Jeff Cohen at WNPR had an interesting story about the battle for Council President when the new Council begins. Click here to read Jeff's story
Kenneth Kennedy, a Council incumbent, is seeking the Presidency as well as Council newcomer Shawn Wooden. The vote apparently comes down to one swing vote, also a Council newcomer, Kyle Anderson. The general consensus is that three Democrats have aligned themselves behind Kennedy and the three minority Council members, all Working Families Party members are behind Wooden. That leaves Anderson potentially as the deciding vote.
One of the points I tried to make repeatedly is that people need to think hard about who is placed in the position of Council President. We need to ask if we can imagine that person as potentially the Mayor. The Council President, as outlined in the Charter, is the successor to the Office of Mayor if the Mayor is removed from office or can not complete their term.
We saw that last year when Eddie Perez was convicted on corruption charges and left office in shame as a convicted felon. I shudder to think what would have happened if the Council President wasn't Pedro Segarra at the time and someone else might have become Mayor.
But going back to the Cohen story. Councilman Kennedy was quoted in the story as follows, "I know the rumor mill in Hartford but I want to state unequivocally that Mayor Segarra is going to finish his entire term.".
Unequivocally? Based upon what, a crystal ball? ESP? the stars? In true political fashion, it seems like a promise being made that no one can guarantee. It seems like the Councilman may be trying to allay potential fears of what kind of Mayor he would be if he is fortunate enough to gain the Council President's seat.
I'm sure many people would have said "unequivocally" that Eddie Perez would have finished his term also, but a lot of things can change in the course of four years and no one can back up a statement like that, not even Councilman Kennedy.
It is very important to Hartford's political image internally and statewide, that the 1st meeting in early January goes off without a hitch and that the vote for Council titles and rules is done in an orderly manner.It would be highly embarressing to the Mayor and the whole rest of the City if there is no deal and no vote at the first meeting to be held early January.The statewide political establishment would see that disaray and disfunctionality as further eidence of Hartford's slide into political obscurity and once again disregard Hartford as a strong power.If the Mayor has any brains at all he will tell Kennedy to accept a 2 and 2,each splitting a 2 year term as Council President,and a same 2 and 2 for Majority Leader, with Wooden BEFORE the first meeting.Being on the Council so long Kennedy ought to know the consequences of a first meeting that could be in shambles and ought to on his own make the aforesaid deal without the Mayor suggesting it.If Kennedy doesn't come around and if the Democrats continue to act stupidly and/or put undue pressure on Kyle,then I for one wouldn't blame Kyle for "crossing over" and making a deal with Shawn and the WFP.
Then again it isn't like Hartford is loaded with alot of political maturity.When Hartford's political establishment is loaded,as it seems to be, with felons,predators,incompetants,and those that appear to be morally depraved,anything can happen. I wouldnt be surprised to once again see disaray and disfunctionality at the first meeting,with no substantive votes taking place for titles and council rules.
Aside from the issue of succession to mayoralty, what if any are the practical considerations? Assuming he's not a complete space alien, why not put in the guy with seniority/experience? Bruce, you know about the whole left/right thing; is Wooden a fiscal conservative like Luis Cotto? Or is there some other reason the WFP want Wooden? In any case, without knowing more, I'm in favor of Kennedy.
Peter, you sure do have a fixation with Luis Cotto. Have you ever even talked to him or do you get all your venom courtesy the most reliable source out there, The Hartford Courant? (sarcasm intended) I have never seen you at city hall for a public comment session or even one committee meeting.
"Luis" my short-hand for WFP. I have no extra venom for him beyond that. The WFP is what it is, despite Bruce's insistence that it's a fiscally responsible outfit. I try to keep a very low profile at all of the meetings. So low, in fact, that I have no idea whether or to what extent I should be interested in Council Prez. Perhaps you could tell me which of the two fellows mentioned deserves less of my venom.
Peter... The Council President runs the meetings and is at the center usually of deciding the committee chairs,with others on the Council supporting him. And of course is "next in line should the Mayor leave office.
I think the issue of Council President between Wooden and Kennedy is more about personality then ideology.There is little trust between Luis and Larry with regard to Kennedy based upon the last 4 years of working together.
While I certainly no huge fan of Luis,based upon his penchant for "self dealing" and penchant for some hypocracy of acting like a very mainstream politician while proclaiming a progressive bent,it is myopinion that you should indeed contact him for a chat about his vision for the future of Hartford.
In addition Peter, I believe the WFP are fiscally prudent and certainly as prudent as the 2 major parties.
I believe the WFP are fiscally prudent and certainly as prudent as the 2 major parties
Well, whoever it is they settle upon will have my best wishes, etc.
Just because I have no use for the WFP doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate it if they and the Dems were to engage in more responsible and more limited/modest governing.
I see the value of our real estate here in the Rising Star has been assessed at 25% less than previously. I trust my taxes will go down similarly.
I just read with delight that Mayor Segarra nixed the idea of a casino in Hartford.He has it right on this one, as a casino will do nothing for Hartford overall.Hartford should concentrate on financial,insurance and small business jobs rather then the "flash" of a casino,which only seeks to addict folks into gambling.
I have never seen you at city hall for a public comment session or even one committee meeting
I did watch a good bit of the Council Show of 12/12. I, too, thank all retiring council guys for their service.
After the farewell ceremonies the Council approved a change in the composition in the Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual and Trisexual Commission to allow more trans-municipals. Also, it approved a resolution disapproving of the Via Verde natural gas pipeline in Puerto Rico because the Council is convinced it will cause environmental damage there.
I hesitate to say how "Hartford's political image" was affected, if at all.
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