Thursday, December 10, 2020



I want to have confidence in the Hartford Police Department and their Internal Investigations, but under Chief Thody, I am leery. The investigation into his evading accident showed he knows how to manipulate a cover-up. I would probably be taken more seriously saying I believe in Santa Claus.

The coverup began  last Friday about 1:40PM when Major Crimes Lieutenant Paul Cicero was tipped off that I would be posting the Dead Pool scandal shortly. Cicero quickly sent out an email "decrying" the dead pool in an effort to draw attention away from himself. Cicero has allegedly engaged in an effort to place blame on others for disclosing the  existence of the "Dead Pool" but he was probably one of the first to start to send the text message outside the Band of Merry MCD (white) men.

In what appears to be a huge conflict of interest and a lack of ethics, Cicero was then allowed by Chief Thody to  continue on for several days as the spokesperson for HPD, able to spin the story , even though Cicero was neck deep and eventually became a target of the Internal investigation.

On Monday, Chief Jason Thody apparently came to his senses and realized he needed to do something as the scandal began to gain national media attention. Thody finally did what he should have done immediately after the "Dead Pool" came to light. Thody removed Cicero as the Commander of Major crimes and relieved Cicero of his media spokesperson responsibilities.

It is unclear why Thody was so quick to demote Detective Jeff Placzek and issue a 120 day suspension but didn't immediately take any action against Cicero. Thody also seemed to telegraph his expected coverup when he claimed in his "Facebook" posting that Cicero's removal was "temporary". How could he state that unless he had already made up his mind before the Investigation was even completed that Cicero would be cleared,

Do you remember the Kelly Baerga incident? She was disciplined and apparently received a lengthy suspension for talking to the Media after her incident with Sergeant Rodney, but Lieutenant Cicero can talk to the Media and the New York Post regarding an incident that he quite possibly orchestrated.

Now the internal investigation is being  conducted by Captain Jeff Rousseau. Officers that I know and trust their integrity (no, that doesn't include Jason Thody), they tell me that Rousseau is a "by the book" type of guy. Keep in mind he does still answer to Thody, but I have hope in Rousseau's integrity, Unfortunately, as the old saying goes, "garbage in garbage out". From what I am being told, the garbage coming out of the former Major Crimes commander's office  is flowing faster than the Murphy Road trash plant and it probably stinks about as much as the pile there on a July afternoon.

The "thin blue wall of silence" is still is alive and well inside HPD and it will be Rousseau's job to bust through it if he is going to arrive at the truth and maintain the public trust that Thody is so concerned with or so he claims. Good officer's need to stand up and show some backbone if things are going to change for the better

Detective Placzek used poor judgement in sending the "Dead Pool" text. I don't think there is any question about that. But does anyone really think he would have sent that out on his own, including his own Lieutenant, apparently both of the Major Crimes Sergeants , almost two dozen other Detectives as well as a Prosecutor at the Hartford Court and an Inspector from the Court. Highly unlikely unless he felt his Lieutenant approved.

And according to sources, the Lieutenant allegedly  did approve. Prior to the text message being sent by Placzek, a meeting was held in the Major Crimes Division attended by Lieutenant Cicero, Sergeants Rykowski and Morrision as well as Major Crimes detectives. The "Dead Pool" was apparently discussed at that meting and the ground rules were established. Interestingly enough, for some unknown reason, only White detectives were at the meeting. The only African American detective and the three Hispanic detectives assigned to MCD were not in attendance. 

On Monday, I was made aware of a source that was willing to give me further details regarding the meeting. Wednesday that source backed out and apparently threats were made  that if anyone found out about the meeting and verified it happened that they would apparently suffer the same consequences as Detective Placzek  because they had prior knowledge. At least two other sources told me they were told to "lie" if anyone asked about the meeting, but they did claim that LT Cicero was allegedly involved in the planning process.

It was further related that a high ranking HPD source claims that on pressure from Mayor Bronin and Hartford City Council members, that Placzek's termination is coming.

 So much for the hypocritical Chief who skated after his alleged DUI evading accident this summer with no punishment but Placzek is hung out to dry. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.


  1. Cpt Rousseau is a good pick because he's by the book but unfortunately in the end he hands his findings to Thody for final approval. Thody hands it back for a "rewrite" if it doesn't line up with his agenda.

    Only way any real answers will come out of this is city council and the Mayor bring in an outside investigator.

  2. What’s left to investigate? Captain Rosseau is a capable, professional investigator and police officer.

    The detective who sent the item out was identified and faces a long suspension from duty. Too long and depending on how he addresses the mess he got himself in should have the opportunity to repent. Info is that he is a good detective with no past discipline. Cicero has been bounced to Detention

    The pool was a bad idea and showed poor judgement and punishments will be meted out.

    As for the city council not much comment about local murders. Old and new. Here are a few that caused little or no mention.

    Timothy Coleman
    Edward Bell
    Hector Carrisquillo
    Wendy Williams
    Jon Walton
    Antuane Allen
    Dante Davis
    James Washington
    Kwante Feliciano

    Have a nice day.

  3. Politicians need to come to terms with reality.
    Oh by the way who will be investigating/discouraging the murders?? Ghost Busters

  4. For someone that likes to play poker as much as Cicero, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he was willing to wager on the lives of city residents. Paulie always has been up for a wager, but due to his own stupidity and arrogance, he is now gambling away what’s left of his career. I am sure I speak for many others who are also anxiously awaiting the turn river card. As in their numerous past incidents, both Paulie and Jason have successfully bought themselves out of their bluff.

    In light of recent world and global events, we all need to be mindful of the cultural impact of administrators and their role In perpetuating racial divide. It can be reasonably concluded that betting on/ orchestrating / or allowing of a

    Gambling pool within a municipal police department speaks volumes about the character of those involved. Sadly, many of the victims of such heinous crimes are of minority dissent. We all know, Paulie has never bet on black.

    Although guardrails can’t speak, members of this department still have a voice. Can you safely say to your loved ones that you trust your safety (Covid/criminals), leadership, or the mere fact that you won’t be punished for advocating for the horrible working conditions you are forced to endure? In a sad way, we’ve all become dehumanized from the violent crime scenes we respond to daily. Survival and self preservation have become paramount under this administration. Literally from the top down. Luke, quit hiding behind that just for men beard you’re sporting. We’ve had enough. Jason, can you please at least buy us all a round?

  5. Thody and Cicero carry with them lots of dirty laundry

  6. Homicide on Hollywood Ave yesterday? No way anyone would “bet” that would be the location of Hartford’s next murder. I lived in this once great neighborhood and from the 50’s through the 70’s it reflected much of the content in “Leave It To Beaver” . Now it’s slowing morphing into another crappy territory in Hartford, please use Hartford’s South End “ Little Italy” as a reference point of what can happen over a short period of time,,,now it’s happening off Newington Ave on down ,,,Houses and property unkept,cars and junk on lawns, PARK IN YOUR F%#KING DRIVEWAY PLEASE,garbage on streets and in gutters , there’s a sober house with “recovering” addicts getting deliveries at all times of day,,ITS GOING TO SHIT. Hollywood Ave is 3 streets from West Hartford ,,,,,,, YOU LIBERALS IN WEST HARTFORD WANT SHARED SERVICES AND REGIONALIZATION WITH HARTFORD ????? Your getting it whether you want to control it or not. Also ,,, to my gambling brothers in HFD ,,,Get your crystal balls out,,,, where’s the next fire?? How’s it going to start??? I haven’t come up with a location yet, but I “bet” the person responsible for starting it will be a male or female,, drunk or high,, uneducated,,deadbeat father or mother to multiple children,,, disruptive member of society,,,,have a record of arrests and is freeloading off social services,,,,and starting the fire as part of a revenge ,,,ANY TAKERS???? The sad part Kev is that I’m not blowing off steam ,,, I actually forecasting it.

  7. Fake worst “chief” in HPD history complete failure cadet Thody and Bronin, along with the other Hartford political hacks will decry, and show such disgust over a dead pool, however they won’t say a word decrying the violent execution of a victim on Hollywood Avenue last night. You are a drunken disgrace Jason, you always have been.

  8. So how many times does this make where HPD made national news under Thody?

    1. Historic. Thody is a failure of epic proportions and is an existential threat to the well being of the Hartford Police Department.

  9. 11:05am. And none of them positive either

  10. The mayor and city council are idiots! If they fire him, the detective will get his job back with all the back pay. Why is the city council and mayor held to such low standards anyway? The city is going further downhill everyday and they are in their make believe palace patting themselves on the back like they did something to help the city. How about defund the city council and mayor's office? City council members should not get a paid staff member either. What a waste of money. The can send their own damn emails.

  11. Year after year we have 20-30 homicides per year.
    Our pols, municipal and state, do nothing about it, except
    make noise about "gun control" and "reform" of the police.
    I certainly wouldn't have bet on Hollywood Ave., but I'm not
    surprised by violence at any Hartford location. Sympathies
    to the Glover/Vann family.

    Now that we know it's terrible for cops to joke about the level
    of crime in Hartford, anybody willing to bet that "our" teachers
    have not similarly insulted our student body?


  12. We don’t need gun control, we need to have every man, woman, child and non-binary to be well armed at all times.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Hey Ralphie the Rat hunter,

    how's that search going?" be careful you don't get snared in your own trap. Plenty of other rats here that you are trusting and having your coffee with. Get out from under Thody's desk and do your job. (besides , there is not enough room under there for you and Bowser. And just a word of advice, Foley is more of a cop than you will ever be and not nearly as crazy.

  15. A well known racist Lieutenant from 2 past and 3 current discrimination complaints is directly involved in a death pool against minorities and STILL the PD is trying to figure out ways to protect him. What a disgusting organization! No wonder why all females and minorities are leaving one by one. It’s not about the money, current pension contract, or “COVID”! It’s all about the TOXIC environment of the PD! Let’s all blame the detective that has no prior discipline and has solved many homicides directly for minority families. This is why HPD is burning down! Thody, Medina, and Bowsza are the problem!

  16. Hey Ralphie the Rat Hunter,

    Are you busy today laying out your trail of bread crumbs and cheese to catch your rat? Good Luck, you may have finally found your real calling. HA,ha,ha

  17. The smartest guy in recent history from HPD was the guy who put a fancy expresso machine in one of his favorite substations . Sipping on cappuccino’s collecting the same pay and benefits as the idiots he works with. Maybe he’ll work at Mozzicato’s Cafe when he retires. I’m envious.

  18. Hey Ralphie the “Rat” hunter,
    How do you want officers to report wrong doing by your buddies? You want us to report it to IA so you can cover it all up? This is the new culture of the PD because of you, Thody, and Bowsza! Why don’t you go back to reporting other Troopers speeding in their cruisers. Loser!

  19. Why isn’t anyone reporting that the death pool text was sent only to white people?

  20. Yes you did but the media isn’t. If it’s so harmless why didn’t they care to include any of the many minorities that work with them?

  21. DC Cicero coming soon! You will all pay!

  22. Sgt. Cicero once they verify his MCD planning meetings for the Dead Pool and his racist antics

  23. 3:15 PM

    none of this would have come to light if my sources didn't let me know. The main stream media has to be spoon fed their stories and don't seem to know how to dig now or even develop reliable sources. Thody's accident, the dead pool and many other misdoings would have never seen the light of day if I didn't post them. The media is good at grabbing what I post and run with it. I have the satisfaction of knowing I had it first whether it is the Hartford Courant, the New York Post or AP wires.

  24. Is it Ralphie the Rat Hunter or just Ralphie the Rat?

  25. According to all the top brass in the Chiefs Complex, if you leak info on racist behavior within the PD to anyone outside the PD, you’re a “RAT” and they will fire you. Does that statement within itself violate city policy? I think a new investigation should begin about the context of these supervisor meetings and what Thody and Medina said during these meetings.

  26. 3:52PM

    thank you, I just posted a new blog post about that. What message are they sending?

  27. When the honeymoon of Rosado and Ralphie the Rat Hunter first began at HPD, several people posted that this would be the outcome when Hartford legislators encouraged Bronin to 'do the right thing' and appoint the Bobsie Twins to run HPD. Ralphie the Rat Hunter was known throughout CSP as an 'eastern district weirdo'. (That is a term for any trooper who is assigned to patrol east of the Connecticut River.) He certainly didn't have the skill set to encourage troopers to be ethical back then, so I guess he mysteriously went to some POST managerial seminar on how to gain friends and influence people. Troopers were absolutely stunned to see Rosado and Ralphie the Rat Hunter 'take over' HPD. But, The HPD and CSP are even now with a couple of the Capitol's finest at the helm of the highway patrol. How 'bout a big switcheroo when nobody is looking- Medina for Folly?

  28. Great reporting Kevin this appalling and disturbing. I have no faith in that PD!!!

  29. Most of the second floor is corrupt. I know more lawsuits and Chro's will be coming down the street.

  30. The pool was a bad idea and was ill considered. But let’s not get the electric chair out just yet.

    Councilperson Josh Mitchtom had it right. This isn’t a one time incident. The City Council has been anti Hartford Police since I can remember and I’ve been around in the city for a long time. City Council and it’s members have a lot to say about a stupid and distasteful item sent out by police but are silent about real crime that happen in the city and by some of its citizens.


    The shooting today at 88-90 VineStreet of the 8 year old described as an accident neglecting any info about how the 8 year old came in co tact with a gun. And who investigated that terrible incident. No one who is anonymous but yes a member of Major Crimes.

    Or the city council members remaining silent about the Hartford 3 (Cerpa, Alamo and Flintroy). Criminal exports from the city who committed serious crimes in Vermont. Cerpa and Alamo locked up, Flintroy On the run. Three sterling examples of criminals from Hartford
    Ruining the lives of others in New England. All three are members of families involved in generational crime. Maybe the city council can get these three counseling after they are released from prison in Vermont.

    Or that most recent murder on Hollywood Street. Nothing.

    But let’s set the cops on fire for a sophomoric, stupid and hurtful idea.

    Have a nice day.

  31. Couldn’t agree with you more Chris! Hate is a very very strong word and the City Council HATES Hartford Cops. You can solve a murder and they will say “he’s just doing his job,” jump in front of a bullet to save a child’s life and they will say “he’s just doing his job.” But send out a private text message and they will go crazy and call for your hanging!
    Officers of Hartford need to really start thinking of their futures and it shouldn’t be in Hartford.
    The best view of Hartford is from your rear view mirror.

    P.S. Don’t shoot the messenger and in this case Placzek was the messenger. Many people willing to say that but Thody/Medina (rat hunter) will never ask.

  32. What’s going on with this sham investigation? If anyone thinks Cpt. Rousseau will go against what Thody or Medina tell him, you are a fool. That guy hasn’t had a backbone for his entire career.
    HPD is burning! Who’s going to put out the flames?
