Most people that read this blog know that I am a huge supporter of the Hartford Police Department, some would say to a fault. But with that being said, I am not afraid to say when I feel something is wrong, and this is wrong.
This afternoon I was collecting signatures in front of Hartford City Hall to qualify for the Democratic Primary. It was a busy day as many taxpayers thought today was the last day for tax payments. Although many people were reluctant to sign the petition on the way into City Hall, most were more than willing on their way out after paying their outrageous tax bills.
Parking spaces were at a premium around City Hall, in particular the Handicap spaces directly in front of City Hall. At about 2:30PM an elderly woman pulled into the Handicap space and had her "handicap hangtag" displayed from her rear view mirror. A Hartford Police cruiser pulled up behind her and blew the "air horn" of the cruiser a couple times and flashed his overhead lights. After he blew the horn a couple more times, the elderly woman pulled out of the spot and drove off.
I wasn't sure why the Officer did that, but I figured it might have been after the time for the parking bans for rushhour. I was somewhat amazed when the officer parked his car in the handicap spot and proceeded into City Hall. At least three other Hartford residents were standing with me at the time and they all were upset by the officer's actions.
Sometimes I think that some HPD officers don't realize that when it comes to their image in the eyes of the public they serve, they are their own worst enemies. When the officer eventually cam out, he claimed he was backing up another officer but the HPD dispatch center had no record of that.
But so that you don't think it is only the cops ignoring parking requirements, apparently the contract company that enforces parking violations for the Hartford Parking Authority feels they are exempt also. The picture below of the "Central Parking" van was taken yesterday and sent to me by someone that witnessed the driver park in a "No Parking" zone and go into the Dunkin Donuts at Main and Elm Streets for a break.

And just for clarification, the person that sent me the picture of the Central Parking van is more than capable of identifying a "parking violation".
So this police officer, a public servant, makes a member of the public he's (allegedly) serving, who has every right to park in a Handicap space, move out of that space, takes it for himself, then LIES about it when confronted? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Obviously, this cop is MENTALLY HANDICAPPED! Chief Roberts should look into this. Does the Chief know that he's employing a MORON? Before we "Brand" Hartford ... you know what? I'm so disgusted by this, I don't care if the entire city gets lost in a sink hole. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!
There is never any excuse for a police officer to park in a handicapped spot absent an emergency. That police officer should be disciplined and quickly to let him/her know that parking in a handicapped spot is never acceptable.
But with characters like RB around using denigrating language about a police officer who made a mistake is there no wonder that the police officers on the job are testy.
What would you have done RB. Hang the officer, fire him or put him in stocks in front of City Hall or maybe a little corporal pubnishment.
I have a better idea for you. If you are so disgusted with the persons you describe as morons in the police department why don't you apply for the job, try to pass the tests mandated by the city and try to improve the department from within. I am sure the HPD could use a qualified individual such as yourself to improve the ranks.
I hope that you will enjoy your new career if you make it especially on those late nights on Enfield Street, being away from your family on holidays and weekends, special events and the like, just like all of the men and women on HPD do. Maybe after you come out of hiding that police officer you described as a moron and other derogotory terms would have to actually back you up on a call. What would he be then.
It is easy to criticize when seated at the computer and this situation is easy to get mad at but stop the name calling and weither put up or shut up.
I think finding the officer and giving him the $100+ ticket for illegal use of a handicapped space might send the message. No?
For the amount of nonsense and life threatening situations that hartford police deal with on a regular basis. Honestly who cares. Most every car parked in the walmart handicapped spots do not have permits.
Chris, don't get your panties in a wad, homegirl! You are correct,there is NO EXCUSE for a police officer to park in a handicapped space, absent an emergency. This officer did not make a mistake, he intentionally activated his lights and horn to get this woman to leave a space, so he could park!Probable scaring that woman half to death! What would I have done? Suspend him 3 days with out pay, a note in his file, and retraining concerning traffic/parking laws. Also, I did not impugn the character of H.P.D., I called this one officer a moron. As far as passing the test for HPD, I remember back in th late '60s when the city had to lower the standards so more Minorieties could pass, so this is what you get! By the way, If your so upset with my opinion, Tag along for a day or night with a handicaped person trying to find a parking space. Don't limit yourself to Hartford. Go to any town. Let us know what you find!
Hey Kevin, rather than hiding behind this post, grow a set and tell us the officer's name or better yet the cruiser number or plate. While you're at it, tell us if your buddy who sent you the photo (...one of your friends from the building across the street at 525) did his job and put a ticket on the van or is he just stirring the pot some more like usual???
You start your post saying you're a friend to the HPD but when one of your friends looks bad you just leave it alone. A true politician!
Frank's report should be out soon and I'll bet you'll only criticize him and the report cuz it aint gonna look good! (but it'll be the truth)
RB = Racist Bum,
It's obvious that your a racist prick. So you mean a white man never failed the test?
Anon. Do you need glasses? Nowhere in my post did I say no white person ever failed the HPD exam. Since you can't grasp the meaning of what I wrote, let me explain it. By lowering the standards to get into HPD, Not all the applicants are "top shelf". This cop showed poor judgment. That cop in Windsor, who killed a kid on a bike while DUI, showed EXTREMELY poor judgment. Good judgment, I would think, would be a very high priority for becoming a police officer. Also, In Mr. Brookman's post, he did not allude to the race of this officer, so why did you automatically decide this cop is a minority? Why did you decide I'm not? Tell me Anon, do you see race in everything? I look forward to your response.
To: Racist Bum
"As far as passing the test for HPD, I remember back in th late '60s when the city had to lower the standards so more Minorieties could pass."
They had to lower standards for more capitol "M" minorities could pass. Really!!! I am not talking about the cop in this post, your the issue here with your know it all comments. It's easy to be a loud mouth punk on the computer with your DG glasses on. You wouldn't last a second on the streets of Hartford.
Back to the post: First) I don't expect any of you Monday Morning Quarterbacks to actually understand how it is to be a cop in Hartford. BUT when your on Patrol you don't have the luxury to look for parking a walk a distance to your destination. Not saying parking at a handicap spot is right but did you ever take into account that he may need to respond to a call in a hurry and needed the cruiser to be close to him? Second) Kevin, I know you don't believe that the officer observed the handicap tag in the vehicle and proceeded to make him/her move so he can take his/her spot?
Anonymous at 10:02PM:
you posted " Kevin, I know you don't believe that the officer observed the handicap tag in the vehicle and proceeded to make him/her move so he can take his/her spot? "
I'm not sure if you are asking a question or making a statement. I think it was pretty clear by the end result that the officer was planning on freeing up a parking space for himself. If it was a matter of enforcement on his part, i think he would have stepped out of his cruiser and checked the drivers hangtag for himself. And, if it was a matter of enforcement, I don't think he would have then parked his own vehicle in the spot and gone into City Hall.
I hope you are not attempting to condone the officer's actions, to know that a Hartford police Officer is able to be so visible in his disregard of the law is troubling to me.
To:Anonymous @July 31, 2011 10:02 AM:
Perhaps you should review the state statutes again. Absent responding to an emergency call, the reported behavior, if correct, is inexcusable. The officer's actions would have been reprehensible enough without other vehicle being present;if that vehicle did display a hang tag as reported the officer's actions are even more egregious. I would caution the praesumptio iuris tantum that the officer themselves may have had a handicap permit, but even so would not excuse forcing another to move.
You appear to be standing at the dangerous precipice of the proverbial slippery slope of justifying a sense of entitlement. The apperance of impropriety is often as damaging the act itself.
A simple review of the officer's calls for service could put an end to this discussion.
Anon,"They had to lower standards for more capitol "M" minorities could pass. Really!!! I am not talking about the cop in this post, your the issue here with your know it all comments. It's easy to be a loud mouth punk on the computer with your DG glasses on. You wouldn't last a second on the streets of Hartford."
I know what I know, it's common knowledge.
Iwas running the streets of Hartford
in the '60s&70s. Where were you then? Still at your Mother's teat?
" BUT when your on Patrol you don't have the luxury to look for parking a walk a distance to your destination. Not saying parking at a handicap spot is right but did you ever take into account that he may need to respond to a call in a hurry and needed the cruiser to be close to him?..." Who's kidding who? When cops are on a call, no matter what city or town, they park where ever they want, with no regard for anyone else!
And tell me Anon, ARE you a Hartford cop? Or are you a Wannabe? Or maybe your just a PUNKAZZ LIGHTWEIGHT!
You didn't answer my question yet so I'll ask you again - DO YOU SEE RACE IN EVERYTHING???
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