Since beginning this blog, I have put my thoughts together on numerous issues and shared them with anyone having enough free time to read them. Some serious, some lighthearted, some tongue-in-cheek, but none as important as the thoughts I'm trying to put together here. I keep wondering how President Lincoln felt as he sat down and wrote the Gettysburg Address, did he realize how he would affect the history of our country? Did he think his thoughts penned on a piece paper would become one of the most quoted speeches in history?
As I think about President Lincoln's thoughts, several words keep repeating over and over, "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth". And then I think back to our city, a city that many of us, no, probably the majority of us, still love and still believe in. With all of its flaws, all of its imperfections and what many see now as a total lack of leadership, we still believe. Maybe part of this comes from being a Red Sox fan, but just when you think things can't get any worse, that rally spirit kicks in and you decide to fight back and turn a loss into a win. I for one am not ready to give up on Hartford, its people, or its potential. I am tired though of corruption, criminal investigations, back door deals, two-faced politicians,self serving people ready to feed at the trough funded by us and people who have a definition of transparency not found in any dictionary I've ever read.
The time for us as a city to say "enough is enough" has arrived. Although many are posturing to run for Mayor, most are going to hopefully have to answer some tough questions about their past performances when they had a chance to make a difference and chose instead to support business as usual at City Hall. Those that publicly said they support transparency and don't support backroom deals, yet quickly walk through the door into the backroom and slam it in the public's face, hoping that no one will notice. Those that speak out in favor of Democracy, yet do the opposite and ignore the "democratic process" by slamming their deals through because "they are the Democrats and they have the majority".
Hartford has suffered for over eight years now under this type of government. Not only implemented by a "strong Mayor" but aided and abetted by a City Council, less one councilman, who allowed the reign of terror at City Hall to exist. People that are in fear of their careers if they speak out, people that have allowed corruption to exist because they feared the repercussions if they spoke out. Council people that have been beaten down so bad they now argue about subpoenas to get public documents. The list could go on and on but anyone familiar with Hartford gets the point. So let me get to my point.
A little over 3 years ago I received a call from someone I knew of, but didn't really know personally. J. Stan McCauley called me and said he was considering a run for Mayor in 2007, he noticed at the time I was on the Republican Town Committee, and he wanted to know what I thought. After catching my breath again from the laughing spell that anyone thought they could get elected as a Republican ( just kidding, I wasn't that rude, but I think I did tell him he was crazy)I asked him to give me a day or two to think about it. After sitting down and talking to him, I liked what he had to say, he had a very calm and reassuring demeanor, actually put a lot of thought into his vision for Hartford, and just seemed like a decent guy and a potential leader. Unfortunately, 2007 wasn't Stan's year to begin leading the city. Even after a loss to a Mayor under investigation for corruption allegations, facing potential arrests which would soon become a reality, Stan didn't give up. Stan's message didn't change, he didn't drop out of sight, and he didn't give up on Hartford. If anything, his commitment seemed to grow stronger. He has persevered, and unlike many in positions of power in Hartford, he has worked tirelessly to move his vision of "1 Hartford" forward. A city that thrives and moves forward unified, rather than a city that stumbles and fails by those that try to divide it for their own gain.
On Monday, October 5, 2009 at 3:00PM on the steps of Hartford City Hall, J. Stan McCauley will announce his second candidacy for the Office of Mayor of the City of Hartford. This time will hopefully be much different as a new era of leadership in Hartford begins. No more corruption, no more shutting the public out, no more backroom deals. But rather, people willing to roll up their sleeves and do the backbreaking work to take back our city from the politicians who have nearly run it into the ground. People that are willing to step up and do the right thing for all the right reasons, forgetting about how it will benefit them personally, but rather thinking only about what is best for the City we love. We can do it, but it is not going to happen without the good people of Hartford stepping up and making a bold and clear statement,"Enough is enough and we are taking our city back". The clean sweep of Hartford City Government begins now and we need every one's help. I understand that many are afraid to speak out under this administration, but the opportunity to change is in your hands. Are you willing to accept politics as usual or are you willing to be part of the solution? Please join us as we start the clean sweep and begin to restore Hartford to what it once was and what we know it can be once again. A city that once again will be the destination for people from across the region to visit as an entertainment destination, not a city to be feared for violent crime. A city that understands what true economic development means and realizes that small business is the engine that drives successful cities, not a city that taxes small business out of existence due to out of control spending. A city that has a respectful relationship with our Governor and state officials, realizing that the majority of our budget is funded through the State of Connecticut's coffers. A city where the Mayor and city officials spend the majority of their time making Hartford a better place, not spending time testifying before Grand Jury hearings and attending court proceedings. A city where every idea and every thought is valued, not shouted down and dissenters "squashed like bugs".
I would ask anyone and everyone that is available to attend, please stop by and listen to Stan speak about his ideas for leading Hartford and its people forward. Whether you know Stan McCauley or not, whether you support Stan McCauley yet or not, whether you are registered to vote yet or not, all I ask is that you listen and then make your decision. Are you satisfied with politics as usual in Hartford, or are you ready to support a change?
"All that we're asking, is give Stan a chance" hopefully you sang that like a Beatles tune. I couldn't be completely serious for too long. Remember, Monday at 3:00PM at Hartford City Hall, if you support Stan, great, if you want to hear what he's about, even better, if you want to be a part of the change, excellent.
And remember those famous words by President Lincoln "this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." It begins with you. Thanks
Hartford, are you listening? Very thoughtful Kevin, thank you.
Didn't Stan just switch parties and become a Democrat? Is that because he believes in what the Dems stand for, or just because he has no chance to get elected as a Republican? And if the latter, isn't that just more opportunism at work?
Anonymous 2:
Calling it what it is, "opportunism", can't beat 'em, join 'em. Same bunch of malarkey that all politicians stand for.
Umm I say instead of focusing on the government to change, why don't we just start making the changes and force them to follow along.
I think people forget there is more of us then them. We are the ones who really should be controlling our city and government. But instead we have greedy people taking our money letting gangs like MS 13 come in and kill our family and friends, and lets not forget making companies pay them half of what the company is making if they want to stay alive.
Sorry just me rambling, I think we should really take back our city and not rely on a government to do so.
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