In what may become an all too familiar image of Mayor Perez,sitting in a courtroom fighting for his freedom, the Courant ran the above photo today along with an editorial calling for Perez to "step aside".
To read the entire editorial, click here
Today's editorial was a far cry from their editorial endorsement for Perez's re-election in 2007. The big question is what has changed between now and then. Other than the arrests actually taking place, most of the accusations and information was pretty much known in 2007.
Apparently the editors at the Courant have seen the light. In describing Perez today, they claim he suffers from a "Superman complex" and is a Mayor who "doesn't delegate well". No breaking new there. The only difference is that in the past he suffered from a "Napoleon complex" , now he has risen to the level of the Man of Steel and is suffering from a "Superman complex".
Better late than never I guess.
I'm sure the Hartford Courant didn't forget about the time the Mayor rallied in front of their office about how people should boycott their newspaper. Pay back time.
He should have resigned months ago...
In today's Hartford Courant article Ms Holloway prefeced Lou Watkins as one of 2 main mentors for her going foward with her chairmaniship.Mr Watkins the Vice Chair of the party is under investigation we are told by the feds for his role with Diggs Construction Company.Part of Ms Holloways job as Chair is to inspire the troops..and her bringing Lou up front and center will not inspire the troops as they learn of Lou's problems and why should anyone be brought up front and center with ethical and possible criminal issues?
The first quotes by Ms Holloway,as seen in todays paper, offers the party no vision and says nothing about the corruption that Hartford has faced for years nor does she offer us her opinion about Mayor Perez's situation.All she says is that the party ought to "work harder".It takes insiring leaders to motivate the troops to "work harder" and bringing Mr Wadkins up front and center will not accomplish thath.
The only change within the Hartford party is that a new set of criminals and corrupt people has been raised into leadership,along with some enablers.
Eddie will not resign now. He will using it as tool in any plea agreement. Why give away your only 'Ace' before the trail starts
Not sure how Eddie can use this in a plea agreement. The second he makes such an agreement and pleads guilty, he's going to be out regardless. I can't see the state reducing these charges to misdemeanors. He's going to have to cop to at least one felony -- most likely the bribery with the extortion being dropped and minimal jail time in a country club prison.
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