Sunday, May 29, 2016


This is a sight I would like to see a lot more often. An illegal dirt bike that was operating off road in Colt's Park was seized today by HPD. The operator had the misfortune of trying to race through the park and stalling his bike in front of a South CSO. HPD closed in, the bike was seized and towed, and hopefully , after legislation that was passed this last session, it will be headed for the crusher.

I attend a lot of community meetings throughout the City. I have never once heard someone say they were considering moving because they were fed up over shootings or even homicides ( both of which are on the decline this year) I have heard plenty of people say they are fed up with the noise and the danger presented on our streets by illegal dirt bikes and ATV''s.

They are a menace pure and simple  and a definitely an adverse quality of life issues. Unfortunately, this one dirt bike is only one of thousands of them on our streets. More efforts like this one though will  gfo a lonbg ways toward sending a message. A well publicized "community crushing" will also help.

These ATV's are a huge thorn in the side of HPD, but a few weekends of  directed patrols to combat this nuisance will definitely help. Unmarked vehicles to track  the offenders , and maybe putting a few hours on a Homeland Security chopper will send a real strong message.

In the mean time,HPD has to make a concerted effort to respond to the community complaints when they are reported. If the community is going to be encouraged to report the where abouts of these ATV's, they deserve a response. Their reports can not just be logged in and cleared by a dispatcher because HPD is busy. They need to be a priority before someone, either an illegal operator or an  innocent driver or pedestrian is killed

In the meantime, good job to all  HPD Officers getting this ATV on the hook  and out of the Park.


  1. Hopefully, the first of many.

    1. The bike should not be crushed it isn't the governments property the rider was out having to much fun it should be returned to him.

  2. How dare you mention moving from this wonderful little Towne of Hartford where all the picket fences are newly painted white and the town's people gayly rush off to work in the morning eager to work another day at the keypunch machine or typewriter factorie in order to bring home Friday's pay for the weekend heroin splurge. No, I'm staying.

  3. Let's expand this to confiscating cars driven recklessly on City streets. Cars are at least, if not more, dangerous than ATVs.

  4. As of June 5th no more "community policing"May 30, 2016 at 10:16 AM

    First off state law needs to change stating we can chase motorcycles. In doing so then we can chase these savages wherever they go. Second off these savages who ride the dirtbikes and atvs know we cant chase them. Which is why they ride around all day and we do nothing. Thirdly when people call into dispatch to report the dirtbikes all they tell our dispatchers is "hey theres about 30 dirtbikes going north on main st from asylum ave". This occurs approximately 30 to 50 times a day depending on the weather. Very useless information and rarely does anyone in patrol goes around chashing a pack of dirtbikes and atvs due to violations in policy and state law. Very very rarely do people call in to say my neighbor is riding and storing a atv or dirtbike at this address. If this were to happen and the officer sees this person riding said dirtbike then its off to jail and dirtbike gets towed away. Now more than likely this fine outsatnding citizen will get a promise to appear, then go grab the title to the bike and head back down to the tow yard where he will pay 109$ and get the bike back. The entire system is a joke. And in the end the City of Hartford does not want any cop chasing these dirtbikes in a marked or unmarked car.
    Btw the unmarked car might seem like a good idea but try following a pack of 30 guys doing 60 mph down main st going through red lights and over sidewalks. Not possible. Youll stick out like a sore thumb to the pack and they will immediately recognize you as a cop in seconds.

    Let these idiots ride the streets till they solve their own problems when they run the wrong red light.

  5. Yup and when the first ATV or Dirt bike crashes from a Police pursuit it's why those pigs such a bid deal about it, the city gets sued for millions and cop gets FIred because he violated pursuit policy. It's a lot more than just caring Kevin and you know that. luckily this bike stalled otherwise it would still be creating a disturbance.

  6. @1016

    You hit the nail on the head. It is dangerous when they drive like Konan and the Savages. But to understand that state law forbids pursuit makes me want to buy an ATV and flaunt and race past the law. Shit man, I would have done that when I was a kid. Now I am old boy, what a riot to burn out of my driveway and team up with a bunch - no, gang of seniors and lighting up the town. Come on boys, let's book.

  7. Anonymous @1016

    I'm with you! But are we leaving before or after Nap Time?

  8. Hey 3:01 pm,,your probably uninformed about the ages and demographics of riders. They are ADULT men in their 20s,30s and 40s. Mostly black and Hispanic . So one more uncivilized behavior that no one can blame on the "suburbanites" . Also, the teens and pre teens are doing the same thing on bicycles so this lawbreaking will be passed from generation to generation just like all the other ills of Hartfords society.

  9. @12:48

    After nappy. Have a cold glass of milk spiked with vodka and out the door baby. The old wrinkled gang out for a spin. Ya baby, catch me if you dare, fuzz. Is that what they still call cops? fuzz?

  10. Anon @12:48

    I'll pass on the Vodka, & I'd prefer a Vanilla shake.
    I don't know what other people call cops, I call them "Sir" or Ma'am", if I have to interact with them.

  11. Unfortunately #Broninshartford regime believes in second chances. . . With that being said where's Perez's second chance? Start the wash cycle on the second floor of city hall. The most change should be in the payroll at city hall. As for the quads and dirt bikes. . . I doubt he has the balls to regulate bikelife860

  12. The community is complaining but the complaints are falling on deaf ears. #Broninshartford has decimated Hartford's community policing plan. Years of community connection and bridging gaps throw out the window. Kevin, please drive around the city's major arteries and see the amount of people just hanging out in the streets. But watch out for dirtbikes and ATV's zipping by you. Proactive police work and community policing? What a joke that is now.

  13. Whats going on with all the changes in HPD? Does anyone know? I'm hearing the place is upside down. Do tell.

  14. Sounds like HPD needs some drones.

  15. And public streets are not his to do as he wishes
