Monday, February 1, 2021



I have been reluctant to say too much about the Covid-19 processes up to this point. It is uncharted territory for most, so it is hard to be too critical.

That is up until now. The rollout of the vaccination process is a complete and total disaster.. Is it any wonder as to why people may not have confidence in receiving the vaccine when you see what a mess the process has become/ Almost every person I have spoke with has their own disaster story of trying to get in line to get the vaccine in their arm. Websites crashing, 800 numbers ringing busy for hours on end and many senior citizens unable to schedule themselves to receive the shot. It goes on and on.

But the frustration doesn't end there. People jumping the line in front of the elderly eligible persons for their own selfish protection. I guess people are always willing to game the system, but where is the integrity? Is our conscience totally bankrupt? The story of Board of Education members in the Eastern part of Connecticut jumping the line with ;phony credentials and e-mail addresses form the Board they represent is disgusting. What is the message that they sent to  the constituents they are supposed to represent or more importantly to the children they should be setting the example for. You can read that story here . The entire Board should be forced to resign immediately if it happened as the report indicates

Similar behavior should be met with severe penalties or even criminal prosecution. Sadly there are many more stories like this. And we haven't have even started the 1-C group yet for vaccines . Smokers have been added, but asthma sufferers have been removed. Where is the sense? And how many people will suddenly become smokers to jump the list now.

It is also aggravating to hear the news Sunday that terrorists housed at Guantanamo Bay will most likely be getting the vaccine before many Americans with pre-existing conditions or elderly will get the potential life saving vaccine. It is also interesting to see the ACLU advocating for inmates in Connecticut's prisons to jump the line for the vaccine. Surprisingly I don't hear them fighting for school teachers or even the Correction Officers who further risk their lives every day they show up to work now with Covid 19, and risk taking the virus home to their families. 

I am probably over simplifying  this, but if the Prison employees are vaccinated and no outsiders are allowed into the prisons, how does Covid 19 spread in the prisons? Shouldn't the Correction employees being vaccinated greatly reduce the risk to the inmates? How would it b e brought into a prison? And wouldn't it make more sense to make sure the general population, including seniors and people with pre\-existing conditions are properly protected first?

Maybe if our politicians and the Medical CEO's had to get in line with the rest of society, they might find a way to make the systems work more efficiently and deliver the vaccine. But as of now they all seem more focused on their daily public relations campaigns over the airways and their flashy little TV ads touting their praise for themselves instead of doing everything possible to make sure the system works,

In the meantime my thoughts and well wishes are with our first responders, teachers, medical professionals, essential workers  correction officers and their families to remain safe and healthy and maybe eventually common sense will win out.



  2. I believe he did in between filming breaks for his self promotion infomercials.

    1. Jeff Flaks looks pretty good selling himself in the TV commercials for Hartford Hospital.
      In addition to that doesn't he bring home a salary of $2M a year?

  3. @7:42 I'm sure Jeff brings home more than $2,000,000 a year.

  4. $2M a year for nonprofit Hartford hospital and nonprofit Hartford healthcare its almost 100 times salary of many employees


  5. You guys are gonna have a heart attack when you learn how much Lebron James makes for wearing shorts and dunking a basketball. Apparently as much as he can. Like about everyone does for themself. And he never saved a single life or ran a large hospital. Go figure.

    1. General Grievous, it's a free market, everybody knows what Lebron James makers. "King James" brings money, private money, lots of money, to the team and to his sponsors. That's a fact.
      Jeff Flaks runs a hospital that survives on public money, lots of public money, our tax dollars, calling itself a "nonprofit profit" organization so they pay lower taxes, or maybe no taxes at all.
      Find out what Jeff Flaks' salary is, don't forget any generous benefits, and compare it to the lowest, or average, earners in Hartford hospital and their minimal benefits. Embarrassing.

  6. 1:46 PM:

    King James brings home millions and his sponsors make hundreds of millions using his name and image.

    King Jeff brings home millions and many administrators across the country could do a better job for much less.

  7. If Jeff Flaks is making $2M a year why is Hartford Hospital still being considered as a nonprofit organization

  8. Jeff Flaks is shining this morning on "This week in CT with Dennis House" on WTNH, totally proud of himself.

  9. Hartford Healthcare President & CEO definitely knows how to sell himself and this morning Dennis House gave him free airtime. Jeff and Dennis, the two amigos.

  10. I agree that the rollout of vaccines could be much better..... why not have national guard / reserves help administer that is if we have enough vaccines to do this mind you..... the military know how to process many in a short time.......increase phone lines to make appointments giving those who are looking for work some work..... have students in school for medical assistant etc also give the shots...... maybe even train some and hire them under medical supervision to give shots..... if some can be trained to give shots for anaphylactic why not the COVID vaccine increase the actual getting the shots capability also perhaps have roving teams going to frontline workers work location to give the vaccine...... say the day before they have off so they do not have to worry about a large amount of employees out sick due to some of the side effects......

    1. 4:49pm You ask to do this, you ask to do that... It ain't going to work. Forget the administration, forget the bureaucrats. Just distribute the vaccines among the CVS's and the Walgreens across the US, they'll do a better, more efficient job.


  11. "non-profit" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. Do the doctors and nurses and administrators and janitors there work for peanuts, or they demand a competitive salary?

    Employers compete for the skills they want. Indeed, Lebron's employers think he is worth it. Good for them. Same for CEO's. What is the market rate for a qualified large city hospital CEO that can ensure their money is spent efficiently?

    1. There're hundreds of highly skilled professionals who could do Jeff Flaks job, and a better job, for less than $1 million, without placing themselves in wasteful Hartford Healthcare TV commercials.

  12. @8:35

    Flakes only began his promos after watching Yale-New Haven CEO twirl around in front of her cameras. Not unlike Lamont followed the demented Cuomo in doing nightly messages. It’s called hogging the camera.
