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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Just to bring you up to speed on the latest at Hartford Public Access Television and the Sasha Hunter saga, if you aren't aware of the controversy, read about it here in a previous posting "BILLIE SCRUSE PUTS THE SCREWS TO THE SASHA HUNTER SHOW"

Ok, now that you read that, here's the latest. Earlier this evening, February 17, 2010, the Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council (HACTAC)met for their regular monthly meeting.Myself and other HAPTV producers, including Sasha Hunter, attended the meeting and were allowed to speak to the Board.

Prior to the meeting HACTAC members advised us that they were more than willing to allow anyone to speak, but that they would like a written complaint detailing the issues of concern. After listening to our complaints and the details of the issues, we were urged to submit our issues promptly and that HACTAC would call a special meeting to address the complaints. They committed to calling a special meeting as quickly as legally possible, most likely within a week after the complaint was received.

The HACTAC board seemed concerned regarding the status of the operation and lack of transparency at HPATV. I detailed the issue that HPATV Board meetings are not open to the public, and in fact, myself and other producers had the police called on us to be removed when we tried to attend a Board meeting. Several jaws on the HACTAC board dropped open at that statement, especially from an organization whose middle name is "Public".

I also spoke about the numerous producers who have requested representation on the Board of Directors, only to fall on deaf ears. I don't ever recall a member of the HPATV Board attending a producers meeting.

Sasha then spoke and outlined her suspension from HPATV's lineup and the way her situation has been handled. Then another producer spoke about her many years as a volunteer at HPATV and how she has volunteered as a camera person at Hartford City Council meetings. Apparently because she is a supporter of Sasha Hunter, Trish has been told that her volunteer services are no longer needed at Council meetings.

HACTAC seemed to take these allegations very seriously and outlined the steps that they may potentially take to correct the situation if they agree with the complaint.
Apparently, they have the authority to take several steps, up to ordering Comcast to remove HPATV's authority to broadcast on the 3 channels allocated to them for the public access usages. HACTAC also stated that they have the authority to withhold Comcast funding to HPATV and appoint a different non-profit as the new operator of the franchise.

They stated that every attempt to rectify the situation would be taken first, but if the Board and Executive Director chose not to communicate or address the issues, worst case they could exercise the above scenarios.

More to come on this I'm sure. I guess sometimes it is just not a good idea to poke a hornets nest without giving it some long hard thought first. You may think the hornets aren't going to fight back and protect themselves, but that first sting will let you know you made a mistake.

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