Sunday, December 6, 2020


They say change is never easy, but in the case of the Hartford City Council they have chosen to take the easy way out. In a sharply worded statement Saturday, the Democratic Majority of the Hartford City Council have unanimously voted a former Hartford Police Major Crimes Detective as their scapegoat for the "Dead Pool" mess.

I think that just about everyone with a functioning set of eyes and ears  is capable of realizing that the Hartford Police Department under Chief Jason Thody is a mess and is getting worse daily.

Now the "Dead Pool" matter is bad and the Detective, who I doubt acted on his own, was wrong. I intentionally did not name the detective because I think he is just a minor player and the problem with the culture at HPD is much deeper than just one detective. I think the greater problem is the tone and culture that has been set by Thody, not just during his tenure as Chief, but well before that with his demotion for a drunken bar fight and even most recently with his evading  accident and the lies and coverup that ensued. over what many believe was a DUI incident.

Much of the responsibility, actually all of the responsibility lies with Hartford's Mayor and Washington bound hopeful Luke Bronin. He was warned by many that Thody was a bad fit to run and set the example for HPD, but for some unknown reason, Bronin went ahead and appointed Thody the permanent  Chief. Actually, in all honesty I think many of us know the reason for Thody's survival, and the answer sits across the hall from Bronin's Office.

Like I said at the beginning, the current problems at HPD run very deep.

Mayor Bronin and the Hartford City Council need to open their eyes and go after the real problems and their causes if HPD is going to be salvaged.

Here a couple issues I consider serious. 

Much has been said, and done related to  Minority recruitment to build the numbers at HPD to more reflect the make-up of the community. Under former Chief  James Rovella and also David Rosado, some of the most diverse classes of HPD recruits were hired and put on Hartford's streets. Recruitment without retention is senseless.. Under Thody's tenure those recruits as well as veteran officers are leaving HPD in droves. Many of the estimated 60 plus officers that have left the ranks this year are minorities and females. For veteran officers leaving to start at other Departments, especially . And at least another 50 are contemplating leaving and have requested their training records from the Academy.

It is highly unusual for Officer's to give up prime assignments, like the coveted Traffic Division slots, to leave for suburban towns and start over as the low person on the seniority list But then again we will probably never know the reason for the loss. None of the 60 plus Officer's have received an "Exit Interview", a basic management protocol that would give Thody and HPD and the City of Hartford a much better idea why officers were leaving. But not in Hartford.

There is also a large number of lawsuits coming down the pike, both State and Federal court suits.There seems to be a common thread in the suits, Defendants named AKA  Chief Jason Thody, Assistant Chief Rafael Medina and Lieutenant Paul Cicero. Coincidence or indicators of a greater problem? Since the Mayor and the City Council only want the easy route out, I doubt they really want to look at the problem and identify the reason because it will most likely also blow back on them

The Council was quick to put out their statement on a Saturday night claiming their disgust with a single detective. (the full text of that statement is below) Unless I missed it, I don't recall anything similar after Thody's alleged DUI evading accident. Again its easy to go after the low hanging fruit. Which incident do you think has done more damage to the public trust in HPD?

I doubt very much that there will be much of an investigation into the HPD problems because again, change is difficult  and no one in the Administration is willing to do the heavy lifting and the hard work to actually bring about real reform and accountability at HPD. It is much easier to organize the theatrics and pretend something is being done. 

And as far as the scapegoat, what he did was wrong and should be dealt with to set a tone of accountability, but I doubt he is the only one. Betting on human deaths is disgusting and I can't condone the "Dead Pool" but it is easy for me to post about things I think are improper. Luckily I have never had to deal with the stresses of a Major Crimes Detective. I have never had to stand in a front yard with wailing, sobbing relatives with their loved one laying on the front lawn with a bullet is his skull and his brain matter seeping out onto the sidewalk. And then that same detective has to attend the autopsy as part of their investigation. Watching what is left of the brain, cut out and removed  and weighed along with each internal organ.

This may have been a way for officers to "blow off steam" with some gallows humor, but in absence of a real EAP (employee assistance program) and an officer, or better yet a real counselor, assigned to deal with officer issues, they have to deal how they deal to keep their sanity. Maybe a real Chief who actually comes from the streets would understand that. And not just time out on the street after being hit with a demotion. All of us have had a stressful year dealing with our families and life under Covid. Add on the stresses of death and destruction Police Officers deal with everyday and it gets much worse

And Maybe a Major Crimes Lieutenant who according to sources, ran similar betting pools as far back as his time on the streets as a Conditions Officer might have been sending the wrong message. And unless the Hartford City Council wants to do some real heavy lifting and get to the bottom of the HPD problems ,we may never see change.

Low hanging fruit is easy to pick the real work is much more difficult.


Hartford City Council Democrats Find HPD Detectives “Dead Pool” Repugnant and Call for a Division Wide Investigation

Hartford Council Dems Extremely Disappointed by Callous Culture in HPD Major Crimes

Hartford, Connecticut— December 5, 2020   The recent discovery of an HPD Detective’s circulation a sporting pool dubbed a “Dead Pool” which solicited bets on the location of the first Hartford homicide of 2021 is the most recent validation of the Council Democrats long commitment to changing HPD culture.  Recently, the Democrats fashioned a budget which redirected police funding to community sensitivity training; significantly increased the independence and disciplinary powers of the Civilian Police Review Board and is in the process of authorizing the Police Accountability Review Board.  Each of these policies are designed to end the ingrained culture in some officers of superiority to the communities they serve.    


“As a longtime supporter of our police, I have to say that gambling on the life and death of Harford residents is not just a breach of this officers oath but a heinous breach of any possible trust and faith our community can and should have in HPD” said said Council President Maly Rosado.  She added “I am speaking to the Chair of the Civilian Police Review Board to ensure that a public and transparent investigation occurs totally independent of HPD.”


Council Majority Leader TJ Clarke stated “As we lose more and more young men of color to senseless violence, I cannot fathom the absolute moral void of this man.  He should be forced to go speak to the 22 mothers and fathers who have already lost loved ones to our City’s violence this year.  It’s time to get the Police Accountability Review Board up and running!” 


“I am appalled and in disbelief that some members of the HPD could have such cruel disregard of life.  While I support those in HPD that work hard to respectfully serve our city, this behavior undermines any attempts of community and police engagement and I will not support or tolerate anyone who is desensitized to senseless deaths in our community.” commented Councilmen James Sanchez adding that “I am also calling for a parallel investigation by the State’s Attorney’s Office since this despicable conduct has tarnished their office as well.”


“It’s sad but too believable that a man whose job it is to solve murders thought the first tragedy of 2021 should be something officers would bet on.  He has no understanding of the deep wounds caused to the families and community every time violent crime visits our streets.” said Councilperson Nick Lebron.


Marilyn Rossetti said “I am disturbed, disgusted and downright horrified by the Hartford Police text.  It should not be allowed, tolerated or condoned in any way.  I am prepared, along with my colleagues, to take action in response to this outrageous behavior.  Enough is enough.”


Longtime leader in the West Indian community Councilwomen Shirley Surgeon demanded “More accountability, more action, more discipline; that is what the HPD needs.  Enough is enough.  When a cop in charge of murders wants to bet on murders, I, for the first time, feel that this police department can’t be counted on to truly serve and protect the people who look like me.”



  1. The audacity of tj to say anything. Didn't the city recently pay out 6 figures for his lack ("void") of morality???

  2. 1:22pm. It is Hartford, does the hypocrisy surprise you?

  3. You mean they will actually get investigated instead of promoted? No way! Only the minority and female officers receive discipline that lasts their entire career.

    HPD is only good for one thing and that’s training quality minority and female officers for other police departments.

  4. How stupid is councilman James Sanchez publicly calling for a parallel investigation by the State’s Attorney’s Office? In his own words since this despicable conduct has tarnished their office as well. Is he really that uneducated to realize there’s clearly no violation of law/state statute? Yes, I said stupid, because his public statement is pure stupidity.

  5. Congratulations “Chief” Thody as being nationally recognized as the complete failure that you have always been.

  6. Jason Thody gets drunk, smashes a $70 thousand dollar city owned Tahoe and Luke and the city counsel allows him to remain as chief of Police.

    1. It’s called white privilege.

    2. No exaggeration please. The price of the Chevy Tahoe Thody damaged is $65,000 only

  7. The selected outrage and hypocrisy of city hall is unbelievable. The amount and frequency of homicides in the City of Hartford doesn't seem to get their attention; the daily non stop shot spotter activations seems to be okay with them too; rampant drug dealing, crack heads at each on/off ramp panhandling, and an unusually high number of fatal motor vehicle accidents in the last few years doesn't even seem to be on their radar. An off color joke by an officer or detective? Well that deserves a full court press. Their priorities are all f&#*ed up! What a bunch of mediocre hacks.

  8. Kev, Thank you for including in this post the need for a “ Real EAP” program . Kev, after getting lied to by my EAP officer assuring me confidentiality with a issue this EAP officer went and blabbed my concerns to everyone at the top down to the bottom in HFD including my union president ,,, there’s a true statement we use at HFD regarding gossip ,,, “TELEPHONE, TELAGRAPH, TELL A FIREFIGHTER” , I want to add “ TELL A HFD EAP OFFICER” .... since it’s creation in HFD there has ALWAYS been a co-worker placed in this position. I don’t care how nice or educated these people are THEY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED OR EFFECTIVE HELPING CO-WORKERS THEY KNOW!!!! Their should be no “liaison” related to a program that’s supposed to be confidential . Look up how USPS implements it’s program, it’s a common sense approach that has a element of safe secrecy for those who reach out for help. HFD AND HPD are a joke in providing a “real EAP program” . There should be a law in place preventing employers from having access to an employees personal issues . HFD and HPD has had their share of suicides ,domestics,arrests,alcoholics,drug abusers etc and we’ll never know how many of them could have been prevented if they had a chance to comfortably reach out for help. Happily I’m retired and when faced with a stressful personal matter I relay my concerns to my cat , at least I can trust him more than any HFD employee assigned to EAP. Oh I almost forgot to mention this important fact ,nearly every EAP rep for HFD had or have a alcohol,drug and/or mental health issue themselves, you can’t make it up people.

  9. Good job Paulie. have you ever heard the old phrase "loose lips sink ships"? you need to tighten your circle of friends and think before you screenshot text messages to share with your "confidants"



    1. Are you trying to be stupid or truly stupid?

    2. “Suspended from commanding MCD.” Once this all blows over he will get promoted. The more racist you are at HPD, the higher you go. Keep up the great work Cicero!

  11. John kennelly -oh I mean the Dtc -did this press release and I do not think it was sent to the Courant . Is the Dtc the boss of the council ? And why is Thody so protected ? And can we please have oversight for the council too ?

  12. So my brain must have been settled in for a long winter's nap when Thody was suspended without pay for 120 days, had his city vehicle use lifted, had to attend alcohol education, then meet with mothers of victims of drunk drivers before he was allowed to return to work. Oh right, that never happened. In fact, nothing ever happened, did it? Why is that? Thody wrote that when he read the detective's text message (regarding the dead pool) he was disgusted, angry, and disappointed. Interesting, because that is how we felt when we heard the recording of the motorist out with his wife for coffee who reported to the police dispatcher an erratic driver (Thody) nearly crashed into two motorcycle riders, hit a guardrail, then took off like a bat out of hell without stopping. In fact, when he evaded the scene of the accident the citizen motorist couldn't even keep up with him he was driving so fast. That citizen's version contradicts much of what Thody said in his several versions of the incident. There is no reason to not believe him, the motorist appears to be very credible. Did IAD or AC Medina ever talk to the motorist and take his statement? If not, why not, don't they think he is an important witness in this incident? When you compare the two incidents, what Thody did was much worse, he put lives at risk if you believe the citizen caller, but nothing happened. He had to pay for the vehicle repairs out of pocket. Big deal. I guess when you are tight with the mayor there is nothing to see here folks, move it along. It might be time for that no confidence vote regarding the chief and assistant chief if our union president isn't taking a long winter's nap too.

  13. After reading today's courant article, Thody's spin on this painstakingly obvious. Perhaps Jason was a few deep already when he made the follwing statement: "It was not immediately apparent that (the message) was sent two days earlier". Jason is trying to soften the blow for Cicero by painting the picture Pauly immediately reported this to him. I believe they teach the days of the week in the first grade, so I would hope Jason can distinguish Wednesday from Friday. There should be zero distinguishable difference in the discipline handed down to the original sender of the text and those that promulgate it. Screen shotting the text, sending it to others shows an intent to defame the department and spread the message of indifference towards the victim's of homicides and their loved ones. Jason is telegraphing his intended lack of discipline for Cicero, using phrases that indicate "personal" cell phones and discrediting what day Pauly claims to have first observed this message. He will claim that since this is not a criminal investigation, he cannot obtain the records of cell phones etc. Whats most appalling is how swift Jason opened and closed the investigation and crushed Jeff, but requires to additional time to figure out how to work around saving Pauly. Last time I checked, an officer that fails to act, intervene, or in this case supervise is treated just as the actor that does this misdeed. Same principle applies to conspiracy laws in Connecticut. Sharing the message is spreading the message, in this case furthering its reach outside the department. Whats most appaling, is the fact that anyone thinks it was a good idea to let Pauly act as PIO and comment on his own mess to the NY POST. Speculating on the outcome of the investigation... come on

    1. Sorry to inform you but this is no different than when thodys mentor and idol was chief. He lied and lied and covered up everything he could to protect his flunkies. This is just par for the course...Old boy network at its best.

  14. I recieved the text today. It’s still going around and probably 8 degrees of separation away from original sender at this point. These young guns were silly to put it in a texfing thread. Should do it like we did it in the 80’s desk drawer lock and key. Word of mouth only. Dumb dumb dumb. No rats that way - whoever shared it has AT&T for the record. It is in the picture

    1. Many more crooked cops and abuse in the 80s. Been there in Hartford





  16. Paul Cicero is not Racist. I only heard him a few times utter Racial
    Slangs. Only when He gets Mad.

  17. How is it ok for Cicero to provide a stament about dead pool to the NY Post. He is complete garbage always has been and this shows it. It is clear he is doing it to make it look like he's not involved. Guy has always been a weasel and now everyone knows. He should be ashamed of himself for throwing a good detective under the bus to save himself. No matter what we all know the true story. You knew and let your own guy take all the blame to save face and your fragile ego. Kevin can a link to the article be put on the blog so all can read.

    1. The talk around the PD is that there was an MCD unit meeting in which MCD supervisors including Cicero were present and discussed the rules and regulations of the Dead Pool before it was agreed upon and the text sent. This true Kevin? You really think Jeff came up with all that on his own and sent to the supervisors as a surprise without them knowing? C’mon man.



    Kevin, here it is

  20. Thank you Anne as well as everyone else that sent me and texted me the link

  21. No. I don't think he did it on his own without his Lieutenants approval. I will be posting more on this tonight.

  22. Does anybody know why Cicero is trying to get Major Crimes Detectives to lie for him? Does he think the all white group text recipients will chose him over Placzek?
    P.S. Keep asking Vinny for help, he doesn’t want to help you either.

    Absolutely true. The death pool joke in no way deleteriously affects the work the cops
    must do. Thanks to them, like them or not, for putting themselves out there to manage the barbaric city; and for putting up with woke, cowardly and phony politicians.
