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Monday, July 24, 2017



As I sit here beginning to write this, another person has just reportedly been shot a couple blocks from me at 196 Sigourney Street.

In a state that had reportedly passed some of the toughest gun laws in the Country after Newtown, it seems to have only affected law abiding citizens.Criminals are still running our streets with weapons with no fear of using them.

And the alarming trend is that many of these gun criminals seem to be juveniles who are keenly aware that there is very little accountability for their actions.

Our local court and the Hartford County States Attorney seems to have a well deserved reputation for being a no show when it comes to the serious violence prosecutions. Her predecessor, States Attorney Jim Thomas, was a regular attendee at community meetings especially when concerned citizens wanted to discuss crime issues. I have never seen the current Hartford County States Attorney at a meeting or anywhere in public. And that is saying something considering she has been in that position for twenty years.

Something is wrong when the Assistant US Attorney, Mike Gustafson, is a regular fixture at the monthly Public Compstat meetings agt HPD ,but I have never seen the Hartford County States Attorney Gail Hardy ever enter the room. Is the US Attorney more concerned about crime in Hartford than the States Attorney? I would have to say the answer is definitely yes by all appearances.

Maybe it is just that local law enforcement has a better working relationship with Federal prosecutors than they do with our own local courts for a multitude of reasons.

Yesterday, a 17 year old committed a car jacking with a gun in Newington. He eventually arrived in Hartford in the stolen Mercedes-Benz, courtesy of the newest criminal pipeline into the City, CTFast track bus way and was observed by the Hartford Police. They attempted to stop the car  and the 17 year old fled, but eventually crashed and was taken into custody. HPD located a loaded handgun on the 17 year old. Don't let the pink gun fool you, it still could have been deadly in the hands of an adult, never mind a 17 year old thug.

According to HPD , the 17 year old already has an extensive criminal record dating back to the age of 10. Is it difficult to see that this path is not going to end well?

The 17 year old career criminal apparently obtained the deadly weapon from a 14 year old friend who stole the gun from her mother and gave it to him according to n HPD patrol division investigation this evening.  So much for responsible gun ownership, at least there is no body on it....yet.

Even more troubling is the disposition of the matter according to the HPD Unusual Occurrence Report.  The 17 year old was apparently given a summons and sent on his way to prey on the public once again
The Hartford County States Attorney should make it a point to get menaces like this off Hartford's streets and finally set a tone that gun crimes by both adults and juveniles are taken seriously in the Hartford Court. It might mean that the States Attorney's Office doesn't shut down at noon time on Fridays and that they actually work a full day, but that is a story for another day.

Luckily though we still have Mike Gustafson and his Federal partners who aren't afraid to get out and interact with the Hartford community.


Anonymous said...

I believe he was given a summons in order to release him to Newington PD who arrested him for Kidnapping and 17 other charges.

Anonymous said...

Can I take out my armed drone for a walk?

Anonymous said...

Gayle Hardy and the Hartford GA are completely useless. Her time is done.....time to get rid of her and Hightower to get things back on track. Hartford GA is a complete joke. Put Dave Z in charge.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, im surprised you are only beginning to just write about this. This happens all the time and I've seen worse incidents where people actually got hurt and the little punk got off only with a summons. This is a product of broken homes where the fathers are totally absent and their moms are chasing (you know what) so they can get pregnant and the hard working over taxed taxpayer gets to fork over more money to raise a future thug.

General Grievous said...

Hartford is a stinkhole. Feral kids are running the asylum. The city needs leaders that care and haven't given up. If the city can afford nice new ballparks and $6M/year expenses, they can afford to make the city safe.

Anonymous said...

City administration and city council have proven to be anti cop and pro crime. Feral kids on the loose terrorising folks, addicts who are now openly doing drugs in public, and the cops in this dept have literally lost all motivation to go above and beyond. And Kevin, wasn't there supposed to be an academy in August/September soon after this current one graduates? Because I've seen zero prep for a new academy thus far.

Anonymous said...

Gail Hardy hates the cops, won't talk to them & will sit on Hartford cases till she feels like addressing them. Remember when the Courant asked her years ago about open police involved shooting and she replied that the file was on her desk somewhere over a year from the incident? No one wants to address the fact that she's anti LE and doesn't leave her office. She needs to be replaced once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Malloy decriminalizing possession of narcotics because of his junkie son, Bronin not indemnifying cops so he can save a buck or two, city council pushing to hire unqualified city residents based on the color of their skin (thank God for Post standards), juveniles laws watered down so that kids can go ahead and do whatever they want without repercussions (and they know it), and yet city hall wonders why crime is so rampant in this city. I have a year to go so sayonara Hartford and your decades old problems you will never address. I'll be joining JB and Lucky at the beach down south drinking margaritas and hanging out with the hot señoritas! For now, I'll just act like a firefighter and leave to a call as soon as I am dispatched. Code 1 of course. Zero proactivity for me. Bronin you get what you pay for there little guy.

Anonymous said...

Thug?? Trump dropped a bomb on Syria killing women and children is he a Thug??


I think any President has the legal authority to conduct Military actions, can you say the same for a 17 year old criminal carjacking innocent people at gunpoint?

And not that facts would matter to you in your blind hatred of our President, but I don't recall any women or children being killed when President Trump authorized bombing an airstrip where the Syrian military had launched a deadly poisonous gas attack on their own people .

Good job though trying to justify the felonies of a 17 year old thug

Lite weight said...

I also will be moving down to florida in 8 years. I can hit the gym with mr olympia JB.

Anonymous said...

So im sure the brain trust second floor holdovers are geting ready for the new waterbury chief in feb. Good luck to brian and dusty

Anonymous said...

Don't dare twist my words im not justifying the actions of that POS I don't agree with your verbiage Al Capone and Meyer Lansky were never called thugs by the main stream media

Anonymous said...

What is your issue with the word thug and animal. People are calling them as they see them. Thug and animal are NOT race specific. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the new chief puts the kibosh on Foley's personal Twitter he uses for HPD.

Anonymous said...

Do not twist my words. If you start not allowing folks making these nasty commits about Hartford's future maybe you will have valuable responders.


Who is twisting your words? I answered your question

Anonymous said...

Really?? Bremser had the biggest scam going. Everyone' put him him on the high horse. Long allowed him free reign!! Surprised Long is even still there. Not!! Actually he isn't even marketable. He is just a washed up Fallonite!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you think a lot......think and think and think. Maybe you think too much.


Oh Will. Bremser was one of the finest supervisors at HPD, maybe the reason he had free reigwas because unlike you, he was bey competent at his job and showed it everyday and most officers would probably verify that. Maybe if you were a Fallonite and paid attention instead of a useless slug you would still have a job. Chief longs problem is that he has stayed under the radar, has never been in trouble and has never drawn attention to himself. Both Chief Long and Sgt. Bremser amongst others, have been more net well spent for the taxpayers of Hartford

Alyssa said...

Sorry I'm late to this post. THANK YOU for recapping the overwhelming sentiment of the last neighborhood MARG meeting conducted by Hyacinth. She had Exec. Asst. State's Attorney Brian Austin there explaining the impact of a new state law. It was nice to see such a familiar face. Brian attended the city meetings you spoke of where Hartford State's Attorney Jim Thomas regularly appeared and spoke to attendees as if they were his neighbor. It really helped us all understand his position, what he and his department were doing, and how they were working with city, state and federal departments to accomplish goals that SERVED Hartford. Luckily, however, that MARG discussion turned to the true pink elephant in the room: IT'S BEEN 20 YEARS THIS AUGUST, AND WHERE IS GAIL HARDY???

And I am not being disrespectful here because we're long past that point. Hyacinth, myself and others have repeatedly asked for her participation. That and anyone associated with the Project Longevity program in Hartford. CRICKETS . . . . .

We're done here. It's been 20 years. Congratulations on that milestone Hartford State's Attorney Hardy. It's now time to graciously move on. Hartford needs a new face, a new energy, and a new approach to prosecuting Hartford's crimes.

Anonymous said...

Well said Alyssa. Something all of us can finally agree upon with you.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. There is a time and place for everything. The MARG meeting is not the place for an attack on Hartford's State Law Enforcement. The attendees were shocked at the feature. A community meeting is to share thoughts on the community.


And what is the proper place. If she won't come out in public to address concerns? And itwas not an "attack". It was residents addressing concerns for the court system they foot the bill for. And if you were actually in attendance, you must be new to the group because residents have been asking for years for a meeting with Gail Hardy and she has never attended

Homicide Hartford said...

#17 in broad daylight. #HartfordHasIt

Anonymous said...

MARG represents Barry Spare. Included are business owners, residents, nonprofits, Senior Center, city affairs, Court of Common Council, State Representative and Senator.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Blogger, Do you own a Hartford home? Have you ever worked for the Hartford Courant or any Hartford Community Paper? Have you ever walked the streets of Hartford on behalf of violence? Have you ever worked at Hartford city hall or the State of CT? Have you ever been a mentor? Did you go to Law School? Have you ever read about Hartford's history? How many former Hartford Mayors did you assist on a community project? Do you know the largest Hartford nonprofit? what is the turnover now/past at the giant Hartford nonprofit? How much money dose the present/past CEO of the largest nonprofit is/were paid? How much do you know about Hartford renewal?



I am not sure what your point is or are you just trying to discredit me or the information I provide? I don't need to "blow my own here" but let me give you a few answers to shut you up.

Anyone that knows me knows that when they need help with something , I will gladly help whenever I can. Never worked for the Courant, never had the desire or need to in order to consider myself effective. Look at my Twitter feed and see my followers and ask yourself why every media outfit locally follows me. Never worked at City Hall, I have had my own business for over 30 years and was an employer, creating jobs, instead of a bureaucrat living off the taxpayers., so unlike City Hal or the State of CT, I think I understand what small business owners face and understand how government is the problem to job creation.

And what does Law School have to do with anything , unless you are a lawyer yourself and are upset with me calling out your boss GaiL Hardy, possibly?

And I could probably answer questions for you regarding Hartford's history, without the use of Google. Let me see how sharp you are. What Hartford building was years ahead of its time and had a co-generation power plant fueled by kerosene on its roof? Now there is some Hartford history for you

There aren't too many recent Mayor's that I would have been associated with, but I was proudly one of the founding members of Mayor Mike's Companies for Kids and we returned hundreds of thousands of dollars to programs for Hartford's youth. I have also served on the Board for the oldest non profit in the State of Connecticut, founded by Elizabeth Colt until health issues sidelined me. Lets see your knowledge of Hartford history, name the non-profit without running to your keyboard.

And most of your questions are just crazy. What does knowing the largest non profit have to do with how much I care about Hartford? It is the Hartford Foundation if it matters.

I could go on and tell you more about Hartford's History. Did you know that Hartford's Police Chief during the Circus Fire was a relative of mine, How good are you on Hartford's history? Name the Chief. And I could go back further to let you know apparently I am a descendant of Governor William Bradford who came over on the Mayflower , along with the
genealogy records to prove it.

I have walked alongside Reverend Henry Brown on many occasions in support and in remembrance of homicide victims. I have served on a Committee to revise Police policies along with other community members after asked by Chief Rovella.

One of my saddest, yet proudest accomplishments was raising funds and arranging for the burial of a young girl killed in a house fire several years ago. Along with huge help from the Ahern Funeral Home and others , we were able to provide a dignified burial and ceremony for her, without any charge to her family who had been burned out of their home and suffered a tragic death of a family member, all without knowing the family and without being asked to help

I think I once helped an elderly woman across a busy street and I do buy Girl Scout cookies when asked.

I hope this information puts your mind at ease about my love for Hartford and shuts you up for a while. Good try though

And Gail, anytime you want to attend an NRZ meeting, Tom O'Brien can bring you if you need directions, him and Chris Pleasanton are there every month as good public servants and Mike Gustafson could bring you to COMPSTAT.

Anonymous said...

Mr. "Kevin" Blogger. Who was asking about the State Law Enforcement Official at the MARG meeting? Can you share their names? Where do they live? Do they own Hartford property? Are their Hartford taxes paid? Did these folks go to Law School? What degrees do they have? Is it High School, an Associate Degree, Undergrad, Masters, Post Graduate, Doctorate or a 6th year degree? Do not change my words?

Anonymous said...

^ I think you hit a nerve, Mr. Brookman.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Blogger hits to many nerves.

Anonymous said...

I would agree. Kevin the Blogger hit a nerve.

Alyssa said...

Just checked in again and what do I see?? Crazy questions at 6:05 and 8:55 PM. Who the heck are you?? What does any of that nonsensical diatribe have to do with a very serious problem in Hartford: Our State's Attorney has been here 20 years, is not part of the local solution to prevent serious repeat offenders who terrorize Hartford neighborhoods, and a federal prosecutor is instead making Hartford cases because she isn't.

And 1:37 PM, I challenge you to publish your name and then call up Hyacinth Yennie and tell her it was inappropriate to feature the Chief State's Attorney's office or anything related. Hyacinth regularly invites guests from a wide spectrum of city and state departments. She likes to present both sides of problems and does it well. That meeting was one of the best recently, because it addressed the ATV problem and how city and state personnel are trying to enforce a new law. In fact, that topic generated more heated discussion than any other, as led by State Rep Arce, which is how the Hartford State's Attorney's office became part of the dialogue. ATV's have been a HUGE community problem and Gail Hardy's office has previously failed to assist Hartford Police in trying to eliminate them. Stop hiding. Identify yourself and all of the so-called "shocked" attendees.

Anonymous said...

Moderate this turd already Kevin. His comments are not post worthy.


Thank you Alyssa, you were there and witnessed this "attack" it was a community raising their concerns, including their State Rep.

Anonymous said...

Gail Hardy is completely AWOL. She is an impediment to law enforcement trying to make a difference and do the right thing. With enough community pressure, maybe even a petition, she could maybe be sent packing (hopefully) or at least transferred somewhere far away where there is no crime. Enough is really enough already. What a waste of State money she's paid $157,770.00.

Alyssa said...

Great observation 12:34 AM. There has to be some form of mechanism, like a petition, to remove state's attorneys or to get them to move on or retire. Until that last MARG meeting, I did not realize that Ms. Hardy was re-appointed within the last 2 years by a separate commission.

20 years in a job is enough for anyone. Rarely do politicians or police chiefs last that long. This is not personal, but relative to performance. I've said before that we need a new focus, new energy, and a different approach to solving Hartford's crime problems from a prosecution perspective.

Kevin, can you contact your sources and find out what is the mechanism for something like this (a petition, request for hearing before that appointment commission, citizen complaints, etc...) there must be some formal procedure to go through. Thanks -- would be a great initiative of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Where dose the State Representative live? What district is it? Was this representative a guest speaker?


Why all the questions, it is a state rep who lives in Hartford and represents the district in Hartford and he attends every month and no he wasn't a guest speaker

Anonymous said...

Blame lies with hardy and hpd admin plus mayor's office. All sides have refused to allow police to pursue and arrest these atv thugs for fear of another Ferguson or Baltimore. It'll be a sad day when one of these atv punks kills someone or does a rash of crimes and escaped in an atv. Maybe then we'll get serious about this problem but then again im cynical.

Anonymous said...

@3:24 PM I think it's a much bigger picture than just atv's. I think what you said goes for shootings, murders and violent crime in general.

Anonymous said...

It seems like our chief is in great denial about drugs and crimes in the city. Broad day light shootings and murders. Stolen cars racing up and down the streets injuring innocent people. Robberies left and right. Criminal expanding their reach into surrounding towns. Just yesterday there was another broad daylight shooting in East Hartford. Yet Mayor Bronin is asking for money from surrounding towns for help. Yea ok there little guy. Get your crap and city in order first before you come around asking for a handout.



I think you are a little mistaken. I don't think the Chief is in denial, actually he has been warning City Hall for several years that a crisis was coming, including a staffing crisis. Chief Rovella has taken steps to avert the crisis, including the Shooting Task Force and the "C4" camera network and other proactive measures, but he can't do it alone, the Mayor and City Council need to do their part.

There's no crime in Hartford said...

The chief is in denial. He came out saying drugs aren't a priority nor a issue during his first 6 months. He then he took away every single proactive unit that were out on the streets. A perfect recipe for a wild wild west disaster. To this day there is not one proactive unit out on the streets besides the newly formed state police atv unit. Gotta love it when the big hats can get together and form a plan to combat crime but HPD and chief rovella sit in their leather back chairs with their thumbs up their hoohas. Bring back the jump out boyz, condition teams, anything that forms some rebalance of a proactive unit. Maybe then people won't be terrified to come into this third world city and spend some money. Otherwise we will have many more 0920 am shootings like we had this morning. The management of this city is the biggest joke on earth. The city and HPD need some sort of competency when it comes to management. Including that joke Gail Hardy. Nolle nolle nolle the problem away.

Anonymous said...

HPD Chief Rovella is an outstanding role model and Police Chief. Hartford is very lucky. However, Mayor Luke Bronin is trying to deal with what he has inherited from many years of abuse. Hartfords is a sinking ship. Former Mayors gave the gold, vacations, wages and benefits to their various unqualified friends. Unless you know what you are talking about do not throw stones. Helpers are needed to save the sinking ship. Why not volunteer some of your time?

Fed up patrol cop said...

I've volunteered the last 14 years of my life to this sinking ship. I grew up in and have lived in Hartford. I've dedicated my life to HPD and have seen nothing but bad come from Rovellas tenure. As the poster said it before you Rovella has done more bad than good. Ask any cop off the record what they think of him. A role model? Ha yea right. More like someone who doesn't walk the halls, doesn't talk to his subordinates or someone who doesn't even know their names. Someone who doesn't care at all about morale or the working conditions we go through on a daily basis. Someone who is seen as a dictator that calls the shots from left field. Someone who is seen as a laughing stock of a leader. Someone who cannot lead by example. Don't place the blame on past admins. It's too easy to do that. Take a hard look at the current admin and looks at the promises they made and the promises they broke to the city and its residents. Hartford is the laughing stock of the state due to the incompetent leaders. Every month it seems like a new poll or review comes out ranking Hartford either dead last or in the bottom 10 nation wide for its incompetence. People like you who think they know or understand what goes on behind the curtains are the most dangerous. Keep you head buried in the sand. I don't care. In the end I know my children won't be suffering in the third world city known as Hartford. They won't have to deal with the joke of a public school system that is ranked one of the worst in the country. And I will be taking another police job in a nearby town that is financially stable with a intelligent mayor and chief who will have my back and who will pay my pension. I know what I am talking about because for 5 days a week I dedicate 16 hours a day to this burning ship. But In the end I get to leave it and go home. Enjoy your burning ship. But don't forget Rovella knows what he is doing. Already at 17 homicides with daytime shootings becoming the norm. Enjoy it 6:36pm.

Anonymous said...

Crime is out of control in cities, towns and counties in the USA. You can run but you cannot hide from guns, drugs and abuse. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Thank you Hartford Police Chief James Rovella you are the greatest!

Anonymous said...

Rovella nice guy but his reign has been disaster for HPD. Day he rolled in was the day conditions unit and other proactive units began disappearing one by one. We just had an am shooting coupled with the fact crime here is on the RISE dramatically. Everyday more and more feral kids are jacking cars, more and more addicts are pouring in from the suburbs, and shootings are becoming a weekly occurrence. And what happened to the shooting task force? They've been awful quiet lately. Oh thats right, they pretty much ceased to exist. Fact of the matter is Hartford is not serious about getting tough on crime and thats the message from Bronin and Rovella but also the community. Most of the residents of Hartford know who these thugs are and know where they live. But for some odd reason they tolerate them and their activities and all the while their neighborhoods go to hell. This ship is sinking.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Who are Hartford residents who know THUGS? Do they own homes? Do they pay taxes? Are THUGS registered voters? Are you talking about people who own complexes and homes? These folks live in the suburbs and rent to mostly Section 8. Renters have families. Some renters have jobs. Many renters are scared. Yet, many renters live off the State of Connecticut. Crime is prevalent everywhere. Hartford Police Chief James Rovella is a great leader!

Anonymous said...

@9:39 PM

I never said the residents were thugs. All I said was the residents know who the thugs are and they choose to tolerate them. Secondly, Hartford is full of single mom households and many of these moms should not even be moms in the first place. They should be focused on improving their financial situation first before popping out babies left and right. You know, I have seen many cases of unfit mothers neglecting their children and outright ignoring their motherly responsibilities in the quest for thug d*** so they can have more babies that the hardworking taxpayer can raise, yay! Catch is the taxpayer raised baby grows up to be the person that victimizes said taxpayer and a case number gets generated.

Anonymous said...

And once again Kevin you were way out in front of the mainstream media. I think you had posted over a week ago that the 18year old homicide shooter was also the vicious driver who hit the woman who has now died from her injuries. How do you get info when no one else can, and they get paid to do it. Keep it up

Anonymous said...

Rodney we all know you've been sucking up to 900 since he placed you in STF. You are his little spy. Unfortunately you are clueless when it comes to police work and being a supervisor. Who exactly do you supervise anyway? You are one of many unnecessary supervisors in VIN. Learn the fundamentals of police work and next time try to aim at your intended target before shooting up all of Barbour Street again.

Anonymous said...

Blogger, I know a mother and she uses her maiden name. She works under the table. Her daughter has five children from three different fathers. The daughter uses her maiden name and gets low wages at a local francise. They both have different addresses and neither finished grade school. Both women have been on the State for a long long time. These two women show excellent guidence to their children/grandchildren. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Mr Blogger, Did you go to sleep? When are going to respond to my questions sent to you sometime ago? Do you have a problem addressing any of them?



You must be smarter than you appear, and yes , you are correct, I do not intend to respond to your ridiculous questions

Anonymous said...

Blogger, Do you know right from wrong?



I can tell you aren't right. Good enough?

Lt Rodney leads the way said...

You little mice cry about everything. Work dem pjs. Make six figures. Done.

Anonymous said...

Chief Rovella is not a great leader. All past and present chiefs have good and bad qualities. Unfortunately, leadership is one of Rovella's downfalls. Yes, he cares about the community and is extremely dedicated, no doubt about that. He loves police work, definitely. However, his highest rank attained was detective. He never had the chance to master leadership and how to manage and keep morale high. He never ran a division or unit or even a patrol shift. The only way you can experience that is by doing it. Chiefs state attorneys office is not paramilitary and operates differently that a PD, so he wouldn't have had the chance to experience it there. That's why Rovella is completely out of touch with patrol officers and operations. He has a closer relationship with detectives and investigative units because that's what he is and was, a detective. By no means is this to bash the chief, it's just an explanation to the disconnect. Rovella continues to stay on the second floor, and rarely, if ever goes to roll call and talk to the troops. He's been told over and over that's necessary. He, like many chiefs, and at the mayors discretion, does not want aggressive proactive policing, for many reasons, like the Ferguson affect, and it does not go over will in the urban environment. The governor, mayor and CT politicians are all for second chances and raising the juvenile age along with soft on crime approach. So it's tough for Rovella or any chief to go against that without repercussions. Overall, in comparison to past chiefs, the community and politicians do like Rovella, and that's what matters. Guys that stand up for the rank and file, usually do not last long, i.e. Chief Harnett.

Anonymous said...

It's a witches brew. The good people must begin arming themselves if the police are not going to do their jobs.

Kozi said...

Just for the record, Alyssa,, Gail Hardy has been the Hartford State's Attorney since 2006. Kinda hard to round up to 20 years from 11, that's a big jump. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, Alyssa said 20 years in a job is long enough for anyone, she didn't distinguish 20 years in Hartford. So how much state time does she have? And it doesn't negate the fact that she's absolutely horrible and your well aware of that as is everyone else.

Anonymous said...

To the:
Fed up patrol cop said...

Your actions and behavior on behalf of hpd have been for a fee. You are paid a good salary with great benefits and generous overtime. You can not have anyone believe that you did anything for free. Using terms like volunteered or dedicated, you were getting paid as you should. But don't pretend your all altruistic. It appears more self deprecating.
Ps, you receive a thank you every week, its called payday.

Anonymous said...

Hartford's Finest are the best in our state and country. Our Hartford Police are dedicated to law enforcement. Residents are the eyes and ears for our Police. Call 911 or 311. Excellent results will occur.

Alyssa said...

To 9:55 PM

Thanks for the acknowledgment that it's 20+ plus years in the State's Attorney's office for Hardy -- 10+ in Waterbury and 10 here in Hartford. That was my math, simply mis-phrased. "Kozi" at 7:33 PM works for Hardy. I get the correction.

More importantly 9:55 PM, was YOUR observation, "It doesn't negate the fact that she's [Hardy] absolutely horrible and you're well aware of that as is everyone else." Kevin has a story that may be released soon, that shows just how 'absolutely horrible' Hardy is and how far she was willing to stick her neck out for a well-connected Democrat. Truly emblematic of how SICK politics is in this city. And it's a story that only this blog has the guts to print and depth of sources to back it.

Anonymous said...

After the Freddy Gray situation looks like Baltimore PD is about to get the Karma they deserve stay tuned it is going to be one of the biggest exoduses and police indicmented arrests ever in law enforcement history

Anonymous said...

What is "indicmented"?

Anonymous said...

5:06 pm , The one thing that sticks with me the most with the Freddy Gray incident was that 3 of the 6 cops were black! And the media kept mug shots and descriptions from the public for weeks! Why didn't black lives matter or the media expose this? Those idiots waited until after people were " given the space to destroy property" to post those photos and even then didn't remark that 3 cops have black skin! I hope someday black lives matter and the media get that Karma you speak of!

Anonymous said...

The fake media is getting karma finally, thanks to President Trump. The media, even the local media, is having a very hard time with all the push back.

Anonymous said...

You mean fake media Fox News that colluded with the white house in actually creating fake news? Or don't you pay attention to real news? That's rhetorical, by the way. Of course you don't.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious. Your obviously employed by the failing Courant. I'll bet you voted for Hillary as well and believe the Russians fixed the election.