Several sources have confirmed that Hartford Fire Chief Ed Casares is calling it quits when his contract expires in 2012. Casares replaced Fire Chief Charles Teale in 2010 when Teale retired.
Chief Casares was unable to be reached for comment.
More on this as information becomes available
It would be nice if it happens that the Mayor select someone competant,instead of a political crony.
Uh oh, Reggie's gonna be "movin on up". There is a new sheriff in town, his name is Reggie, Reggie Freeman! The time to retire has come...........
At City Hall the buzz is that the Chief is leaving quietly because of an internal investigation involving the relationship between him and his Secretary as well as embezzling from the fire department general fund to pay for his degree. No surprise being that he was a Perez appointee.
City Hall should also look into the relationship between Casares and Reginald Freeman. Casares apparently worked for Freeman as a consultant and never disclosed that to the City before Casares hired Freeman as an Assistant Chief, "quid pro quo"?
Nothin gonna happen. Just like that police time card fraud thing. Sweep it away with some of kevin' s tax money. No pun to u of course kevin.
The feds need to take over control of htfd. Plain and simPle
Casares working for Freeman as a consultant? Hilarious! Doing what? Intimidating or beating up clients that didn't pay? What else would he have been good for?!
There's some irony in the fact that Bruce Rubenstein addresses someone's competency by mis-spelling the word competent.
Speaking of competent, how in the hell did Carlos get made over Scott? Really!?! You must have been looking for a "yes man" or someone that you could control. People don't respect him they like him because his mind changes in your favor after the smallest amount of pressure. Get him alone with a few beers and you'll have whatever assignment you want. On second thought forget I even said that. Thanks!
Casares and Freeman never worked together prior to Freeman coming to Hartford. Sources do say that the Command Staff is on the verge of imploding. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife when they are around each other. Apples and oranges in comparison to when the new staff first hit the street.
Just drive a beer truck and play golf with Charlie and you get your request. Have to let Charlie win however.
I keep my nose out of the third floor, go to work when I'm supposed to, where I'm assigned and do my job to the best of my ability. I sleep well at night with that.
The guy I don't want to work with is the one who feels the need to buy rounds of golf, beer, etc. then lick the shine off the shoes off a chief to get a "better" assignment. Then turns around and publicly writes how weak their constitution is.
Very good comment! I think that applies to most of us on the HFD.
Unfortunately, you are correct about the a**-kissers and how they get what they want. These are the ones who are going to get somebody killed. They have no business being where they are and have no clue what they are doing at a call. One of the units in HFD is loaded with "favors" who have no business being there at HQ.
The 3rd floor should always think "if my wife or child is pinned in a car, trapped in a fire,etc. Would this be a FF I could count on to save my family?"
Unfortunately it comes down to race, golf partners, and cronies that decides where you are assigned. Very dissapointing for the residents of Hartford.
That must be the TAC. The proud,the few,the useless.
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