It would be easy to be sarcastic regarding testimony today that Eddie Perez suffers from Dyslexia. In respect to those who actually suffer from the affliction, I will not be sarcastic at this point.
As one who has watched Eddie Perez read his scripted remarks for years, I would agree that he is a terrible public speaker. Has he appeared to have a problem reading the remarks? I would say no. I am far from an expert on the topic, but people suffering from Dyslexia usually have long pauses as they attempt to make sense and unscramble the printed word in their minds.
Eddie just seems to have a problem reading, not making sense of what he is reading.
Unlike Democratic candidate for Governor Dan Malloy, who has been upfront about his education issues and his dyslexia diagnosis, this appears to be a last minute diagnosis by a desperate Chief of Staff. It would be interesting to see if any documentation is available to confirm this diagnosis by an actual medical professional.
The other sad part about this is the total lack of trust in anything said by Perez or his administration. When Dan Malloy speaks about his dealing with dyslexia over the years, no one questions it. When Perez's Chief of Staff mentioned dyslexia in the courtroom today as an excuse for Perez not reading his e-mails, her claim was immediately suspect.
Maybe the Perez staff has been reading and taking notes from Malloy's life experiences. Mayor Perez, you are no Dan Malloy.
If it is true, Perez has done a good job of hiding a disability that there is no reason to hide. If it is a concocted attempt to sway a jury, it just adds to the list of Perez's despicable traits.
It is too bad that the Mayor's credibility has sunk so low that we now have to ask for proof of his disability claims.
Dyslexia is reversing the order of things in your mind. It comes in many forms and degrees, from speech, reading or writing. I have it only when I write. I sometimes switch the order of letters in words in my mind but instantly realize it when I read it back to myself.
So far I've been lucky because my dyslexia hasn't lead me to committing any crimes yet.
I suspect the only dyslexia Eddie has is how his mind places in orders who he represents as an elected official.
What a crock of mierda. Why wouldn't he have mentioned this while he was "fixing" the school system??? P.S. What does dyslexia have to do with criminal acts? So, then his staff who read and/or responded to the e-mails are the real criminals???
The state still gets to call its rebuttal witnesses. Rest assured this "dyslexia defense" will backfire on Eddie making him look like even more of a lier, if that's possible.
Here's a question -- if Eddie has dyslexia and can't read his emails, why did he need a "Willie Nunez" private email account, for his eyes only? His eyes, according to him, can't read.
what a crock of shyt...the Mayor and his cronies are shameless.
Wow! I thought Hubie was a decent lawyer, but this is pathetic. I thought he would have something slick up his sleeve, but if this is the best he can do on day one, Eddie's in big trouble.
The Willie Nunes e-mail is a great point. If he couldn't read the "Eddie Perez" e-mails, he must have had a real tough time trying to focus on Willie's e-mails as well.
But on the other hand does anyone buy it?
Well, when you decide to use dyslexia as your defense as to why you can't read maybe you should think about the countless speeches you've given on camera reading from a paper. This is just the first one I found on google. I'm sure there's even better ones of him reading word for word in one of his many recorded speeches.
regarding the Willie Nunez emails, wasn't Kelvin in charge of that account?
Read the Courant today. Hennessey says e-mails were printed out for the mayor. WTF? If he couldn't read them in electronic form he couldn't read them in hard copy format either. Hubie should have concocted the PTSD defense; that is, Eddie having flash backs to his gang days... That would have been more believeable.
Eddie, your team is ruining your legacy. Pick up what little pride you have left, do your time and move on with your life.
Good point -- call Roldan as a rebuttal witness. He can confirm his grand jury testimony that he forwarded the Nunez emails, unread, to Eddie ... who apparently could not read them.
the prosecutors can subpoena eddie's job applications at SINA and Trinity where he should have written down any medical issues he has.In addition a nice subpoena to his PCP would be in order..one wonders if his doctor has Dyslexia in his medical notes from Eddie...I guess not.The other thing, as a Trinity graduate it would be interesting to note if Eddie memorialized the Dyslexia in the college application and whether he ever applied for any special help because of it. My guess is that there is no mention of Dyslexia in his college application and that he never received any special help in college.
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