Thursday, October 8, 2020


Numerous sources within the Hartford Police Department are confirming that the HPD Impound lot  behind 50 Jennings Road was burglarized over night.

Apparently thieves were able to break into the lot and steal multiple ATV's and Quads that were being held as evidence . These vehicles are typically confiscated by HPD officers when they are being operated illegally on Hartford's streets.

 A request for comment and details from Hartford Police spokesperson LT. Paul Cicero has gone unanswered as of this time.

Chief Jason Thody apparently also began a vacation today so no comment from him either.

Common sense would seem to dictate that an alarm on the fence surrounding the supposed secure area would have been in use, That, according to sources, is not the case. So much for the lot being a secure area for evidence storage.

Cicero also did not respond to the question  as to whether any video captured the burglary.

It just gets better and better, and these are professionals running the place?


  1. The impound lot behind 50,Jennings Road is an area that is usually not staffed. The area is a
    desolate, industrial type area and is out of the way on purpose. So the crooks realize that this is a good place to
    steal without scrutiny.

    If you think that Lt. Cicero and Chief Thody should be wringing their hands and giving comment about
    property crimes, think again. They have more serious incidents to worry about like shooting incidents
    and a rise in crime city wide.

    Criminals act badly now because there is not a physical deterrent to committing crime. That’s because
    there is no support if officers use force in the course of making arrests when it is necessary.

    I remember a case many years ago where we caught a burglar who had named himself aptly “The Bandit”.

    When he got caught he would fight out of his sense of pride and to try to see which officers would back
    off and be defined as not willing to do the job. He would usually lose but never made a complaint because
    he would always say that “he tried, he fought and lost and took the consequences like a man”. A true
    “Honest” crook who knew and took the risks but didn’t whine. Street pride.

    Policing can be physical. No officers want to get into a fight but force is a necessary tool offices must
    be able to use when needed. If crooks were afraid of physical consequences they would think twice
    about committing crime.

  2. 1039am you said

    "If you think that Lt. Cicero and Chief Thody should be wringing their hands and giving comment about
    property crimes, think again. They have more serious incidents to worry about like shooting incidents
    and a rise in crime city wide." where have you heard any comment from Thody, Bronin or even Cicero about the shootings and rising crime?

  3. Cicero is busy discriminating minorities and the rest of the chiefs complex are too busy figuring out how to cover everything up.

    We the PATROL OFFICERS are in harms way, we are out numbered and under staffed, we are tired because they force us to work every shift, we have unrealistic tasks given to us from guys that never leave their offices and never even turn on their police radios, we have terrible and unreliable equipment, and we have absolutely NO support from anyone in City Hall or the Chiefs Complex.
    There’s literally nonstop shootings on a daily basis from every neighborhood in Hartford. Thody and Medina must have a death wish with us Patrol Officers because they don’t care to communicate with us, they are silent about us getting assaulted and injured, they are silent about how crazy our neighborhoods have become, they are silent about how we are over worked and frustrated. BUT they are very vocal when someone writes about them on the blog or when they are going on vacation. The last time we had a Lantern sighting was after the rumor of him getting the boot was posted. He came to roll call clinching his fists saying “I’m not going anywhere!” He pretty much threatened everyone saying he’s here to stay and make everyone’s job miserable. 100 applications to other PD’s later, and still no word from Chief or Mayor. If truly feel bad for the good citizens of Hartford that actually love the Police and know it’s a team effort.
    God Bless!

  4. Is it possible that this burglary was an inside job? Just asking.

  5. From NBC Connecticut:
    "Mayor Bronin said there were 3 acts of gun violence on Friday alone, one of which resulted in a fatality on Henry Street."
    "The mayor said he spent an hour and a half with command staff following the violence."

    The mayor spent a whole 90 minutes with the police. Amazing.

  6. During the summer, Luke was constantly in front of the camera posing and posturing with a demeanor appearing instill the public with uncertainty, hysteria and fear of this new covid 19 virus from Wuhan, China. Luke was gaslighting the public under the guise of informing the public. Luke made camera appearances garbed with a mask and posed a measured 6 feet apart from individuals that tagged along for the camera ride. He incorrectly attributed an infant's death as covid related. That mischaracterization really got the public in frenzy, nervous and scared.
    Then he never corrected himself to inform the public the infants death was not covid related. He let the hysteria linger.
    For years, Hartford Police department has been short officers. This summer violence in Hartford rapidly increased as it does every summer. Physical assaults, stabbings and shootings all increase as the season changed. I'm waiting for Luke to appear before the camera wearing body armor and encouraging all Hartford residents and visitors to do the same.
    I personally do not feel that the mask and body armor are necessary but as long as politicians are going to stoke the flames of fear and hysteria gas lighting the public and businesses then let's get the costumes.

  7. Chris Lyons retired HPDOctober 11, 2020 at 1:22 PM

    I’ve known Paul Cicero since he was a cadet and never saw him then or since treat anyone badly. Giving orders as a Commander of Major Crimes doesn’t count.
    People making those claims should provide examples to go along with inflammatory statements.

    Upper level command staff, not sure about them in terms of street smarts and the ability to connect with citizens
    or cops on the street. Good administrators but away from the daily beat of police work.

    What is true is that politicians must figure out do they support police or not. To react every time an officer
    uses force is frustrating, demeaning to officers and proof of zero knowledge about how to do the jobs.
    Support Hartford Police in Getting rid of violent creeps or continue to hold hands with aggrieved criminals
    and outraged pretenders defining themselves as “clergy” (mostly fakers) or “community activists” who are basically
    useless to anyone experiencing crime in the city.

    Is the mayor really disturbed every time A drug dealer or violent felon is treated accordingly.
    If so he should be in a new job.

    Let the police do their jobs and stop with the BS.

    Cops or crooks. You choose.

  8. Chris,

    A year ago I might have agreed with your comment, but Paul Cicero has definitely changed. He is clearly drinking the Thody Kool-Aid and his job is not to censor information to make the Administration look good. I can show you several examples where I have requested information and he just does not respond and I know he is doing it to other media people also when his response would probably put Thody and HPD in a negative light.

    As far as him not treating anyone differently, I think current lawsuits may have a different take on that. Whether Sammie Cruz, Brian Nelson or others, there seems to be a pattern establishing which may cost the taxpayers of Hartford quite a bit in settlements down the road.

    Cicero needs to be reigned in, but it is not going to happen under this Chief.

    As far as Cicero not responding to my requests, he has made himself irrelevant. I usually already know the answer to my questions before I contact him and in most cases have double and triple confirmed my sources, so I don't need his confirmation to move forward, but I'll play his little game.

    1. Brian Nelson and Sammy Cruz sued the PD and won Kevin? What was the payout? Did tax payers take a hit?

  9. 7:11am,

    sad to say, but I think that is very likely, considering the circumstances and the timeline

  10. Labelle for chief! In the cutout we trust!


    1. Vacationing? Having good time? Where is he?

  12. My crystal ball never fails me, in the very near future Hartford cops will get the support and leadership they deserve. These uncivilized Hartford shitbags will multiple their acts of crime by extreme numbers into the suburbs and then it’s game on . In West Hartford my liberal sheep neighbors are willing to accept stolen vehicles and the occasional burglary BUT watch their reaction when dangerous vehicular driving is routine ,,,no regard for stop signs or lights, vehicular hit and runs ,vehicular vs pedestrian hit and runs, graffiti on Blue Back and West Hartford Center businesss , assaults , stabbings and “THE LAST STRAW” GUNS UTILIZED ON A REGULAR BASIS ,,,, I see it now West Hartford with their own ShotSpotter system reporting location and number of shots, daily reports of shooting victims and homicides.. YOU WATCH MY LILY WHITE LIBERALS LOSE THEIR SHIT!!!! No more BLM signs on the lawn, taking a knee in front of our town hall, protesting for liberal issues on the corner in West Hartford Center ( by the way ,when there ,these assholes are standing on a memorial for fallen veterans) . more open door at our council meetings for Bronin to propose of all things REGIONALIZATION !!!! These liberal sheep will empty their pockets and use all political power to fortify a invisible wall for WHFD cops to keep from being penetrated and AGAIN SUPPORT AND FUND HARTFORD POLICE TO CORRAL YOUR SHITBAGS,,,, it’s just a matter of time

  13. 1:12PM read my comment again and try to comprehend the English . I said "I think current lawsuits may have a different take on that. Whether Sammie Cruz, Brian Nelson or others, there seems to be a pattern establishing which may cost the taxpayers of Hartford quite a bit in settlements down the road." The lawsuits are still before the courts and we will see what a Jury decides

  14. Kevin, why doesn’t the media care about any of the discrimination going on inside of the Police Department? It’s true and has been going on for a long me. It seems that the media only cares when the cops are being accused of discriminating citizens. Whatever fits their agenda.

  15. 10:24, nobody cares about the police! They talk about hiring people of color or hiring new officers that “reflect” the community. It’s all BS because the minority officers always leave to other PD’s where they won’t be discriminated against. HPD has a looooooong history of holding down the good minority police officers. They say they’re hiring minorities but then they make their lives miserable until they leave. What’s left after that is the white officers they really want. Wake up!

  16. We have multiple officers leaving for towns with no pensions and our absentee chief doesn't care one bit. We are losing experience and good employees. I can't blame the violence on Thody, he's not pulling the triggers, but I'll blame the state of our Police Department inside our 4 walls on Thody. You should be ashamed! You are HPD Jason, no matter what they say about you, YOU were in our shoes unlike Medina - start having some pride and leave the place better than you found it.

    1. You must be new and not have been on the job during Thody’s time on from when he was hired around 1996. You are gravely mistaking. Thody was never in your/our shoes. He had a cush desk job his entire career. He does not have first hand knowledge of going from call to call, fighting with resisting criminals and having to use force. He is completely clueless to street level crime. He is however great with AFIS.

  17. 3:31 PM Hartford rarely hires within the city , you need to pass a written test , agility test, lie detector ,physc test, multiple interviews.,OH YEA I ALMOST FORGOT “ FELONS NEED NOT APPLY” ,,,either one or a few of those challenges are impossible for the many who live in Hartford and reflect the community . How soon we forget that Luke Bronin and city leadership TRIED a stunt to hire ONLY city residents a few years ago . Close to 80 Hartford residents applied ,most failed written and agility ,in the end they only produced ONE CANDIDATE!!! 3:31PM , instead of writing a false narrative provide me the numbers of minority officers who left Hartford to go somewhere else. I bet you can’t cause you don’t even know. 3:31PM ,What will be your next lie ? That the “White Boys” in the Hartford Fire Department who run into burning buildings NOT KNOWING THE COLOR OF THE SKIN OF THOSE THEIR RISKING THEIR LIVES FOR are racist too???!!!! Thank God for DPW willing to give thugs a paycheck and benefits.

    1. So let me get this straight. You think all minorities have to live in Hartford? Like there’s no way a Black or Brown officer can possibly live in your nice white town. Nobody ever mentioned city residents or when the city tried to recruit guys from the street corners. Why is it when you people speak of minorities you always focus on criminals getting hired. You do know what we are all not criminals and we don’t all live in Hartford. Talk to any minority officer in Hartford and ask them if they are treated equally and I bet you’ll get the same answer every time.
      The Lantern doesn’t apply to this, he’s a sellout and won’t even eat Spanish food.

    2. Who is the Lantern?

  18. Is anyone paying attention to what happened last night? We lost count on the street. This has become so dangerous for us officers. Thody and medina have failed miserably and so has this evidence based policing plan. If the public knew how many of us are in the process to transfer it would shock them. Is this ever going to get better because we are wearing thin running from shooting to shooting all night.

  19. How about a vote of no confidence in the chief and assistant chief? If not then stop complaining!

  20. On a lighter more positive note, retirement is AWESOME!
    Stay safe.

  21. Get Thody out and get Lance Sigersmith in. I'll even take McCoy as A/C he'll bring the discipline.

  22. Lantern is officers nickname for Assistant Chief Medina. Apparently he has a workout outfit that he wears in the gym that had the same colors as the Green Lantern outfit.

  23. Captain Jack

    Lance would never make it as Chief in Hartford. Too many strikes against him, he's intelligent, a natural leader and he has integrity and is a great family man and he is honest.

  24. Bring back NEVILLE !!!!!!
    what are they waiting for ????
    Who is left to run the titanic ??
    I'm scared to come to work in this environment.

    1. So he can have guys violating people's civil rights for just being downtown and abusing his authority against those who fail to comply??? I think not!

  25. 11:32 AM ,,, So let me steal your opening sentence , LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT,,,Reflecting a community is based on ONLY skin color ?11:32 AM Please breakdown the approach of hiring those who “REFLECT” the community ? Wouldn’t similar upbringing (being exposed to the breakdown of the family unit) ,education ( lack of support and encouragement at home to succeed as a student) and life experiences (routinely exposed to crime and the pressure to live a life of crime by some in the community) Wouldn’t that officer of color be more in tune with those they serve? If the officer of color is from a “nice white town”, what could they possibly bring to the table besides their skin color? 11:32 AM Since you wanted to go “there” ,,,, The last period of time Hartford was a solid and civilized city was when the majority of its residents were “nice white folk” ,,,, just saying what you don’t want to hear or admit. My immigrant great grandparents and grandparents had mirrored most of the same struggles in Hartford as the residents do today ,the biggest difference was ,THEY REMAINED CIVILIZED THROUGH ALL OF THEIR CHALLENGES

    1. You are a racist fool because nothing in your response make sense in regards to my comment. Maybe you should re-read my comment and take your white hood off this time. Your true colors came out in this post and if I was a betting man, I would say that you’re probably a Lieutenant in the Hartford Police Department with a new friend in the Chiefs Complex.

    2. Nice White Folk? Let me give you a hstory lesson Dumb A$$. Hartford was colonized by a group of White folks who called themselves the Puritans. But when ya do ua research on em there was nothing pure about em. Thomas Hooker was a whoremonger and a thief. Hence the reason his last name was used to descfibe promiscuous women and prostitutes because thats all he hung around while preaching the good word of the lord and praising Jesus Christ. The indigenous people that were already here in the land renamed Hartford had no idea what they were dealing as they were swindled out of their land and killed off with disease as well. The scary part is your a Racist and a idiot and probabltly hate all people of color and hide behind that badge. Anon 828 your are everything that is wrong with this country!!!!

  26. If Bronin had any ounce of intelligence, he would have booted racist Thody when he had the chance and allowed Neville Brooks to assume the police chief role. @7:19 AM. Clearly you have no clue what you’re talking about. Brooks would clean up downtown as it desperately needs. No more panhandlers on every corner and nightly purse snatchings in the hub of our city... and as for abusing his authority. He probably would likely hold turds like you accountable. Something that isn’t done here unless you cross Jason and company. Hence why our PD is in shambles. Neville obviously has skeletons in his closet. What city cop doesn’t? At least the man is a born leader, who was actually a street cop, who could probably bring this PD somewhere back to glory. Back to a police department people were proud to work for. A PD people would take a pay cut to work for not transfer out after 2 years. Makes me wonder what kind of dirt Thody had on Bronin to get this job. Aside from skin color color, which shouldn’t matter, the content of character and the work ethic is vastly different when you compare absentee Chief Thody with Smilin’ Neville Brooks. Hats, handshakes, High Visibility. Luke, if you see this and I pray you do, no one will think differently of you for coming out and saying you were wrong about Jason. In fact we will all respect you and thank you for getting him the hell out!

    1. Street cop??? Lol!!! He never came to work ask DKR.

  27. Hey anonymous 11:22am... cough cough I mean Gabe Laureano... you don’t come to work either. PJ’s aren’t work. Put your beef with Neville to bed.

  28. Hey Gabe that Rocky statute must have really did a number on ya. Funny you want to criticize someone who had cancer for not being at work.... go back to giving your softball team specialized spots

  29. The true imbecile is featured in the November 4 comment at 1128 hours. I suggest EAP if you are a city employee or
    the purple pod at Hartford Hospital.

    Maybe English writing lessons, grammar and some sentence structure too.

    Must be a terrible thing to bear the bullshit you write.
