Tuesday, September 15, 2020




Several  Hartford Police sources are telling me that a new Assistant Police Chief should be named at HPD soon. Apparently Chief Thody has informed some, including his Commanders at a recent Compstat meeting, that he has selected an African American male, who is also an attorney, to be brought into the number 2 slot.

Assistant Chief Ralph Medina, a retired State Trooper, was brought in as an Assistant Chief under  former Chief David Rosado, also a retired Trooper. It is unclear whether Thody is planning on replacing Medina or filling a second Assistant Chief slot.

A second Assistant Chief spot has not been filled for several years.

Word is that Thody has selected retired New Haven Police Lieutenant Kenny Howell , an African American  male, to fill the slot. Howell served 21 years with the New Haven Police Department before his retirement. Howell was then selected as Police Chief in Millbury Massachusetts until 2015 when his contract was abruptly ended and not renewed for unknown reasons.

In media reports, Howell claimed it was for "ruffling feathers" in the troubled Department.

If Howell is actually appointed Assistant Chief in Hartford, only time will tell if "ruffling feathers" will be an appreciated and needed skill for his career survival here. Apparently, Howell may not currently be a certified Police Officer and may require some additional training to re-gain his certification.

No confirmation from HPD on this yet.


  1. Great, another outsider. Exactly what the troops DONT NEED AND DONT WANT. Unreal. Morale at all time low.

  2. This makes all the Real Hartford Police Officers feel like shit, and that they are not Qualified to be among the higher ups, Think how youd feel after working several year, being an honest Cop, then get passed over.

    1. There’s not many “honest cops” that are in line for an Assistant Chief spot.
      First, there’s no reason for any of the honest cops to move into the war zone we know as Hartford.
      Second, any position filled will be very very temporary because the crime is only going UP and there’s no way to bring the numbers down with the stranglehold the City Council and Mayor have on the Command Staff.
      Third, do you really want a guy like Coates as an Assistant Chief? Coates has turned into the new Foley of HPD, and he will pay for that decision for the rest of his career.

  3. word at HPD this afternoon, unconfirmed, was that Bronin and Assistant Chief Medina had a falling out today and Bronin may have terminated Medina. And the way Thody communicates with the troops, we may hear about it by New Years if we are lucky.

  4. Bad choice.

    Marquis was a good guy but wanted a bigger job. Bad for Hartford.
    DC Vega and DC McCoy were disasters
    Harnett was a good guy but HPD isn’t NYPD. What’s the color of the day.
    Rosado stayed for a cup of coffee and has had many jobs since getting out of town. He brought Medina too. Double disaster

    Now the current disaster may bring a guy who got the boot for ruffling feathers, synonymous for being a giant anole.

    Hasn’t HPD suffered enough?

  5. I have been down at The Hartford police department every day trying to get rid of chief though day.I have been down at The Hartford police department every day trying to get rid of chief Thody. Several officers approached me yesterday to let me know about the new assistant chief. One seemed to believe that he is actually being brought in to eventually replace the current chief.

    Right now morale is at an all time low here at the police department I have many many people who are police officers supporting me while I hold anti chief Thody signs. Most of the officers that I speak with clean they haven't seen him in months. They also complain about being threatened by higher ups including the assistant chief. .

  6. Why do we need an AC at all? What did Medina ever do here that a DC couldn't have done; maybe puff his chest out a little more, but nothing else. Promote Gabe and Ian to DC (definitely not Coates) and have the senior DC assume the helm when the chief is out yachting. More outsiders, especially ones who get the impromptu boot from other agencies, is not what Hartford needs. How about Rob Davis who is a deputy chief in EH and former commander here, if we have to have an AC? But it is up to ol Lying Luke so.....



    I don't think so. HE WAS UP SCOTTIE SANSOM BUTT.

  8. Hartford Fire Department has also turned into a sh** hole. Just heard from multiple firefighters that 3 lazy firefighters were crying because they had to perform hose testing. Two of which were actually on overtime. Hartford Fire Deputy Chief had to show up at location where hose testing was being performed to put his foot down because they felt they are special and were not suppose to be performing hose testing. Word from other chiefs stated two of the lazy complainers said that they are veterans and were on overtime and should had never been selected for the task. Last time I checked HFD has no policy stating you are exempt from doing your job if you are a veteran.The lieutenant in charge of the two lazy firefighters also cried about performing the hose testing. Years ago no one complained about any orders given by your superiors and those that did would still complete the task.The complaining was so bad that mechanics at machine shop had to call the chiefs because they had never seen a group of firefighters complained this bad ever. One complainer has been creating trouble for years and has slept with half the former union reps. and is now married to a retired HFD Captain ,the other complainer broke into a house drunk and got arrested, he was on We The People several years ago along with his mug shot, the other complainer who is a lieutenant acts like he's a gangster. Chief Freeman should transfer all three to busy firehouses , it's an embarrassment to pull a deputy chief from doing other important things because three firefighters do not want to do their job. Hopefully the command staff does not hand out a slap on the wrist this time and teach them a lesson. If you feel like you are a veteran and do not want to work then do us a favor a retire already. There are hundreds of young men and women who would appreciate this job and not complain.Its really pathetic. They must be assigned to a busy firehouse and were to exhausted to perform. On another note you have a fire captain asking if the fire department could allow firefighters to wear Black Life Matters face coverings. As a captain you should know better to ask a stupid question like that. We are a government agency and must remain neutral. What is going on with these people nowadays!!! I feel like I'm in a bad dream when I go to work ,please help me !!!

    1. Mouth of the South Lugo is at it again !!!

    2. Sounds like skipping the chain of command and insubordination to me.

  9. FYI: Chief Howell’s contract was not renewed because he pointed out a labor law violation that the Board of Commissioners were allowing a few their retired friends to get away with. He corrected the problem and in return didn’t get his contract renewed. He is a great Chief and is very accountable! Something HPD hasn’t seen in several years!
    I mean really...... How much worse can it get around here?

  10. HFD is out of control an the Chiefs and the union do nothing

  11. Hartford will always be the same circus, just different clowns.

  12. Is Kenny Howell the right choice for the job? What will chief Khody and Howell do to reduce crime in Hartford?

    1. I know Kenney Howell and I trust him with my life and if you really give him a chance and get to know him YOU WILL TRUST HIM WITH YOURS AS WELL.He is part of the Solution,not the problem. Kenny Howell brings Honor,integrity and wisdom.


  13. Concerning Hartford P.D.
    Rob Davis always worked inside Headquarters.
    He never worked the Street.
    Davis was a House Mouse.

  14. There's no one in the Command Staff that should be in a Command Staff!!

  15. This post has nothing to do with the Hartford Fire Department. Please stick to the topic
