Wow if deputy chief Rendock was indeed I charge of this an knew about the medical equipment an did nothing he should be demoted that is disgusting who does he think he is ?? Is that a joke to him not issuing out the medical equipment maybe he enjoys hearing about stabbing an shooting victims bleeding out on a scene of a crime smh!!
What if an officer them self gets hurt on a scene an have to use the med kit on their self while an ambulance is rushing to get there truly sad I pray for those officers their command staff sucks I'm sorry good job Kevin
Every officer who experienced the 80 hr emt course since august / 2015, has seen the ready to deploy med kits. Yes, oxygen tanks were empty, but the life saving equipment in the bags should have been deployed. Shame on deputy chief rendock. The buck stops there. But im sure if a fancy new robot for the bomb truck needed a rebuilt arm or a heart, it would have been done asap.
And the fact that out of pure spite, to make officers on the swing shifts lug those bags back and fourth to teleserve because Rendock thinks he is a NASA tech now is poor supervisory ability and borderline criminal.
I might not enjoy everyone's company here, but if those tools help save a cop's life or add those few seconds then get it done. No excuses.
Go to trinity with your hero. That way you can spread some more of that wealth of medical knowledge from your Mr Wizard coloring book ....
Fire beats in HPD most of the time on medicals anyways, and then five to ten minutes later Aetna or AMR rolls in. In many cases HPD is doing their investigation while the injured and bleeding aren't dealt with. Unless there is a major catastrophic event unsure how many lives HPD med bags would save. Sure they should have them in the trunks but how often will they make their way out of the trunk? Kind of get the vibe out there the police would rather not deal with medical, theyre busy enough.
Kevin,Dont put too much effort and faith in HPD responding to and providing EMS to any type of medical emergency. You should know this ,but maybe not,HPD had First Responder status years ago . Go back and pull the stats on how many calls they went to. Hardly any! Calls would come in but most of the time the units would "make themselves unavailable". That's how it ended up in HFD'S lap. Now that HFD has proven its worth and capabilities to the taxpayers, HPD wants in on it. Too little and too late. Sad to state ,but the only time you see HPD step up a response to a medical call is when one of their own is involved. Whether you like Local 760 leadership or not,this First Responder status will keep your employment viable for decades to come and they should be thanked. (AT LEAST "ONCE" IN AWHILE)
Are these the same firemen that sit a block away and wait for the scene to be "safe"? Oh yah it must be great to grill burgers and hotdogs on sunday behind the firehouse on New Britain ave ....
But that is ok, i dont mind having to relay to dispatch that the scene is safe for the firemen to enter....
I got my bags packed and my bid slip is in. Im rollin thunder to c squad with newell and logan son! Time to get some real work done. Better order some extra boxes for all the burners we gonna wrastle up.
And yes sir, those med bags are pretty sweet compared to them fishing tackle orange boxes full of trash. Im no brain but pretty sure the oxygen tanks get cold sitting in a regular line car all day ? Should i put the tank between my legs while a code 2 some gun runners with tango n cash next bid?
Yup. The same firemen that stage a block away at stabings and shootings and violent psych patients. And send in the guys with the guns and bullet proof vests to secure the scene. Kind of like lowering a canary into a coal mine.
Figured we'd let you guys do something helpful once in a while.
Funny all this cops knocking fireman. When there is a fire in Hartford the cops come out of the woodwork. they leave empty cruisers at the end of the streets (blocking incoming trucks) so they can run up to the fire. Oh yeah, there is always a cruiser or two directly in front of the building (blocking trucks and hydrants). Next fire we have I will try to get pics of HPD standing in front of the building with the same looks on their faces as 10 year old boys watching a fire. Cops that never speak to us on calls all of the sudden have a zillion questions for us about the fire. I love when the news has stories of cops saving people from a fire, these are the closet wannabes. We do it with no recognition, yet the glory hounds make sure everybody knows how brave they are going two steps into a food on the stove call to wake up the homeowner. You cops wanna try our job, grab a scott of a truck next fire and try to follow a truck or engine company into a cellar fire, see how tough you really are. HPD dreams of the camaraderie HFD has even though our department is a disaster right now, although already getting better with new Chief.
About EMS calls, if a cop gets there first and its CPR or a sloppy call, you can't wave us in fast enough. You guys look scared shitless and white as a sheet when somers truly in need of help and you are clueless what to do. You clowns stick to documenting the aftermath of crimes since you rarely prevent any, and we will take care of EMS and fire duty. Remember, even cops have heroes, FIREFIGHTERS!
P.S., study harder and you won't have to settle for a cop job.
Kevin, can you look into why the department needs so many deputy chiefs? I've posted before and haven't seen it posted yet. I think its very interesting as to why so top heavy.
Enough already. I will not be allowing any more of these comments pitting fire against police. This is ridiculous. I understand the traditional rivalries between police and fire, but to demean either profession is crazy. To all the firefighters reading, if you were pinned down by a shooter at a fire scene, I am pretty confident you would welcome those black and whites rolling up to run into danger to end the threat. And vice versa, if a police officer was trapped in a fire situation or in a burning vehicle after an accident, you would probably be very happy to see those big red trucks rumbling toward you. Yes, they are both very different career paths, and you go into those professions for different reasons, but most importantly is the common unity of public service you provide to our neighborhoods . I know much of the back and forth is just talk, and when you need to work together you do as is proven day in and day out by your efforts.
Please show the respect toach other that each profession deserves
In theory, the plan and the number of deputy chiefs made sense when the policing plan was first devised and implemented. As with anything it should probably face periodic review to see if it still makes sense. The deputy chiefs included three for each "zone" North, South and Central. one deputy chief oversees the Investigative Division, (all detectives, including major crimes ,currently that Deputy Chief also serves as the Department's spokesperson) another Deputy Chief oversees the headquarters operations, such as vehicles, inside operations, etc. I am not clear what the sixth deputy chief does, maybe extended storage of medical kits and supplies and ordering robot parts.
It may very well be time to re-evaluate the structure and as a suggestion, it might be time to reassess the position of Captain and do we need those positions.
Not sure if cops can legally render first aid if they are not licensed first responder under medical control.
Right now first responder Is HFD maybe PD is secondary back up
It's funny how everyone can come up with reasons why the cops need so many supervisors but HFD still only has one real administrator and the city didn't even think it important enough to hire one that knows what he's doing!
I think that "real administrator" has already shown he knows what he is doing. Just getting out and meeting the firefighters and holding staff meetings is a big start. I think he is showing who the Chief is but also that he respects their input and their help. And what do you consider the HFD District Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs? And the only reason the Assistant Chief position was empty for so long is the fallout from Huertas's games in trying to shove Terry Waller through.
Huertas wanted no part of Waller or Nolan!
He agreed to take Waller in order to get the Chief's job. As he stated himself "he sold his soul". Nolan was never part of the discussion
If huertas didn't take the job, we would have been stuck with either Terry or Danny. That's why we supported Charlie. Charlie as bad as he could be at some times was absolutely the lesser of the three EVILS!
If huertas didn't take the job, we would have been stuck with either Terry or Danny. That's why we supported Charlie. Charlie as bad as he could be at some times was absolutely the lesser of the three EVILS!
No, actually two evils and one elf.
Did anyone say thank you Kevin for getting those life savers into the hands of the police? Well I will. Thanks Kevin.
Yes and stop pitting HPD against HFD. We need both and both do a fine job.