Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I am sure that the debate over the second amendment will become heated over the next few months.

The 2nd amendment to our Constitution reads as follows: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What did our founding fathers have in mind? Did they ever envision Bushmaster rifles with 30 round clips and ammunition that is so devastating to human tissue, it would cause almost certain death when used, especially when used against a 6 year old child?

Is it time to return to what our founding fathers had in mind for self protection and allow Americans to own single shot muskets and black powder pistols? There is no place in any American home for a Bushmaster Assault rifle and as with most laws it is about the "intent" of the legislation and typically not the convoluted extreme result that many times occurs when extremists push the wording to the limit.

It also comes down to personal responsibility. It is extremely troubling to hear about a mentally disturbed individual  who was able to essentially shoplift assault rifles from an East Windsor gun store this past weekend. Were these weapons left around with the same level of security as DVD's at Walmart?

Shouldn't a responsible gun shop have these weapons properly secured in locked cases or at least some sort of cable run through them so that a crazed individual can't walk out with ammunition and an assault rifle in hand to wreak havoc on another town?Severe penalties should be invoked for any person that carelessly allows weapons to get into the wrong hands.

Something needs to change, this wasn't what or forefathers intended.The weapon pictured above has no place in any home


Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend a couple moments with Governor Malloy as he returned to his Capitol Office from Newtown.  He was definitely not his usual upbeat personality, and his signature green necktie had been replaced by a black tie of mourning. I thanked both the Governor and the Lt Governor for the way they were handling the Newtown massacre with sincerity and genuineness. No politics, no grandstanding.

I think anyone can be a politician, but there are not a lot of politicians that can step up and be real leaders during a time of crisis. It is easy as a politician to search out the closest television camera crew or make sure that your photo is taken for face book as you lay down a bouquet of flowers at a memorial. That's what politicians do.

Leaders do what needs to be done, and I think they do it more out of instinct rather than through any previous training. I don't think anyone could have prepared Governor Malloy for the task of having to tell 20 parents that there children were lying dead in the corner of a classroom, shot multiple times.

The morning new shows this morning were running stories that apparently claims were being made that family members of victims were possibly upset that Governor Malloy  was "insensitive" in the way he notified them that their loved ones were dead. I'm just wondering how you can possibly be more sensitive in notifying a family that their 6 year old child was dead?

No politician ever runs for office expecting to have to undertake the task of sensitively explaining the actions of a madman with an assault rifle killing innocent children. And I would venture to say that very few of our politicians are up to the task of doing it.

As Governor Malloy explained yesterday at a Capitol  press conference, if he had adhered to the "normal " process, it could have taken days for the official word and list of the deceased. Malloy felt that was wrong and expedited the process to give all parents  official word of the news that no parent wanted to receive as quickly as possible. To do otherwise "would  be wrong" according to the Governor as tears streamed down his cheeks and his voice  not coming easily.

The Governor, with Lt Governor Wyman by his side, has faced a couple months of tragedy that has been unprecedented in decades in our State. Hurricane Sandy's devastation by Mother nature and the Sandy Creek devastation by another human being.

No matter what your political views or political affiliation you have to admit these are difficult times that no elected official looks forward to having to deal with, the evaluation of their leadership is how they respond. You can visibly see the toll these actions take on Malloy and Wyman and I for one am very appreciative of their actions.

I can only think back to my time in High School when our Governor Thomas Meskill was out of state on vacation skiing while much of the State was without power after Ice Storm Felix and then the other story of Ella Grasso getting out of her limo and walking to the Capitol during a blizzard to lead our state during a crisis.

Leadership takes all forms, and I am glad we have this Governor on the 2nd floor at times like this

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I think most of us wandered around Friday afternoon with a sense of helplessness and asking why? The Sandy Hook shootings were something even we aren't used to or prepared for as City residents. We see a lot here, but nothing can make sense of 20 young children massacred in a spot they should be able to feel safe as in their own homes with their parents

As Governor Malloy said"Evil visited Newtown today". When I heard that there was going to be a vigil in Bushnell, I knew I couldn't sit home. I got there early and I was never more proud of our City residents as a couple hundred people began filling the park.

The big question with most people was "how can we help?" "what can we do?".9-11 brought out similar feelings in most of us, but those were adults who had lived a good portion of their lives already, these were children gunned down by a man who can only be described as evil and mentally ill. You can only imagine the fear on their faces as what they probably thought was a friendly visitor to their classroom, executed them one by one.

As I talked to people at the vigil, I thought that most parents, especially in this economy, probably didn't have life insurance on a 6 year old child. Parents who are under the stress and pressure of just having their children murdered shouldn't now have to face the stress of figuring out how to pay for the funerals.

The first thing this morning I spoke with Hartford Police detective Claudette Kosinski who is also on the Board of Directors of the Hartford Police Federal Credit Union. I explained to her I wanted to set up a fund to collect donations to provide help to the families of the victims. She readily agreed and said she would contact the Credit Union Director to see what was involved. On Monday we plan on setting up the Bank Account to accept donations. Once the account is set up, I will set up a pay pal account to accept donations online.

If you see fit , I would ask that you consider mailing a donation to Newtown Victim Relief  c/o the Hartford Police Federal Credit Union, 50 Jennings Road, Hartford, CT 06120. All donations received will go to assist victim families

Thursday, December 13, 2012


For anyone unaware, the Hartford Parking Authority has stepped up their efforts this past year to collect parking fines. Uncollected revenue from parking tickets in Hartford has been a problem for years, but apparently the Parking Authority has gone high-tech..

The Authority is now using "plate reader technology" which are cameras attached to a vehicle that patrols the city scanning thousands of license plates per hour. The cameras attached to a computer database identify vehicles with unpaid fines. Vehicles with as little as $300.00 in tickets are being impounded and towed to collect the fines. The days of accruing thousands of dollars in unpaid fines seem to be gone.

If you would like to check to see if you have tickets or to pay a fine, you can go to hartfordparking.com or visit the Parking Authority at Hartford Parking Authority Administrative Office 155 Morgan Street Hartford, CT 06103 Phone (860) 527-7275 Fax (860) 549-7275 Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

And apparently no one is exempt from the enforcement, word is that a Hartford police Officer Tracie Green had her car impounded and towed last week as a "parking scofflaw" after her vehicle was identified as having over $550.00 in unpaid fines.

If your vehicle is towed as a "scofflaw" you are also responsible for the towing and storage fees in addition to the outstanding fines

Saturday, December 1, 2012


I know , and will readily admit, that I am part of the problem here when it comes to putting out information about the Hartford Police Department. That is probably because  a lot of the calls I get relate to negative occurrences involving officers or other matters.

Before the comments start flying, I will also say that I try to put out the positive info when I get it.

For anyone that attended the promotion ceremony yesterday, it had to be excitingly obvious that Chief Rovella and his officers are doing something right and the ball is in his court now to keep that momentum going. I have attended a lot of promotion ceremonies over the years and I have to say that yesterday was the best attended that I have ever seen.

 The atrium was full and it was shoulder to shoulder standing room only at the railings on the 2nd and 3rd floors. I think part of it was that Chief Rovella's choices for Deputy Chief's were extremely popular with the rank and file , who showed up to support the new Chief's. There were also many members of the public as well as HPD retirees that showed up to share the sense of optimism that they are feeling in Chief Rovella's vision. He has made tremendous progress in a short period of time and he doesn't seem to be slowing down at all.

photo above from Steve Goode  of the Hartford Courant, twitter posting
As visitors entered City Hall they were treated to a symbolic part of that vision. Three brand new black and white police cruisers were parked at the steps of City Hall, looking like the Christmas display's at Macy's when they highlight their best merchandise at their doorsteps to draw customers in. The cruiser display was the buzz among most people waiting for the new Chief's to march in.

I don't know if itwas planned for the effect it got, but that is exactly what HPD needs to continue doing on a daily basis. There many good things going on that would help build better relationships between the Police and the community, if only the word got out.

I was going shopping at B.J.'s Saturday and when I got off the Flatbush Avenue exit , I saw flashing police lights in front of Walmart. Being nosy, I drove into the lot  to see the HPD Hummer parked at the entrance loaded with toys , rather than another crime incident .It was members of the Hispanic Officer's Association and the HPD Guardians , two fraternal organizations for Black and Hispanic Officers ,conducting a Toy Drive for Hartford's children.

When I dropped of a few toys on my return back from BJ's, one of the officers expressed her displeasure to me when I asked for  details and told me they are doing good things all the time and no one ever knows or hears about it. She told me how they served a couple hundred Thanksgiving Dinners to Hartford residents that would otherwise have gone without the meal on Thanksgiving Day.

As a sidenote, the Toy Drive will continue in front of Walmart tomorrow and next weekend also. Tomorrow the HPD mounted unit will have the horses there also for people to see.. Unwrapped toys will  gladly be accepted.

Now back to the marketing. Have any of you heard about the "Faith Based Initiative" that is being developed under the direction of Chief Rovella and  members of the Hartford City Council? Probably not since no one from the media has covered it, but I have to also say they may not have been invited. The Faith Based Initiative is a simple idea that will probably produce huge results down the road.

In a snapshot, it is trying to gets Hartford's Churches and members to take ownership for a small area around their buildings and neighborhoods, both to victims of violence and potential problem youth.. Chief Rovella frequently refers to the "moral compass" of Hartford's Youth and keeping that compass in line. That is where the Church communities will come into play in identifying potential problems and provide the mentoring and support to break the cycle of violence in Hartford's neighborhoods hopefully. I have attended all three planning meetings and it is a great group with some solid ideas that need to now be put into action.

I know I am oversimplifying it, but it is something that shows Hartford can turn it's problems around with solid partnerships, but people need to know what is going on so they can support it and get involved. At the last meeting hosted by the Archdiocese of Hartford at Saint Thomas Seminary, I half jokingly mentioned that there was no media present to cover the planning session, but if someone got shot all the live trucks would be there immediately to cover it.

Has anyone heard about Chief Rovella's Domestic Violence initiative that starts Monday? Probably not because there has been no coverage that I am aware of. Again a basic idea, but Domestic Violence calls eat up a huge amount of HPD resources. And paraphrasing here and not speaking for Chief Rovella, the way it has been explained to me is that it is about breaking the cycle of domestic violence in Hartford's families.

I think the focus is going to be working with youth and the victims of domestic violence to keep the next generation of adults from feeling domestic violence is acceptable because they grew up seeing it.
Four detectives are being reassigned as of Monday to begin the initiative in an attempt to curb Hartford's incidents of domestic violence.

I know the media plays a huge role in the negative sensationalism coverage that Hartford gets. Yellow crime scene tape and bodies in the street draw more viewers an sell more papers than toys for children being loaded in a cruiser. A police officer stealing lobsters gets far more attention and comments than 5 positive promotions to Deputy Chief, but that is where marketing and relationships  need to come into play.

Churning out press releases won't dot it alone. Someone needs to have the guts to lay down the gauntlet to the media. If you are going to call when you want the negative information, you better take the call and produce results when HPD wants the positive information put out also. It needs to be a two way street, beneficial to both sides.

I think the goodwill is running high right now and now is the time to take advantage. With violent crime and homicide stats possibly being the lowest they have been in 30 years, the message needs to get to our media partners that HPD is moving, not just into a new building but in a new direction.

Next Saturday, December 8th, the next meeting of the Faith Based Initiative planners will be hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church at 120 Sigourney Street from 9:00am until noon, let's see if there is any media coverage and which outlets are willing to jump on the good news also.

Friday, November 30, 2012


After hob nobbing with the likes of Ricky Martin and Shakira, it was bound to happen. Hartford's Mayor Pedro Segarra has gone Hollywood in the latest version of Gangham Style.

Word is that Segarra now needs police protection when he is out in public due to his superstar status.

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


On Monday , Hartford Fire Department Deputy Chief of Training Dan Nolan returned to his job with the city as a result of a court order after his wrongful termination. Nolan has also filed a lawsuit against the city for damages as a result of his termination.

The lawsuit filing is below, although it is somewhat short on specifics in the suit, I gues that is the way these things work. It should prove to be an interesting trial as witnesses are put under oath and questioned. Among them will most likely be the Hartford Fire Union President Vincent Fusco as he will have to divulge his involvement in the termination and what he did and when.

Tickets should be sold for the questioning of  Former Fire Chief Charles Teale as he states under oath the tale of Springfield Strip clubs and payments he took from an opthamologist to cover penalties for misusing the Hartford Fire Academy for his personal gain. (These things are already on the record from the Labor board hearings). Luckily for Teale the statute of limitations has expired on the payoff.

Somehow I think the City will be scrambling to settle this one for a large amount rather than have more dirty laundry from a corrupt City hall aired in public..

This is a story that still isn't done yet and promises to get even worse before it is done. Stay tuned.

Nolan (1)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Change is well underway at HPD. Some of it will be obvious, some will not be that obvious to the general public. One of the most obvious will be the new fleet of police cruisers about to hit Hartford's streets. HPD will be breaking from tradition and starting to take part in a national trend in putting black and white cruisers on Hartford's streets.

The first of the new fleet are arriving and being outfitted now.

Another change will not be quite as obvious. This Friday at 2:00PM at City Hall, Chief Rovella will be promoting 5 individuals to the rank of Deputy Chief. Read more about the promotions here, These promotions will mark the first time in several years that the Command Staff of HPD has actually come close to representing the makeup and diversity of the community they serve.

More encouraging information is also coming out this week that we have a shot, no pun intended, of having the lowest homicide rate in almost thirty years. Although everyone wants to potentially take credit, especially our Mayor and other politicians, the fact of the matter is that the vision of a handful of people are responsible for the crime reductions. Foremost among them is Hartford's new Chief James Rovella and a person who has been instrumental in implementing and carrying out Rovella's vision, Hartford Police Lieutenant Lance Sigersmith, Commander of HPD's Intelligence Division and the Shooting Task Force, Credit needs to go as well to all of the agencies and personnel working hard to clean up our City under "Team Rovella",

Across the board from the beginning of Rovella's tenure, it seems that a new sense of professionalism and motivation  has swept over HPD and I don't mean to belittle any ones efforts by leaving anyone out. Major crimes detectives are clearing more cases through good investigations and taking criminals off the streets, Patrol officers are carrying their weight knowing that there is a new sense of accountability and fairness in discipline when needed.

Things seem to be starting to click as a team and the results seem to be showing, Whether through increased morale or reduced crime stats.the results are obvious. I guess that is what effective leadership does.

What the politicians who are eager to take credit for the results need to keep in mind  is that these results don't happen by chance and without an associated cost. Reduced crime in the Capitol City doesn't come cheap. It involves overtime for staffing, equipment and other supplies and related expenses. In a City that sometimes spends money ridiculously, tough choices are going to be made during the upcoming budget season, one of the areas that should not be cut is Public Safety because under Rovella we are finally getting our money's worth. Compare his results to those of the Board of Education and see where we are getting our money's worth.

The results are obvious.Crime is dropping and people "afraid" of Hartford are sure to take notice if HPD handles the message properly. Both our local leaders and our state leaders need to do their part to make sure their investment is properly protected and properly funded. Chief Rovella's vision isn't cheap, but it is working  and the results are showing

Friday, November 23, 2012


When I moved back to Hartford years ago. one of the first people I met when I started to get involved in the community was the person in the picture above. Dave Carrier and his wife Val had also moved back to Hartford about the same time to purchase a "perfect six" building that was being renovated into a two family, owner occupied home.

Many of you might recognize Dave who is quite often out in the community a various events without the red hat and coat. The white beard is real though and I am sure it turns the heads of many young children year round as they see "Santa Dave" out in public accompanied by his wife Val, no reindeer though , he usually  saves them for one night a year.

If you are organizing a Christmas event, Dave just might be the perfect addition to set the right spirit.

Santa Dave will be visiting all those in attendance at the Maple Avenue NRZ Holiday meet and greet on December 13, 2012, at 7:00PM. The event starts at 6:00PM at St. Augustine's Church and is open to the public, Attendees are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for the St. Augustine Food Bank or a health care item to be donated to the South Park Inn's homeless shelter.

If you would like to inquire about Santa Dave's services, check out hartfordsanta.com or http://www.facebook.com/SantaDaveCarrier


Hartford Fire Department Deputy Chief of Training Dan Nolan, who was wrongfully terminated by a corrupt mayor, will once again be wearing a Hartford Fire department uniform and badge as of Monday. The City of Hartford is under a court order to return Nolan to his previous rank and status as a result of extensive hearings into his wrongful termination.

Nolan was terminated in 2008 by our felonious Mayor at the time Eddie A. Perez, a move that was carried out by former Fire Chief Charles Teale. Evidence testified to under oath at Nolan's hearing portrayed a less than stellar picture of the former Chief, including his own testimony that he took payoffs from a local opthamologist during a period of controversy when Teale was renting out Hartford Fire Department Training Facilities and collecting the payments personally also..

You can read more about that here

Nolan has now also filed a lawsuit against the City of Hartford for his wrongful termination. In a somewhat unusual move, Nolan is also filing personally against retired Chief Teale for his alleged
"malicious actions". It might just be about time that these Department heads that make these sometimes vindictive or malicious decisions  decisions start to feel it in their own checkbooks, not just at the taxpayers expense.

Numerous decisions involving terminations that have been overturned by the Courts might have started out differently if the powers to be knew that heir own homes or bankbooks could be tapped in these lawsuits. How much did Secore, Murtha and now Nolan cost the taxpayers of Hartford in legal fees , only to be reversed by Judges?

To read transcripts and other documents as to how the Nolan case evolved,just type Nolan in the search box above and you will find numerous stories. It is definitely an interesting story as to how the Union played both sides of the fence initially in complaining to former COO Lee Erdman based upon  an "anonymous" complaint from a non-union member recruit and then claiming that they were supportive of "Brother Nolan".

I guess that is what they call Karma, and in the end, good usually wins out over evil.

Welcome Back Chief Nolan.

I will post the full content of the lawsuit and complaint here Monday


Hartford's Police Chief James Rovella today announced the promotion of two HPD Captains and three Lieutenants to the rank of Deputy Chief. Rovella will be promoting Captains Joseph Buyak and William Long and Lieutenants Neville Brooks, Luis Rodriguez and Emory Hightower to Deputy Chief. The promotions will take place Friday , November 30, 2012 in a ceremony at 2:00PM at City Hall,

Although the assignments for the new Chiefs have not been announced, unofficially sources are telling me that Captain Buyak will be assigned as  Chief of Patrol,Captain  Long will be Chief of Detectives and Support Services, Lieutenant Rodriguez will be Chief of the South Police Services Area(PSA), Lieutenant Hightower will be Chief of the North PSA and Lieutenant Brooks will be assigned as Chief of the new Central PSA which will cover the downtown area. The Central PSA was eliminated under the neighborhood policing plan implemented under former Chief Harnett.

These promotions also mark the first time in several years that minority members of HPD have been promoted into Command Staff positions

Four police officers will also be promoted to the rank of sergeant during the ceremony.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


A lot has been said in the comments the last few days and the harm they face and the necessity for competent, qualified leaders to guide firefighters in their tasks. I think the last thing any of us want to see is a police officer or firefighter injured as they perform their duties to protect us, especially by less than competent supervision. When you have a free moment try to keep them in your thoughts and that they will be kept safe from harm, whatever the cause,

When I'm called to duty God
wherever flames may rage
give me strength to save a life
whatever be its age

Help me to embrace a little child
before it is too late
or save an older person from
the horror of that fate

Enable me to be alert
to hear the weakest shout
and quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out

I want to fill my calling and
to give the best in me
to guard my neighbor and
protect his property

And if according to your will
I have to lose my life
bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Please take a moment to click on an answer above and let me know what you think, feel free to add a comment under the original posting, HFD Adds new Deputy Chief

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Here we go again, in an Administration that talks constantly about transparency, apparently they don't want the media to be part of it.

Mayor Pedro Segarra's Media spokesperson  recently put a lid on City Hall employees answering questions or providing information to any media people or journalists. In an e-mail circulated to City Hall Staff, Segarra's spokesperson  Maribel La Luz  stated "If any journalist e-mails or leaves a voicemail, please let me know before responding,If a journalist gets you on the phone, tell them to contact me directly with their request. We need to be aware of developing stories. Thank you for your cooperation"

In a building that leaks information like a sieve, this may prove to be a difficult task, as well as illegal.Former Mayoral spokesperson Sarah Barr had issued a similar order that all FOI requests and requests for information had to go through her and Corporation Counsel at the time John Rose. I complained to the FOI Commission that filtering information and documents unnecessarily delayed the release of Public Information as required by the FOI Laws.

After a hearing , the Commission agreed with me and determined the policy was illegal and Barr and the City were ordered to stop.

I can understand that Mayor Segarra wants to control his message and the propaganda coming out of City Hall, but what do they have to hide. Everything conducted in that building is Public information and with some people in City Hall with a conscience, the information eventually will get out.

Ms. La Luz might want to take an FOI course to get herself up to speed on the Public's right to know. This is the public's business she is dealing with, not a press release for a Shakira concert.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hartford currently has the required Charter revision Commission doing its mandatory 10 year review of the City Charter. The Charter requires that it be reviewed every 10 years or sooner if properly requested.

Some of the proposed changes may not be sitting well with Hartford's politicians, Mayor Segarra included.

One of the proposals that has recently surfaced , was apparently endorsed unanimously during a subcommittee meeting of the Charter Revision Commission. The details outlined in an e-mail from John Kennelly to Commission members, obtained under the FOI Act recommends the elimination of the Registrar of Voters Office.

According to the e-mail "All members agreed that this office should be professionalized and de-politicized in accordance with potential changes to state statute. This would include making this an appointed office. This professionalization should include some form of certification for the office holder."

During conversations with several state representatives, it would seem that there would be support for any legislative change required to make this happen. Hartford's registrars of Voters Office is far from the "professional" operation many would like to see.

The majority of the subcommittee also seems to support the return to a fully elected board of education. All members agree that the Mayor should not be allowed to serve on the Board, according to Kennelly's e-mail.

The members also supported the concept of a budgetary line item veto for the Council, the makeup of the present Council as being appropriate,and  4 year terms as opposed to returning to 2 year terms.

Although none of these recommendations are a done deal by any stretch, they potentially will serve as the foundation for any Charter revision recommendations. Any changes to the Charter must be approved by the Council , and eventually by the voters during a referendum.

The Registrar of Voters change seems like the most likely to move forward and the legislature may possibly make the change in conjunction with Secretary of State Denise Merrill before the Charter does.


Today has been a busy day with the police sources. Several phone call have reported that Probationary Hartford Police Officer Luis Feliciano, the subject of a recent posting on the blog, has now reported to the Springfield police department that his firearm issued to him by the City of Hartford has been stolen. Feliciano apparently reported to Springfield PD that the weapon was stolen during a burglary of his home.

This raises more questions as to how Officer Feliciano has secured his weapon, as is apparently required under the Departments Code of Conduct.  This will most likely not rest well with Chief Rovella and others who are working hard to get illegal guns off the street , not to add more.It would appear that the weapon was not secured in a gun safe or other means to prevent its theft.

A request for comment on the theft was made to HPD but no comment is available at this time.

UPDATE 4:11PM- HPD Spokeperson Nancy Mulroy confirmed the theft of Feliciano's firearm and that the Springfield police were investigating the burglary of Feliciano's home.

Here is the original posting regarding Officer Feliciano


Hartford Police sources are confirming what is most likely the final chapter in the alleged lobster larceny case of Officer Natoya Guthrie. Sources are confirming that Hartford police Chief James Rovella has accepted the resignation of Officer Guthrie from the Hartford police department earlier today. Guthrie was seen at the Hartford Police Department earlier this afternoon turning in her city issued uniforms and equipment.

former Officer Natoya Guthrie
This appears to be the final chapter in what has been referred to as "lobstergate" by commenter's here on the blog. Guthrie was under investigation for the alleged thefts of lobster and other seafood from the self checkout line at the Stop and Shop store on New Park Avenue in Hartford.

You can read the original posting here

Apparently there were videos detailing more than one instance of the alleged thefts that could have resulted in Guthrie's arrest on larceny charges if pursued. As soon as I obtain those videos, they will be posted here.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Although no press releases or fanfare or promotion ceremonies have been obvious, a new Deputy Chief position has quietly been created in the Hartford Fire Department for the husband of Hartford's acting Chief Operating Officer Sandra Key Borges. The position was filled by her husband Terry Waller. Waller previously held the position of Captain with HFD according to Fire Department sources.

The position apparently is being used to cover for another Deputy Chief who sustained a paralyzing injury and is out on long term medical leave. The injured Chief's absence, from what I am told, had incurred no additional costs to cover his shifts since Captains are eligible to cover for Deputy Chief's at regular pay rather than overtime pay.

The timing of the position is interesting for a couple reasons. First is that recently Mayor Segarra has ordered lay-offs and furlough days for City employees because of budget payroll shortages. The furlough days included command positions in both the Fire and Police Departments.

More importantly is the court order hanging over the Fire Department to re-instate Deputy Chief Dan Nolan to his previous position of Deputy Chief after his wrongful termination by Mayor Eddie Perez and the City of Hartford.  Nolan , a respected Army veteran is currently finishing his military commitment after spending over a year serving in Afghanistan.

Nolan is expected to notify the City of his intent to return to work anytime between now and February 12, 2013. If I know Dan, it will be sooner than later as I am sure that he is anxious to get back to the career that he loves and was forced out of by a corrupt Mayor.

It should be interesting to see where the money is coming from for these positions


Saturday November 10th was the birthday of the United States Marine Corps and downtown Hartford played host to several hundred Marines attending the Marine Corp Ball at the Hartford Hilton.

From Wikipedia, The history of the United States Marine Corps began with the founding of the Continental Marines on 10 November 1775 to conduct ship-to-ship fighting, provide shipboard security and discipline enforcement, and assist in landing forces. Its mission evolved with changing military doctrine and foreign policy of the United States. Owing to the availability of Marine forces at sea, the United States Marine Corps has served in nearly every conflict in United States history.

 It attained prominence when its theories and practice of amphibious warfare proved prescient, and ultimately formed a cornerstone of the Pacific Theater of World War II. By the early 20th century, the Marine Corps would become one of the dominant theorists and practitioners of amphibious warfare. Its ability to rapidly respond on short notice to expeditionary crises has made and continues to make it an important tool for American foreign policy.

The Marine Corp is an organization rich in tradition and pride and their birthday is celebrated annually with huge fanfare by Marines. I am proud to say that my father was a Marine and I currently have a nephew serving in the Marine Corp on active duty. I can't call my father a former Marine, even though he has passed away, because he made it clear to us "once a Marine, always a Marine" and he made that clear by flying the Marine Corp flag at his home, a tradition that my mother still holds today as she makes sure the red Marine Corp flag is flying in front of her house.

It was an impressive sight to see hundreds of marines downtown last night in their "dress blues" and it was also impressive to see the number of people going up to them and saying "thank you" for their service.

The Hartford Courant also had a great story today about the scrifices some of these young men and women have made for our country, you can read that story here.

As a sidenote, no Lieutenant's were harmed in the celebration of this event


Let me start this posting by saying we have a great Police Department in Hartford led by a great Chief who is going to take the Hartford Police Department to new heights .A few hundred very professional men and women make up that department and serve our City well every day. But as in any organization, there are a few people that you just have to shake your head and say "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?"

The latest is the story of Sergeant Troy Gordon, a street supervisor of Patrol Officers on the midnight shift. Recently Sgt. Gordon apparently felt the need to discipline a female officer on his shift after she called in that she was signing off at an area to conduct  a "directed patrol" or what HPD calls a 10-59 in their radio codes. From what I am told Gordon went to the location she called in and the Officer wasn't there. Now whether she had already left and forgot to clear the call with the dispatcher or signed off at the wrong location is not clear.

But regardless, when Gordon didn't find her where she signed off, he called her by radio to meet him in another parking lot. Gordon also called other patrol units to meet him in the lot. When the female officer arrived he instructed her to  get out of her cruiser and he ordered her to run circles around her car in front of her fellow officers. From what I am told he made her run circles for the next twenty three minutes during which she fell a few times , to her embarrassment in front of her peers.

To further compound his actions, from what sources are telling me, Gordon was questioned over the radio on a recorded channel by his Lieutenant as to why he was calling for the patrol cars to meet him at the lot. Gordon apparently lied to his immediate supervisor and told the Lieutenant that he was getting officers together to go search for a shotgun used in a robbery rather than tell him he was amassing the units that should be out patrolling the north end of Hartford to witness his alleged abuse of another officer.

This one should call into question Sergeant Gordon's fitness to supervise officer's as well as his common sense and judgement. This sounds more like a fraternity house hazing than it does the actions of a highly paid supervisor of the Hartford Police Department.

These are the tests of Chief Rovella that he will need to act fairly, but quickly on. The tone for Rovella's Administration need to be made quickly and let his supervisors know what he expects from them and what is acceptable. I am pretty confident that others will make different choices and fall in line with Rovellas expectations if they know that they will be held accountable for their actions and judgement.

 It might come down to some tough love, but that has been lacking for far too long at HPD.  Much of the similar behaviors has resulted in large legal settlements or pending lawsuits for the taxpayers of Hartford, and in the end there are several issues in this matter that will most likely lead to large payouts once again, which I won't go into here.

The cardio workout probably isn't a bad thing, but the HPD gym is the place for that ,not a parking lot off Main Street


Last August I posted about a Hartford Police Officer who was being accused of stealing lobster from the Stop and Shop store on New Park Avenue.You can read that posting here.

That posting received the most comments ever on the blog and strong feelings were posted about the officers fitness to be a Police Officer based upon her judgement and choices she made. It also evolved to name calling that it was a racial issue.  I'm not sure what race had to do with it, since right is right and wrong is wrong . The only color that should have come into it was orange, when she dropped the larceny lobsters into the boiling water.

Sources are telling me that this latest Chapter in HPD scandals may be coming to a close soon.This will come as a relief to many officers who have repeatedly called me asking why she was still allowed to work the streets in a cruiser, covering the District area that the Stop and Shop is in none the less. I guess it is that old saying, innocent until proven guilty.

From what I have have been told, the guilt is about to be proven and the Officer continues to find herself in hot water. For anyone not aware, Stop and Shop has extensive video surveillance and anytime you make a purchase using you Stop and Shop card the purchase can be tracked and is recorded, so if you are scamming your purchases at the self checkout line , consider yourself forewarned.

Also, once those videos are obtained and used as part of a Police investigation they become "public Documents" as detailed under the Connecticut Freedom of Information laws. Now start reading between the lines here and make your own conclusions as to where this is going.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, any blogger could request those videos to post  for the public to view. There is an exemption under the FOI laws that might actually prevent the release of those videos if they are part of an investigation that may result in criminal charges. If the videos could be used to prosecute the criminal case, that would prevent their release until an arrest was made. Until an arrest was made that would mean that they would not appear on a blog as public documents.

If there was no arrest, no criminal prosecution and the matter was handled administratively, that would mean the videos would then become public documents and they would be posted here. Hopefully that determination will be coming soon


The line of voters waiting at City Hall to vote, at this point the line wound through the atrium of City hall down the front stairs and out the back door of City hall, many of them sent their because the local polling places didn't know how to handle their requests for ballots
Four years ago, Urania Petit and the Working Families Party made history in Connecticut when Petit became the first third party registrar of voters elected on her own.Many have criticized the money spent for the third registrar, but the fact is the matter is that Urania is really the only one we are getting our money's worth from..

In a quote from the upset republican Registrar, he said that Petit's salary could fund elections in Hartford. The same could be said for Bramante and his salary. Ask Bramante how many voters he has registered in the last four years, Urania has registered over 10,000.

Yesterdays election operations clearly show how incompetent the Registrar's office is, and this is where I would agree with Bramante, we need better results for the money that is spent in that Office. It is probably the most incompetent operation at City Hall, and that is saying a lot when you look at City government operations. The office is ripe with political cronyism and money spent in a wasteful manner.

  Petit is the only Registrar that came up with budget saving ideas and ways to implement them for the last fiscal year. Unfortunately the Democratic and republican Registrar treat Petit as an outsider , and even though the Council responded to Petit's suggestions, Bramante and Vazquez, the Democratic registrar were financially reckless and proceeded to overspend their budget allocation by a couple hundred thousand dollars this year.

If Bramante wants to point the finger at expenditures, lets look at the Deputy Registrars. Each registrar has a Deputy Registrar they hand pick at a salary of $55,000 dollars a year. The Democratic Deputy, also serves as Clerk of the Senate at the legislature and still collects his full salary from the City, even when he is working full time at the Capitol while the legislature is in session. It would seem that if we can do without the clerk for months at a time, that might not be a position that needs to be filled in the Registrars Office, at least not on a full time basis.

I will be writing more over the next few days about the voting horror stories related to me by disenfranchised voters from Tuesdays election, including the voter who was told she couldn't vote because she was dead, the voter who was told that she couldn't vote because the records showed she had already voted by absentee ballot, even though she hadn't or the voter that was told she couldn't vote because she wasn't on the list, even though she was and the poll worker checking the lists apparently couldn't read.

Jeff Cohen at WNPR has more on the story, you can read it here

Monday, October 29, 2012


The video below is of a Con Ed substation flooding and shorting out in Manhattan during Hurricane Sandy. The substation was at  E14th Street and the FDR

Monday, October 22, 2012


As is typical in Hartford, we tend to love meetings and planning but far too often those meetings don't translate into action on our streets. I hope that will not be the outcome of the "Faith based initiative" being spearheaded by Hartford's Police Chief James Rovella and Hartford City Council members.

Two meetings have been held so far and a lot of great ideas have been put on the table and several of the key players in the "faith community" have been at the table during the first two meetings held. Ideas on the table don't save lives in our streets, actions do.

The initiative needs to hit the streets for several reasons, but two that I want to mention here. One of the driving forces behind the initiative and planning was Council assistant Jean Ward. Jean organized and set up the meetings. In a verification of the saying that "only the good die young" Jean passed away two weeks ago of a brain aneurysm. From what I have been told, she was stricken during a sendoff for one of her sons who is in the military and was being deployed to Afghanistan. She never regained consciousness and died the following day

What greater tribute to her than to carry on her work and make sure the initiative gets off the ground and saves lives of our young people by preventing senseless violence.

Another reason is an unfortunate shooting death that took place this weekend. Sam Saylor has been at the initial meetings and took part in the formation of the Faith Based Initiative. Sam lost his son  to a shooting during an altercation behind the Betnances School Saturday afternoon. Shane Oliver was pronounced dead at Hartford Hospital about 6:18PM Saturday after efforts to save his life were unsuccessful.

The initiative can't start soon enough to cut down on this senseless violence.


I have been pretty clear that I support Chris Murphy for Senate, but I think I also need to make it clear how disgusting I find the McMahon Senate campaign to be. You never know from day to day what she stands for or which side of her mouth she will be talking out of.

The icing on the cake were her Obama ads that began running late last week. This woman will say or do anything to accomplish her quest to buy a Senate seat. She was nominated as a Republican, but I'm not sure how any self respecting Republican could possibly vote for her. She has essentially jettisoned the Romney campaign and any support for her Republican counterparts in her attempt to ride the coattails of President Obama in a heavily Democratic state.

To add to the fact that she will say or do anything, watch the video below when she explained why she voted for Mitt Romney in the August primary. What changed Linda? Maybe your support in the polls and now you need to jump on the Obama train? Even though she was apparently able to purchase the support of Hartford's 3rd District Rep. is she able to buy out Obama voters now also. I sure hope people aren't crazy enough to fall for this

It is also interesting how she urges to vote for her on the Independent line. Is McMahon embarrassed to actually admit she is running as a Republican. She seems to have avoided the Republican label at all costs, as if it is a bad thing

Does anyone in their right mind think that Linda McMahon will be an asset to President Obama as she would like us to believe through her advertisement. It is a ploy by a disgusting campaign to confuse voters into supporting someone that has no place representing anyone in the US Senate.

What changed from her overwhelming support fro Romney in August as she stated in the video above to her love of Obama now. I want someone in the Senate that we can trust, and that is not Linda McMahon. I hope the voters see through this and I hope the Republican Party now shows her the same level of respect she is showing to them as she solicits votes at any cost. And to anyone that would fall for her ad campaign, does anyone think that Linda McMahon will make President Obama's next term any easier?

Capitol Watch at the Courant had a column about this today, read that posting here, try to read the comments, it would appear that this strategy for the add seems to be backfiring with voters according to the comments


What if the debate questions and answers were all put to music and song. That might get more people to pay attention

Saturday, October 13, 2012


This has been a tough posting to put together, and as you read on you will understand why, I hope. I usually attempt to be fair and get both sides of a story before I post, but in this case some of the story has been destroyed as the result of Massachusetts State law and the subject has not spoken to me, even though I have tried to reach out to him to see if there is a logical explanation. The documents I have obtained paint a very negative picture, but I tried to keep an open mind on this one and when I contacted a source at HPD to find out what the story was I was asked "to be fair".I have spent a lot of time contemplating how to handle this, since depending on the outcome the subject could essentially see his career end.

Ok, so here goes.Recently the Hartford police Academy graduated a class of recruits. Among those recruits, now a probationary Police Officers is Luis Feliciano.On June 9, 2006 Feliciano was arrested in Springfield Massachusetts for Murder. Feliciano's arrest was made based upon a security guards identification of him. The Security Guard apparently knew Feliciano from a previous encounter and led Springfield Police to his apartment. The security guard told Springfield Police that she saw individuals previously known to her fighting and then flee into an apartment. The security guard escorted police to Apartment 405, Officer Feliciano's apartment.

 When Springfield Police knocked on the door, Feliciano answered and the officer noticed one other male in the apartment. Feliciano and the other male fit the description provided by the security guard. Once Feliciano and the other male were placed in custody, a stand up field identification was done and the security guard identified Feliciano and the other male as having been involved in the fight earlier that resulted in the stabbing death of the victim. Feliciano and the other male were placed under arrest and the case was turned over to Springfield's Homicide unit. Eventually the charges against Feliciano were nolled by the Hampshire County District Attorney, which meant that they decided not to prosecute Feliciano for the murder.

Sources have told me that it appears that Feliciano was apparently at the fight where the stabbing occurred but on June 30, 2006 another individual Jose Rivera, was indicted for the actual murder and was subsequently sentenced to 5-7 years in prison. As a result of the nolle, all murder charges against Feliciano were dismissed and the records were destroyed. Except for an interesting twist, there probably would be no record available now. After the charges against Feliciano were dismissed, he applied to the Springfield Police Department to be hired as a Police Officer. Since several officers who actually responded to and investigated the homicide were still employed by Springfield, they had first hand knowledge of Feliciano and the murder.

 Once his background investigation was started, red flags were raised by the officers.Feliciano was rejected as a potential police officer for the City of Springfield. Even though the records of the case were legally destroyed, essentially clearing Feliciano's record, the City refused to hire him. That on its face value makes Feliciano sound like a victim of police officers with long memories.

Massachusetts has a Civil Service Commission which is the agency you complain to if you feel you are being treated wrong in hiring practices by a Massachusetts municipality. And here is the interesting twist. By going to the Commission, Feliciano essentially put all the facts that were destroyed as a result of the nolle back on the record as sworn testimony before the commission and part of the public record. The facts of the case are pretty basic as outlined above, except for a couple of disturbing details that might not be the best qualities for a Hartford Police Officer.

According to the Commissions decision, the Springfield Police applied for a search warrant to search Feliciano's apartment subsequent to his arrest on the murder charge According to the decision, during a search of Feliciano's apartment at 1607 Main Street, Apt 405 police officers found a clear plastic bag containing a scale, a box of plastic bags and two clear plastic bags which contained a white powdery substance and chunks of an off white substance. the report further stated "this is consistent how cocaine is packaged and stored for future sale in the City of Springfield As part of the report , officers requested an additional charge of Trafficking in Class B Cocaine.

 It appears that for some reason those charges "fell through the cracks" and no charges were ever filed against Feliciano Also troubling is that the hearing Officer found Feliciano to be less than truthful in his testimony before the Commission. Feliciano testified that Apartment 405 was not his, even though evidence of a signed lease in Feliciano's name was entered as evidence as well as his personal mail that was sent to apartment 405. The hearing officer actually wrote in his decision that Feliciano's "failure to offer truthful, forthright testimony from the outset on this issue undercut his credibility and therefore I do not credit his testimony in regards to the events that occurred on June 9 2006.

What is a Hartford Police officer if not credible and forthright. The background investigation by the Hartford Police apparently relied on a letter from The Massachusetts's District Attorney regarding the nolle for Feliciano.The Commissions decision was not released until September 20, 2012, after Feliciano graduated from the Academy.

There is no evidence or documentation at this time as to how far the investigator pursued the details of the case. On Friday October 5, 2012 Hartford Police Chief James Rovella essentially disbanded HPD's Background Unit. Backgrounds will now be conducted by Investigators from the Internal Affairs Division. When asked about the Investigation, Chief Rovella told me that he has requested a full Investigation of the facts by Lt. Rob Davis and the Internal Affairs Division. At the conclusion of that investigation, Chief Rovella says that appropriate action will be taken if necessary. The full report by the Civil Service Commission is below.

And as I mentioned in the beginning, attempts to get Officer Feliciano's version of the events were unsuccessful
> Feliciano Luis 092012[1]

Friday, October 12, 2012


This posting is going to be cryptic to many, but I am trying to contact an individual that will most likely be the subject of a posting this weekend. Many people have called me upset by a situation that has been uncovered at HPD. I am trying to be fair because I realize that there are two sides to every story and quite honestly , how this situation got to this point is confusing me. I have no way of contacting the subject of the upcoming posting, although I know that overtures have been made to the person asking that they contact me. Again, I am trying to be fair and patient, but I will be posting the full story and related documents tomorrow whether I hear the other side of the story or not. Again, this probably makes no sense to most readers, but a few will know exactly my intent.


The Murphy campaign may actually be listening to what the average person is saying. Enough of the nasty, and in manty cases, false ads being used by his opponent to discredit him. Who in this day and age, considering the economy, hasn't missed a mortgage or car payment or been late in paying bills. Except for the millionaires amongst us attempting to buy Senate seats, I think everyone is feeling the pain to a certain degree. Maybe the McMahon's have had to cut back on fuel for their private jet.

I was pleasantly surprised by the latest Murphy television ad that doesn't even mention Linda McMahon, doesn't sling any allegations but instead highlights the jobs Chris Murphy has helped create  and the positive things he has done.

I hope that Murphy is listening to his constituents and will rise above the fray and forget the nastiness of his opponent and instead continue to let people see the real Chris Murphy. And yes, I am supporting Murphy for Senate and I approve this message.

Here is the latest ad below.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


If you aren't into the political races, you may want to skip over this, but a lot is riding on the upcoming United States Senate race. We will most likely be electing a Senator to possibly represent some of us for the rest of our lives.

At the risk of making this sound like a Murphy for Senate blog, I feel obligated to put out information I receive so that people can see what they are getting before they elect a person. Is Chris Murphy perfect ? No, very few politicians I can think of are. Has he run a great campaign? Unfortunately the answer to that is no also.

With that being said though I think Chris is far less flawed than his opponent, Linda McMahon who is on her self funded quest to purchase her very own Senate seat.

In reminding Chis Murphy that she "is a woman" in her recent multi million dollar advertising blitz, I can only guess that was to convince women that she is not as bad as many of them thought she was a mere two years ago. Another woman will always have their backs, she would never do anything to degrade them or objectify them and I am sure she wants voters to believe that she would do everything in her power to help them.

Well as CEO of the WWE, Linda had that power yet still chose to sell women out to increase the bottom line. She even allowed her husband to force a woman to her knees in the ring and order her to bark like a dog. Linda can sing the song R-E-S-P-E-C-T all she wants, but actions speak louder than words, take the ten minutes or so to view the video below and see if women are actually treated as respected human beings as Linda wants us to believe. As bad as McMahon wants us to believe Murphy is, I doubt you will find him treating anyone like this.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


It seems as though the Occupy Hartford movement people are back to celebrate their one year anniversary and test the will of City Hall. Occupy Hartford protesters are once again setting up camp at the corner of Farmington and Broad Street after the City of Hartford had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to evict them and conduct an environmental cleanup of the property last year.

The protesters arrived late this afternoon and immediately went about defacing the City of Hartford "No trespassing" signs , instead marking them as "Free Speech Zone "signs. The group of 50 or so protesters left upon the arrival of Hartford Police Officers, only to return after darkness to set up their illegal encampment once again.

At least this year David Panagore won't be around to welcome the squatters with coffee and donuts courtesy of City Hall as he did last time. Hopefully City Hall will take quick and decisive action this time to avoid the expenditures of large amounts of money for police services and cleanup, funds that the City and its taxpayers can hardly afford, regardless of the message that is being sent,


Linda McMahon's Corporate jet with the WWE logo on the tail "How has the economy affected you?" No wonder she wouldn't answer the question
Let me start this posting with the obligatory disclaimer before commenter's start bashing me, I am supporting Chris Murphy for US Senate because I think he is the right person at this time. "I am Kevin Brookman and I approve this message".

I have always had a hard time understanding why people would throw down money for tickets or sit in front of a television watching the WWE. The performances were clearly phony and staged and seemed to be difficult for anyone to believe it was the real deal.

Today Linda McMahon apparently tried to use a page from the WWE playbook as she continued her quest to buy a United States Senate seat. Her performance today was almost as unbelievable as her wrestlers getting whacked with folding chairs left at the edge of the ring.

I think her lack of knowledge of what the average person faces in the State she hopes to represent was obvious. Her evasion of the question how the downturn in the economy has affected her was almost laughable if it weren't for keeping in mind the end result if voters choose to fall for her                 grandmotherly facade. A facade that has been created by some of the best marketing teams money can buy

Do you remember a mere two years ago  when many female voters detested Linda McMahon for what she stood for? And now here we are , two years and probably $15  or $20 million dollars  later and every day I expect the announcement that Linda McMahon is being cast for Disney's remake of Snow White.

The facts seem as though they are going to start catching up with McMahon more over the course of the next three debates. One person today asked me if I think she will participate in the remaining debates. Who knows. but she better hire some new coaches, because bashing Murphy is going to become real tiring to those that watch. I think the hypocrisy of Linda is also going to start showing through more and more.

Can you really beat Murphy up on financial issues when you yourself have filed for bankruptcy and screwed people out of more than Chris Murphy probably has made in his last ten years of public service. Can you really beat Murphy up on his voting record in Congress when Linda herself didn't take the time to vote in the majority of the local elections over the last twenty years in her hometown?

And the plagiarism allegations that she chastised Murphy for regarding her "jobs plan". The Huffington Post is reporting that only after a reporter called looking into the plagiarism allegations did the McMahon "jobs plan " finally get the cites acknowledging the quotes Linda apparently grabbed and claimed as her own. You can read that report here.

And how do you look in the mirror and criticize Murphy and run attack ads regarding his mortgage payment lapses when you yourself probably have a much larger balance in your checking account than the Murphy's and you still can't pay your bills on time? More on that from the Hartford Courant here

And for those that were paying attention the the television debate, it comes down to body language. Watch Linda's eye movements and body language and that will tell you all you need to know about here. As they say, the eyes are the window to the soul and someone that can't maintain eye contact and is constantly blinking to break eye contact, may just not be telling the truth.. Linda's eyelids were fluttering faster than a hummingbirds wings toward the end. That tells you all you need to know about Linda and her phony performance.

If nothing else "America's law" on domestic partnerships should explain why Linda is not the right choice to represent us.(if you didn't actually see the debate, McMahon thought that marriage equality was a national law) We need someone who understands the issues and is not just buying their way to Washington. Chris Murphy demonstrated that knowledge today and it was from the heart, and not from a backroom full of handlers that forgot to prep Linda on Gay marriage.

Friday, October 5, 2012


The 7th Assembly District of the Hartford Democratic Town committee will be hosting a "Meet and Greet" for US Senate candidate Congressman Chris Murphy tonight . The event will be held from 5 to 8 PM at the Russian Lady Cafe at 191 Ann Ucello Street in Hartford.

Governor Dannel Malloy as well as other Democratic leaders from across the State will be attending to show their support for Chris Murphy . There is no charge for admission and a complimentary happy hour buffet will be served. Donations to the Murphy Campaign will gladly be accepted but are not required.

Use this opportunity to speak one on one with Chris and actually get to hear what he has to say without the hype and misleading advertisements.. If you are undecided, this is a good opportunity to get a better feel for the Democratic candidate to represent us in the US Senate.

To read the Hartford Courant's take on the latest McMahon "substantially misleading" ads, click here

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 It looks like the results are in and political newcomer Brandon McGee has handily won a victory for the 5th District legislative seat, that had been the subject of court challenges and several recounts.  McGee had a substantial lead over union leader and Windsor Democratic Town Chair Leo Canty.  The numbers I was given as of about 10PM showed McGee with roughly a 150 vote lead over Canty.

It appears that all votes were cast by voters that were alive at the time. No deceased votes are in question at this time

Congratulations Brandon.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Candidates Leo Canty, left and Brandon Mcgee on the right
Next Tuesday may possibly be one of the most important days in recent Hartford politics. It is the court ordered rematch between Hartford resident and political newcomer Brandon McGhee and Windsor's Democratic Town Chair Leo Canty for the 5th District House seat. The August primary results see-sawed back and forth until recounts determined a tie and a re-vote was ordered by Superior Court Judge Susan Peck.

The race is important to Hartford to retain the 5th District seat by a Hartford resident as the majority of the district was realigned north of the Hartford border during recent legislative redistricting. McGee, a political newcomer to elected office, essentially pulled off a huge upset in his tie vote with Canty , a well known political and union operative. For Hartford now it is important that all votes possible are pulled together for McGee.

In a city that is not always known for its political strategy, this is an opportunity to both support a newcomer with fresh ideas and send a message that Hartford's political forces can work together and get things done, despite a few of the previous postings here today.I strongly believe in mentoring and getting younger people involved in government and this is a perfect opportunity.A McGee win would ensure that Hartford doesn't lose an important voice in the Legislature

If you have some spare time between now and Tuesday to help the McGee campaign, and help Hartford, his campaign can be reached at 860-808-6932. And if you live in the 5th or know someone who lives in the 5th District call them and make sure they get out and vote. If there ever was an example that every vote counts, this is it.


You knew it had to be coming, the Spanish speaking Linda.She started running the anti- Murphy television advertisement that she can't possibly be anti-women because if you haven't noticed yet, she is one. Can Linda eating Coco bread on Albany Avenue be far behind? I have not made it a secret that I support Chris Murphy, I think he is the right choice for our next US Senator. Unfortunately Chris has to do it the old fashion way, one voter at a time because he doesn't have the luxury of buying a Senate seat. Linda McMahon has done a wonderful job of reinventing herself over the last two years and I guss that is the result of being able to afford the best marketing experts money can buy. At the same time she is avoiding media scrutiny by refusing to meet with any of the media editorial boards in the State. I think the debates are where we are going to see the "real" two candidates come through.

I can only hope that someone will ask Leenda a question in Spanish and see how she responds, although I am told that her daughter does speak fluent Spanish.


Democratic State Representative Minnie Gonzalez and her husband Ramon Arroyo at the Republican national Convention in Tampa
Several years ago when I realized that the Republican Party was no longer the right fit for my beliefs, I left the party. I have been criticized for that, but if you don't believe in what you are representing, you need to make tough decisions to maintain your integrity. In the morning when I look in the mirror, besides realizing that I need to lose weight, I also want to feel comfortable with the person I see. I wonder what Minnie and Ramon think when they do the same?

For the original posting on Hartford's Loyal Democrats, click here
The most troublesome part to me is that Minnie and Ramon have made a very good living for themselves off Democratic politics in Hartford over the years. At a recent Hartford Democratic Town Committee Executive Committee meeting before the August Primary, Ramon was looking for funding for advertising for his campaign. I stated that even though I didn't support Arroyo for registrar of Voters, I didn't vote his nomination ( I thought there was a much better candidate without Arroyo's prostitution baggage that I supported and no it isn't Olga)but the bottom line was that Arroyo was the nominee of the Hartford Democratic Town Committee.
Apparently that is a one-way street for Arroyo who is using his facebook page to undermine the Democratic efforts in Hartford. In the recent "screen capture" below from his facebook page, Arroyo is apparently urging Hartford voters to ignore the Democratic candidates such as John Larson and Chris Murphy and vote only for his wife, Minnie Gonzalez, and President Obama.
This is in addition to the "walking tour" of heavily Hispanic Park Street that was apparently organized by the two loyalists on behalf of Linda McMahon's Republican quest to purchase  a Senate seat.
A source who regularly follows Arroyo's facebook page has told me that Ramon has posted numerous comments about his "betrayal" by the Democrat's after he lost his attempt in the primary for the Registrar of Voter's Office. Ramon, it might not have been a betrayal by Hartford's Democrats or Chris Murphy, but rather a rebuke by the voters of Hartford who still feel integrity is important and soliciting prostitutes is not a value we choose to embrace
Hopefully this will be a wake up call to Hartford's Democrats and Democratic leadership statewide that this backstabbing type of behavior should not be rewarded in any way , shape or form.