What is being called a "drug factory", run by Lincoln Culinary Institute students was uncovered today at the school and broken up today by Hartford Police. According to sources, Hartford Police Northwest Area Commander Captain Joseph Buyak and Farmington Ave beat Officer John Zweibelson uncovered what is being called a "drug factory" run by students at the LCI.
At least three students, make that former students, were arrested on various charges related to the operation of a "drug factory". The former students were arrested and held on $300,000 bond, but in true Judical fashion their bonds were reduced to "written promises to appear" according to sources.
Keep up the good work HPD.
Kevin...you obviously never did any drugs. They would be hash brownies, not pot brownies...
Thank you for the correction Bruce, in this case I will defer to your experience.
Are you sure you can't add pot?
Gordon ramsey would be proud of capt joe
I have been at HPD for over two years now. Yes, I admit I don’t really know too much. But I know that the real talent at HPD is being wasted for political reasons. I have worked A/B relief since FTO. I have worked every shift and almost every neighborhood. I’ve worked side by side with almost every officer out there. The hardest working and ballsiest officer that I have got to work with is Officer Zwiebelson. I’ve seen where everybody is writing that Sgt. Laureano is the hardest work at HPD. I can’t disprove that, but I know how hard Zwiebelson works. He’s confident and stays in good shape. He’s a good role model. In my short time on the street, I can say with confidence he works harder than any conditions officer or detective out there. After following everything that goes on this blog, I understand why Zwiebelson is not on a conditions team or a detective.
Zweibelson has not learned the fine art of "knowing his role, and shutting his mouth" thus, no conditions for him. He is however, the toughest cop pound for pound the department has ever seen
Its amazing the childish muppet show matality of some certain haters in this dept. I would very surprised to see zwielbeson choose to go from riding a bike on a 5-2 5-3 schedule to working for the same pay in a stat driven unit. Not knocking either choice. Everyone has got to do what they gotta do. By the way gizzie seems to want conditions way more it seems........
Kevin when i was in college the proper recipe for brownies included hash...we used pot in our homemade chili or speghetti sauce.
@Anonymous September 29, 2011 9:29 AM Hope this is a joke...are you kidding me? That kid is nothing but a fire starter and one of the worst human being in the dept. Like you said, "I don’t really know too much." You can say that again. Did you every here him call in a code 2?? Pathtic.Zweibelson stop writing fake post your the biggest rat douche bag just ask Miguel Colon.
I have respect for many of the cops I work with, Zweibelson is one of them.
We are all human and have our strengths and weakness. I don't care about politics and who likes who. My primary concern with who I work with is when the sh*t hits the fan on the streets who am I glad to see pull up as my 99. Zweibelson is on my short list of cops I'm glad to see pull up.
There's so much backstabbing and lies being spread at HPD I wonder sometimes if some cops would not even respond to a fellow officer in trouble just because of personal issues they had with them. It's scary to think that and I hope I'm wrong.
We have become so entrenched in politics and slandering our fellow officers we forgot our roots. We are all brothers and sisters in blue who should be working together to serve the public and it's sad to see how many have lost site of that.
I remember when the SGT in the police academy said to our class, "don't let this job become about us vs. them." "Them" meaning the criminals. Well there's no fears of that happening because we are too busy being "us against us".
Secore, you should also know your role and shut your mouth... please spend your time learning who the cops are that wall the talk rather than talking it. Will you support those that actually use the appropriate amount of force neccessary to effect the arrest, or are you gun shy?
Yea he's the last one who should talk. Should we roll the video from HPD Booking?
Anonymous @5:08PM,
Learn the facts, there was no video at the time, and there didn't have to be because Secore admitted what he did and paid a very high price.
Read Secore's posting again and I think he is right on track. This petty name calling is childish. Many of you might want to take Secore's words to heart and start building some unity rather than playing into the "divide and conquer" mentality that has been created there for whatever reason No one wins when the Department is so divided, and do you think that happens by accident? Do you think IAD is split down the middle now between Brooks supporters and Laureano supporters by accident? NOPE, just remember , strength in numbers and as long as the division is there there is no strength.
And again, as I have been accused of before, I have supported Matt Secore and will continue to support him until he proves otherwise, his posting today only reinforces to me that I have made the right choice in supporting him
Anonymous at 4:15 I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Why don't you tell the other conditions guys who "walk the walk" that when you respond to a bank alarm you don't pull up to the front door and walk in with guns holstered. You establish a perimeter and dispatch calls the bank asking the manager to step out. It's ok, I realize conditions units now only need 2 months of patrol experience.
All you guys wine and complain like the little girls that you Im pretty sure when all you guys were kids you watched the carebears my little pony and friends and the smurfs me on the other hand I watched thundercats voltron he-man and GI Joe
John Zweilblesoon by far is the sexiest hardworking police officer in the department . Most cops hate him because hes pretty and could possibly be the next hollywood movie star I love him and hope fully he makes chief one day
@4:15 "Know your roll and shut your mouth" I bet that's how you talk to people on the streets too. I wouldn't even talk to children that way.
At least you claim to talk-the-talk, you just do it anonymously. Too funny.
Anonymous @1:58
Thats the best you could come up with four days later?!? You know what to do...
And its called walking the talk...
Actually, it's "walk the walk". I can't believe you guys can sit here and knock Secore while posting under "anonymous". Kind of ironic considering one of you fired back with "know your role". If you knew your own role, and were confident in it, you'd be posting under your real name. Secore won that one. Even regardless of the fact that he was right. How can you argue? You're signing your own death certificates when you publicize the degree of segregation within your department. Keep it up and whatever fear that you may have instilled in the city's people is going to dissolve, and it's going to dissolve fast. Chaos is when you're not feared enough to have control. Good luck with THAT. Oh and something you may want to think about: If you don't like what goes on in HPD, then stop wasting your time anonymously bitching about it, and start applying to other department's while they might still hold a resume with "HPD" on it in high regard.
And yes, I am posting as anonymous because I don't have a role. I just know I'm right.
Annon @6:15,
Let me respond to your drivel, Secore talked falsely about an incident in which conditions was involved. After speaking to the IAD investigator, Secores information was proven to be FALSE.
In my years at HPD the only ones stirring the pot on the conditions vs patrol were patrol officers. Both groups serve the city in different ways. I am not going to get into who is more valuable or who does more work, each has hard workers, and each has the guys who milk it.
Now onto the "fear" issue, in all these comments, I never stated that the mission of conditions was to instill fear... I believe the opposite.
I hope this cleared things up a little, maybe we are both right?
Whoa Anonymous at 10:52, that's a bold face lie right there. I have never talked to IAD for anything except my incident and one other years ago involving a K-9 which I was called upstairs for and that officer was cleared.
I'm not sure where you are getting your info from but don't listen to the HPD rumor mill and opinions.
Secore was honest. At least he did not lie to iad and lie to cover his own ass then admit he was dishonest and lied. Luis rumandi was arrested for insurance fraud when he set his car on fire. Then pled guilty and wanted to be an honest cop again. Rumandi is now an eap rep which i find extremely disturbing. Is that a spot for integrity I tell ya right now. I will call ghostbusters before i call tourch for help
So secore beat up a guy. Who cares. Ramudai set his car on fire and lied to iad. But yet he has a job. I thought if u openly lie to iad. It is termination. More transperacy.
Regardless of what Secore did or did not do, his comment here was respectable-more respectable than any "drivel" you or I have probably ever posted. I'm just saying, even if you don't like him, you might want to stop and think about how he might be right in this case-HPD is supposed to be a team. Power in numbers. We didn't invade Iraq with an army of ONE........
And when I said instill fear, I meant that police officers control their communities effectively because people "fear" them to a certain extent. I'm not insinuating that you're running around threatening people's lives-maybe "intimidation" would've been a better word? Intimidation ultimately leads to some kind of respect, but if they watch you guys tear each other apart, they're going to assume-and most likely attempt-to do the same.
Damn look at all the fighting thats going on at this blog can you imagine if the criminals in the city monitored this blog and saw how much of a civil war is going on in the department??? Raimundi did a crime and was punished for it now he lays low dont make waves and minds his business as fore Secore that was a straight violation of the constitution and he should also lay low and be quiet Im glad they both got to keep their jobs though you guys need to watch that old movie The Warriors when King Cyrus was gonna unite all the street gangs in New York and wage war on the police imagine if all the gangs in Hartford decided to do that HPD would be in trouble truly sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin if you d council what youo make city gonna do about the HPD???
you see all this turmoil its crazy with co workers and friends like these who needs enemies i mean ive heard cops say that other cops were their sworn mortal enemeis its scary i feel safer on Adams street Baltimore street Norfolk street and Kent street which stands for The Bank by the way (for you cops with no street credibility) then at 50 jennings rd
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