A lot of my postings I enjoy writing, especially when I uncover something and have the documents to post. This is a posting I really don't enjoy writing, but I think it is long overdue. For anyone who follows City hall through here or the media, it should be quite evident that something isn't working right when it comes to the Administration of Pedro Segarra.
It is sad to see an Administration that came in with so much hope and potential after one of the darkest periods in Hartford's history.falling apart. An era during which a corrupt Mayor was sentenced to prison for illegal activity after a Grand Jury Investigation.
None of what I am going to write here is news to Mayor Segarra, I have said all of this direct to his face, as well as many others trying to get Pedro back on track, but to no avail.As the house of cards falls apart more and more each day, It is very disheartening to see a Mayor that came in with so much goodwill to continue to crash and burn.
I recently asked Pedro if he ever thought about all of those people, myself included, that were praying for a conviction in the Perez case, just so Pedro could take over and steer this City back on course. We actually thought he was going to do it.
I also asked Pedro if he was aware of what most leaders would consider the number one rule when it comes to management. You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with with. And Pedro, you have surrounded yourself with some real winners.. Your" cabinet" is a group of people who seem to never miss out on an opportunity to embarrass you. The sooner you realize this and cut them loose the quicker you can stabilize your administration.
The saddest part, to me Pedro, is that the people I talk to wish you no ill will. They almost all agree that your poor leadership is the result of bad advice and your "advisers" leading you down the wrong path. A path that is more about their own self serving interests and futures than it is about a City that has so much potential.
Pedro, think about all of those people that have tried to talk to you and give you advice. Many of them people that you have known for years who have never asked anything from you, other than your friendship. Can they all be wrong?
As much as I hate to say this, the things that are becoming embarrassments to you, would have never happened under the previous administration. And rest assured, if they did, the people behind them would have made a quick exit from City hall, not have been rewarded.
How did the P-Card issue become such a firestorm for you? Who caused the firestorm that is brewing and quite possibly maybe your legacy as Mayor if arrests should occur. I'll answer this one for you because it is clear your eyes aren't open to the situation, for whatever reason. It was your immature and inexperienced Chief of Staff who thought he had a sense of entitlement to be the Big spender on New Years Eve and whip out his City Credit Card to pay for a $700.00 meal at the taxpayers expense.
Did he not think his misuse ,and possibly illegal, use of City Credit card wouldn't come back to haunt you? You keep telling me how "Jared has your back" and he is the only one you can count on. I think it is time you start rethinking that support. I know you have heard this from plenty of others, it might be time to open your eyes.
And what about the retiree issue that has risen to be a big issue. It was your law school classmate that you have put so much confidence in that created this debacle for you. Is she above the law and City ordinances don't apply when she doesn't feel like it or was she just ignorant to Hartford's Municipal Code. Either way, not a good thing for your handpicked attorney who I would think had an obligation to provide you with prudent advice.
If not only for the reason to protect you as one of your so called "friends"to protect you from embarrassment, but more importantly to advise you as the lawyer that is supposed to protect you from liability and breaking the law.
And now you want her to run the entire operation? What are you thinking? If she can't even perform her duties as Corporation Counsel, why would anyone in their right mind give her the keys to the Kingdom as COO. Remember that number one lesson, you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with..
And who does your vote counting? Wouldn't you have checked on that before nominating her as COO. Again, I could never imagine the previous administration, with all of their faults, making suck a Major misstep. I know some of it was out of you control Pedro, you probably never thought she would write an e-mail questioning a Councilpersons mental stability, I know you lost a couple votes there, but it clearly was never even close on the vote.
Again, poor advice to move it forward , unless you like being embarrassed, which I am starting to think is the case.And your other "key advisor" Mr. Colon-Rivas also seems to have no problem lying to you and being a source of embarrassment. At least I hope he is lying to you, if you are aware of his phony address and condone it as one of your department heads, that is even worse.
Pedro, I sincerely hope you pay attention to some of this. There are plenty of people in our great City bothered by your impending implosion. The same people would step up to help you in a heartbeat though because we believe in the potential of Hartford. Many of us still hold out hope that the spark of leadership can be ignited in you and see you become what we had hoped for in our next Mayor a couple years ago,.
The first step though is to get some people around you that truly have your back and support you and love this City as much as you claim you do