify they saw him there? The answer is he never made it to any meeting because he was too drunk. Just another one of his lies. Notice how he is now saying he's willing to accept punishment by the Mayor. He's trying to quickly make this go away. Hopefully the Mayor fires him vs help cover up for him. The mayor needs to restore trust in the community. If he doesnt fire a lying Police Chief he won't be getting my vote again. Everyone should be calling the Mayor's Office and letting him know that we demand an honest Chief of Police.

  12. Isn't this the kind of police conduct that has people protesting the police all over the country?

  13. Good thing that this man did not have a life threatening emergency. There is no reason for this run around 911 is for help.

    I have no faith in ct police at this point.
