Just a quick thought. When was the last time you can recall a Hartford Mayor proudly standing with the latest graduates from the Hartford Police Academy? I can't recall anytime in the last few years.
Mayor Segarra, Councilman Torres, Chief Roberts and members of his command staff with the latest 32 Hartford police officers hitting the streets after their graduation July 2, 2010.
Congratulations to the latest to join the ranks of Hartford's finest. Say hello if you see them on the streets (they will be the nervous looking officers actually wearing their hats)
WTF is Torres doing in that photo?
Obviously Torres is just a hockey puck who goes in the direction he's push. Perez wouldn't be caught dead in a photo like this hence Torres would not either.
Now a real Mayor is in office who cares and in pops this spineless puppet. His presence in this photo makes me sick to my stomach.
Come on, don't hold back, please tell us what you really think.
You don't think as chair of the Council's Public Safety Committee Councilman Torres has gone out of his way to make sure HPD is the best it can be and provide all the support possible? Could that be why the PD isn't even provided with enough vehicles to patrol the city properly?
Torres was a collaborator of Felon Perez's and belongs in jail with him.I personally believe that he knew what Eddie was doing but looked the other way and didnt give a sh#t.
Torres is a spineless wishy washy p___y. When he was Asst Director of the former "Social Services" Dept before its reincarnation as HHS, he never took a stand. However, he made sure that his elderly mother got top shelf services from the Dept's elderly services division. Oh, yeah, and there was the time that his son's girlfriend needed help and he used his influence to forgo the usual appointment process to get her seen by one of the dept's social workers... He is also gonna be a double dipper. He is collecting a city pension from his retirement as Asst. Director and is working on a second one as a council person. And they talk about "corporate welfare". P.S. He was brought to CT by his mentor Hernan LaFontaine, who as Kevin pointed out wrote a delusional op/ed piece for the Courant @ the time of the dishonorable former mayor's conviction. Just to give you all some more background...
Margarita, don't go thinking you're all innocent either. Go read a bible somewhere and read that passage about casting stones. We know about you.
I also believe that Mildred Torres mentored Cal.
To Mr. and/or Ms. Anonymous: At least Margarita had the pantalones to sign her name...
To Edgar: Margarita is a pentecost, so she can't wear pantalones. She wears faldas.
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