Another day has gone by and Eddie Perez is still in control at Hartford City Hall. Is it any wonder very few have confidence or hope for the future of Hartford?
We have had to deal with Perez and his ego maniac tendencies for years now, but when does it end? We have heard ever since his first arrest that he wanted his day in court, that justice delayed was justice denied and all the other rhetoric. Now a jury of his peers has given him the justice he so desired, and he still refuses to abide by the decision.
If you apply any common sense to the matter, we have to ask ourselves if the CEO of a bank was convicted of bank fraud and embezzling, would he be allowed to return to his office the day after his trial concluded and he is now labeled a convicted felon? I would think the shareholders as well as numerous regulatory agencies would take a strong stand on the matter.
Yet here we are as the Council allows Eddie Perez to dictate the terms of his eventual exit from City Hall. And not just the Council, under Connecticut State law both the State's Attorney and the Attorney General are empowered to begin proceedings to remove Perez.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2009)(a) Any person who holds a municipal office, whether by election or appointment, may be removed from such office pursuant to the provisions of this section if: (1) The term or tenure of such office is fixed by law, and (2) such person: (A) Misappropriated public property or funds, (B) violated the oath of office, (C) was convicted of a felony after such election or appointment, (D) engaged in any act of malfeasance that adversely affected the rights and interests of the public, or (E) failed to perform any duty prescribed by law, to the detriment of the public interest.
(b) The Attorney General, the Chief State's Attorney or the state's attorney for the judicial district in which such municipal officer resides may file a petition with the Superior Court seeking the removal of such officer for any reason listed in subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of this section. Any such petition shall be prosecuted on behalf of the citizens of the affected municipality by the Attorney General.
(c) Upon receipt of any such petition described in subsection (b) of this section, the clerk of the Superior Court shall issue a summons, together with a copy of such petition, requiring such municipal officer to appear before the court on a date, as specified in such summons, and answer the claim described in such petition. Such summons shall be served not less than thirty days before the return day for such summons and in a manner consistent with the provisions of chapter 896 of the general statutes.
(d) Immediately following the filing of any petition described in subsection (b) of this section, the Superior Court shall forward a copy of such petition to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the state for the purpose of impaneling a three-judge court that consists of three judges of the Appellate Court of the state. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the state, without delay, shall appoint three Appellate Court judges to hear such petition. At the time of making such appointments, the Chief Justice shall designate the date, time and place for the convening of such three-judge court. Such date shall be not less than thirty days after receipt of such petition by the Chief Justice.
(e) Such three-judge court shall hear the claims contained in such petition and all evidence offered in support of such petition and in opposition to such petition. Upon the presentation of clear and convincing evidence in support of the claims contained in such petition, such three-judge court shall issue an order for the removal of such person from municipal office. Any such order that either removes or denies the removal of any such person from municipal office shall contain such findings of fact and conclusions of law as such three-judge court shall deem sufficient to support its decision of all issues presented by such petition.
(f) Any such order of removal shall concomitantly order the records, papers and property of such removed municipal officer to the care, custody and control of the Attorney General, Chief State's Attorney or state's attorney, as applicable.
(g) An appeal from an order issued pursuant to subsection (e) of this section may be taken to the Supreme Court of the state not later than thirty days after the date of entry of such order. The Supreme Court shall consider and decide any such appeal upon the original papers and documents. The Attorney General shall represent the citizens of the affected municipality in any such appeal.
(h) From the date of any order issued pursuant to subsection (e) of this section that removes a person from municipal office, until the final adjudication of any applicable appeal by the Supreme Court, the municipal officer, commission or authority that has power to fill a vacancy for such vacant municipal office may fill such vacant municipal office with a temporary appointment. After the issuance of any final decision by the Supreme Court in such matter, such vacant municipal office shall be filled in accordance with any applicable provision of the general statutes, special act, charter or ordinance.
This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:
Section 1 October 1, 2009 New section
Throughout this ordeal, we have heard Perez claim his "love" for Hartford, yet his current actions seem to show the total opposite. Perez's time has come and gone, and for the good of Hartford it is time for Eddie Perez to go.
His "open ended" promise to submit his letter of resignation on Friday, but yet no firm date for him to be gone does not instill any confidence in Hartford's future.
If the Hartford City Council can't or won't take strong decisive action, state officials should to the full extent allowed by law. Eddie Perez can not be allowed to continue to call the shots, he needs to be gone and be gone yesterday.
Do you know of any other city that is being run by a convicted felon? Even Rowland gave a departure date and stuck to it. At this point it looks like Judge Dewey is our only hope. I just hope she doesn't grant him an appeal bond. He needs to get the full 60 years.
Enough already! Eddie is showing his true colors now as he did as youth when he decided to join the Ghetto Bros. He has no love for Hartford and as he was as a teen, is now part of Hartford's problems, not the solution. He needs to be removed now!
I would expect that his resignation letter on Friday will have an effective date. I have never heard of an open ended resignation letter although there is a first time for everything. I would allow a little time for a transition. As long as John Rose gets sent packing too. Eddie should be history by the end of the month.
Kevin, Do you have an opinion on Pedro Segarra?
As much as I think Eddie is a joke, I think a 2 week transition is acceptable and is beneficial to the new Mayor who needs to get quickly acclimated with the mess Eddie is leaving behind.
p.s. just to be safe keep the impeachment process in motion.
From the Courant.
Segarra said he wanted to dispel public concern that Perez was taking too long to leave office.
"He is not in any way holding out for any longer period of time than [the council] feels is necessary," he said. "For those people who might think that this process should be happening a lot quicker — I can tell you that the only legislative way for removing a mayor involves a process that is very lengthy and complicated. It is a process that neither the council wants… [or] the mayor wants."
Segarra said he called the press conference to "alleviate any doubts or fears" from the public that Perez's departure isn't moving fast enough.
"I want to assure you that any delay in terms of us making this transition is only brought about by us trying to do what is responsible and prompt and meets with all the different interests that are involved in this situation," he said.
Kevin..I knew about this statute and it isnt appropriate for this particular situation...if you follow the logistical timeline in the statute it is clear that Judge Dewey will deal with Criminal Perez far before the Court will..and then there is a right of appeal.
On another matter, it is reasonable to me that there be some reasonable transition time and we will see if it reasonable on Friday.
I understand that McMullen,Rose,Barr and Eddie's secretary have been given 30 days to clean out their desks and to help in the smooth transition of their new yet to be selected counterparts.
That third Jeff above is not me but I still like what s/he posted.
Glad to see all those puppets are getting their 30 day notice. Mayor Segarra isn't screwing around is he?
I think Pedro and the Council as a whole are doing a fine job...
Jeff...ive been told by a councilperson that the impeachment resolutions are drafted and ready to go incase Criminal Perez backtracks.
Right now the highest priority is to get Pedro up to speed on everything in the Mayor's office and all matters being worked well as Pedro's selecting new staff...that new staff must interface as best they can with the old staff to effectuate a orderly and smooth transition.
I hope whatever real lawyer interfaces with Rose has a sense of humor.
Interesting story in that it goes out of its way to mention Matt Hennessy
I like how the article tries to imply Hennessy might have lead Eddie down his path of corruption. It's crap media comments like that that make people think there's no such thing as self responsibility anymore.
No one held a gun to Eddie's head and he was the top cheese (sorry he looks like a mouse to me) in Hartford, so his downfall is 100% his own responsibility.
Jeff, you may or may not know the true relationship between Matt and Eddie. Believe me when I say thay held hands walking down that path to "power". Matt was the henchman for Eddie and never failed to deliver the blows or set the table for all devious dialog. Matt jumped ship to save his own neck. The man (Matt) is ruthless.
It doesn't matter if Hennessy is the devil. I don't know about you but I pick my associates and if Hennessey was such a bad influence on Eddie he should have been shown the door.
Just because Hennessy saved his own hide at the end doesn't change the fact Eddie knew exactly what he was doing associating with him all this time.
Hennessy wasn't in Eddie's house installing that new bathroom.
Wait to you guys see what "His Honor" is going to get for his sick and vacation time payout.
Because of his association with Criminal Perez..Hennessy's reputation is ruined and his political consulting work will now dry up....the only clients that he has to my knowledge are Lamont and Kelvin Roldan.
The big rumor around city hall is that Eddie has been working on a bailout deal with CREC as a "consultant" to bring some money in the door. As the recipient of so much taxpayer funds, the though is crazy. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Hope you are feeling better.
How long until Roldan gets axed? He is a perfect symbol of political patronage, an overpaid bureaucrat who only has a job because he is friends with Eddie. If Segarra is really going to clean house, the Roldans of Hartford need to go.
Pedro can't do anything against Roldan. In fact, he has to work with him even more now with his new duties. If anonymous, or anyone, has a beef against Kelvin, and truly want to get "the Roldans" out of Hartford, I suggest you all contribute to the campaign of his challenger, Angel Morales. I'm sure Kevin can facilitate that transaction very nicely.
I wonder what Eddie's departure date is going to be or even if there is going to be one. Is he really going to show up at that press conference tomorrow? This week has been too long. Good riddance,already!
I think you are misunderstanding my comment on Roldan -- I am not referring to his position as a state office-holder - no, Segarra can't do anything about that. I am talking about his $100,000+ per year job with Hartford Public Schools, which was a patronage appointment and can be undone.
As far as the Scene Magazine article goes .. this is the first time I have heard Eddie was ever tried for murder. Is this accurate and does anyone know anything about it?
Maybe Roldan can be fired and replaced by Willie Nunez
I can't believe CREC would be stupid enough to hire Eddie at this point. Do they really want that kind of attention?
It's my understanding it was when Eddie was back in the Ghetto Brothers street gang, which he co-founded with his brother, the gang later merged with another gang called "The Savage Nomads" to form the Solidos. Eddie's street name was "The Professor" because he was more of an intellect then most of the thugs in the gang. He was in the room when another gang member shot and killed someone.
Maybe more info then you wanted but....because the Solidos knew Eddie was suited more for scholarly studies then street crime the decision was made to support him into a political career where he could help the Solidos out from a much stronger government position.
This might sound unbelievable to some but this type of thing is done ALL the time. Organized gangs are not all senseless thugs as portrayed on TV cop dramas. There are gang leaders with college degrees who are very business savvy and use the gang finances to sponsor more intelligent members into becoming lawyers and politicians who in return help the gang out.
Believe me when I tell you this, the Soldio leadership was watching this trial and praying Eddie was found innocent because Eddie micromanaged Chief Roberts and HPD in a way that lessened police arrests and patrols of Soldio controlled areas.
Eddie's influence was strong, particularly over the Vice and Narcotics Unit. It was never put in writing but Eddie required major drug raids get approval through him before being executed. This was so Edie could keep police focus on rival gangs and off Solidos.
Now that Eddie is gone keep your eyes out for the new changes in Hartford Policing strategies and hopefully we will soon start seeing a real reduction in crime and not just a twisting of the crime stats.
"The Professor's" intellect and gang membership by Mr/Miss Anonymous is way overblown and wrong.
A realistic approach is this...Mr Perez has a Trinity degree...about 25% of the population has that.Trinity is no Ivy League or top shelf school.His educaton level and intelligence is probably above average,but certainly not at a genius level.After all if he is so smart then why did he lose his job,reputation and income for such stupidity? He may well lose his house over this as well.
I believe that he long since split from any gangs...he is a 50 year old man..soon to be in jail..and with little prospects of success after jail.
Anonymous - Do you have proof that he split from the gangs, or is that just your belief?
And intelligence does not automatically equal walking the straight and narrow path. There are plenty of brilliant criminals. Eddie's problem wasn't lack of intellect, it was hubris and arrogance. This is a more of question of morals and ethics than intelligence or lack of it. A high IQ does not mean someone will never break the law or never do something stupid -- sometimes really stupid -- in their life.
Intellect is very relative. All my post was saying was his street name was "The Professor" and he was considered smart enough by the gang to be backed into going into politics.
There was no exaggeration in my post and some of it can be verified with a simple google search. I never said he was a hard core gang member anymore.
I'm sure his ties lessened over the years but there is also a residual level of loyalty to his roots and he was exercising that as Mayor.
I believe that over time Eddie split from the gang, after all what 50 year old man would want to hang with kids who are mostly 15-25 year olds in the gangs.As they get older and ascertain life's responsibilities they tend to drop out of the gang and go straight..if they are lucky.
I think his gang membership from those I talked to who were in his gang said that at best he was a p/time member who never did the heavy stuff.
I agree that his major failing was lack of morals and misplaced ethics..he reminds me of a classic nascissistic sociopath.
Keep in mind he has lots of younger family members some still in the gang. I don't think he was an official gang member at 50 but he was what you would consider an associate and when asked for help by the Solidos he provided it.
Regardless he's going to jail now anyway so all is good.
These politicians can get a sense of entitlement and think they can do no wrong...they usually come from the lower middle class or working class and get a elected position in which they go for all the "perks" of office...eddie had a driver that he didnt need...when someone like that gets a expense account..a car..and everyone takes you to breakfast,lunch and dinner and kisses your is hard to keep your prospective.Also many tend to socialize with the rich aand get envious and want to live like them...
In my time as State Party Finance Chair I saw enough of this to make me sick.It is super important as you go up the ladder to remember that like everyone else, you put your pants on one leg at a time.
Wow, I thought there was a clause in the Hartford city charter that stated that a convicted felon cannot serve as mayor and is automatically removed from office right after trial and conviction, like in Detroit when Kwame Kilpatrick was forced out.
It is sad that Eddie is still in office and is dictating the terms on when he will resign.
I just have a funny feeling that the effective date he agrees to leave is some time near the end of July, August or close to his sentencing date in September. I hope I'm wrong and that it is much sooner.
Turns out you were wrong, George.
Re Eddie getting sick/vacation payout, that would be a travesty. He owes us taxpayers money b/c Costa's work was valued @ $40K, Eddie took out a loan for $20K something, and the arrest affidavits show that Carlos back charged the difference to some of his ongoing city projects.
The rumor about CREC giving Eddie a job would make sense b/c his girl, Ada Miranda, Chair of the Bd of ED, is high up in HR @ CREC. Can anyone say quid pro quo???
I can't believe CREC would be stupid enough to hire Eddie at this point. Do they really want that kind of attention?
Eddie is so knee deep in the school construction that CREC owes him dearly.
One of the most disturbing things I think I have seen in the Courant forums is the sheer number of racist baboons in Connecticut. Eddie Perez did not commit his crimes because he's Latino -- he committed them because he's arrogant and greedy, and there are arrogant and greedy people in every race.
(Probably the second most disturbing is the idiots who somehow tie Eddie in with Obama. Eddie did not support Obama, never went to his rally in Hartford, instead worked for Clinton. If you are going to say his actions prove every Democrat from the White House on down is corrupt, then I guess the same must apply to every Republican, thanks to John Rowland, right? Ludicrous.)
Agree 100% Dave. Just shows their ignorance. I also don't like how people are already saying Mayor Segarra is no different than Perez was.
Like Kevin said in this week's One Hartford broadcast it's time to move forward and start healing Hartford.
Mayor Segarra's demand that every department head turn in a resignation letter for his consideration is pretty draconian but I'm sure he's doing that to help restore faith in the public and already knows who he wants to get rid of.
Jeff -- Actually, all Segarra is doing is what every President does when he takes office. All dept. heads of the old administration are expected to turn in their resignation letters, then the President decides who to keep and who to let go. Good for Segarra, I say.
Sometimes I think Americans watch too much TV -- we want even complex problems solved in 30 minutes, and when we don't get instant gratification, we abandon whoever is in charge.
Not all department heads were asked to turn in resignation letters. Someone gave you some bad info.
"Segarra said Friday that he has requested letters of resignation from all of the city's department heads and from Corporation Counsel John Rose. He said that he would review the letters and make prompt decisions about staffing, which will include some changes."
Biscuit, Jeff is correct. Segarra asked for all Dept. Heads to submit letters of resignation to the COO by Monday at 9am. He also said that his decisions regarding who stays/goes will be made by weeks end.
Would this apply to Adamowski as well?
I think Pedro is starting off a minimum he should fire all of Eddie's office folks and political aids that are not necessary for advancing Hartford's business and should fire any incompetent and corrupt department heads.The Board of Education from the top down needs to be fumigated as well.
Bruce, do you have any idea's as to Pedro Segarra may be bringing into his administation?
Has anyone heard from Kevin?????
Anonymous....I have no clue who he specifically is bringing into the government....when I talked to him recently I simply suggested that the new people should be people not tied to any particular faction or have no mentors who are Hartford politicins or hartford political operatives.I trust Pedro and I believe that he will do the right thing for Hartford as he sees it.
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