On Monday night I had a conversation with Chief Teale of the Hartford Fire Department. The Chief was standing in City Hall outside the Council Chambers when I was exiting and Teale said hello to me and extended his hand for a handshake. Whatever your thoughts about the Chief, he always conducts himself as a gentleman. I made an off the cuff remark that I was surprised that he was still talking to me after the postings about Deputy Chief Dan Nolan. Chief Teale said no, he understood , but that I was being used, I assume he meant by Nolan. I will make the same offer again to Chief Teale or anyone else, provide me with documentation of wrongdoing by Nolan, and it will be posted here. So far, no one has been able to do that, but the evidence supporting Nolan's version of the reasons behind his termination continues to surface. One of the basic assertions on Nolan's part is that his suspension and eventual termination were the result of his unwillingness to "push" recruits through the Hartford Fire Academy. Nolan's contention was that some of these recruits were not capable or suitable to be Hartford firefighters but due to connections, political or otherwise, they were being shuttled through the academy. When Nolan refused to allow this, he was placed on paid administrative leave and in February of this year Nolan was terminated. I realize there are two sides to every story, but so far the only side that appears to be credible is Nolan's version. The following documents seem to strengthen Nolan's version.
For those who have been following my blog, the name John Thomas has surfaced several times in the past couple weeks. Thomas was a Hartford Firefighter who was arrested on March 28, 2009 for DUI after he ran a pedestrian down at the intersection of Main and Westland Streets and left her lying in the street. Thomas was a probationary member of the Hartford Fire Department with less than a year on the job. The victim of Thomas's actions was quoted in news reports, and im paraphrasing here, as saying that she always thought firefighters were supposed to help people, not leave them for dead in the street. In support of Chief Teale and his actions in this matter, after the information came to light and was broadcast in the media, on April 6, 2009 Thomas was terminated by Teale for "conducting himself in a manner to bring serious discredit upon the department".
Although Teale's actions were swift by Hartford's standards, many people have questioned how John Thomas ever was hired in the first place. The first clue came to light today when I received John Thomas's original job application, and even more questions were raised by his background investigation completed by the Hartford Police Department before Thomas was hired. Nolan's claim that some recruits were unfit for duty in the Hartford Fire Department, yet politically connected seems to be shown quite clearly in John Thomas's application which is posted below.He lists Eddie A. Perez, Mayor of Hartford as a reference. Apparently Thomas was also a staff member working on Perez's 2001 Mayoral Campaign. Aside from Thomas's criminal background report that is also attached, Thomas admitted to the investigator, Sergeant Winston Brooks, that he was approximately $60,000 to $80,000 behind on child support payments. Most would call individuals in that situation a "deadbeat
dad", yet Chief Teale chose to hire Thomas, questionable background and all, as one of Hartford's bravest. It would be an interesting question to have answered as to what influence Perez's reference played in Thomas's hiring, yet I don't see that response coming anytime soon.
And the offer remains, anyone that has another theory and can prove it, I'm willing to listen, but Nolan's case seems to get stronger and become clearer with every document I receive.
John Thomas Application
John Thomas Background
Are you kidding me? With that background report he got hired? This is a large reason why Hartford is going down hill. Eddie makes sure his dead beat pals get hired over quality applicants. It's my understanding Eddie's loser nephew who is currently on probation for assault was recently hired as a fire fighter too.
Good digging Kevin.
The man deserves to be terminated. Let it be. If it were anyone else who were making people work that hard they would have been gone a long time ago. Dont be a sore loser. You reap what you sow.
What more proof do you need????
Good job, Kevin! The way the City of Hartford works they may as well just put the job postings in the prisons. Dan Nolan will prevail. Firefighters ARE supposed to work for a living. That's what they get paid for.
Chief Teale is "using" trumped up charges to terminate Dan Nolan. Everyone knows Teale is the puppet of Eddie Perez. Good work,Kevin. Keep digging!
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