Wednesday, October 7, 2020



                                                           HPD RECENT CRIME STATS

Hartford is in the middle of a violent crime spree. The numbers speak for themselves, at least 16 shooting victims in the last 10 days. HPD's own Crime statistics show a 700% increase in shootings and shooting victims in the week between September 27th and October 3rd, 2020. The  numbers for the last month show a 200% increase.

Although these numbers seem to speak for themselves of the state of violent crime  in Hartford, two people that seem not to be speaking are Hartford's Police Chief Jason Thody and Mayor Luke Bronin.

Why the silence? Neither of them, Bronin or Thody are addressing the issue or laying out any plans to combat the problem.

Under former Chief Jim Rovella, a plan was devised at the direction of former Governor Dan Malloy when Hartford was facing severe gun violence and violent crime issues. The results of Rovella's plan were instantaneous. Large quantities of illegal guns were seized in record numbers, shooters were taken off the streets and gun cases were successfully prosecuted and deadly crime decreased under Rovella's plans.

What happened? Why did Thody dismantle most of Rovella's initiatives and why haven't they been revised to fight this obvious problem or at the very least , can't Thody come up with some fresh ideas.

 Where is HPD's Intelligence Division? Why aren't patrol officers and others being provided information on the shooting trends and suspected shooters . Why aren't more gun arrests being made. Some days it seems like only the Patrol Division know how to track illegal; guns and get them off the street.

Where is Project Longevity, a proven program created  under Rovella to combat consistent offenders and shooters.  It worked, and was replicated across the State and had results dealing with felons.. 

If Chief Thody doesn't have a plan or is unsure how to devise a plan, give me a call Jason and I'll share my contact info for Commissioner Rovella. I'm sure he would once again be willing to share his expertise to help the City he loves.


  1. Plan? What plan? This is Hartford, who needs a plan?

  2. Rovella ruined our PD!
    HPD hasn’t seen a Chief since Rovella retired.
    There’s no man or woman that can save HPD at this point.
    There’s over 80 officers who are applying for other jobs and will get hired sooner or later.
    All these liberal Governors, Mayors, and Chiefs have dug the PD so deep in the whole that it will be several years before the PD starts to come back.
    Brace yourselves city residents because it’s going to be a very long ride.
    You won’t have to defund the police because the number of cops in Hartford will decrease by over a hundred in the next year.

    1. 9:36 AM, I agree with you: it's going to be a very long AND BUMPY ride for HPD to come back.


  4. Brookman report of crime spike in Hartford is dated Oct. 7.
    Three days afterwards the media and Mayor Bronin wake up and report crime spike in Hartford.
    Hopefully Chief Thody enjoys his vacation.
