As of noontime today, Hector Robles was terminated as a Police Officer for the City of Hartford by Chief Daryl Roberts.
Several sources have confirmed that the action took place today as a result of the Internal Affairs investigation and subsequent hearings held over the last two months.
Robles was seen leaving the Jennings Road station minus his badge and firearm after the termination took place.
Robles is still on the ballot for re-election tomorrow as the State Representative for the 6th District.Robles's re-election is most likely going to happen tomorrow, the question is whether the the leadership in the Connecticut legislature will step up and take action on Robles's future at the Capitol.
This is only the beginning of what may prove to be a difficult road for Hector Robles. In addition to his termination , sources have told me that the Office of the Chief State's Attorney is also aggressively investigating the matter that led to Robles's termination and his eventual arrest is likely.
Tor read the original post from August 13, 2010 and the IAD report narrative, click here
The HPD press release is below:
For Immediate Release: November, 1 2010
(Hartford) After review of the Hearing Officer’s written findings in the Internal Affairs Investigation relative to Officer Hector Robles, Hartford Police Chief Daryl K. Roberts has terminated Officer Hector Robles effective immediately. In commenting on his decision to terminate Officer Hector Robles, Chief Daryl K. Roberts stated “This is a flagrant violation of our Code of Conduct and public trust and such behavior can not, and will not, be tolerated.”
Officer Hector Robles was found to be in violation of the following articles of the Hartford Police Department’s Code of Conduct by the assigned Hearing Officer:
· Article I, Section 1.00 Conduct Unbecoming an Employee
· Article II, Section 2.10 Knowingly or Willfully Making a False Entry in an Department Record
· Article VI, Section 6.09 Intentional Failure to Comply with Lawful Orders, Procedures, Directives or regulations Oral or Written.
The day before elections? How random.
I knew that would be coming.
Maybe you could suggest a time that it would have been more appropriate. Before the election the Chief would be accused of damaging the election, after the election he would be accused of protecting Hector.
It is what it is and the IAD report speaks for itself.
I am sure this was a difficult decision for the Chief and any action would be criticized one way or another.
Does this mean that all other officers guilty of falsifying their time cards will also be terminated?? Time to lift up all the "other skirts" or drop the "other pants" with regard to abuse of City time. We may lose 1/4 to 1/3 of all muncipal employees!!!! Audit one, audit ALL!!
Kevin....could you please email or contact Attorney Sandy Borges and let us know by way of an addendum if and when the City will be sueing Robles for the return of the funs he took? He took city money by way of salary for hours he didnt work and the city should be re-imbursed for all the money he took.
Secondly, could you contact your sources in city hall including our Mayor.Since Hennessey,Rose and Perez found their way back on the city payroll, it would be a real shame of Robles was fired by the HPD only to get a job in city hall or some non-profit that the city funds.
You know as well as I do that anything (and everything) is possible and nothing should surprise us.
I know originally that it was made clear the City would move to revoke his pension if the charges were upheld. Whether restitution will be sought is a good question, that may eventually be answered after his eventual arrest.
The City also seems to have taken a "laid back" approach to corruption and scandals even after Perez was ousted. Don't forget that we still have a corrupt Councilwoman at City Hall and other than Dr. Deutsch, none of her colleagues seem offended enough to say anything. Maybe out of fear from the backlash of what comes back to them if they do speak out, who knows.
We need much stronger statements from our "leaders" in order to set a clear tone for the future.
...And then there's an election. Destined to be one of the most active elections in recent memory nationally as well as locally.
But with 4 races going unopposed and this stain on the process, a very important election will be just another Hartford election mess. Corrupt, tainted by fraud and a general lack of interest on the part of the voters. Voters that have expressed to me they have had it.
Looks like Robles got re-elected. Damn.
So what's the Hartford voting outcome?
Who won?
How many are crying for a recount?
How many are saying corrupt ballot counts?
In re: Anonymous of November 3 at 8:56am, I have been trying for two days to get the results. I have not heard of any problems, not to say there couldn't be.
I too would like to know the numbers for each candidate.
I hope its not another Bysiewicz type announcement where there are no numbers to back up the claim Robles won.
I think we all want to know.
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