The following Press Release was posted on the blog yesterday, and at I first I thought it had to be a joke. But surprisingly, it is not. I verified its authenticity with the Legislature's Press Office this afternoon.
For IMMEDIATE Release Contact: Alberto Negron
December 16, 2010 (860) 240-8518
Representative Kelvin Roldán (D-Hartford) - In response to recent scandals in communities like Hartford and Shelton, State Representative Kelvin Roldán announced today that he will introduce legislation this session to prevent municipal contractors from giving expensive gifts to town officials and prevent politicians from padding their pensions while in office.
The first piece of legislation will prevent town and board of education officials from receiving anything of value exceeding $100 in a calendar year from a municipal contractor, prospective contractor or individual with matters before a planning and zoning commission. Towns with a functioning ethics commission may set a lower gift threshold. The second piece of legislation will prevent local town councils from using taxpayer funds to enhance the pensions of elected officials during their terms in office, as has been the practice of the General Assembly.
The pension padding ban is in response to pension enhancement offered this year by the administration of Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra which will allow two elected city officials, including a city councilwoman arrested in a corruption investigation, to retire during their terms in office with pension enhancements that will cost city taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars.
“It is stunning that in these difficult financial times that a city administration would make it a priority to pad the pensions of elected politicians with tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars while residents are faced with the potential for drastic cuts in city services and increased taxes. Elected officials must put the needs of the people they serve before the financial well being of their fellow politicians.” Roldán stated.
The gift ban legislation is in response to scandals in Hartford, Shelton and other communities where developers and municipal contractors have provided expensive gifts to municipal officials.
“There is no uniform rule across the state on how to deal with gifts from contractors to municipal officials that control hundreds of millions of dollars in local contracts. The fact is that expensive gifts from contractors to municipal officials can create the appearance of undue influence in awarding bids or rendering decisions. After years of debating this issue, the State of Connecticut needs to set unambiguous bright line that will provide clear guidance to local officials and the public about the acceptable standards for behavior in this area,” Rep. Roldán said.
Does anyone else see the irony in this?
Roldan owes both his political career and his professional career to corruption,courtesy of Hartford's former Mayor, now convicted felon, Eddie Perez.
Roldan would have never been elected to the State Legislature without Perez and definitely would not have had a $120,000 a year plus position created for him in the Hartford Schools without Perez.
And for those not familiar with Roldan, I don't believe he has ever once made a statement regarding his personal puppet master, Eddie A. Perez, or his corrupt administration, his arrests, his trial or even his conviction. Yet Roldan is able to now come out swinging against corrupt officials, singling out Perez's successor Mayor Pedro Segarra.
I don't disagree with Roldan that public money should not be used to pad the pensions of elected officials "including a city councilwoman arrested in a corruption investigation". But isn't it interesting that someone who never spoke out the entire time of Perez's reign now is able to take shots at Mayor Segarra. I guess it is safe to assume Roldan is not working on the Segarra campaign.
It's also interesting to me that Roldan must be well aware that he is not on solid ground when it comes to the stability of his seat in the General Assembly. Roldan came within a handful of votes of losing his last election. Not a good sign of strength for someone running against a convicted felon.
Roldan's actions would seem more legitimate if there was some consistency to his moves. To now take a stand against corruption, the same corruption he has benefited from, seems to just be another example of Hartford's spineless "leaders" who never miss an opportunity to grandstand.
believe once in a while...
He's trying Dog...
Don't hate him for trying, he got elected. Your dear friend did not...
The pot calls the kettle black.Roldan and Segarra are peas in a pod...
Why do you have so much hate for Latinos? Kevin Roldan is a professionaland highly educated person.
I dont have "hate" for Latino's, only those Latino's that are crooks,corrupt or enablers of same.Why dont you have the spine to condem corrupt Latino politicians?
Roldan has been proven to be corrupt;
1. He was eddies bag man as an aide to him.
2. he was involved in the secret and notorious " willie nunez email account in city hall.
3. he received a no show 120k job at the BOE
4. he has absolutely no political drawing power in his district...he won 2 rerun elections back to back..one against a known felon and predator.
5. he doesnt even live in the district that he represents..he is living with his girlfriend, the daughter of Atty Bart Halloran in the complex known as "Hartford 21", out of his district.
Pedro is every bit as corrupt as Eddie....within the last 3 months he has befriended the Eddie "team" and absorbed them.
Pedro's new contract with the notorious Art Feltman and David Publin for his election campaign, wont bode well or win any sympathy in Hartford. Nor will hiring a non-resident without sufficient experience to be his chief of staff.
Why does everything have to be about race? Do you think he got where he did on merit? And in case you aren't a regular reader, I'm an equal opportunity critic when I disagree with something. To the best of my knowledge, others who also moved up the ladder because of Perez and his corrupt operation but did very little for the residents of Hartford, included a few "non-hispanics" that I have written about here.
Maybe you need to open your eyes and look at issues without being blinded by race. Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of ones national heritage
For those interested in just a flavor of Kevin's deadbeat past, please check the judicial branch website and look at these cases:
for those looking at Tom Page's deadbeat past, go to the same website.
Also John Kennelly has a deadbeat past and is fathering a bastid child.
I guess I don't understand the proposed legislation, particularly the second. But, they seem innocuous enough.
As to first, does Kelvin think that it's ok for Veronica to get $100 worth of work on her kitchen but not $300? Does he think that Veronica would not have been prosecuted if she'd taken $100 and lied about it to investigators? And, by my reading the acceptance of any gift from one doing business with the city is already a violation of the ethics code (Sec. 2-902(A))
As to second, if the object is to prevent elected officials from receiving "early" retirement I'm on board unless it can be demonstrated that there is the faintest possibility for a municipality to save money by doing offering it. I'd think that the council could make the necessary changes without being required by the State to do so, but probably unrealistic expectation. Not sure what is meant by "enhance the pensions of elected officials during their terms in office" language in Mr. Roldan's press release. In that regard, as with the "exceptional service increment" matter from last year, I'd have consideration given to Ct. Constitution :ARTICLE ELEVENTH. SEC. 2. "Neither the general assembly nor any county, city, borough, town or school district shall have power to pay or grant any extra compensation to any public officer, employee, agent or servant, or increase the compensation of any public officer or employee, to take effect during the continuance in office of any person whose salary might be increased thereby, or increase the pay or compensation of any public contractor above the amount specified in the contract."
Honest Abe, Kelvin does not live with his girlfriend and she does not live at Hartford 21. Your statements might hold more weight if you get your facts straight.
Mr/Miss Anonymous 11:37 AM...
He sure does live with his girl friend...his 4th distrct address is merely a cover.He has been seen going to his girl friend's place 7 out of 7 nights last week...which is Hartford 21...nice try though.
Honest Abe, you are WRONG!! I know his girlfriend and Kelvin does not live with her nor does she live at Hartford 21.
I don't know who your so called sources are but I suggest you find new ones. They are giving you wrong information and your continuous repeating of it greatly reduces your credibility while simultaneously making you look a fool.
December 19, 2010 11:37 AM
Anonymous Honest Abe said...
Mr/Miss Anonymous 11:37 AM...
He sure does live with his girl friend...his 4th distrct address is merely a cover.He has been seen going to his girl friend's place 7 out of 7 nights last week...which is Hartford 21...nice try though.
Kinky voyeurism, Abby get a live.
Honest Abe -
Please explain what this means and how it is relevant to the article. I'm lost.
"Kinky voyeurism, Abby get a live."
@Anonymous 10:11 PM...........
I believe the poster at 8:18 PM was telling Honest Abe to get a life.
Speaking of legislation almost beyond my capacity to comprehend, how about Council-person Cotto's proposed ordinance dealing with "gender identity and expression?" I'd like to think that this demonstrates that non-lawyer legislators can also devise bizarre, not to say queer, legislative lingo, but I'll bet Council-person Cotto got it from a lawyer involved with Hartford Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues.
Let's see. Discrimination against a person because of his/her/its "expression or behavior" is bad because "homophobic." Affirmative discrimination in favor of a person with a "self-image" is good because we need to celebrate diversity, hetero-philia, so to speak.
The ordinance defines gender identity and expression as "a person's actual or perceived gender, including a person's self-image, appearance, expression or behavior" — whether or not it is different from the person's assigned sex at birth.
I don't think there's enough time in this wonderful universe to go into all the legislations that are beyond your capacity to comprehend.
I don't think there's enough time...
Correct. But, nonetheless, our Solons continue to use their imaginations to apply their police power to ever more problems of our "wonderful universe."
For example, despite the fact that we already have an anti-profiling statute in Ct., Mr. Cotto continues to push for a city ordinance to do the same thing. I can't remember, does that proposed ordinance prohibit profiling of folks who have gender disorientation?
Last summer, Hartford Councilman Luis Cotto introduced an ordinance to combat racial profiling. The ordinance has been tabled because the city attorney ruled that the state's Penn Act, which prohibits racial profiling, provides complete protection, making a municipal ordinance unnecessary. In response, Cotto and other supporters are seeking an outside opinion from an independent council.
Que Pasa?
in the PR ~ Latino Community...
Roldan is smacking the Pee dro administration for the second time this week... with a lower the taxes for homeowners and small businesses press release.
Are the Rican fighting ???
This guy obviously doesn't know Kelvin. Get your facts right. This is ridiculous, I wasted my time reading this.
Went to college with Roldan. He's a complete tool.
Kelvin Roldan is not a tool. Tools have a purpose.
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