Saturday, December 12, 2020



Are those gloves protection from Rats?

Are we supposed to believe the statements of Mayor Luke Bronin and Hartford Police Chief Jason Thody after the revelation of the "Dead Pool. They both seemed to indicate that the "Dead Pool" would be an opportunity to work on gaining the public's trust and change the culture at the Hartford Police Department.

Like the old adage goes, "actions speak louder than words". And the actions show that there is no intent on changing the culture . The "thin blue line" is alive and well to cover up Police misconduct. That was reinforced Friday by Assistant Chief Raphael Medina.

According to sources (Medina refers to them as rats) Medina held a meeting with HPD supervisors on Friday. Instead of using the meeting as an opportunity to reinforce the culture change with the Supervisors, Medina instead went into a tirade,  pacing in front of the room vowing that he will "go after the rats" and the "rats will be fired" .

Clearly business as usual in Medina's dinosaur way of Police /Community relations. So what is the tone Bronin promised to set or is Medina carrying out Thody's mission of keeping the cone of silence over Police misconduct. Are they really that out of touch to be encouraging more wrong doing like the dead pool?

Things will never change if the HPD Administration doesn't set the tone and threatening people that are fed up with wrongdoing, racism  and Police misconduct  is inexcusable. It is no wonder my sources call me if this is the response they get from their own Chief.

And I also have to ask why the Major Crimes Lieutenant was removed from his position the Major Crimes Commander because of his alleged poor judgement while he is under scrutiny for his actions. That same Lieutenant was allowed to work overtime last night in Patrol  as the midnight shift   Patrol Commander. So did his poor judgement exhibited  in failing to report and allegedly help organize the Dead Pool not effect his ability to properly supervise a Patrol shift?  

The administration of the Hartford Police Department is a mess and Medinas meeting clearly sends the wrong message to HPD Officers as to what is acceptable. Calling officers "rats" because they expose wrongdoing is obscene and maybe it is time for Medina to enjoy his State Police Pension and leave the supervision of Hartford Police officers to  clearer thinkers, professionals  who understand their role in a modern day Police Department. A Police Department that is serious in dealing with Police/Community relations. 


  1. Threatening to fire and calling someone a “rat” that had to go to an outside source to get action against racially motivated gambling on minority lives is WAY out of control if you ask me. These actions are unheard of! Medina you just made national news. Congrats!

  2. The cops are not to blame for the crime that Hartford citizens both perpetrate and endure.
    The "death pool" is in poor taste, perhaps, but utterly harmless. We should be grateful to the cops, and do our best to support them. Why should they trust our "BLM" pols and anti-cop population? If I were a cop here I'd certainly be looking at cushy suburban alternatives. It is not at all helpful to the city to persecute the police.

    Violent crime accounts for a relatively small share of crimes nationwide. These offenses, which are generally more egregious than property crimes, account for about 15% of the nearly 8.2 million offenses reported across the U.S. in 2019. In Hartford, however, violent offenses account for a larger 23% share of all reported crime.

    At 858 incidents for every 100,000 people, the violent crime rate in Hartford is well above the national violent crime rate of 379 offenses per 100,000 people. Law enforcement in Hartford reported a total of 1,049 violent crimes in 2019.


    Adult Literacy in Connecticut Connecticut is profoundly affected by the gap in adult literacy. According to the 2012 American Community Survey, 10% of Connecticut residents over the age of 25 do not possess a high school diploma or equivalent certification.iv Additionally, 20% of Connecticut’s population does not have the literacy skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century workforce. Most impacted by this epidemic are the urban areas of Connecticut. The city of Hartford, for example, maintains a 65 to 70% illiteracy rate among its population. v The literacy struggle in urban areas may be attributed in part to language barriers, due to the fact that 47% of Hartford residents speak a language other than English at home and 21% identify as speaking English “less than very well”.

  3. Do you think that people at HFD don't make bets on how many OD's there will be when a new batch of bad %#$& hits the streets! They were just stupid enough to dodument it! Thody's highway incident was 10 times as bad. If the feds are brought in that should be investigated as well. Maybe the city can rid of Thody and Bronin at the same time.


  4. @11:31

    I’m trying to connect the dots to your comments. And I can’t.

    Mr. Fletcher, you seem to equate criticism with disrespect for law enforcement. It’s a poor call on your part. People can be critical yet supportive at the same time. I’m not for “defunding” as it has been stated, of police departments. I am in favor of a structure set up to adequately judge behavior of police officers and if the charges are severe enough, to be able to fire an officer if necessary. In the case of the detective who put out that childish crapola, he probably shouldn’t be fired. But 4 months without pay and a demotion? I think even that’s extreme.

    Many Eurocentric officers (aka “gringos”) don’t have much understanding of the innate different responses to a stop between a white person and a Black person. And I want to express this because I’m aware that this audience is largely made up of law enforcement officers.

    As a white man, I’m pulled over. I leave my hands on the wheel in clear view. I respond to the officer as he or she arrives. And I’m calm and friendly because there is no reason for me not to be calm and friendly. Instead, I’m a Black man and I’m stopped. First thing I’m thinking is, is the motha gonna pull out a gun and shoot me. Within a fraction of a second, I’m thinking of those small town sheriffs who were the law by day and a Klansman by night. And I just might slam my foot on the gas pedal and get the hell out of there just because.

    Ok, so that is an extreme example. But I have no doubt that this scenario takes place in the minds of many Black folks. And if anyone of you officers don’t understand this, then you shouldn’t even be on the force in the first place.

  5. 1:56pm, couldn’t agree with you more, I would also think that a “Hispanic” assistant Chief would be more sympathetic to the plight of minorities instead of calling good officers willing to expose wrong doing Rats, Maybe Hispanic in name only?

  6. 12:02pm, Hartford should have rid themselves of the Bronin’s first chance they but instead they allowed the carpetbaggers to buy the Democratic Town Committee and the Mayors Office over a stellar Hartford native and lifelong resident like Bob Killian

  7. Kevin I havemt always agreed with you in the past but I must take my hat off to you for revealing and bringing to light this appalling incident. I feel Detective Jeff is the patsy and scapegoat. Who was the state investogstor and prosecutor in the text??? Why arent their names being brought to light??? If the detective is gonna be fired then they all shpuld ve fired. Does courts and PD really think that the public believes this is the first time a convo like this took place??? But the mere fact that black and hispanic detectives werent included in the text shows they all knew what they were doing was wrong. RELEASE ALL THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE IN THE TEXT!!!!

  8. @2:30. Agree, Bob would have made decisions for Hartford in it’s best interests instead of Bronin who makes decisions based on what he perceives to be good for his political future.


  9. If this statement by the assistant chief is true his actions are highly inappropriate. If his anger is directed at how it got out to the public instead of the supervisor who should have immediately reported it his moral compass is in question as a leader of the police department. To use the term rat during a formal meeting and threaten to fire any rats is appalling behavior. This indicates a deep rooted cultural issue with in the police department. Is the main goal to cover up incidents and do anything to prevent transparacncy? I would hope a news outlet has already requested a comment from the assistance chief. We have a right to know if this stament was made and if so he should resign immediately.

  10. 2:35pm, I can’t ask or expect everyone to agree with me all the time. All I can hope and ask for is that you find me fair and accurate

  11. 1:56 PM , I hope you’ll respond to questions I have regarding the distrust between police and the black community ( no disrespect intended with the small “b” , I just wont play that game) . Why do blacks in Hartford makeup the majority of 911 calls requesting HPD to respond knowing that a white officer most likely will respond? Why would any blacks go into the HPD impound lot and steal cars, quads and dirt bikes ,again knowing white officers are close by? Why do I see blacks get in the faces of white officers screaming obscenities and threats? And lastly please provide me a resource as did 11:31 AM that validates your comment that black men are being shot by white officers for simply being pulled over for a traffic violation. Your narrative does not reflect my own observations . If your trying to make me believe that blacks in Hartford fear white officers your going to have to do better than providing me with a “strawman” statement. Hope you’ll respond 1:56 PM

  12. hey Ralphie the Rat, I mean Rat Hunter,

    If it is too hot in the Kitchen for you it might be time to hit the road before you have that complete mental breakdown that many see on the horizon for you. Closing down your Facebook page was an amateur move on your part. Do you think we really need that to expose your incompetence? And since you are the PIO after you dethroned your buddy Cicero, why don't you issue a press release on the appropriateness of an Assistant Police Chief calling his Officer's "rats" after someone exposed serious wrong doing in that same Assistant Chiefs Department. Oh, and don't bother trying to have your little Intel stooge to try to track this comment, I am using a VPN with a server in Chile. HA,HA. Another retired Big Hat who can't hold a candle to a real Hartford cop. Hasta la vista baby, (do you need the Spanish translation ) Ralphie Wannabe

  13. I think we need to re-visit the jackass approach of hiring department heads from “outside” . This approach has failed time after time and please don’t provide names in the rare occasion where a state and/or national search went well,I don’t give a shit about anomalies . . It never made sense. Hartford might as well hire outside for every supervisory or step up position . Why give a sergeant,lieutenant, ladder driver ,pump operator,detective,special service,FMO,captain or any other advancement test when your willing to bring in outsiders for key positions ? Outsiders have only one reason for pursuing positions in places unfamiliar to them ,,,, TO ADVANCE THEIR PERSONAL AGENDA!!! Pad the resume and collect a boatload of money while “learning” on the job . Their idiots who don’t know how to read the room for the gig they committed to. Who’s next Hartford ? A chief so far removed from you that they don’t even speak english ?

  14. BOTH the HFD and HPD, hired from the outside and look what a mess we are in, there is NO loyalty to the City, just the money and benefits. Plus the hiring from outside, tells most of the members, HEY YOU CAN ONLY GO SOOO FAR, AND THATS IT !! You all think the PD is in rough shape, watch what is coming to the HFD, very soon.

    1. Probably because you can’t get enough city residents to apply for the job or maybe pass the required testing process, or maybe even want to work! As to no loyalty to the city......aren’t these individuals risking life and limb to protect the unknown individuals in Hartford loyalty enough for you?

  15. Dozens of fed-up NYPD officers have fled the department to go work for Long Island’s Nassau County Police Department, The Post has learned — with insiders citing an increasingly anti-cop climate in the city and underwhelming pay.
    Follow the science.
    Surely we can expect an increase in police brutality out in the burbs.

    1. No force has to be used when you’re dealing with civilized people. “Follow the science!”

  16. Well said Jack at 6:52 AM ,,, during my career at HFD there were a number of accusations that white firefighters were racist and/or received preferential treatment . Jack ,before my white brothers and I ran into burning buildings we would take account of stickers that were placed near front entrances informing that a certain number cats,dogs, birds etc. were in certain locations . There were never stickers denoting gender,ethnicity or SKIN COLOR on front entrances . We white boys ran in as though we were saving our own family . I observed caucasians in HPD with this same professional approach in during their job regardless of who they were serving. And what did we whites in HFD and more so recently in HPD get in return ? No respect from the community . My wish one day is that I see black and brown firefighters/police officers come forward and support those they worked along side and in some cases relied on . Why are the black police fraternal organizations so silent??? They need to come forward and support their white counterparts or support the dangerous narrative that demonizes white officers . But either way they need to say something! Again , why the silence? Preston Fletcher at 10:58 PM , Staying in your lane regarding your repetitive theory ,we can expect every one of your comments to contain bullshit and stupidity!

  17. @7:53

    Your request was too easy. Next time give me something hard to research. And btw, using the term “Black” capitalized, it’s no game that you need to play. It defines racial, ethnic and cultural people. Capitalizing “White” would signify white supremacists. But maybe that is your identity. Who knows. Education is important. And a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Now to the evidence:

    Exhibit #1: Breana Taylor, shot dead by pigs for using a no-knock ordinance.
    Exhibit #2: Sandra Bland in Texas stopped for a turn signal. Committed suicide days later in a jail cell.
    Exhibit #3: Breaion King dragged from car and thrown to the pavement screaming.

    I could go on all day long with examples. I’ve already made my statement. If you are a police officer, (nothing personal having used the derivative “pig” insult), please leave the force. I believe you are a danger to the general public. You are overly defensive and when you are unable to understand complex cultural differences in our society, you might find work elsewhere where a gun is t necessary to possess.

  18. In general I'm opposed to public sector unions, but at least in this matter the cop union'
    is indispensable. Our pols aren't out there dealing with our degraded criminal streets, but in order to pander to the loud mouth left they are eager to punish a man who is apparently a fine public servant.
    Our cowardly mayor took down the statue of Columbus up on Washington St. I'd prefer that he find another such stupid gesture to make, rather than punish Officer Placzek.


    The Police Union said Placzek made a poor decision, however it is 'extreme and over the top' for City Council to call for his termination after making a mistake.

    Read their full statement below:

    Detective Placzek is a well-respected, decorated member of the Hartford Police Department. While assigned to the Major Crimes Division, he has been directly involved in over 140 Murder Investigations. Detective Placzek has dedicated the last 16 years of his life helping the citizens of Hartford during their worst times. Detective Placzek has identified that he has made a poor decision.

    For City Council to hastily call for Detective Placzek to be terminated after making a mistake is extreme and over the top. This sends a clear message to the members of the Hartford Police Department that although you dedicate your life to serving the citizens of Hartford, City Council will turn their backs on you for their own political agenda. City Council’s resolution last night again called for Detective Placzek to be terminated. A political agenda does not dictate how discipline is handed down.

    The Hartford Police Union will not allow political agendas to interfere with our members rights. The Hartford Police Union stands by Detective Placzek and all of our Union Members. While dealing with a Health Pandemic all of our members remain committed to the safety of the citizens in the City of Hartford and continue to serve them while on the front lines.

  19. 10:01 AM , That reply was backed by research? Where did you go to get fed that bullshit and puke it out to us?Was it watching Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar on The View? Your 3 exhibits had no relation to my simple questions 7:53 PM ,leading me to believe that you can not and will not address them. It’s easy to “go on all day long with examples” when the examples are purposely meant to confuse the reader . I’LL TRY AGAIN PEOPLE, BUT I BET 10:01 AM WILL DEFLECT AGAIN .! 10:01 AM Why do blacks in Hartford makeup the majority of 911 calls knowing a white officer is most likely to respond,,,, why would blacks go into HPD impound lot AND the lot were officers park their personal vehicles and break in/steal cars,,,,why have I witnessed blacks get in the faces of white officers in Hartford screaming obscenities and making threats. If blacks truly fear white officers why is this happening? Why aren’t blacks in fear of white officers as you state? Please stay on topic 10:01 AM ,,, It’s going to be difficult ,even Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar would walk away from this one ,like they did with Bill O’Reilly .

  20. Keep up the great work Mayor Bronin and city council. Hartford just made the #1 moved out of city in the country. Took a great deal of hard work to top that list. Made national news today. Keep up the great work Mayor Bronin and City Council, at this rate there will be no residents left soon and Hartford won’t need the police you despise so much. An article is attached for your reading pleasure.


  21. Kevin,

    Hamden is getting real bad in terms of crime.
    Every day on the news ,media, Hamden is in the spotlight for shootings, car jacks, theft, homicide Etc.You name it.

    Hamden is worse than New Haven and much worse than Hartford Ct. in terms of Crime.
    I'm glad I don't live in Hamden.

  22. 10:01 AM ,,,, I’m waiting

  23. Cicero has yet to move his things out of MCD, still has his keys to the MCD doors, still walks in and out of MCD as he pleases, still try’s to intimidate the detectives by walking in and out of HIS office in MCD.

    So how is this acceptable for him to continue to have access to the division when he is under investigation and the detectives there are supposed to tell the truth about the meeting he held with all the death pool participants. You think they dare tell the truth when he’s in their face everyday? Thody and Medina you guys will pay for everything you’ve done to this PD!

    1. That's what you call passive aggressive bullying which became en vogue during the Rovella days. Obviously thody paid close attention and is now providing you with his own version.
      One of the base pillars which hpd is founded on.

  24. Just remember Paul, Ralph, Jason... “the cover up is always worse than the crime.” Figured you three may have learned that with one of your numerous scandals where you’ve tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the men / women of this department and the community. Tahoe Gate, drunken car crash gate, dead pool gate, shootings and violence through the roof, federal lawsuits. You guys preach transparency. What a joke - hypocrites.

  25. So it ok for Ralph crazy eyes to say stuff like rats at a meeting. If we had done it would be written up. Another time the rules don't count up above. Will the commissioner do us a favor and give him a job counting speeding tickets in a basement. When he leaves we will give him the route to 91 to put in his GPS. Do as we said not as we do is the HPD motto now

  26. 10:01

    Your waiting? Please do me a favor and hold your breath.

  27. 5:15 PM ,,, When pressed to stay on topic and provide facts/statistics you liberals ALWAYS respond with deflective emotional responses. “Hold my breath” ? You have the intellect of a 10 yr old and your probably 50 , sad ....another splendid example of the Hartford educational system....I knew you wouldn’t be able to account for what my eyes have seen and ears have heard in relation to the false premise that the majority of blacks fear white police officers,,,,, are you still doing “research” ??? who’s your source for news today Seth Meyers or Stephen Colbert? I can’t imagine going through life talking shit and not being able to back it up. It must be embarrassing .

  28. @7:27

    Hang in there, officer. I’m putting together significant data for you. Please continue to hold your breath. I’ll be back in a sec.


  30. 7:29

    Why was St Frances refusing to test? That sounds odd.

    1. Because they are only testing people with symptoms. So if you are asymptomatic and are positive they will not know because they are sending people back to work after 3 to 4 days with no symptoms. CDC guidelines state most people will develop symptoms within 5.1 days and most will develop symptoms at 10.1 days after exposure. Yet Saint Francis refused to test if no symptoms for 3 to 4 days and send guys back to work.Assistant Chief told them try not to keep out many firefighters on quarantine due to man power. Must be nice when the fire chiefs are working remotely most days from home . Fire chiefs don't live for 24hours or sometimes 48 hours in a fire station with guys who were exposed and not tested and send back to work after 2 to 3 days of exposure. They are also not running in to citizens homes to respond for Covid 19 symptoms. They don't give a crap if we infect each other or our families.

  31. @7:27

    Ossifer, I’ve almost completed my dissertation on po-lice brutality, history of such in the Black community, provincial attitudes of Eurocentric actors choosing law enforcement as careers and the inadequacies of such members in a multicultural society.

    Please continue to hold your breath now, ya hear? I’ll have the paper for you momentarily.

  32. Typical poor Fire Chiefs, sending their men/women in where They Would Never Go !! Then tell the positive tested ones to go back to work in only 3 days. And they are not calling it an "A " Injury, it Covid time off ! is that because they don't want to own the injury later on ??

  33. Why is the one and only black detective in the major crimes unit being bribed about how he answers his interrogatories. Depending on how he answers these questions pertaining to the dead pool investigation will determine if he himself gets disciplined on a current investigation he’s involved in. You can’t make any of this stuff up people.

  34. Jason, Jason, Jason...Once we thought we’ve seen it all from you, you surprise us with some new antatics for our personal enjoyment. There is not much more to say on this matter then what has already been said.. You and your command cadre are the textbook definition of “do as I say, not as I do.” You're a hypochlorite and inconompeted.

    The social media posts are on point with their assessment of how horrible the working conditions are at the Hartford Police Department under your lack of command and leadership. No wonder why officers are leaving in numbers. Anyone guess to wager how many officers have left HPD since Thody took over? It’s time you and your cadre of administrators self-reflect at the damage being done to the department; the morale of the rank and file; and the community. Make like a tree and leave!!!!

    There are ample examples throughout your career, both on and off-duty, where your own conduct has been called into question, and brought great discredit to the Police Department and a breakdown of the public trust. However, you have always avoided any true punishment based on your and those willing to cover up your actions by telling mendacious lies, and asserting the system was weaponized against you and punishment is administered arbitrarily. But you are now using the

    Let's just add another chapter to the growing slapstick history of Jason C. Thody and how NOT to be a Police... Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Officer and Detective.

    There are officers and detectives who are much more qualified to hold the position of Chief of Police and have robust curriculum vitae/resume, and emotional intelligence then anyone in the chiefs complex currently.

    Rank does equate to leadership!!! I remind everyone that rank on the collar of sleeve does not make you a leader, respect, caring of your subordinates and earning their respect does. Stop being a hypocrite and start becoming a leader, it's never too late, or you can always resign. I’m in favor of the latter. Your tenure here will only be remembered as a failure.

    Oh and one last thing, thank you for not helping cast the department in a positive light and the on-going recruiting efforts.

  35. Good police action taking down a deranged man holding an assault-like rifle and handgun. If there was a ban on these kinds of weapons, they might not be so easily available. My guess is the guns were stolen from law-abiding citizens. Hum... no fooling.

  36. A ban on anything does not make it less available. Same number of guns will still exist. It just changes how they move around the world and their cost. Banning something makes it worse because it no longer undergoes government regulation. Remember how the prohibition turned out? It got so bad it was safer to legalize alcohol. Same reason there's a big push across America to legalize drugs right now. History is teaching us that bannng things is not the answer.

  37. The incident on Gilman Street underscores the danger faced by Hartford Police and the community every day. Officer Martinez
    had to use her firearm, something that no police officer wants to do ever, to safeguard her co-workers and the others in the
    neighborhood. Nice work.

    When the body cam footage is released many questions will be anwered.

    Here is what is frustrating.

    If an officer is accused of doing anything the media portrays that action as a certainty. When a criminal is engaged in a crime
    that act is always portrayed as “alleged”.

    Support the Hartford Police.

    1. Well the ones in Kentucky like to write fake warrants thank god they were fired bring on the arrests

  38. This incident on Gilman was a good example of restraint action on the part of law enforcement. But what we too often see, due to the use of digital recording, is an officer trigger happy. Shoot first and figure it out latter. I hope that complete psychological testing is completed on all cadet recruits.

  39. 11:40 AM To bad they can’t mandate that a complete psychological test be performed on the incompetent males and females procreating in our inner cities. We are ass backwards spending to much energy ,money and time on the wrong things and not on the ones that count the most. These vigils highlight just how uncivilized Hartford is instead of their intent on presenting their false narrative. None of the family , friends or more disturbingly the members of the clergy can put one articulate sentence together.




    1. Nice try Cap Crusader. No they won’t. Mayor Bronin will be in DC with his buddy he campaigned heavy for, Pete Boot-Edge-Edge.

    2. @ 8:19pm. IT IS A ZERO TOLERANCE but it applies only to selected ones

  41. So nice to hear another anonymous voice calling for the firing of the three Major Crimes Supervisors. So brave and in keeping with
    the practice of anonymous carping that perpetuates this blog. The punishments are appropriate except for that four month
    pending suspension for the detective who sent out the message that started this unfortunate, disturbing episode.

    It was stupid, insensitive and nothing that should have been done. Appropriate discipline issued.

    Happy New Year

    1. Yo dude are you miserable and bored in your retirement? Are you gonna be 80 years old in a wheelchair still defending cops that dont think or give two $hi+$ about you??? Like man go away youre a dinosaur. Your a black and white television with no cable or wifi attached. Chris you are truly sad. Do you need attention? Do you not have a lady friend in ya life?? Youre like a child crying for attention!!!

  42. Something tells me that something big is going to come out with all the same players (liars) that were involved in dead pool. RIP HPD @ MCD!

  43. The 3 MCD supervisors at HTFD CT. POLICE.
    They will never be fired. They is all white boys.
    Only blacks would get fired. This is racism and we all know it.


  44. 9:37 PM , Hang in there ! Hartford is only a few years away from duplicating Baltimore where the majority of leadership , rank and file are black . And this former White boy from Hartford will relax in my comfy chair in my lily white suburb making comments to anyone nearby how great Hartford once was. I could be wrong though , they say Biden is going to unify the country!


  45. What's next?. Cocktail waitresses serving alcoholic beverages
    on the second floor of Police Headquaters.
    This betting scandal is horrible racist action.
    The three supervisors should be demoted at least.

  46. Oh yes, how wonderful Hartford once WAS

  47. Why are de comments hera so bad English? Me no understanding why why why? Maybe I tink de white boys and de black boys made boo boo in Hartford schoolin? Maybe me tinks so. Shame on youo.

  48. With the amount of crime in Hartford, gunshots from every neighborhood throughout the city. Why are officers still riding alone in cruisers? So the appearance of having more cops outweighs the safety for the brave men and women of HPD. Time for a new Union guys and gals. Stay safe out there!

    1. Relax rookie, Hartford has always been a very dangerous city. Guys/gals with time on the job are used to this. A new union will accomplish absolutely nothing. It’s time you realize, not only does your administration not care about you, the mayor, city council and local politicians certainly don’t and won’t. If your that concerned, transfer to a nice quiet suburb. In the meantime, stay in your area and answer your calls for service zebra code.

  49. Anonymous 958 self described as a ball less individual.

    I usually will read the blog for entertainment value and to see the numbers of nut job complainers still exist in the city.

    So I’ll keep defending law enforcement and you can get to your talent level of answering phones.

    And GFY

    Have a nice day

  50. Does HPD Traffic Division realize that when they do DUI check points police officers ,state troopers,parole officers,firefighters ,probation officers, teachers and business people drive through their check points. They ask stupid questions like "where are you coming from"? If we answer hospital, police station or work or fire station, next question is " have you had anything to drink"? Really WTF meanwhile drug dealers are selling heroin around the the corner. WTF !!You mess with the working class people. Thats crazy!!!

  51. @ 9:08. You should send that post to MADD and all the thousands of other families who lost a loved one to a drunk driver. People decide to use drugs, they don't decide to have a drunk slam into their car. Sorry you got home 3 minutes late.

  52. Who won the pool? I would have picked somewhere along Albany Ave, North End.

  53. Mike Ericson (if I should die before I wake it's HPD make no mistake)February 7, 2021 at 8:44 AM

    Recap on my HPD complaint 2019-73
    Time sensitive letter from Chief Thody dated 6-19-20 "your request to the review board must be made within 15 days of receiving this letter" Received copy September 28th 2019 over 3 MONTHS LATE.

    Informed internal affairs investigator that I considered Commander of IA (Mayors office representatives obstructed filing complaint against him twice on Dec 23rd 2019 & October 13th 2020)a threat & I documented it via email, yet he was allowed to interfere with the investigation even threating me over what he called a "one way recorded phone call" saying somehow he'd bring me up on charges for Interfeaing with investigation I indicated. Was called a junkie & I provided a drug test proving otherwise. There were 2 stalking incidents one report contaminated by HPD contained 20 mistakes to discredit my words.
    When that failed they tried to commit me to phyiatric evaluation unsuccessfully on 2 consecutive business days with hopes to discredit + intimidate me.
    With the exception of 1 Officer out of approximately 15 I came in contact with over the last year & 4 months at HPD ALL were dishonest or threating even mocked me like an unruly child. Both officers involved received Violation of Code of Conduct yet neither one suspended & 1 Officer is a known bully with 20 complaints filed against him since with HPD. He is who they tried so hard to protect, why he's VP of Police Union. His motive for initial threat ? Revenge over Flag football game over a decade ago as he recognized my 1 of 850 distinct truck. So if HUMPTY DUMPTY is going to hold a sports grudge for a decade how much longer do I have to look over my shoulder? For life?
    Over a FOOTBALL GAME SHERBO ? Complaint I submitted against former Commander of IA is 20 pages & contains 6 police reports from other towns in Corrupticut as evidence. Oh & 2 Connecticut lawmakers address compromised while trying to intimidate me. Hopefully Citizens Board will review this month.

  54. Mike Ericson (if I should die before I wake it's HPD make no mistake)February 7, 2021 at 9:12 AM

    First complaint resulted in both officers Violation of Code of Conduct SUSTAINED with minimal disapline. One of which a known bully having had 20 complaints filed against him as a Hartford cop.
    2ND Complaint 20 pages 6 police reports from other Connecticut towns.
    Original motive for threat was revenge from Flag football sanctioned league game over a DECADE AGO ! After wining the championship I left to join another larger league due to lack of compation twice as big & was elected in top 5 toughest in the league by my 5th game by my peers at 43yo. I understand revenge from me making him look like a little girl in front of his peers but can't condone using his badge for revenge. If HUMPTY DUMPTY held a grudge for over a decade over football, how long should I continue to look over my shoulder? Forever?

    1. Humpty Dumpty and another officer were out drinking about 14 years ago when I first came on the job. They led their coworkers on a highspeed chase all around Hartford thats how drunk and childish they were. Thankfully Sergeant Rob Nelson now retired caught wind of it and went straight to the Chief and said explain this $hit??. Neither officer was terminated but it definitely showed that theres dos and donts for certain officers especially depending on ya skintone.
