Many people thought that the Hartford City Council was actually stepping up to one of the challenges facing them, but in the end they adjourned with their tails between their legs.
With several resolutions on the agenda intended to investigate, curtail or question the Corporation Counsel, John Rose, not one word of discussion was uttered and the items were all postponed.
In the end, Rose, and several of his staff members who were in attendance, left secure in their positions. Although Attorney Rose has a hard time winning any cases outside the building, inside City Hall he still reigns supreme.
Maybe city council figures it's just easier and quieter if Mayor Segarra replaces John Rose once Eddie goes to jail in two months. That or he might just outsource the entire legal department again.
The only reason Eddie initiated corruption council is so he could bring the legal department in house and hire a spineless person like Rose to make his puppet. Eddie tells Rose to fight for the Giles slate and Giles make sure Eddie is the next democratic nominee. What a nice arrangement the state prosecutors will be busting up in May.
With due respect to Dr. D, who introduced the no-confidence motion and to Ken Kennedy, who wanted to go into executive session, what was the point? Even if you put together the 5 votes and passed the vote of no confidence, so what? The fact the council hired its own attorney already made that statement and unless you can put together 7 votes, Rose stays. Why go into executive session? To talk about John Rose's performance? Unless you have 7 votes it's irrelevant what some on council think and in any case most people on council have made their opinion known one way or the other already in public. This is a good example of our so-called leaders wasting time and political capital when they should be focussed on our finances, crime, etc.
Mr. Brookman, the council is not the appointing authority, it is the mayor. What could the council do other than state their displeasure, which they have done at least a half dozen times. The fact is that the Corporation Counsel responds to the Mayor, because there are three on Council that support the Mayor and would prevent an impeachment (assuming there are grouds for impeachment: Rose would just argue that he was following the mayors orders)Give the council some credit for trying: That he smells like Rose doesnt mean he smells like a rose: he now has the distinct honor of being the first Corporation Counsel to have these many resolutions introduced at any one meeting, have council remove him from their chambers, hire an outside attorney to give opinions, and loose their confidence for him, whether they impeach or not.
If roses are red, and violets are blue; When it comes to Rose he doesnt have a clue.
"This is a good example of our so-called leaders wasting time and political capital when they should be focused on our finances, crime, etc." Took the words right out of my mouth. Brookman, can you research Councilman Kennedy's resolution for the past year? I would love to see how many resolutions he has authored which deal with every day people's concerns.
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