Dear Friends,
This has been a very trying time for this community in the wake of the extreme and unnecessary violence. I write to you still in shock over the events.
My heart weighs heavy with deep concern for the victims, their families and loved ones, and for all the young people growing up in fear in this atmosphere of hate and disregard for human life.
In the past two weeks, four people have died in shootings in Hartford and another was stabbed to death. As of yesterday, 12 homicides have occurred in the city, and random shootings have skyrocketed compared to last year. Earlier this week 2 drive-by shootings occurred around 6am Sunday morning. A pastor placing memorial flags in front of his church on Capitol Avenue and another man on Garden Street were both shot minutes apart.
It pains me to think of what these acts are teaching our young people. Children growing up in homes plagued by domestic violence and abuse often become abusers themselves. I hate to imagine anyone carrying forward and replaying these atrocities in the future.
I still believe the most violent neighborhoods have the potential to achieve peace with the proper support and programs for struggling youth that reduce their numbers entering the juvenile justice system. Making positive changes in neighborhoods prone to violence and supporting families remains a priority.
I have been working with many groups committed to transforming violent neighborhoods back into safe and thriving communities in spite of those individuals who spread terror and hate again and again.
All of us are committed to the common goal of stopping the cycle of violence and revitalizing urban neighborhoods for the future--but we are still losing young people to violence and families continue to flee those neighborhoods.
I will work with anyone committed to safer and healthier neighborhoods for all children and families. By joining together, we can increase our collective impact and have a bigger opportunity to achieve meaningful, positive social change. City and community leaders and neighborhood groups will be meeting to affirm our solidarity, discuss, and plan for action.
I ask you to join me in these efforts, to work together, and share your thoughts and ideas. I promise to keep you informed and communicate more about these meetings as they are scheduled in the hopes you can attend. Your participation is most necessary and appreciated.
This has been a very trying time for this community in the wake of the extreme and unnecessary violence. I write to you still in shock over the events.
My heart weighs heavy with deep concern for the victims, their families and loved ones, and for all the young people growing up in fear in this atmosphere of hate and disregard for human life.
In the past two weeks, four people have died in shootings in Hartford and another was stabbed to death. As of yesterday, 12 homicides have occurred in the city, and random shootings have skyrocketed compared to last year. Earlier this week 2 drive-by shootings occurred around 6am Sunday morning. A pastor placing memorial flags in front of his church on Capitol Avenue and another man on Garden Street were both shot minutes apart.
It pains me to think of what these acts are teaching our young people. Children growing up in homes plagued by domestic violence and abuse often become abusers themselves. I hate to imagine anyone carrying forward and replaying these atrocities in the future.
I still believe the most violent neighborhoods have the potential to achieve peace with the proper support and programs for struggling youth that reduce their numbers entering the juvenile justice system. Making positive changes in neighborhoods prone to violence and supporting families remains a priority.
I have been working with many groups committed to transforming violent neighborhoods back into safe and thriving communities in spite of those individuals who spread terror and hate again and again.
All of us are committed to the common goal of stopping the cycle of violence and revitalizing urban neighborhoods for the future--but we are still losing young people to violence and families continue to flee those neighborhoods.
I will work with anyone committed to safer and healthier neighborhoods for all children and families. By joining together, we can increase our collective impact and have a bigger opportunity to achieve meaningful, positive social change. City and community leaders and neighborhood groups will be meeting to affirm our solidarity, discuss, and plan for action.
I ask you to join me in these efforts, to work together, and share your thoughts and ideas. I promise to keep you informed and communicate more about these meetings as they are scheduled in the hopes you can attend. Your participation is most necessary and appreciated.
Brandon McGee

Brandon McGee
Is this an election commercial for Brandon McGee, the liar who was caught with his big black BMW and then starting telling us excuses and lies? I'd rather watch a Coca Cola commercial than McGee' "join me" stupid propaganda. Join you for what? Just make sure your BMW with the new plates, so nobody can recognize it anymore, is shiny and clean. We are also waiting for the results of Capitol Police investigation after you announced about threats to your life crap.
Hundreds of words written by Brandon McGee, or maybe written by someone else for him. Hundreds of words of this nonsense letter.
Hey McGee, we know exactly what happened, we know how many people were shot, we know who was stubbed to death. We watch the same news that you do, but we LIVE in the real world.
Don't try to act like you understand anything. What we need here is jobs. You got several jobs paying you nicely for doing almost nothing, that's what we need: J O B S.
McGee is a stupid joke. Ask him to sit in he air conditioned office in the legislature building and shut up.
Good he's a true pillar an hero of the community a breadth of fresh air hope he runs for mayor someday
8:23am, if you want Brandon to shut up, you have to fill his mouth up with donuts first.
His FB post featuring this statement has a picture of him smiling ear to ear. Truly digusting accompiament when his constituents are dying and having their lives destroyed. He is an embarrassment.
I am not happy with many of the things Brandon has done, but can you really fault him for smiling? Should he appear nasty and mean, is that more appropriate?
Smiley Brandon sells better. He's simply a jerk.
You wouldn't find a bigger a-- kisser than Brandon. Ever. I wonder what his comment on that smiley photo together with statements such as
"My heart weighs heavy", "I write to you still in shock", "It pains me to think" and more.
He should blame a staffer who used an archive photo and then tell the media that people are threatening his life. It worked before.
Heavy heart, shock, pain but it's all funny, real funny, all the way to the bank funny.
I live comfortably, I make good $$$ doing very little, I wear expensive suits, I drive a BMW, I live the good life.
What about you "people"?
It's clear by now that Brandon McGee is full of baloney, he's a bullshit artist.
Kevin, a few months ago you reported about Brandon McGee. I just can't forget the image of his brand new BMW parking in a spot saved for people with disabilities. If I'm not mistaken, McGee gained lots of comments, they all thought of him as an arrogant bastard.
I wasn't able to find the earlier McGee' story and I hope you can rerun it. It's a different story this time, but the exact same character all over again.
Brandon letter is full of drama, full of crap, and ends with this:
"I ask you to join me", join you where? Can we get a ride in your black shiny BMW?
"I promise to inform you", don't promise shit, we don't need to hear your pre-elections promises. Kerp it to yourself, no idiot can trust you.
Just a suggestion. The legislature is still in session, check the Handicap spaces around the Capitol.
Brandon replaced the " 5 " plate, he doesn't want to be recognized
I guess he replaced that plate so he can park just about anywhere and continue driving lke a maniac.
Red lights, stop signs, speed limits, all this nonsense was created for the geheral public. It doesn't apply to Brando McGee, he is an imoortant elected oficial, he is not the "general public."
McGEE should be listed in the mcGUINNESS book of records for the number of times he lies and for the hi level of arrogance he presents (both a tie with Pedro)
Didn't see Brandon McGee today with Al Sharpton and his $$$$ collecting efforts. McGee likes the good life - luxury cars, first class travel et al - just like Sharpton.
A lot of faces you didn't see there,,Shawn Wooden Ken Kenndy probably a lot of others missing in action
Are you sure Brandon didn't park/hide his brand new black BMW (previously CT plate no. 5) a few blocks away?
Didn't see Brandon thee, pr any of our legislative delegation for that matter
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