I think the BOE, its members and the Superintendent might be under the impression that they are not accountable to the people of Hartford or its taxpayers. The reckless spending detailed in two of my previous posts are in the links below, but yet the reckless spending continues.
Another perfect example of the out of control spending is about to take place and the details and the origin are somewhat bizarre..
I was tipped off by a source to some crazy spending this week, and the spokesperson for the Hartford Schools confirmed the sources information. Several other sources with knowledge have also confirmed and provided more details for me.
Recently, Joseph Sikora , retired as the Director of Security for the Hartford Schools. Sikora was a retired Lieutenant from the Hartford Police Department before going over to HPS.I am not sure what the selection process was to replace Sikora. At least three sources familiar with the process told me that BOE Chair Craig Stallings pushed for retired HPD Chief Daryl Roberts to ascend to the position of Security Director for the Hartford Schools.
Apparently that choice was made without the approval of the Hartford Superintendent.
Some sort of rift has developed between Roberts and the Superintendent and the Hartford Schools have now created a "cabinet position" under the Superintendent.
Although Roberts was apparently hired on Stallings urging as the "Director of Security", the new Cabinet position will be called the "Executive Director of Internal Investigations and Security".
Roberts salary will be $107,458 per year plus benefits. The new "Executive Director" will be paid $135,000 per year plus benefits..
According to sources, the role of the Executive Director essentially will be to oversee Roberts and control his interactions with the Superintendent. This has been verified by the HPS spokesperson Zayas who stated that Roberts will be reporting to the 'Executive Director"
The position of the Executive Director of Internal Investigations has already been filled by a retired Connecticut State Police Major, Alexander Rios.
Now by all accounts I have received from sources familiar with the BOE and Law Enforcement officials, Rios is more than competent to fill the position.
Alaexander Rios was last promoted from Lieutenant to Major with the Connecticut State Police after serving as a Trooper for over 20 years. Rios served as the commander of Troop C, Troop A and the Bureau of Professional Standards. Rios has also served in Troop H andf Troop K and the Central District major Crimes Squad. Rios holds a B.S. degree and resides in Manchester.
Again, Rios appears to be competent for the position, but can we really be talking about closing schools over budget issues and then be creating "Executive Director" positions due to perceived personality conflicts?