Dan Nolan pictured above, 2nd row far left, before his recent deployment to Afghanistan
I think it is a fair question to ask when this nonsense is going to end. All along the trail of the Nolan termination it has become pretty clear that Dan's termination as a Deputy Chief with the Hartford Fire Department was unjustified.
The City of Hartford Corporation Counsel has gone to the mat though trying to defend the actions of a felonious Mayor and an apparently less than honorable Fire Chief who has since retired. You can follow the trail by entering Dan Nolan in the search box above to read all of the archived articles.
Essentially though as a quick recap, the Arbitrator agreed upon by the City and the Hartford Firefighters Union determined that Nolan's termination was not legal or justified and ordered Nolan reinstated. Apparently the Corporation Counsel didn't agree with that and appealed the decision.
The Court has now also agreed that Nolan's termination was not justified and that the Arbitrator acted properly and was correct in his actions. In a ruling issued last week, Superior Court Judge Wood has affirmed the arbitrators decision and rejected the City's arguments to have the award rejected. Judge Wood confirmed that the award was properly decided and confirmed Nolan's right to enforce the award.
This may prove to be another expensive mis-step by the decision makers in the Corporation Counsel's office. It is time for Mayor Segarra to do the right thing and abide by the decision, settle the matter with Nolan and get him back to work when his tour in Afghanistan is done.
Mayor Segarra settled claims with a corrupt Mayor for accrued sick time and vacation time after he was convicted of his felonious acts against the City. Doesn't he owe better treatment to a military veteran who has served his City and his Country with honor?
Here is Judge Woods decision below, it pretty much shot down all of the City's arguments as baseless:
Thank god for Unions! If he wasn't in one, he would have been up the river without a paddle years ago with no alternatives.
Welcome back, Kevin! Hopefully, the city will come to their senses and the D.C. of training job at the HFD will be waiting for Dan when he returns from Afghanistan.
Kevin this isnt the only atrocity of the City appealing justified awards and verdicts,they do it routinely and vendictively and dont care that it is costing the taxpaying public money.Dont lay the blame on this on Perez as Pedro has been in office with a new Corporation Counsel for a year and a half now and the blame rests with them for any actions they took since they assumed office.
Congrats Dan! Let's hope that City Hall has finally smartened up and obeys the court order. It would be a real nice homecoming for Dan to come home and have his job back.
To Anonymous at 12/29 9:08 P.M.: Unfortunately, if Dan's union leadership wasn't so incompetent, he would never have been dismissed in the first place. Thank God he had the foresight to bring his own paddles and find his own alternatives.
Corp Counsel is a joke and Natalie is the court jester. The City of Hartford can’t afford to keep her on the payroll. It's not her salary, but the lofty settlements that are the direct results of her poor decision making. She needs to go; she's very nice and quite attractive, so she is a perfect fit for private practice....
LMAO at "anonymous 9:08 PM" AKA Union Useless President Fusco.... This was Fusco's misdeed that started it all and as usual Vinny style, runs back and forth between teams to whomever he thinks is winning at the time. No credit to the Union for this one, Dan won this on his own merit.
The HFD Union is a joke. It was their officers that brought one of the complaints against Dan.They would not name the people that they were acting on behalf of in their complaint. There is no reason for Dan not to be able to face his accusers. They were attempting to bring down a 25 year career after all. I wonder if the reason that the union would not name Dan's accusers is perhaps there may have been a problem with their credibility? It is a fact that one of the recruits that was terminated from the training class was the son of a member of the union's exective board. The union also tried to convince Dan to retire and go quietly. When all is said and done, what is the price tag going to be on this fiasco?
Anonymous at 908 wake up, It was that crooked union president Fusco and the covicted felon ex mayor that stated the whole thing against Nolan in the first place. Fusco is a liar and a coward. I refer to him as the spin doctor. It has been proven already that Fusco made the whole thing up. He threw Nolan under the bus 3 years ago, now he wants to take credit for getting him off. The truth got Nolan off, Fusco ought to try the truth sometime. I bet hes in bed With Segarra just like he was with Perez.
fyi taxpayers of Hartford: aproximate cost of each appeal:40 to 50 thousand dollars. War Veteran 3 city 0. The truth has been upheld. how much do the taxpayers have to suffer at the hands of corrupt officials? the "convict mayor got has money with no appeal! some stinks in city hall worse than the dump!
This is boring. This blog has bee going downhill for sme time. Maybe time to hang em up?
it's boring yet you apparently keep coming back for more. You apparently are on the wrong side of the Holan matter and must not like the scrutiny. Do you really have that much trouble differentiating betweeen right and wrong. Apparently the mediator and a couple Judges can look at the issue clearly and make intelligent decisions, as you apparently can't.
I have no intention of going anywhere or"hanging it up", I'm just getting going, it will be an intersting four years as we start a new era at City Hall.
I attached my agreement with you, Kevin, on the Nolan matter on the wrong blog item. Let me clutter this one up with another out of place comment.
Can we please, as a City, get out of the grocery store finance business? If the market "really wants" something the market will really create it. Stop putting the taxpayer dollar at risk in private ventures.
"The Joneses took a bold step in opening a downtown grocery store, and proved that there is a demand and a vibrant constituency for it," Mayor Pedro E. Segarra said in a written release provided by the Joneses' lawyer. "The City will continue to work with Northland to secure a proven operator that can the sustain the market well into the future."
Northland will retain the name, The Market at Hartford 21, as the property owner, the city and others work to find a new owner for the business, said David Panagore, chief operating officer for the city.
Right now we've been working with some local folks. It's going to take a period of time, I can't say how long," Panagore said Friday. "We now have a work plan and we now know what it should cost, and what the market really wants."
Did I miss something here? I thought this blog is about Dan's case, not an out of business grocery store. May I discuss weather here too? Or religion, maybe sports.....
The New Britain Police Dept settled with Anthony Paventi because the Corporation Counsels office in New Britain did not want a protracted legal battle. Apparently the Corporation Counsels office of New Britain believes in acting ethically and in the best interests of the taxpayers. It's too bad that Hartford does not have the same standard of ethics.
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