"HE'S NOT A CRIMINAL", those were the words uttered by a woman outside of Hartford Superior Court who identified herself as the "fiancee" of Clifton West, the 18 year old accused of shooting a Hartford Police Officer Friday night at Mather and Brook Streets.
"He's not a criminal". The fact that anyone could utter those words under these circumstances amazes me. What would the "fiancee" like us to use to describe her future husband. Maybe another misguided youth finding his way on Hartford's streets? Maybe as we so often hear after such incidents he was a good kid, just starting to turn his life around?
No, it seems pretty clear cut, anyone that would aim a gun at a police officer and pull the trigger is definitely a CRIMINAL, and a criminal of the worst kind. All moral character is gone when an individual, a CRIMINAL, can shoot at a police officer.
I'm not trying to trivialize any of the other shootings that happen in Hartford on a daily basis, but it just seems that someone who would shoot a police officer is capable of just about anything. Police Officers are the symbols of what keeps our society the somewhat civilized structure we expect.
If West could shoot a police officer under such circumstances, is there any doubt he would not hesitate to pump a few rounds into anyone else that got in his way. That is the mind set that seems to grasp a small group of young people roaming Hartford's streets and the senseless gun violence has ruined many lives, 18 year old Clifton West's included. I hope his "fiancee" doesn't have any hopes of a large wedding anytime soon
On another note...certain pro large corporation Hartford Democrats are putting together a 3rd party called " A Hartford Party" to run in the next municipal elections, to knock out what they believe are unstable and non-allies in Larry Duetsch and Luis Cotto.Cotto and Deustch's crimes, according to James Mullarkey are that they are too liberal and unpredictible and they have not paid enough due deferance to the large corporations. Meetings to discuss this have been at Thom Page's house and in attendance have been Page,Kennelly,Mullarkey,DiBella and others.The Party Chair,who is represented by Attorney Thom Page in a personal foreclosure action knows about this and has blessed it..Attorney Page himself is a defendant in a legal mal-practice action in which he has been sued personally and professionally just a few months ago.in addition the conspirators have recruited Minnie,Ramon and Carbone to this effort.
Mr James Mullarkey seems to be a key to the effort to form a new 3rd Party as he is the Treasurer of the Party...and a Federle supporter ( he gave money to Federle) None of the aforesaid are happy with the WFP's progressive edge nor are they happy with the fact that the 2 council people dont "fall in line" under the leadership of those mentioned above.The aforesaid mean to have a more "business oriented" and "conservative"3rd Party capable of getting money for their primary and general election from the large downtown corporations.One believes that after a win these political operatives who would be meeting with the downtown corporate elite will then " receive their marching orders" in the governance of Hartford.
The above comment is true.
The executive committee of the democratic town committee the other night openly discussed creating a new more pro business large corporation municipal 3rd party to replace an unpredictible Working Families Party.Attending that meeting,and blessing the creation was, Jean Holloway,Nick Tom Page,John Kennelly,James Mullarkey and Nick Carbone.
please explain what any of these comments have to do with the blog you wrote Kevin Im confused. This sounds like Sean still is not over it along side his ********* (fill in the blank)
Mr anonymous what part of " on another note" dont you understand?
On another note...Kevin Brookman suffered a stroke last night after the debates in Hartford. He is recuperating at Hartford Hospital for anyone who wants to send some well wishes. I don't know about visitor privileges, so people should call ahead of time if anyone wants to visit.
Is this true? Did Brookman have a stroke?
Fellow blog readers,
Kevin emailed me today and does not have access to his computer so asked me to post this.
He had a stroke last night and is at Hartford Hospital today. Docs are saying it was caught in time and he should have no permanent effects but they will know more later.
Wishing you a quick and smooth recovery Kevin.
Kevin...I pray for your speedy recovery....
Amen to that. Kevin, take care of yourself and get the medical treatment and rest you need. Hartford is better off for having you around, but I think we all want you to make a full recovery and be with us for a long time rather than try to rush back into your life and compromise your health.
Dear all,
Kevin is doing well. He is in Hartford Hospital under doctor's supervision. While there is concern about his condition, he is in good spirits and is expected to be released by the end of the week.
Kevin is not only a vital member of our team effort to turn Hartford around, he is a dear friend. All of us at One Hartford, and Team McCauley ask that those of you the know the power of prayer will pray for Kevin's speedy recovery.
Get well Kevin,
J. Stan McCauley
Lew and I are praying for you Kevin and have put you on our Church's prayer list as well. We are very grateful for you and for the dedication you have to our city. Get well soon and take care of yourself. Robin and Lew
Get well soon, Kevin. Hartford needs you.
Kevin I am saddened to hear the news of your medical condition. We are all praying for a speedy and complete recovery. Rest easy.
Best wishes to you, Kevin. You are truly cared about by so many of us who have never even met you but who appreciate all you do.
Please keep us posted on Kevin's progress. He is well thought of.
Dear Kevin,
We wish you a complete and speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
I am shocked and saddened to hear about Kevin. I knew he was in the hospital recently for something else.
Kevin, my prayers are with you. Keep the faith. We need you back doing what you do so well.
Talk to you soon.
Kevin: I wish you a speedy recovery. The new administration DOES need you to keep it on its toes. According to Jenna Carlesso's Cityline blog in the Courant, Mayor Segarra appointed Sandra Kee Borges as Corporation Counsel. There may or may not be an issue w/ this appointment in that Sandra was previously employed by the city as City Manager. I believe she "retired" from the City and is currently collecting a pension. At some point in time I believe City Council adopted a resolution and/or the muni code was changed to say there would be no more "double dipping" by rehiring people who had previously retired. Just a little something for you to research once you are feeling well again... Again, wishing you a speedy recovery.
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