It's old news by now that an arbitrator awarded our disgraced and corrupt convicted felon former Mayor Eddie Perez almost $71,000 in vacation time and sick pay. Jeff Cohen from WNPR has more here
I guess it is a small price to pay to get Perez to just go away, but what about everything he has cost us? How much has been spent repairing Park Street which is falling apart after Perez's deal and now stands as Hartford's tribute to corruption and payoffs.
What was the total the City of Hartford spent on attorney fees representing city employees that were called to testify before the Grand Jury? The answer is several hundred thousand dollars, who is going to reimburse us for that?
And who makes the decision when litigation is done and what is the criteria? In this case it seems as though it is Mayor Segarra, the beneficiary of Perez's dirty deeds that paved the way for Segarra to move into the Mayor's Office.
Why is Perez given the luxury of benefiting from an arbitrators decision when just about anyone else has had to fight for compliance with a decision? Secore, Nolan, Murtha and others come to mind.
Why are some decisions fought to the death yet Eddie gets a check cut, no questions asked? Hopefully the Department of Corrections will attach the payment to pay for his prison stay.
The Arbitrator is personally close to Eddie's lawyer,someone should have checked it out.
I cant wai for him to go to prison
I wonder what Segarra's reasoning is for not appealing the arbitration reward for Perez. He has to know that this is questionable considering that the past several arbitration awards have all been appealed by the city.
I'm thinking that Segarra probably saw the $70,000 arbitration 'reward' as a more cost-effective way for the city to contain and finally expunge Perez Inc.
I agree, it is a small price to pay to finally cut the last tie to a crooked administartion.
But where is that same consideration for the other numerous law suits that possibly the prolonged litigation will cost us more than Eddie Perez ever could?
Perez's $70,000 is small change compared to the other potential exposure we are facing with Nolan and others.
If Segarra were smart, he would bring in an outside, undiased attorney or former Judge to review all of the open lawsuits the City is pushing and decide which ones have merit and which ones don't.
Many of these current cases pending are driven by ego's and vindictiveness rather than any legal merit.
In the end, a couple of cases that come to mind are Murtha and Secore. The city fought and fought and fought on those,losing every step of the way, only in the end increasing the payouts that should have been resolved much sooner and reducing the costs
Segarra already paid Carlos Costa $500K more on the Park Street project after Perez's conviction so why stop now?
Leave the Negro alone, I agree with Brookman 70K ends the drama, adios.
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