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Friday, August 31, 2012


HPD sources have confirmed that a veteran HPD Officer is finding herself in hot water over alleged theft of lobsters and other seafood from the New Park Avenue Stop and Shop. Officer Natoya Guthrie is apparently being investigated for the theft of the lobsters while using the self checkout line recently at the store.

 The incident was apparently observed by Store security personnel and referred to a Hartford Police Officer that was working a private job as part of the store's security efforts. Sources have also confirmed that it is believed that this was not the first time Guthrie used the scheme at the self checkout register.

 A review of Guthrie's shopping records and  Stop and Shop customer card and related seafood purchases caused Stop and Shop to review other video that apparently uncovered other instances. The Hartford Police Internal Affairs Division is working hard to crack the case. In the meantime Officer Guthrie may be transferred to the HPD Marine Unit Dive Team to acquire her seafood direct from the sea


Crusty the crab said...

Brookman that last line is hilarious

Anonymous said...

Fireman selling crack and Police persons stealing crabs, This City is F^&*ed Up, Big Time !!!!

Rodney Dangerfield said...

Kevin I have it on good authority that Officer Guthrie called her husband and told him not to grill any steak tonight because she was coming home with the crabs.

Anonymous said...

Two years in teleserve hardly constitutes a " veteran".

Red Lobster said...

Mr. Brookman I'm just thankful you got a hold of this incident so that another indiscretion by this particular officer, and yes she has had many, doesn't get swept under the rug....again. This is an embarassment to our department not only because it makes the rest of us look like crap to the public, but because the stop and shop where she stole from pays out thousands of dollars a year to us to hire pjs. Its shameful behavior and there's no excuse for it. The self checkout area is pretty easy to use; I mean the stupid register/computer talks to you and tells you the price of what you're scanning and sometimes even the name of the item.

And please...Mr. Brookman, don't refer to her as a "veteran".Four years doesn't constitute a veteran as is, never mind the fact that most of her "time on the job" has been behind a desk because she is such a trainwreck on the street


Red lobster,

I appreciate your comments and just so you know, I will be submitting an FOI request for her full background report prior to her hiring as well as her personnel records.

I also understand there are some problems brewing at Walmart in relation to the PJ's.

Anonymous said...

I am wiiling to bet the comment meter breaks the last record holder. That waste of a uniform still polishing apples on the second floor internet lawyer degree that trips in the rear lot to prevent going on the street!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its pretty common knowledge that this officer used to be the hairdresser of a certain backgrounds detective.....hmmmmm you don't say.. She should have been let go when she showed up to work on FTO with red hair!!! Far worse then pink hand-cuffs.. Sorry jill...
But now it will take an act of god to get her outta here.

Anonymous said...

Im sure she has already safely nestled in a thick cacoon by the Guard....s, and will be protected through the usually drill here by claiming stress and mental lapse due to racial tension...Verbal warning at best....

Yellow Sponge said...

Well the marine unit, except for a few, is still under the, ''what have you done for me lately club'' In a pineapple down by the sea.....

1098 out of city for 4 hrs... said...

She is being protected by Car 8 days, and her expert manipulation of the job training.....

Anonymous said...

Hey kevin, she has a mysterious cruiser accident unreported also on her plate. And for a dessert, a parking ticket issued while off duty in front of her boyfriend's barber shop!!

P.S. V and N needs to hit that place hard!!!!!!!!1077 to the max!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a freakin surprise....Im sure the MAN will be blamed, just like the animals on south marshall street....Sorry to say, but she is a nice person, but does not belong being in a job like this...

Pension Pie said...

blame backgrounds, hey kevin, i cant wait to see whoses name is on the dotted line of her background packet...blame that person..What a mess....( Hulk stiil rules)

Verbal Warnings for all said...

Just as bad as the boot thief in teleserve...his I-File takes up half a drawer, but is protected and on the ''bus'' with the rest..

occonor supporter said...

Blame backgrounds...

justice for daily said...

Speaking of irrelevent topics, why does captain crunch, 200, still walk around like he owns the dept????????

Haywood Jablowme said...

Lets not forget that she was in a vehicle stopped at a checkpoint in Hartford and it looked like cheech and chong were hot boxing the car. Im sure car 8 on days will take care of it. Im sure a certin Sgt. Tron will ride in on his motorcycle to save the day. Maybe even a zone commander can offer "favors" to help her out of any issues that will arise. To bad Du-Wop left she could have driven him to her boyfriends barbour shop at 100 mph.

Crabby Patty said...

The security guy at Stop and Shop is a really good kid, and that disgrace of an Officer really put him in a bad position. I would really love to see him get on board with HPD, I think he would make a great Cop. He needs to leave that hell hole of a job. Ever since the incident, he hasnt been back in the store. Pretty sad he got in trouble for somebody elses actions.

Anonymous said...

I hate to see a fine african american female take unknown comments that are degrading and disingenuous. This officer deserves our support and compassion. She deserves a fair and equal chance.

Anonymous said...

McCoy did like her a lot. Maybe we can haul him back with even more of kevin's tax dollars to once again protect all the ''fine'' womens in this here place of employments...

steelers suk said...

Why does that Sgt. ..ordon allowed to ride around on his crappy yellow motorcycle during a shift of work. This is not fast five, and he most certainly is not vin diesel..Whta if he wrecks while trying to show off at the gold club.....another large SIR for someone to cover up...

2 calls a day for work said...

The BOOT THEIF and her both should be terminated. Both their files need two to carry. But it's all good, cause while on a 1098 outta the city for four hours will solve all the qual oppertunities around here whil stuffing her pie hole while an active burglary comes in her area!!!

SAM DA CLAM said...

Another winner !!!!the academy should have addressed the issue with the read hair. Now we are stuck with her till she hits the rashim level with the boot theif in teleserve..Its funny how they both always get verbal warnings for serious issues. If the public only knew who was protecting them.

Anonymous said...

Let Channel 3 run with this one, then watch the coverup fall apart. And why does another famous officer in teleserve
1. Steal another officer's boots
Nothing done
2. Mails a bullet to someone and admits it.
3. Forgets to guard a homicide scene at hospital.
4. gets to play chess and watch tv in teleserve, what a punishment..

The New Turnip said...

Its pretty sad when my cousin from out of town made comments at riverfest about the marine unit officer that in his un expert opinion looked like he could not save a floating coke can. Is there a swim test, or made a flotation test. I honestly was a little embarassed. But I understand that Im new and stuff here works in different ways. I just hope if I am drowning that someone that does not appear to be morbadly obeses attempt to stand there with his hands in his pockets. But my wife kinda thought ofc Bamgardener was swell...

occonor supporter 4 life said...

opiloperj8Veteran??????really???? of what. Calling in sick to avoid working the West Indian Parade? She is just as bad as the other one that was able to avoid pushing a cruiser because she has a doctor's note that says she can't drive!!!!!really this is disturbing!!!I hope the new chief takes care of all these folks here that can even show up on time, let alone complete a full shift.....

Anonymous said...

If these Malicious allegations prove to be true, then some serious issues need to be addressed. I suggest a viable rehab of proper stress management and have this young lady focus on her affiars to better herself..

high spped said...

Another example why some of these turds need to be removed from police work in the captiol city.

Mr. Proud Northend African said...

Mr. Brookman,
I see that you allow your band of minions to make any disturbing comment that they like. It will be very interesting when complaints are filed with the NAACP to not only stop these accusations, but also help you to better understand life's ups and downs. I prey to the good lord that this proud ethnic queen gets her day, and prooves to all that she beat all the odds of injustice!


Mr. Proud Northend African

Anonymous said...

Wow, Internet chess and cable tv in teleserve. Must be nice, no wonder when I look for supplies or assistance from teleserve, I get a blank stare. No eating or stuffing of their pie holes should be allowed in there either. I hope when the new Dept. Opens, I don't have to stare at this disgrace..

Hulkamania still lives on!! said...

I bet we lose that J at stop n shop now. Just like the movie theater on New Park Ave. and the countless other businesses that used to hire cops. wait till the Walmart incident goes public, good god there will be HELL to pay then!!!!!
Get it out there Doctor Brookman.


Another black eye, when will it end. I know the chief must be geting pissed by now. This dept needs a good scrubbing with bleach and steel wool!!!!!

RAMBO said...

Don't worry kevin, I will protect you when the head sista finds out and calls the affirmative action committee to get you.


Mr. Proud,

Why is it always about race? If she actually is a proud person, she would work to pay for her food rather than steal it with the video recording every step. I don't think you will find in the original posting anywhere I mentioned the officers race. And trust me your "proud etnic queen" will have her day, most likely in front of a Judge. She needs to be treated the same as anyone else caught stealing at Stop and Shop.


Anonymous 1:08pm,

since when has the truth become malicious?

Neptune said...

Lobsters and Shrimp oh my, too bad she did get a chance to get the corn and red potatoes, then we could had real clam bake.
Maybe she can get a job a Johnson's fish market on Garden Street she just might run into the Stare Treasurer doing a good deed, not.

Anonymous said...

The powers that be in City Hall will protect her and so will the Guardians. She goes down in the history books with the Tracy Carters and Tracy Greens of the force. God help us, it's reasons like this that our City and our Country are pretty much shot. And just to show you I'm not racist, why does Jason Thody still have a job? Talk about useless, spent a few months on the street then gets put in fingerprinting and somehow ends up as a Commander for ERT and this is after he gets his ass whipped by a couple of combat Marines that he started a fight with. What a friggin mess!!

peter brush said...

Why is it always about race?
Racial set-asides, affirmative discrimination institutionalized despite clear intent of 1964 Civil Rights Act/14th Amendment, etc. Racialism in govt./union bureaucracies now just a disgusting, pathetic game.

Proud African Americans for Justice said...

Gotta Love all the racism in this place good ole HPD since its painfully obvious all you guys hate Black people why the hell are you working in Hartford bunch of cowards on here half you bastards are scared to live in hartford an if this job required that you not carry a gun you wouldnt be here freaking sad you all bring up NAACP an the Guardians I guess all Black orginations are bad This Website is truly a Ku Klux Klansman Heaven

Anonymous said...

The reason NAACP and Guardians were brought up is because the Officer in question has reached out to them in an effort to save her job. At least that's what we are hearing.

Her ploy to save her job is inconsequential if she's proven to be guilty of larceny because CT has Public Trust laws that prevent any officer convicted of larceny or caught lying on official court documents from serving as a police officer. Race has no relevance.

SHE is the one who is making this about race because that's about the only card she has left when there's overwhelming evidence against her. Which I'm sure Kevin will be providing soon.

Old Mcdonald said...

Why is this always about race? Im a WHITE police officer that works with some awesome BLACK police officers! When I call for a 99 I want MY brothers and sisters coming WHITE, BLACK, INDIAN, MEXICAN, and PUERTO RICAN We all bleed BLUE. What this is about is a filthy thieving no good rotton cop! What do you do with bad fruit? you throw it in the trash!

Anonymous said...

The fire fighter and the police woman aren't the only ones; some sell drugs others are thieves but watch for those who disguise as sheep's. Kevin you should look into the new COO history and agenda. Pedro should be watching her closely as soon she will be sitting in his throne.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


car 8 c squad said...

why do turds like gutherie think they are veterans, the only thing she is a veteran of is hangin out at her man's drug infested barber shop. Let v and N go and break up the drug factory in the basement. But its ok for gutherie to use parking tickets in her leasure time to enforce laws at the barber shop...its gonna get hot very soon...

Anonymous said...

Im a white officer, and i have a black wife, yet im sure i am racist in the eyes of some people because i stoles one of ur womans!!!!!!!!the guardians is a club, nothing more, not a law office or a steping stone for affirmative action rights movement. Call the union if you think you have been wronged. that is what we pay our dues for. oh wait, the union said it's her fault, not the MAN !!!

Anonymous said...

proof is in the puttin. Oh ya, what is the deal with walmart? my cousin works there and said that a certain teleserve officer refused to arrest two SERIOUS incidents involving voyerism and a party pleasuring himself in the open.. if this is true, which im sure it is, then that is another J that will be lost. Good job auci.....time to go.

Anonymous said...

WTF, are you kidding me. You can't be serious about the last comment. Kevin, say it aint so. this is even more disturbing then lobster-gate.

Anonymous said...

Yes that Walmart two incidents are coming out in the next episode of PEOPLE THAT SHOULD BE TERMINATED AT HPD>>>>>> stay tuned ......

Whiskey for brekfast said...

Voyerism at walmart, and public maturba.... by a possible pedafile? Just an FI card? WTF .. My kids shop there... seriously. If this is true, IM seriously pissed off. Kevin I have two teenagers that shop there with my ex, i am not happy if this is confirmed....

Scales of Justice said...

I read through this blog and see comments that are relevant and comments that aren't relevant to this latest incident. The bottom line is forget the NAACP, the Gardians and any other social or political organization that might get named later, the question is do we want a thief on the Police Force? The correct answer should be NO. This person can't use the excuse of economic injustice, the PJ's are plentiful, or social injustice, she took an oath to uphold the law and be held to higher standard.
If this is what's ment by resembling or representing the community the officers serve ( poor hirining process) were in trouble, then by allowing this behavior, we do a dis-service to the other individuals who came from the city who uphold the law and take their oath of office serious.
This is not the first time she's done this, it's just the first time she's got caught. The best thing she can do is to just admit what she did and go back to hairdressing, or face a prosecutor who kicked her out of her class for cheating in a test. Maybe her drug dealing boy friend will rent her a chair.

Wounded Feedom Fighter said...

I love being a police officer I love my job growing up as a blackman in America your born with one strike against you Ive worked many jobs but I have never worked at a place where there is so much evil jealousy an hatred for your co workers I love history an reading an research Civil Rights Slavery all dark parts of this country's past I can honestly say I did not know what Racism was until I came to this place so many Haters backstabbers an Cowards well my Fellow African Americans we came a long way although I think MLK an Malcolm would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what we were still going through an accepting not only as black people but as human beings period i hope an Pray Natoya gets the help she needs an I also hope an Pray that the Lord deals with all you evil people

Anonymous said...

why is race even an issue? What does stealing lobster have to do with slavery? MLK and Malcolm WOULD be rolling over in their grave to hear that a african am. Woman is stealing, let alone a law enforcer. Stealing is stealing is stealing. No ands ,ifs, or race about it......u do the crime....u do the time. Being black does not excuse the crime nor is it a get out of jail card.especiallyy being caught RED handed.

Selective Dicipline said...

Seriously, why are there SEVERAL abandoned vehicles parked in the rear of police headquarters. No parking permits, and some no plates????? I thought we had a headquarters division that would ensure the safety of headquarters and prevent the rear lot from looking like a re run of stanford and son......

Anonymous said...

The mere threat of race and hurt feelings always comes up when someone feels wronged, but the fact is, all the incidents over the past two-three years, its not about race, its about lazyness and thinking you can get away with it because you are a different race and has been wronged over the past 500 years. Bull, this excuse is always used, Im sick of it.......

Anonymous said...

Laziness is something exercised greatly in this department. Then once the person is called on it, or instructed to do their job, they claim racism and unfair selection. But the fact is, this job is soooooo easy, some people cant even show up on time, or respond to the dispatcher. Yet a verbal warning will solve all the problems. Once these lazy cops start doing serious suspensions, they will change, but yet again, the guardians will blame it all on the MAN.....

non occonnor supporter said...

Internal affairs needs to be made up of a third party non department related personnel. Verbals for some, suspensions for others. Selectiveness runns rampid in this place. Im going to bet gutherie keeps her job and joins the rest of the group of lazy and useless. But do the useless even care? the answer is no, because a guaranteed pay check every friday...

Webster st ice cream man said...

Jason Thody is a proud officer. He deserves respect and has proved to be an essential part of hard work at this department. He patrols his district with the vigor of a hungry wolf and cares about each and every citizen in ZOne 8. He has been taught the fime art of police work from ''chilly'' and WILL be wearing a star or two when the dust clears. So show some respect!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Proud African said...

Dear Mr. Borkkman,

I see that you still allow your band of minions to still disrespect the distinguised african american society and race.My twenty years of citizenship in Hartford have been quite lovely. This type of negative propaganda will not be tolerated. I have made the necessary contacts to fix the disingenuous and hate that fills this blog like a tub at bath time. I hope you are proud of the efforts and disrespect you have caused. The powers that be have assurred me that this blog will be held accountable for all the unjustice and spiritual hate that spreads throughout hartford.


Mr. Proud Northend African Citizen

walmart hair clippers said...

Supercuts in the pj office should have that investigation. But i bet he pawned it off so he can work some more overtime. Must be nice to doctor the system. Chief Rovella, please look into the pj office. A change is greatly needed in there. Fresh ideas and fairness .


Mr. Proud African,

your idle threats do not intimidate me. I suggest you go back through the blogs archives and look at the positive outcome for many minorities after their stories were posted here. Knock off your racist agenda and look at the facts.

And if you are such a champion for equal rights, why not post under your real name, I do.

Keep It real said...

I have been a reader of this blog for sometime now and I must say it has been informative. However i have a question for some of the police insiders who post. I might be wrong but when officer Sean Collins was arrested and convicted of making racist statements and threaten to kill a man by placing a knife to his throat. Doing this all because the man would not agree that white people are superior to black people. I do not recall reading on this blig how the police felt about this. Kevin can you repost those comments. I would like to read them.Brookman did your inside informants tell you about this Hartford police. I wounder why no one talked about him? Is it because they fell the same way? This cop lied to his officer friends when he was arrested and hid a loaded .45 glock and gun holster in the bathroom. And you want the community to work with the department. Show me some concern first. Then the good cops will get the respect they deserve.

Spare 18 said...

You can take the Rat out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the Rat! It dosen't matter if your a cop or a dispatcher.
Loose the residency requirement and make it state wide. Hartford is missing out on alot of quality candidates. The Hartford Police Department considers itself a paramillitary organization. Really,really! where are the prior millitary candidates?
Have a Nice Day!

Justice for all said...

I will be long retired before any positive changes are made to the culture at the Hartford Police Department. I've had to accept the ignorance that dominates it and City Hall. When I pushed a cruiser in the North End I found that the most racist area was the Main St and Tower Ave area. I had recieved several complaints from white contractors who were attempting to install new water mains to residents in the area that when they went to buy a coffee at the local Dunkin Donuts, they were told, "you have to leave, we don't serve white people here" The contractor went and purchased a coffee maker for the MDC Field office. Instead of living off the race card, learn the history behind Hartford and what Hartford contributed to this country 100 plus years ago. You should be proud to be a resident, leave the race out of it until you contribute something. FYI, I watched the Olympics. I never saw Gabby throw the race card! In my book she is the African Queen!

Kronkite lives!!! said...

If Officer Guthrie did in fact commit the act which she is accused, then she should be fired. No ifs, ands, or maybes. But let's not forget there is an officer who has yet to be punished for destroying evidence. Let's not let "Lobstergate" overshadow something just as egregious (well, almost).
There are so many things going on right under Jimmy's nose (or maybe not). One would think the way the 5 Amigos are jockeying for their turn to lick his scrotum for a * that he would know everything(tough getting the chauffeur out the way I'm sure, but good luck fellas). There are MORE larcenous acts going on under the guise of it being a private duty or traffic detail. Oh! That's right! They're not telling him because they're the ones stealing and trying to recreate the PJ hiring system because they want to make money NOT be the administrators that they were hired to be when promoted. Very few are working 8hour days after they get a 10hr PJ. I guarantee that. Try tagging evidence on B-Squad after IP has a job. IMPOSSIBLE! Audit the time cards from the big Meadows concerts(and Riverfest) and and see if the LTs and Capts worked 8hrs before the start time or did they burn time that they won't allow anyone else to burn(IF they burned their time at all). Why do the same guys get an additional 4+hrs every time there is a job hired out of 525? Where is that list???
Let's move Mr. Personality out of the PJ Office too while we're at it. That way he and his Capt. can respond Code 3 to Supercuts (bet Fallon is turning over in his grave).
Why is our non ERT LT allowed to carry an assault rifle. He's already killed one on the other side of the city. Now we're gonna let him kill a Latino too? Let's stop feeding in to the Napoleon Syndrome.
Now that Jimmy's slowly fading the old regime out(Thank GOD), who's gonna take their places? Well, the chauffeur is a lock. We all know that. Supercuts 1 has a strong chance. But the rest are a mystery. UNLESS, the standards are going to be lowered to allow "Administrators" without minimally a Bachelor's Degree to wear a *. Hmmmm

10-2 junk yard said...

To: Keep it real @0856
I agree with you. But when you have a department where racism is openly tolerated from within, the community ultimately looses. If you olny knew what goes on between these 4 walls. Just listen to our I-Calls and see for yourself. It's sickening.
May the good lord give our new Chief the strength to make some changes.

Anonymous said...

good job on this one Kevin. At leat we know the Hartford Courant is alive and well, a week after you originally posted this the Courant has it as "breaking news" on their website, with no credit to you for getting it first. good to see the Hsrtford cops aren't the only ones stealing. something is wrong when a blogger gets the scoop before our local newspaper does

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen to her cause she is female. Thody should be terminated.Outrageous. I hope rovell a does someting to correct this ethics issue.

Anonymous said...

It looks like LOBSTER-GATE has gone to the news media. I hope Chief Rovella handles this nonsense and sets an example that these actions are isolated morons, and don't represent the entire dept.

10-2 storage lot... said...

Can someone in headquarters please do something about the following abondoned vehicles on fisher road spaces.

1. Uncle buck lookin piece of sh... parked across from fire academy on fisher road. This vehicle has not moved in 1 month.

2. A two door purple ragtop that is also parked on fisher road, but is moved to different spaces each day to avoid detection.

3. A blue ford pickup,with cab on back, mid 90s. This vehicle is also moved each day to avoid detection.

4. A white dodge pickup with stickers on side. mis use combo plate.

These vehicles are owned by one person, with no parking permit, It will be interesting to see if anything is done. Just sayin.....

Anonymous said...

Last comment is racially motivated, stop pickin on that officer and his four vehicles stored on fisher rd next to headquarters.

Fleet Out twice a day said...

U figure with that many vehicles, the officer could show up to role call on time.....but if I show up once, I would be suspended.

shots fired said...

WARMART-GATE and EVIDENCE DESTRUCTION will be on news next week. tune in to see any the bar goes even lower at HPD or some much needed corrective dead weight is cut away. Flush the turds!!!!


10-2 storage lot,

can you e-mail me the plates so I can see if they are being taxed in Hartford? at least we could be getting the revenue if the tax collector is notified

Anonymous said...

That Uncle Buck abandoned vehicle is still parked in the rear of headquarters leaking oil. Why is it not a trespass tow yet? There could be a body in there for we know. No parking permit either.....Thody would handle it if he was in charge of headquarters.

Anonymous said...

the offender drove the Uncle Buck pos off of fisher road this morning when i was leaving after my shift....oh wait...that means one hour into his shift....and while in uniform....he was not serving the city and was moving his Uncle Buck pos to some other unapproved location....could someone check 40 Jennings Road....its probably hidden over there....unbelievable...forget calling the NAACP....someone call the NCAA....these ballers have

Anonymous said...

No item A for Gutherie. COnfimed!!!!Just a verbal, Like the boot thief.

justice for daily!!! said...

Soon it will be devastating the amount of legal woes from the impact of disingenous negative actions by this officer. But the stray virtue expressed in past comments is 100 percent correct.

Get Super Cuts outta PJ said...

The thick stew of racism is brewing on the stove of HPD. It is thick with more implecations and segredation of personnel values. Corrective action will be swift and apperent that these actions will not be tolerated.

Al Sharpton said...

Hey Get super cuts outta PJ...
Prove it and don't just spew it.

Clam bake at Kevin's 10-9-12 said...

Word on the street is that uncle buck unreg/ misuse vehicle is on Homestead Ave.....Good job, this blog helped clean the rear police lot of illegal storage of crap!!!!!thanks kevin. really.

Occonnor Supporter said...

SOme very very unhappy Detectives are beginning to wine about being put back on the streets to actually do more then five minutes of work. I am proud that the chief is breaking up the "country Club" at headquarters.

Unfortunately injuries will likely climb due to rear lot unstable footing......

Anonymous said...

Dear Chief,
Please, Please, Please take a look into the PJ Office. Change is needed. Morale will shot through the roof when the changes are made. There is no reason why the PJ Supervisor works PJs every day and hires all his buddies. An impartial person needs to be put in there..

Anonymous said...

Who keeps stealing the medical equipment out of the rear of cruisers in the rear lot? that is the question of the week ...

Anonymous said...

Gutherie needs to be made an example of. A suspension is not enough.

Anonymous said...

Wow, There are actually some spaces to park in at Headquarters now. Thank you blog. That person, ''Mr. Fleet twice a day'' thinks he can manipulate rules and state laws because he is special. If he is so special, why was he banned for 500 Blue Hills Ave, and escorted off the property by a Capt. during his shift. Embarassing...........

Free New Boots said...

The problem is the greedy Sgt's who work 3-4 overtimes + 3-4 private jobs a week and only want more...and they can't spell correctly either. The C-squadders who have diarrhea of the mouth.

Free New Boots said...

...and if they want to work so badly why don't they give up they're stripes and come back to patrol with us.

Anonymous said...

Just heard she was bagged for on tape for previous incidents at Stop and Shop. Stop and Shop destroyed tapes and no further action will be taken, she's been put in booking.

What about her unauthorized use of NCIC for running her ex boyfriends new girl friends plate and ticketing her when she saw the car.

God help us!!!!

Anonymous said...

She will get a verbal warning at best... watch... then sit and watch tv and eat in booking. What a reward. The dept needs to start cutting away the dead flesh, not let it hang on and fester. Im sure the next guardians meeting will be eventfull.........

Anonymous said...

Why does the pj office separate all the jobs? I mean that they are able to determine what job lasts what amount of time, and hook up their boys with two hour js....That is unfiar. Please Chief, put a fair sgt in there to straigten it out. Change is a good thing.......Im sure certain headquarters cpts will say he does a great job, cause I always see pjs on the weekends at the meadows,, but i guess capts have the freedom and power to edge the system instead of leading by example. A certain Capitol Chief would turn over in the ground if he saw what you have become,,,, greed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Springfield Facial Scar said...

Clean out the good ole boys PJ Office!!!!!!Audit it, look how many hours and jobs certain people work!!!!!!!!!!!A change is needed. No more dirty hires, and secret hush hush traffic details for capts to work and stand in the middle of the street while TRYING to look tough....

Orange traffic cone said...

I am not sicking up for anyone but Enough with complaining about the PJ's you guys should look in the mirror. The five or more you get a week plus OT isn't enough. What because a Capt. or a Lt. Gets a job you money grubbing greedy SOB's have to complain. It's probably the job you wouldn't of worked or weren't signed up for because your too tired. Keep running your mouths and you'll ruin a good thing.

No one here is taking money out of your pocket. Enough is enough just stop acting like a bunch of immature cry babies and do your job, other people in the private sector wish they had your ability to supplement their income, so jut stop your belly aching and be greatfull for what you do have.

Anonymous said...

The last comment def sounds like someone that works special details.....Why don't you go to 25 calls for service instead of staring at a computer and stalk the pj office for those two hour js...

Anonymous said...

Why is Gutherie still in the field pushing a patrol car with half a dozen open investigations against her.....The bar is pretty low now.

Anonymous said...

Gutherie has also failed to comply with department policy by failing to turn in a dozen reports, and then put forged skeleton reports in instead,,,,, but its ok...Car 8 will handle it when she returns form her injuries as a result of another cruiser accident.....

occonor mailbox said...

At least the accident was not racially motivated........

Anonymous said...

Most of us do push cruisers and work doubles, so why don't you give up the supervisors suv and take some calls yourself.

Anonymous said...

Glass house with no window panes left said .......

Bunch of "Sallies!" If you spent as much time addressing crime and writing your reports and treating the people of Hartford with a little respect maybe it would be a better place to work in.

No all you can do is complain about what you have or don't have or what you think someone else got that you deserved.

Please grow up and make a difference by your actions not your wasted hatred on this blog. Show the kids hanging on Albany Avenue and other areas what a really man is and how they act. We know that the families have broken down in Hartford and all the money taxed from us will not fix the family problems.

Be men! be an example. Lead by example, follow lawful orders and DO WHAT IS RIGHT. The rest will sort it self out in time.

Anonymous said...

This blog is excelent for venting, becuase people love to hide behind thier power hungry rank and ''bully'' others for dumb reasons, so if you dont like the blog, tough, write your congressman and demand kevinto stop... good chance of that.....

Thody took some time I guess, EAP

Anonymous said...

I enjoy working 5 0r 6 pjs a week.

Anonymous said...

You bunch of turds need to shut up and do your job. Enough of this little kid on christmas that didnt get the gift they wanted....WAH WAH WAH .......

Occonor club said...

Hey traffic cone, spoken like a true professional mirror starer. How many calls for service have you gone to in the last five years? Everyone should be on the road and turn the city around, not trying to brake money records and start bar fights.... have you forgotten that every single person at this dept are not perfect?

Orange traffic cone said...

Hey O'Connor club ....
You are a straight up idiot.

Again, you have missed the point.

What because you have to do what most of have already done and did when the city was more violent makes you some sort of expert on patrol.

Please get some time on the job beore you act like your owed something.. Stop your bitchin and just sign on line and do your job, which in case you forgot was to answer calls for service.

Anonymous said...

Lets talk about the homeless woman thats been sleeping in the lobby of 10-2 for the last month how does that happen???

Civic Center said...

Get well soon Lt. Thody, You are truely missed and your leadership is unreplaceable. I wish you a speedy recovery and will try to keep the tears from flowing in your absense....

Mr. Proud African Queen Supporter said...

Mr. Brookman,

The racial implications that this blog has generated is past the point of no return. I assure my fellow readers and MR.Brookman that the necessary contacts and conversations havetaken place. It is extremely disturbing and obtuse that this blog has spread the evil hand of intolerance and unequality. Swift action has been promised and there will be no ''freedom of speech'' glass house to crawl under.

good day,

Mr. African North End Resident.

Anonymous said...

I heard Thody got hit while 36 from the golf tournament. But im sure not dui was conducted....must be nice to lead by example...

Inside man said...

The word is, Stop and Shop has lost the tapes of Officer Gutherie other larcenys. Good play gauradians......

Crab cakes+ Occonor= happiness said...

Hey kevin,
Keep up the good work. Several vengefull people in the dept. are heading for the hills, and scared to death of your blog....


inside man,

from what I am told, IAD has the recordings in their possesion and has reviewed them. They will also be at Stop and Shop next week getting a crash course in self check out operations to see if Guthries excuses hold any weight


Mr .Proud,

again no real name associated with your baseless comments. Just to be sure though,I just pulled up the larceny statutes on and no where does it mention ones race as an affirmitive defense to larceny. no race is apparently allowed to steal without being held accountable. You might do more for your "people' by supporting the truth and holding al races accountable for their actions

Anonymous said...

The self checkout could be operated by a blind person, there are no excuses. Her only excuse that is she was attempting to save the lobsters by being humane and returning them to their natural habitate. If this holds truth, she should be issued the HPD huamitarian award. Like the other one who tried to recycle his vehicle istead of paying the loan..........opppppsssss

Written During PJ ... said...

Quite a site to see when IAD hits the seafood section for some lobster bisque and quakers.....

( at the authorized 10-16 time of course)

Unfortuanately the Lance Armstrong Wheaties boxes have been thrown out. Sorry Jim....

Anonymous said...

It's Irreplaceable. If you guys are gonna insult someone or try to prove a point, hit "spellcheck" after so you don't look so stupid.

420A+8A= 1098/ 16 said...

It seems some BIG changes gonna hit like Ali this week. Then the uhaul trucks will have to line up at the Country Club, aka Headqaurters. I hope and prey the PJ Office is not left untouched by the Chief. CHange is good..

Whiskey for brekfast said...

Dear Chief,
I am very pleased to hear some of your much needed ideas and fixes that will start soon. SHAKE IT UP!!!! Please also get rid of this flex/ change schedule to work traffic detail personna. Get the dept back to police work, not plumping pensions and making 150k as a greedy warload.

ps Send some hair clippers to the headquarters unit/ pj office( dirty hire unit)No more unposted meadows/ secret ot!!!time to be fair..


Next step is to remove the internet springfield lawyer outta the complex, but do it before snow arrives on the ground. Cause people who don't wanna work tend to slip in the rear lot. She dug her own issues since she thinks she is immune to federal workplace standards. We should release some of her medical records, would be a plump file.

The Storm is commith!!!! said...

All these haters here are gonna wish Roberts stayed after next week. SCHOOL IS IN SESSION. No more two hour work days and 10 hr road jobs for dessert. A new Sheriff is in town!!!His Name is Wyatt Rovella...Sigersmith can be Doc Holliday....

Kevin, you can be a deputy..Maybe...

10% off Supercuts on Friday said...

Hey orange traffic Cone,

Pack your bags!!The final dagger will be issued to the fallonite/ good ole boys pj regime soon.....

I would brush up on the red book if I were you....just sayin playa!

Bandwagon Clemson Fan said...

Dear PJ Office, property room, certain flex schedule manipulators,

There is a storm coming, and even though you don't believe so, you will have wished you did not keep all that greed and power to yourselves!!!Better baten down the hatches.

420A=RESOL said...

When is the Hulk's going away party? Are you going Kevin?

Anonymous said...

You "complainers" are ridiculous. You're all working more than any of you ever have and you still find something to complain about. I guarantee in two years when the next two classes retire, most of the b.s. and complaining will end.

It's not the officers complaining, it's the sgt's and Lt's who want to leave with $100k+ pensions. If you all want to work so badly then hand in your bars/stripes, push a cruiser and you can get your 6 pj's a week.

I, myself would like to see the flex hours come to an end since I'm not allowed to take an hour to work a pj, but a CSO can. I also don't think it's fair that i can work as much ot as I want before a "non-patro"l guy can work even one a week. There are perks to every division in the Dept. and if you don't agree then you're living in a fantasy world devised of your own greed and selfishness.

Get your minds out of the money gutter and try to work together to build back some of the comradery that has been lost.

A squad patrol ofc said...

Hey 420A,
Those are motivational comments you made at role call today. You seem to care so much about ethics and talking smack, but you yourself should lead by example. Don't tell thers to do something that you yourself don't follow. And since ethics are so high are your list of priorities, why do you made degrading remarks about other officers on the I- Call system, you really thing no one listens or writes down the date and time.... wow and oh ya, since you are fimiliar with pulling dispatch tapes, that my friend is also illegal and your past write ups for that stuff is also proof that YOU yourself need to lead by example......I almost put my name to this, but I'm sure you would use deciveing means to punish me.....

recorded I-calls for future lawsuit said...

Good negative role call speech 420A, you inspire me to call the union and file a grievance.......I thinks you need to conform with the NEW postive HPD and let that ''do what you want'' old regime additude retire itself. Also, stop using work time to build your house....a little conflict there doncha thinks..........

Anonymous said...

Frankenstein aka walkbeat who always takes vehicles on the road and spends his whole shift in stop an shop if you have a problem with Stjohn tell him to his face u coward

springfield resident said...

We like reading this blog, I was listening to 99.3 last Sunday and heard about the positive effects this blog has had on Hartford, CT. We loved the lobstergate story and are hooked.
I believe that Springfield, MA is planning to start one for themselves

Anonymous said...

Right is right and wrong is just plain ole wrong. She knows better and what kind of example is she setting for her little son? That its ok to be a local police officer and steal at the same time! Well I have no pitty for her & if she loses her job then good for her. She doesn't deserve to have a job like this in the first place cause obiviously she "doesn't know the rule"!

Mr. Proud said...

Dear Mr. Brookman,

I am still extremely upset with the continued hatefull remarks aimed towards this african woman of color. Have you ever made a mistake under stress? Oh ithought you were perfect. I myself am not, but by the grace of the good lord, I will try to bring happiness and not pass hateful judgement like you and your minions who subsribe to your ring of fire.

-Mr. Proud African NorthEnd Resident

Anonymous said...

The word is that the PJ sgt is telling people it would take an act of god to get him outta his position. Just Sayin......

Anonymous said...

Last comment just confirmed ....get some trimmers too....looks like a weasel with sneakers

Anonymous said...

Gutherie should not be on the street, it is embarassing that she is still taking arrest reports and enforcing laws that is well above her level of obvious comprehention

Flush this turd quickly


Mr. Proud,

I have been allowing your comments to go through, but I am becoming tired of your nonsense, from this point on your comments will be deleted. If you want to give her some advice, tell her to resign before the arrest warrants start coming, she may be able to make excuses for the lobster thefts , but the NCIC abuse is well documented, and since other officers have been arrested for the same thing, the precedent has already been set and you won't be able to cry racism on that one

Anonymous said...

What do PJ's or anything that has to do with pj's jave to do with a cop who stole lobsters?...Nothing, so why don't 220-B, 110-C and the rest of you whiners stick to the main topic and leave your bs complaining to your miserable selves. It's the same sgts and lts all the time.

The saddest part about it is, no matter what you say under some random name or "anonymous" everyone knows who's posts are who's and you're foolish to think otherwise.

The dancing 46 said...

Hey Kevin,

I bet you a bag of clams Mr. Proud is an unhappy certain person at HPD that hates your blog and just wants to get a rise outta ya. I have narrowed my two guesses to two.
Mr. Proud defends someone because of thier skin color, and not because of the several, and iis confirmed, several Felony Charges coming soon. Forget Lobster-Gate, it is now NCIC-Gate.....

Anonymous said...

Where is this Walmart incident? another cover-up? How come a masturbator is not arrested in this incident.

Anonymous said...

Hi, probably our entry may be off topic but anyways, I have been surfing around your blog and it looks very professional
Self Storage Quaker Hill CT

Anonymous said...

Officer G was a mess when she was a cadet..still a mess. The person that should be fired from HPD is Eric Smith..he is just pathetic. Overall HPD has a lot of great men and women on the force. Just remove the bad apples and the city would be a great place to do business and live.