Susan Campbell of the Hartford Courant has the following e-mail text on her blog at courant.com. Apparently this e-mail was sent to Stephen Adamowski, Hartford's Superintendent of Schools:
I feel compelled to contact you directly about an ongoing problem at the school that the school staff has been unable to rectify. For the last three weeks, the girls' and boys' bathrooms have been without toilet paper and paper towels. In addition, I found out recently that they have been without soap, too.
The teachers have made numerous requests to the custodial staff and office, and the problem has not been resolved. I discussed the situation with the office more than a week ago, and they said they'd look into it. When I approached the office last week about the continuing problem, the receptionist told me that they had no more money in the budget and that the custodial staff was doing the best that they could.
I find that unacceptable; these are necessary supplies and not optional!
I'm hoping you can provide immediate funds to purchase these basic supplies for these kids. To accommodate, the teachers have taken paper towels from the staff bathrooms and have torn off little pieces for the girls to use. The boys have to think ahead if they want toilet paper. Hands are rinsed, without soap, and then shaken to dry.
Not only is this humiliating to some of the children and an inconvenience to both the students and teachers, but it is also unsanitary. This is especially troubling at a time when sanitary practices have been advised in order to maintain a healthy public during the swine flu outbreak.
On behalf of the students and the school, I ask for your help with handling this budget issue. Three weeks without these basic items has been too long already. Please let me know what will be done to remedy this situation as soon as possible. This shouldn't continue another day.
Have we now reached a new low for the Hartford School System? Why is it that we can still afford expensive travel and high priced political puppets employed by the Hartford School system, yet we can't afford essential toilet paper? Maybe Dr. Adamowski might consider giving up his $750.00 a month car allowance and buy toilet paper and hand soap for the students instead.
UPDATE: Just a thought, maybe we could recycle King Eddie's budget documents and quarterly budget reports, about all they are good for is wiping your ......oops, sorry, my frustration with Hartford's mismanagement showing through
They should have seen this coming. When centralized purchasing at Buildings and Grounds was moved to the schools, they lost the ability to shift supplies that over ordered to those in need.
Principals do not have the experience or time to determine how much paper or wax or other supplies they need.
This my friend is nothing new .the custodians that worked in the hartford schools system for year knew this would be a problem but they failed to listen.Prinicipals donot listen to what we have to say and would rather spend their money on other things like paint for the lunchroom because Steven and Eddie were coming to the school......
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