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Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Officer involved shootings are never going to go away. Quite honestly, with the number of illegal guns on our streets in the possession of criminals, I am surprised the don't happen more often. Authorities need to learn to handle these shootings much better than they do now though. The investigations are thorough, but the efforts to maintain the public trust are abysmal. These efforts are now managed by the States Attorney's Office.

 Under Connecticut law, the agency involved in the shooting is removed from any conflict of interest and the actual investigation is turned over to the Connecticut State Police and supervised by a States Attorney outside of the Judicial District the town or agency is in. Currently, after Friday's Police shooting the trust in Hartford's Police Department is being questioned.

The ACLU today released a statement raising questions, almost starting like the beginning of a conspiracy theory by Police.  From the ACLU statement "There are still more questions than answers about why Zack Sherry shot and killed Alphonso Zaporta. This entire case, from anonymous sources sharing information about Mr. Zaporta’s past while not specifying why police tried to stop him in the first place, to the lack of audio in the first minute of video, to the consistent unwillingness from local government officials to take responsibility for transparency, has shown that police can not police themselves. The Public deserves better." 

I couldn't agree more, the public deserves better.

 Statements like the ACLU's only fosters mistrust in the Police and is avoidable, First off, the "anonymous sources" are necessary to get information, and that shouldn't be the case. Transparency is not just a word to throw around to make people think you are being honest. You actually have to  be transparent.

That includes releasing pertinent information and facts on a timely basis , and we shouldn't have to be using back door means  to get information to maintain calm in the community. That should be the responsibility of Tolland County States Attorney Matthew Gedansky.

The ACLU's statement is reckless and irresponsible. A Town Hall style meeting held by Mr . Gedansky could and should  answer many of the ACLU's reckless statements in a public and open forum before festering into community unrest. The lack of audio was explained to anyone that took the time to listen or attended meetings on the use of bodycams.

It is not any conspiracy or secretive editing by the Police, it is a safeguard built into the Axon bodycams. Once an officer hits the button on the body cam, there is a one minute recall that goes back to the previous minute even before the recorded incident began so there is at least video. Anyone that requests video of any incident would see that is the case. Go to youtube and do a search for police body cams and all raw video will have that one minute of video without audio. It is nothing HPD or anyone else edited out

A simple explanation, but someone has to take the lead and explain that,  if they really want to be transparent.

The videos themselves are an issue with the ongoing turf wars between the States Attorney, the Connecticut State Police and the agencies involved. But I have to ask why? What will change if the video is released immediately or a year later when the States Attorney finally finishes their review. The video will be the same today as it is a year from now and a year later only raises the suspicions of a coverup instead of releasing it immediately.

Commissioner Rovella is a huge proponent of transparency, and I am pretty confident that he was the driving force behind video being released so quickly in Hamden, Wethersfield and unfortunately now Hartford

I was involved in meetings with, at the time, Chief Rovella after the Flatbush Avenue incident where police abuse was alleged. There was plenty of video, but the Litchfield County States Attorney was overseeing that investigation and refused to release any of the video. So in the meantime the community mistrust grew. Chief Rovella was adamant about the video being released immediately but was stonewalled by the Litchfield States Attorney We called for a public meeting, and that never happened.

Litchfield and Tolland are a world away from the streets of Hartford, and they may not understand community policing and the community trust  that Chief Rovella , Chief Thody and others have worked very hard to build and maintain.

To maintain that trust and confidence Mr. Gedansky should be holding an open forum with the stakeholders and community members in Hartford to answer questions, put fears to rest and offer some reassurance to people in Hartford that this process is legitimate. Mr Gedansky is a public servant and there is no better service he could perform at this time than maintaining the public's trust with actual transparency.

Commissioner Rovella, Chief Thody and Mr Gedansky, I urge you to exhibit the transparency you talk about and put it into action. Hartford residents and the Hartford Police deserve nothing less


Anonymous said...

The ACLU is just another hate group that stirs up trouble before they get facts. The body cam footage came out a few days after the shooting. That's reasonable.

The ACLU are not about real answers or building a better community. They are not about justice for all. They are about fake social outrage and creating distrust and division in society. It's how they get their money from supporters and lawsuits. There's a reason they backed away from body cams. It impacts their ability to stir up mistrust and conspiracies, which in turn effects their ability to win laws suits $$$$.

Anonymous said...

I think eric leonard should run the vin division. That would hit the spot. His robotic and semi anti social behavior will benefit the unit and the city.

Anonymous said...

Kev, Any idea when Al Sharpton will be back in Hartford to unveil the city’s hall of shame memorial wall? Do you remember ? The wall will be engraved with the names of those shitbags who died “in the line of duty” while engaged in criminal activity . Maybe Hartford could stay liberally progressive and start with the Z’s first ,,,,,,Alphonso Zaporta would be my first choice to get the list going. ,,,only in Hartford will you see the idea that these “ANIMALS” will get memorialized on a wall .

Anonymous said...

Are u serious about a shitbag wall holy shit!!

Anonymous said...

Capt.Carter on the line as fire Captain. Reggie are you CRAZY!!.This women has never been in a structure fire or a line lieutenant.!!! The only fire she saw was when she was assigned to Engine 9 as a private she was *** **** ***her now husband Brian Carter. They were both married at the time but not to each other. ***MODERATOR NOTE- THIS COMMENT HAS BEN POSTED WITH SOME WORDING EDITED THAT COULD NOT BE VERIFIED

Anonymous said...

Go away little fire mice. Nobody cares.

Anonymous said...

5:06PM This guy was from Windsor. He came into our city to commit his crime because he thought he could get away with it. Obviously he didnt.

12:49PM Why not post more valuable info on this Carter person. If she has no experience or right being a captain on the line, members of the public can make a complaint to Freeman.

2:00PM Our fire personnel are not mice and expose themselves daily to dangerous situations and dangerous people as first responders. Stop calling them mice as in other posts.

Anonymous said...

“ In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight.
Let all who will offer me a job , fight evil’s might!!
Beware my power, green lantern’s light!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:42 AM ,,I shit you not!!!! Google “Sharpton pledges $1000 to Hartford Memorial at anti-violence rally” and read the Hartford Courant article ,,,BETTER YET -Google “preacher confronts Sharpton Hartford” watch the Fox News interview and also read the Courant article titled “ Why I called the Rev. Al Sharpton a pimp” ,,,THIS SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN MORE NATIONAL COVERAGE THAN ONE SPOT ON FOX NEWS!!!! Rev. Marcus Mosiah Jarvis should be hailed a hero for calling out that CHARLATAN !!! As for you 3:00 PM ,That memorial wall is intended to “NOT DISCRIMINATE” !!! No matter where those shitbags are from who chose a life of crime and got THEMSELVES killed in Hartford are ALL WELCOME TO BE ENGRAVED ON THE WALL OF INFAMY. 12:49 PM -The over and under is 6 Tours before she goes off the line ,,,,I picked the under ,,,,WHAT SAY YOU????

RB said...

Since HFD has been brought up...

Maybe someone can enlighten me.
Got off the Sisson Ave xit, & saw a School bus, painted in HFD colors,
and actually said Hartford Fire Dept. on the side.

I'm curious as to what this vehicle is used for.



That is the "rehab bus" It is used at working fired and when firefighters on scene for an extended time. It carries bottled water , etc. to rehydrate firefighters at fires and during hot weather and hot items during the winter when needed. I thick it also carries some snacks and things like energy bars. It is used quite a bit and is definitely an asset at scenes.. If I missed anything maybe someone more familiar with its use than I am can elaborate.

Anonymous said...

It’s used to feed the little mice cheese and snacks at working fire scenes. Also it’s a place for the little mice to cool off in the summer and warm up in the winter. Rehab for the little mice.

Anonymous said...

Reggie does not understand, due to the fact that he never did the job, that putting "Captain" carter on the line is an insanely dangerous proposition. Carter is adept at leveraging her gender and race and to get a new job every year at the HFD. She has invariably failed at every level. Let start with the fact that the woman is in no physical shape to be on the line, will she go off on her first or second trick to "A" injury status? And what about the good captain that was transferred after only a month to make room for this fraud. And what about that crew, who was without an officer for years, and finally got Captain Gillen and was very happy about it. The entire house suffers with no captain. Shelly will never fill those boots. Folks, the HFD is badly broken and the current administration does not have the ability to fix it. What about our "union"? Are they complicit in this disaster? Is there collusion between the administration and the union? How could such an unsafe appointment be tolerated? Additionally, we all know that Carter is a fraud, does Reggie expect her to get any respect on the line? Well, she will not, and when good people push back against this clown, it will be the good employees that are dragged through the mud accused of being racists and anti female. Clearly, Reggie is more concerned with optics that reflect the cultural Marxist delusions that those in power embrace in this failed state, that the physical safety of the firefighters exposed to Carter. Brookman, Reggie never fooled me like he continues to fool you, I knew exactly what kind of an animal he was years ago. And to all you weak so called men who have lined up to kiss his fat butt for your promotions while benefits and pay have been stripped from the rank and file, I have not an ounce of respect for any of you.

RB said...

Thank You, Mr.Brookman.


I am not sure how we got on the topic of the Fire Department from a posting about a Police shooting. Reggie is the right guy for the job. there plenty of line Chief's and District Chiefs to command Fire scenes. Keep in mind that the only reason you are at the strength you are now is because Reggie went to Washington and got millions of dollars to hire replacement firefighters, he also leveraged Federal money to enhance your radio equipment for the safety of firefighters in the field I also think there is some new apparatus on the way to replace the aging Tac and other equipment.

Name one Chief that did that for you guys in the last decade

Anonymous said...

The only reason for new radios is to better hear all of the scared supposed FF's in one room fires!

Anonymous said...

We dont like Reggie
We at HFD want the overtime.
We dont want more Employees.

Anonymous said...

Kev, Please keep in mind that Captains rotate in and out of the “Red Car” acting as Deputy Chiefs at fires ,meaning she will be in charge at a fire scene eventually.As for Reggie I’ll play devil’s advocate on his behalf and say “you wanted the position ,you got it” . What do you do with her? You can’t hide her at a slow house and expect nothing bad to happen ,,,let’s avoid resurrecting the Kevin Bell debacle related to sleepy 16’s were the Chiefs thought the dregs they buried there were safe.Anyone at a single piece house ,ESPECIALLY 5’s ,will tell you it’s no joke pulling up to a worker with people hanging out of windows and ITS JUST YOU AND 3 CO-WORKERS!!! You could be there 4 minutes or more by yourselves until reinforcements arrive . Kevin, you were at the big apartment fire on Laurel St ,how do you think someone with no experience would fare at a event like that with making a split second decision and a commitment ??? This is no joke and it goes way beyond Reggie , RJo W and many other Hartford politicians love to parade these sacrificial lambs to their constituents and say “ look what we did”,,,if she and they keep this up they should start Googleing “awesome eulogies for firefighters”. I said 3 years ago that HFD was going to resemble DPW in about 10 yrs,,,I WAS WAY TOO GENEROUS WITH MY TIMELINE,,, too bad and too sad

Anonymous said...

Can she be worse than the last female line Captain?

Anonymous said...

YES,9:25 PM ,,,,,PLEASE REFER BACK TO “SINGLE PIECE HOUSE” and “ENGINE 5” assignment . Statistically the engine and ladder leave the barn at the same time for a structure fire,therefore you most likely have a Lieutenant along with a crew of 3 arriving on scene at the same time.THAT MAKES IT MUCH “BETTERER” than a Captain with NO experience making decisions all by herself ....9:25 PM ,You must have just passed the test to get on ,ya???

Anonymous said...

9:43pm If you knew half as much as you think you do you would know that anyone who is in charge of an Engine that does not want to arrive alone to a fire will make sure that they do not arrive alone to a fire whether they are male or female, private or officer!

Anonymous said...

9:33 PM ,YOU MUST USE FLASHCARDS WHEN STUDYING FOR ADVANCEMENT POSTIONS ,,,,my answer at 9:43 PM was SPECIFICALLY RELATED to the question at 9:25 PM,,,,IT WAS NOT A “GENERIC” ANSWER TO A “GENERAL” QUESTION Mr.No It All ,,,,Maybe they will CURVE the test for you as they did for this inexperienced new Captain,,,IT LOOKS LKE YOU’LL NEED IT