Wednesday, July 1, 2020


They just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper. New documents have been obtained by "We the People" today showing that  Hartford's Police Chief Jason Thody, his Assistant Chief Raphael Medina and Hartford's Chief Operating Officer have been far less than truthful in their depiction of Thody's Evading crash in the Town of Chester on May, 31, 2020.

They all depicted the crash as "minor scratches" and "minor paint transfer", They further went on to explain Thody's evasion from the accident scene because the damage was less than $1,000.00. There is no provision in Connecticut State law to give a free pass to anyone, including a Police Chief , when the damage is less than $1,000.00. The operator MUST stop and report the accident to Police.

Well, even though Montanez, Thody and Medina all put in their reports that the damage was less than $1,000.00, documents in the form of the invoice from Friendly's Autobody where the repairs were performed, itemize the amount as $3324.00. As you can see, much more than a minor scratch repaired as they originally claimed when I first reported on Thody's crash.

It is also somewhat suspicious that the invoice was only submitted  to the insurance company yesterday after a Police Lieutenant was at Friendly's Monday trying to get the invoice, or should I call it arm twisting? The Middlesex County States Attorney handling the investigation may actually call it witness tampering.  Are the amounts accurate as listed now or was that a compromise to make the band of three look less like liars and soften the impact?

At this point who can we actually believe and trust? I would say none of them


  1. Wow lol yoooooo you on a roll Kevin keep ya foot on their necks this Shit is hilarious hahahahaah corruption at its finest. With all this coming out if Thody or Medina tried to give me parking ticket id contest it and take it to trial. They are freaking Liars!!

  2. Judging by those pics, the damage is easily over $1000.00. That's a sideswipe crash evidenced by the creasing on the fender and door. The labor alone is probably close to a grand if not more. The whole door and fender had to be painted to blend correctly.

  3. Why are they still working? Any other Police Officer in the State of Connecticut under active investigation by a States Attorney and CSP would immediately be placed on Administrative suspension. Medina , Thody and Bowsza should also be decertified as Police Officers through POST for falsifying official Police documents. Does Mayor Bronin not have the backbone to do what needs to be done. What does Thody have on Bronin or Montanez to make Bronin afraid to act?

  4. 2:54pm, the attached invoice shows it is much more than $1,000.00

  5. You always have the data - proof to back you up. Many people do not respect your blog due to the anonymous posts, but you never post anything that you can't back up. Geez. 3k+ is more than a replacement door.

  6. Kevin

    Good job uncovering this and gathering the documents. Now you need to get CSP and the Middlesex States Attorney Michael Gailor and Chief States Attorney Colangelo to do their jobs. I am hearing from someone in the know that they are planning on kicking this back to CSP for a minor motor vehicle charge which essentially makes all of their lip service about "Police Accountability" nothing but BS and would send a terrible message to the general public who clearly mistrust the Police and the Court system. Kevin , I think you clearly outlined an evading charge , at the very least, in one of your post. Mr.Gailor needs to do the job he was entrusted to do and apply the law to this incident and not showing favoritism or preserving the thin blue line and corruption. It might be tough for him or CSP but it is the right and just thing to do.

  7. Your tone has changed quite a bit since your hiatus, and specifically since a single HPD officer caused you some problems. I like & appreciate your investigative reporting, but I do not take kind to your antagonistic posts during this sensitive time—especially since it seems to be a direct reaction to you being scorned. And no, I’m not HPD, nor am I a Hartford resident—I am, however, an avid follower, which is why I’ve noticed the change. Keep up your GOOD, fact-finding work that we look to you for. Tone down your emotional work....

  8. And just like that your entire investigation gets swept under the rug and Bronin makes a statement backing Thody’s actions! Take that! Liberal Power!

  9. I remember reversing my patrol car and hitting a pole that I forgot was behind me. I was in Hartford, at a domestic violence call. I immediately called my supervisor and called ESD for photos. It was only a cracked tail light cover that was actually never replaced because it was so minor. BUT I was written up for it because of my negligence. So because Thody is Bronin’s pick and he has to protect him to look good, everything he did wrong was nothing because the accident was so minor. I smell BS! If they will go to this extent to cover up a “minor” accident, imagine what they will do for something major that isn’t caught on camera. Food for thought.

    1. I got sideswiped by a guy and still got sent to the virtual training in newington and written up. I WAS HIT!

  10. Welcome to Hartford Police where the motto is “do as I say and not as I do“.

  11. I am a new patrol officer with one year on the job. I was told by my patrol commander on B squad a few months ago and Assistant Chief Medina not to read this blog because it is toxic and demoralizing. But being the investigator I am, I looked to be unbiased. What I see on here in the comments section is biased. What I see Mr. Brookman writing about isn’t bias, but fact. I grew up in this city and feel a certain type of loyalty to this police department. Chief Thody told us at the academy he grew up in Durham. I see him as a money hungry leader who forgot where he came from and has overstayed his welcome. Chief Medina was a trooper and never served a day in this city, yet he expects us to respect him. How do we respect any of you upstairs if you do not relate to us, care about us, and do things you would write us up / suspend us for doing. We see right through you. Even with one year of expierence. And to the Lieutenant who told me not to read this, you should probably shave and shine your boots. Except you don’t wear boots in the intel division, you wear your marshmallow dad Nike tennis shoes. They’re still dirty by the way.

    Oh and when is the Chief’s Tahoe being handed down to patrol? I will be sure to buy a few bottle of carnuba wax for that guardrail “scratch”


  12. For full disclosure, I've never been a Jason Thody supporter. His habitual nature of committing acts of moral turpitude and untruthfulness throughout his tenure at Hartford Police Department has only brought discredit to himself, the department, the city, and the law enforcement profession can be traced back to 1996-1997 when he began his career. Jason Thody has cast such a negative light upon himself through his own actions. Furthermore, to protect his own hide he’s willing to take any steps necessary to do so and this is the most recent example.

    When I first learned of Thody coming back as an assistant chief I was flabbergasted. How? Why? The question came even more so when Luke Bronin nominated Jason Thody as Hartford’s next top-cop position, I immediately drafted a letter to the city council expressing my concerns. Unfortunately, this went on death ears as they continued forward with his nomination. I can only say I felt disgusted and disbelief as he moved forward in the process and eventually became the chief of police.

    The person responsible for making such a horrific mistake should have performed their due diligence in scrutinising his questionable background and record. This alone should have raised the red flags. Do city officials not care about the overall well-being of our city, the community and it’s police department? This recent incident is just another example.

    Thody, rules from the second floor with a leadership style of, DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. The second to last paragraph on his bio posted on the Hartford Police Department’s website, which can be found online reads in part, “[T]hody has a focus on open communication, transparency, and accountability.” This statement is just lipserve and anything from the truth.

    How as an agency can we continue to hold the public’s trust in these unprecedented times in our nation's history, when our appointed leader is a hypocrite and commits habitual acts of perjury and an abuse of power under the color of law?

    In a case coming out of the First Circuit of persuasive precedent, Dreary v. Gloucester (1993) the term “untruthfulness” was examined. Truthfulness refers to false statements, false reports, or intentionally incomplete statements and reports. The false statements involve all aspects of the job, not just enforcement and criminal investigations. See Dreary v. Gloucester, 9 F.3d 191 (1st Cir. 1993).

    It's comforting to know the investigation is being handled by the Middlesex State Attorney's Office as any internal investigation can not be trusted as we clearly see in the Medina memoranda. They are conducted with a predetermined outcome to exhoronate the person at focus, in this case Jason Thody. I hope the disposition requires all involved to be added to the Brady/Giglio list as they all clearly cannot be trusted and conspire with one another to cover up the truth.

    If this was any other member of the rank and file of the department we would be instantly suspended for a number of reasons, but not Jason Thody and his command staff. As a police chief you hold the public’s and department's trust. If this was corporate america you would be gone, no questions asked.

    Actions speak louder than words Jason, and clearly when you and your cadre are at the helm it's ok to be perpetrators of questionable deportment, but then you always have played by two different sets of rules, correct?

    Jason Thody, as you elegantly wrote in your biography “communication, transparency and accountability” how do you expect the men and women you lead to carry these ideologies out? Just another example of Jason Thody leading by example, bad example. It’s time to step aside and move on, as we add just another chapter in the ever growing chronicle known as Thody-gate.

  13. Anything forthcoming on Thody weaponizing IAD and using them for his own cover up to canvass his marina for video to ensure his activities and
    co-conspirators wouldn’t be revealed?

  14. While the clowns up in the chiefs complex are scrambling to uncover their attempted coverup, there’s real police officers doing real “legal” police work that are getting hurt. Officers have ZERO direction with ZERO leadership at the moment. Nobody knows what’s allowed and if they are the next ones to get arrested for effecting a justified arrest. Several officers get hurt and the chiefs complex trying to hide that incident. Took over 24 hours before anyone cared about the officers that got hurt and an investigative plan was put in to effect. Why is the Union so silent? Why are officers put in this position to get hurt? Why are guys being forced in to work only to be told to stand down? Why are officers walking away from deadly force encounters with their hands in their pockets? How is any of this safe and how will we explain to their loved ones that daddy/mommy isn't coming home because they didn’t dare protect themselves because they would be arrested, fired and lose everything they worked for. Why are we not standing up and refusing to patrol these streets till we have leadership and a CLEAR PLAN! Why can’t the clowns in the Chiefs complex be out in these streets with us to give first hand directions during these crazy incidents. Does it take an officer getting killed before someone takes leadership!?

    1. Have you failed to notice what’s occurring nationally? Why would you even confront the Garden Street crowd? Let them do their thing. Nobody is going to back you, not the city or the police department. Minimize any situation where you may need to use force. Any and all proactive activity should cease and desist immediately. Park under a bridge, stand down, take an online course and further your education. You do anything beyond that and it will very hard to feel sorry for you.

  15. I will be filing a federal civil rights lawsuit against HPD Over this car accident. My hard earned tax money is being falsified and allocated for coverups. I seek 19 million in punitive damages.

  16. The bill shows damage along the entire vehicle. So why did the IAD report just show a close up picture of one spot on the bumper? I think at this point we all know why.
