Tuesday, August 9, 2011


All indications are that Officer Robert Murtha will be serving the people of Hartford as a police officer in the near future.

The details are being worked out, but the final settlement should be in excess of $600,000 and Murtha will be hired back with his proper seniority ranking as of the time he left. A major portion of that figure will be used to cover legal expenses Murtha incurred during his prolonged battle with the City to clear his name and regain his job after he was cleared of all charges by a jury during his trial.

Click here to read a previous posting that will give you some more background on the Murtha case if you aren't familiar with it


  1. Welcome back mirtha. It will be interesting to see where the vengfull command staff place him. What about rashim ??

  2. Good for you Rob!! You have been truly missed, I look forward to the day that we can stand shoulder to shoulder again at roll call together.

  3. this is one guy that definitely deserves his job back...he acted in a professional, lawful manner in the proper performance of his duties and he got dragged through hell.

    definitely cant say the same about some other guys that have come back to hpd.

  4. Welcome back Rob Will they do him justice and at least make him a Sgt. He would hae easily made the cut.

  5. That is an excellent question, will murtha be able to take the sgt exam with secore? Maybe Rashim too. The city will have a large decision with more civil implications........

  6. Make him a SGT? Who the heck wants that job. An extra $100 bucks a week (after taxes), less overtime options, more paperwork, and increased responsibilities the command staff can use to crap on you.

  7. Corporation Counsel John Rose suggested the City settle with Mr. Murtha, but they didn't. Why pay Mr. Rose, if your not going to take his advice? If I were a resident of Hartford, I'd be pissed at the waste of money to fight a losing battle!

    By the way, CONGRATULATIONS Officer Murtha!!!

  8. Anon 4:14 SGT is actually the best job going at HPD. Rob like myself has college which bumps u up appox. $150 more per week and I guarantee u a patrolman does twice the paperwork of any SGT. I do agree that patrolman right now can make more PJs but who wants to be settle and be average? Why not shoot for upward mobility/career advancement. Rob like myself is a 20yr guy and will be outta here shortly and any resume builder u can add is only gonna benefit u in the long run. Rob is a guy who completed law school and passed the Bar. A guy like that is a star in the making. As long as the command staff doesn't hold his overdue victory against him. U are probably a 25yr guy so u should study and excel in every promotional exam that comes your way. It'll only help you. Please believe me.

  9. Nice Murtha! Good for you. Hey Kevin, what’s going on with Robles? F.O.I. Lt. Rodriguez's memo to DKR regarding the internal time card investigation.

    If they found several violations in only one random week’s audit, imagine how many have occurred over the past 10 years. I also heard Robles won his FOI hearing. I bet they find even more. I believe Lt. Rodriguez found that the system was flawed, antiquated, without oversight and very susceptible to error. I think Lt. Daley wrote a letter to Roberts saying that the Time Card system was flawed, antiquated, without oversight and susceptible to error. Say, wasn't Lt. Daley made the scapegoat for Robles time card faults and punished and then targeted by Capt. Bernier. Now, in this new internal investigation, several officers were just found at fault for time card issues and punished (In only an audit of 1 week). Were those officers' supervisors disciplined like Lt. Daley was? No way. Selective discipline maybe? Imagine if the department did a full audit???!!!! What a joke, one week’s audit. Soooo, do we clear Lt. Daley now or does the Department push the issue and wait for Jeff (Judge) Ment to put the smack down on the city.

  10. Rashim will be back also, don't rush it. Think of it as a paid vacation!!! Whe he gets done with this place, he's gonna be going out on patrol in a Bentley!!!! Rob Ford is going to be his driver, Bernier is going to be pumping his gas, cleaning his windshield and putting air in his tires, (using a step stool for all three tasks). This is a prime example of two self serving individuals who believed it was necessary to jam up another cop to further their own careers and agendas. Pretty easy to sit in an air-conditioned office on the second floor, playing monday morning quarterback while pointing fingers. Unfortunately we need to have IAD/Advocate positions to enforce our code of conduct, that's reality and needed to ensure the publics trust. In my opinion when an officer has stepped out of line and discipline is required, it should be handled objectively with the utmost level of professionalism,dignity, and compassion, regardless of the situation. The manor in which both of you conducted yourselves is outright shameful. Not only that, you have made our agency look like a bunch of clowns you will have cost the City of Hartford tax payer a great deal of money!! Those of us who are on the street are sick of the B.S.!!!  Act like commanders and start leading us in a direction to better our department!!

  11. @ Teach One

    Any other PD I might agree. At HPD it's not worth it in my book. Also, there's nothing average about being a patrolman. Being a good cop or not has nothing to do with rank as you well know based on our currant command staff.
    Also you serve the public directly as a patrolman and for some it's about the public and not about being a boss sitting upstairs getting fat at a desk or getting chewed out at com-stat because there's too many giant egos in the room. Yes you can make a few more bucks climbing the ranks but to some it's not worth it. To each their own and I respect those who want to move up the ranks and yes it's good if you plan to work after retirement. I just don't think it's as great as everyone makes it out to be.

    There's no question Rob would be good at anything he wanted to do all the way to Chief.

  12. Study hard to move up?

    I thought all you needed to make it to Chief was a 51% on the SGT exam? I know, I'll swing by the office of Charter Oak College and have them convert my life experiences into credits so they can mail me a degree the following week.

  13. USUALLY the minimum passing score on any promotional exam is 70% but if there is a curve involved, then u can get a 56 or 57 and get promoted and then carried all the way to 3 ***'s. Right place, right time, right color. Good political move for the previous mayor, if not the department. Let's just sit back and wait and see what Pedro has in store for the Capital city police department. It can only be an improvement, or so we hope. I do agree with you about Charter Oak College...diploma mill.

  14. I must say. If only 50% of stuff on this website are true. The entire dept and city hall should all be fired. Start again. Rome is falling. But instead of marble statutes. There are drug addict bums. Instead of a grand colliseum. We hav the civic center. Only source of revenue. Uconn !!!

  15. Right place, right time, right color. Good political move for the previous mayor, if not the department. Let's just sit back and wait and see what Pedro has in store for the Capital city police department.
    Just out of consideration for an ignorant taxpayer, are we to understand that there was a policy decision made by our first Strong Mayor that lowered standards for promotion in the dept?
    While we are sitting, what options for change would you have our second Strong Mayor consider?

  16. Looks like the bullies are at it again. The Chief has transferred Lt. Brooks out of special events and straight to headquarters. The bullshit excuse came after a meeting with the outside investigator and they did not like what Frank had to say.
    So started the musical chairs again. Marco is also getting transferred from the advocate position. Anyone who appeared to befriend or associate with Lt. Brooks will be on the new hit list. When will they learn this type of mgt. will only go so far. What a bunch of cry babies and hypocrites they have killed HPD

  17. Anthony Pia says, I dont appreciate my name being used on this blog. I ask whoever is in control have the comment removed that starts with "Pias Medals" ..... I was home sleeping when I get a phone call regarding my name being used... I did not leave this comment and dont get involved in Politics... I wish more guys would worry about doing their jobs (Protecting Hartford Residents and Locking up bad guys) and less time making comments about how bad everything is.. I took this job for those reasons mentioned above, and it makes me sick to my stomach sometimes the highschool BS that goes on..
    PS the reason this says Anonymous is because I couldnt post it any other way for some reason

  18. Well put Detective Pia. You've earned your gold shield and you are where you are today because your a stellar detective. Others should learn by you. If we had a department full of officers like Pia, crime would be greatly reduced. You keep up the great work you do, along with the other great officers HPD has, and don't worry about the non-sense under achievers talk.

  19. Wow, I guess Headquarters is the spot for Lts that have pissed off the chief.
    Who is the new advocate?

  20. Before Rashim gets all fired up, he did violate HPD Policy and Procedure. Do you really believe that the second floor can't hit Rashim with a conduct on becoming or some other charge? He was already had a 90 day rip for attacking another officer.

  21. I hope Mirtha and secore both take the Sgts exams. I will help them study and tell them what was on the exam ....

  22. James Briwn (good god)August 14, 2011 at 11:39 AM

    The bullies struck again yesterday. DKR tried to embarrass Nevel again in front of his peers and other higher ranking officers after roll call for the west Indian parade. 5 ranks really DKR? You were never in the military and don't know jack about formations. You failed in your attempt to embarass Nevel and just showed your ignorance and lack of leadership ability. Don't try to be something your not and a Chief of Police is something your nor. Just do what you have done in the past which is "nothing".

  23. Enough is enough!! All in favor of a no confidence vote say "aye!"

  24. Aye.

    The union needs to organize an anonymous ballot vote for no confidence on the Chief and Mayor.

    I think the votes will overwhelmingly show no confidence on Roberts. The Mayor not so much.

    Would love to have an open vote but you know how vindictive the Chief and his goons are.

  25. All about the Benjamins nowAugust 15, 2011 at 3:26 PM

    Mr. Brush, Just out of consideration for an ignorant taxpayer, are we to understand that there was a policy decision made by our first Strong Mayor that lowered standards for promotion in the dept?
    While we are sitting, what options for change would you have our second Strong Mayor consider?
    Hopefully our Strong Mayor, Pedro or whomever, will allow his next chief to let guys burn time, buy overpriced text books to pass a promotional test (without a curve) only to let a bully chief (who couldn't do it) kill both management lists without explanation to the remaining candidates. This kills morale that is so low that the rank and file is talking "No Confidence" votes and more importantly it costs our "ignorant taxpayers" money for tests that could have been avoided. Good leadership decision. I think NOT.

  26. If you are going to post something, at least get your info right. I did not take a 90 day rip for anything; and now your saying I assaulted an officer...lolol! Unbelievable my friend!

  27. That no confidence vote would pass faster then a twenty dollar bill in the hands of a crack head
