Monday, September 25, 2017


A little over a year ago, March of 2016 to be exact, people were calling for the discipline of a Hartford Police Officer. some here even called for his termination. Why, you might ask? Because he had the audacity to display a Trump bumper sticker on a laptop inside his cruiser. I think we might call that Freedom of Expression , but apparently many think Police Officer's forgo their Rights to free expression when they put on a uniform.

Apparently that forfeiture only applies to certain uniforms and certain professions and NFL uniforms are exempt. The same people that were ready to terminate the Police Officer are now standing in solidarity with NFL players over their choice to disrespect our flag. And yes, call it what you want, but I feel it is disrespect for our flag and our Country, and I have the Freedom to say that, whether you like it or not.And this has nothing to do with our President, we are all Americans no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office, and we need to show the proper regard for the many people who shed their blood and gave their lives for out rights to act as ignorant as we choose.

Shouldn't the rights of Freedom of Expression and Speech apply the same to one and all? Regardless of the choice being made, whether it is to support a political candidate or the choice not to support the symbol of our nation and the  Freedom's many have fought and died for?

Whether you are a police officer or a tight end in the NFL there is no different degree to the freedom's we all are allowed to enjoy in this great Country, unless of course you are a hypocrate.

Let's get over the hypocrisy and get back to what has made our Country great


  1. Obviously you don't get it or care to Colin Kaepernick did not disrespect the flag you know waht disrespecting the flag is burning it spitting on it vandalizing it defacing it destroying it when people pray they take a knee when a man proposes to a woman he takes a knee but when a Black man takes a knee to bring social awareness to injustices against a specific group of people you have a issue newsflash a protest is Not supposed to make someone feel comfortable or it wouldn't be much of a protest and ypur comparison is laughable at best an NFL player does not have powers of arrest and or the power to take life and liberty from a person smh

    1. You're are correct he is not disrespecting the flag. He is disrespecting our country in a sport that is watched around the world. We have many countries that want to attack and harm our citizens. What a better time to attack when you know people would side with the attackers since everyone hates our president so much.

    2. You're confusing football with "futball", which is soccer. Which the world watches. No one watches football but us. Idiot. Better yet: Amerikkkan Idiot.

  2. Let's see a Hartford cop endorsed Trump on company municipality government time not a private owned business how are you making that comparison ? Trump referred to the football players as SOBs but said nothing negative of the White Nationalists that killed that woman in charlottesville and correct me if im wrong a person in government can not tell a private business to fire an employee based on their political beliefs according to the constitution that man spends more time on Twitter and on the golf course than he does handling business and yes North Korea just declared war on America but you posting about black athletes asking for justice? Kevin my man you just put your own foot in ya mouth

  3. This has nothing to do with President Trump and whether you care for him or not. This is about right and wrong and the Freedom's we all are claiming for everyone. If this were about people in our City, or any other area where people are oppressed pointing out the injustice of education or any other multitude of issues , I might take that more seriously than a millionaire who is now claiming to be the victim. And wake up, people get fired every day for their beliefs.I can name former employees from the City of Hartford who are "former" employees just because they didn't play the game right and stepped on the wrong toes. You are caught up in the emotion like many others rather than thinking rationally. And whatever Trump puts on Twitter only gains traction because people like you give him the attention he craves, just ignore his antics. And if North Korea had been dealt with over the last fifteen or twenty years by previous administrations, we wouldn't be at the point we are today

    1. North Korea didn't pull this level of s@@t til this administration. Your guy is weak and uneducated...everything you rail against. You tried. He tried. You both failed.

  4. The national anthem is a nothing song if what it is supposed to represent isn't for all of the people of this country. Plenty of people who have served in our armed forces are treated like s#%t when they come home because of the color of their skin. Most of the people that are against the protest like you Kevin only want to take attention away from what the protests are really about, POLICE BRUTALITY against minorities. Hopefully one day minority police officers will learn to treat whites like white cops treat minorities. I wonder what the reactions of white people would be?

  5. Newsflash, many of our veterans are treated poorly when they return home, not just minorities or because of the "color of their skin" as you say. Not everything can be justified as a matter of racism to prove your point. Vietnam veterans were spit at and abused when they returned, regardless of their skin color Instead we should be looking at everyone that may be mistreated by Police, every veteran that is homeless or suffering from addiction issues and doing a better job for all of us and only when we start treating everyone as the same will we actually all be equal beings. And if you really wanted equality you would not be making crazy statements like "hopefully minority police officers will learn to treat whites" . I think we already had something similar to that and one of our goals should be to not repeat history, whether it is any form of slavery or the Holocaust .

  6. 9:24 PM

    Excuse me for a moment while I reread the Constitution, I must have missed the part where rights are designated by who has "powers of arrest" and who doesn't , and we all have the power to take a life,some legitimately.

  7. We have rules about almost everything these days, including when it is right and wrong to do things. A cop, a judge, a prosecutor must all be circumspect in what and when they can speak up or out. For 31 years I was prohibited by court rules to post a lawn sign or display a bumper sticker or where a campaign button. To do so would have been an ethical violation. So with police and other civil servants. A kid in school cannot be forced to stand for the pledge or kneel for a prayer. A Chief Justice cannot refuse to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom. People do not have the freedom to refuse service to a black person, a Jew or a Catholic in a place of public accommodation. We all know you can’t cry fire in a crowded theater or intimidate a Muslim or a Sikh with hateful harangues. And a football team owner can’t order a player to stand at attention, with hand over heart, while a band plays our national anthem at the spectacle we call the NFL. Maybe an owner could say if you want to kneel at that time, don’t! But he can’t order them to stand in formation. No law requires us to do so, nor could it. I don’t think I would choose the singing of the national anthem as the time to protest. If I decided to do so, however, I hope I would do it with the dignity of these football players who chose to kneel, not a disrespectful action but generally considered a sign of reverence, in signal to the world that they expect more from our nation as we continue the ongoing search for the more perfect union. And, Kevin, I hope I never would berate a sincere demonstrator like our president did. His verbal assault reminds me of the fire hoses and dogs in Birmingham and the protesters kneeling of the heroic and beautiful dignity of Rosa Parks.

  8. Hey lou diamonds,
    You really cant be all there upstairs. So its ok for angry rich men to disrespect a flag my grandfather carried in north africa against the natzis. Those players that make millions could only do it in america. They are lucky soccer is not the head sport in america.
    And i bet if that was a hillary or obama sticker you would be happy.
    Continue with your disgruntled second tier comments. Angry people like you is why i always carry ...

    1. Nah the reason you always carry is because you are a coward

    2. The word of God and the holy scripture protects me from Neanderthals like you

    3. Santa god? Is he still around?

  9. Hey Lou, spend s little more time reading that scripture and take the time to comprehend it and try to live by it before you start the "Neanderthal " name calling for some one you most likely don't even know. There is more to being a Christian, or whatever you claim to be, than just saying it or "reading scripture", you need to actually live it

  10. And lou diamonds,
    My two pjs a week and my six figure salary used to buy nice things for my family who dont live in hartford protects me from angry people like you that twist everything. My large house with an in ground pool keeps my mind and property clear of hacks like u. I dont mind one bit that bronin and obviously u care less for the fire and law enforcement of hartford. But the ot is pretty good lately due to mismanagement of bronin. I make it work for me. I just hope one day u dont need help. Non mentally of course.
    And by the way i cant respond for a week because of my lovely trip to bermuda. Paid for by your taxes and the city of hartford. So enjoy your life. I sure do -

  11. Does anyone remember when the teams would come running out AFTER "home of the brave" was sung? FFS, thank you media world for calling attention to low performing QB whose career was in the shitter. He used his job to create controversy which continues to socially DIVIDE us. Our country has controversial history,as any other, so what! I can't imagine living anywhere else in the world. This is for the Trump haters, '"No one was calling him a racist before the election"~ Floyd Mayweather. Politics.... putting words in our mouths since God knows when. Go back to work everyone.

    1. I was calling him a racist in the 80's. And I'm white.

  12. For years I served as a minister in churches in Hartford and New York City. I served all the people who came to my church, regardless of their political affiliation or orientation. I got to preach every Sunday, and of course, hot button topics and issues came up, but I respected the law and never endorsed a candidate from the pulpit. I never put lawn signs in front of my house or stickers on my car. I wanted everyone who came to my church to know they were welcome and that I wasn't going to push my politics on them in a crass or simplistic way.

    I think police officers have a similar responsibility to the public to refrain from political display, especially while on duty, serving their communities. They serve us all, not just those of us who agree with them. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be African American, need to call the police, and have a guy show up with a Trump sticker. Actually, I can imagine, and it would be unpleasant at best. This is a guy who thinks Confederate monuments should stand and Jeff Session should be AG. Again, from an African American perspective, those are retrograde realities that threaten the present.

    Police officers answer a higher call and are accountable to a higher standard. They are not given a pulpit to preach from, nor a platform to express their opinions. They are given a gun, a badge and the public trust. That trust is more sacred than the trust we place in quarterbacks and wide receivers. The police are our community partners, helping us all make Hartford a better place.

  13. I guess only "men of God" are allowed to espouse their beliefs on a captive audience instead of Police Officer's who actually do the work of God.Maybe if more clergy actually followed scripture instead of their own liberal interpretations to suit their agenda, more people would pay attention

  14. So the tax office of hartford that have obama pictures in it is not ok either? They have been up there for 7 years. How is that different from a trump sticker ?

  15. Not to mention the dpw trucks with bumper stickers on them. I guess its who you know.

  16. Did Obama ever call any American citizen a SOB?? Actually the only person Obama ever called a name publically was Kanye West when he called him a Jack A$$ terrible comparison

  17. Christopher Lyons retired HPDSeptember 26, 2017 at 11:16 AM

    Good Morning

    Anonymous posters should use their names.

    There is no t in Nazi--but there is a lot of scum in every one.

    Police are held in Hartford sometimes to an impossible standard and are not supported by the local government. That's a shame.

    Support the police or experience what happens on the street at your own peril. This past weekend might be an aberration and I hope it is but criminals, felons and gang members actually believe they can operate with impunity. They need to be stopped and made examples of by sending them to jail.

    1. Well said, Officer Lyons. We've butted heads a couple of times here, but I know wisdom when I read it. Well said, sir.

  18. Chris Lyons those weren't even young punks involved they were men in their 30's and 40's it's like damn grow up I'm starting to not believe the hype anymore hartford doesn't need more police we need better education more jobs and resources but the haves don't want to share with the have nots hartford has what maybe a 120'000 people the crime in this city is ridiculous at best when you consider how small our population is the trap music the drugs the Bullshit reality tvshows and oh my god the Cash Me Outside Girl just got a record and music deal from Atlantic records for millions of dollars the city will be filing Bankruptcy and all retired firemen and policemen pensions are gonna take a hit I got that from a very reliable source I hate to be a conspiracy theorist here but I believe there is a hidden hand and agenda to destroy America

  19. Luke cage,
    Stop drinking that motor oil. The pension fund, which is funded by the employees can not be touched. Bronin already tried and that got shot down. Im more concerned with the library staff making six figures and the board of ed atlanta ga resident making 160k.

  20. Can anyone tell us blog readers the rationale behind promoting two officers who were implicated in the stomping incident, especially when there's been a lawsuit filed?? Now they're going to be in a supervisory position??

    1. Maybe because they were already punished and skipped once for sergeant. There are labor laws alyssa and they can’t be punished repeatedly forever. As far as lawsuits, there’s constantly lawsuits, you can’t not promote someone because of a lawsuit.

  21. Alyssa, were they arrested or charged with anything? What was the outcome of the IAD investigation? You might want to be more concerned about the third one who was charged with arson and insurance fraud after apparently setting his own car on fire to collect the insurance Money. FACT

  22. Yup. Was arrested and fired for insurance fraud and arson to his own vehicle. He also admitted to it. But an idiot of an internal affairs supervisor ( neil dryfe ) failed to charge him with conduct on becoming. So ruimundi came back after completing A R and the labor board allowed him to get his job back. Maybe someone should FOI that investigation for everyone to see

  23. Hold up Raimundi was promoted ??? Lol wow way to go Chief Rovella that place is becoming more and more of a joke

  24. Sorry for my perceived ignorance, please give me a pass I’m a white male, but I have a question,,,,Why is it that individuals from other parts of the world that have black skin don’t have the same experiences as those born and raised here ? I think it would make news if those blacks weren’t allowed to assimilate or worse yet ,were arrested at higher rates than “other” immigrants simply for skin color.

  25. Raimudi did what he did about 12 yrs ago. He took his lumps and came back. Tested and got his stripes. Foley has done way worse and got a star. So it seems the pot calls the kettle black. Plenty more here like west and ac thody. Everyone got skeletons in their past. Everyone !

    Raimundi worked 80 hr weeks at pal for the past 2 yrs.
    barone just needed corrective training. He aint bad.
    Det mass is a standup dude. Does his job.
    Plenty of lazy racist slugs like steve miele hav been promoted. And chris, steve is a piece of racist filth. FOI that file if you want to defend probably the most hated hpd officer in history.

  26. Lets revisit the infamous spell case. It does look fishy to someone not well versed in hpd policy why Barone and the other guy were made sgt. But the fact is in the grand scheme of things they only committed minor policy violations. Secondly, thanks for not posting my comment kevin. Trump is an idiot and at these point there is no question the man is a racist. White supremacists were "good people" in reference to Charlottesville and black athletes exsercising their 1st amendment rights are SOB's. Anyone that questions that isn't a serious person.

  27. maybe you can learn how to post so your comment arrives in the first place

  28. Foley is the new Scot Haney by the looks of his appearance non WFSB yesterday, although he won't last long with the negative remarks about their sponsors like he made regarding the Walmart delivery plan.

  29. Deputy Chief Brian Foley auditions for the starring role of Norma Desmond, today on Better Connecticut. Is he ready for his close up?

  30. OMG, 4:52 PM!!!

    Came write up on Google from the Hartford Courant:

    Please tell me how these are qualities for a supervising sergeant, and I quote:

    "A suspended Hartford police officer was placed on a special form of probation Tuesday after he was accused of setting a leased car on fire in March 2005 to avoid paying extra fees."

    "Although Luis Raimundi did not acknowledge guilt Tuesday, he was placed into a special program for falsely reporting an incident."

    "He denied that he did anything wrong"

    "The car leasing company began investigating the fire in 2004 after it was discovered that Raimudi had put more miles on the vehicle than the terms of his lease allowed, police said. Because he had exceeded the mileage limit, police said, Raimundi faced thousands of dollars in fees."

    "The Hartford Police Department spent a year investigating the complaint before Raimundi was arrested in March 2005."

    UNBELIEVABLE . . . only in Hartford . . .

    1. Omg? Really? Raimundi took his punishment like a man. Omg nothing. Nothing worse than an opinionated civilian civilian like you who thinks you know everything. Raimundi was punished and skipped over many detective promotions. He put in countless hours to PAL and more than repayed his debt to society. He took a program like anyone is entitled to. So no, it’s not unbelievable. You know nothing about Raimundi. Like everyone bitches, HPD needs more supervisors that reflect the community.
      Congratulations Sgt. Raimundi.

  31. I thought i was one of ten people maybe who watch cbs and caught foleys stupid comment. I bet if a STRANGER made any remark about foley, he would sue. Like he sued the city and roberts for simply comparing foley to a very popular childrens actor on a popular channel. That sounds pretty positive to me ...i know foley is your mole at hpd brookman, but who you gonna call when foley goes on "Dancing With The Stars?"-

  32. Leave BJ alone. He is my bff. He is a great guy.

  33. 12:50pm Is your comment sarcasm or a joke that went over my head? As an outsider I’m concerned with the acceptance of a law enforcer who “repayed his debt to society” by (I’m assuming) being forced to volunteer for PAL and completing a program payed for by taxpayers. Is HPD more F#%KED UP than I think? Also , it looks like your getting what you wish for, “a supervisor who reflects the community “

  34. You are cool as all f@#k, Your Honor. And you look kinda like Garcia in his healthier days. That's a firm compliment coming from me. You have a fair and just insight and as long as voices like yours and Mr. Brookmans can be heard simultaneously, we'll be OK. I give it about 6 weeks til THAT won't be legal!

  35. The NFL. No dancing in the end zone. No taunting. Not allowed to wear different colored laces in their footwear. Anti police protests and raised fist salutes, those are good. The Dallas Cowboys couldn't honor the 5 cops murdered by a BLM goon.

    The NFL has made choices. I would argue, very poor choices from a business perspective. They are in a ratings free fall, and the loss of public support will cost them in other ways, such as public funding of new stadiums will now be more strongly challenged. The NFL has been the gold standard for American corporate sports. It's amazing to watch it fall apart.

  36. "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

    Colin Keapernick

    There it is, that's where it started, that's what it's all about. So much for the theory that these protests have nothing to do with the flag or the country.

  37. I support kap 100%. These cops are totally out of control and they are literally getting away with murder. The worst thing that could ever have happened to cops is the cell phone video camera and thank god for that. Now we can show what crooked cops do in our community to the world.
