Perez and Blumenthal at the Arch Street Tavern, most likely after the 2007 Mayoral election (photo from Jeff Cohen's blog)
You can read the filing below, but Connecticut's Attorney General has filed suit to revoke the pension of Hartford's former Mayor Eddie Perez. Perez was convicted on five felony charges related to corrupt activities at Hartford City hall and was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
Perez Pension Suit
This is the outcome for any future politicians who betray their oath of office and the public's trust.
I hope the AG's office prosecutes this to the fullest extent of the law.There can be no deals with criminals.
The judge might award Eddie's wife his pension for her dramatic acting during court, like an Oscar.
Anonymous said... 7:08PM
"The judge might award Eddie's wife his pension for her dramatic acting during court, like an Oscar."
Papi you know what we call people like you; MIERDA.
What is the point of taking the pension from him and awarding it to his family? What, his family won't let him touch it? Might as well let him keep it if you are going to do that.
Maybe the AG's office will when they have someone worth something in office. ANY PERSON NO MATTER WHAT CAREER, TITLE OR ANYTHING ELSE, that is scum, lies, cheats etc... anyone should be prosecuted to the fullest extent, does not matter if they are a Judge, senator, governor, LAWYER etc...IF YOUR A CRIMINAL YOU SHOULD BE PUNISHED.
Just my opinion, not withstanding Maria's performance in the court room, if one reads the arrest affidavits one will realize that Maria is the one who cancelled the countertop order @ the Home Depot. As far as I am concerned, she is just as culpable as Eddie and does NOT deserve the city pension. If she is totally and permanently disabled then she can collect SSI or Social Security Disability payments. Oh, and she could go on Craig's list to sell the "dark emperor" countertops.
P.S. to the Anonymous post who said: "Papi you know what we call people like you; MIERDA." To you I say, what WE THE PEOPLE call people like you, Eddie and Maria, is Sinverguenza.
she is just as culpable as Eddie and does NOT deserve the city pension
I didn't pay close attention, but that's the way it seems to me.
Also, agree; anonymous totally without verguenza.
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