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Thursday, August 1, 2013


It really is sad to see someone that entered office with so much potential spiraling out of Control. Whoever is managing the Segarra message needs to learn that silence is golden. And also realize that at times it is not about the spin, but about acting  like a leader. The only real thing we are hearing about recent racist  incidents is that the City has a "Zero-Tolerance" policy. I guess Zero means different things to different people apparently.

If you actually had a "zero tolerance" policy , why was your Department head already aware of the matter, conducted an investigation that cleared the employee, and  yet you knew nothing about it until I e-mailed your office asking for comment

I don't usually yell at my newspaper, but this mornings Courant article and headline "Hartford Mayor Vows Kupiec's Arrest Won't Degrade Public's Confidence " . Newsflash Mayor, it already has. The moment you took your first spoonful of Caviar on New Year's Ever, that deal was done. Almost everything your Administration has done has eroded the public's confidence. If you don't believe me, lets go for a walk outside of City Hall and listen to your constituents.

Now it is time to stop playing the victim of the media and start acting like a leader that you were elected to be, Mayor. Your decision making has been disastrous. The people around you haven't been much better. How many times does your COO have to be caught misusing public funds before she realizes it is wrong? The buttery nipple thing should have been enough to alter her behavior after the first time she was caught almost 12 years ago. Read more about that here

And as far as you being "extremely angry" as you told the Courant when you found out Kupiec stole his City car back, where was that anger New Year's Eve when he whipped out his City Credit Card to pay for you and your partners dinner as well as the rest of you gluttonous  entourage at Max Downtown. Maybe it was that gastric high you were on after dining on that fine rack of lamb , caviar and champagne. The only thing missing were the cigars, but that probably came later.

Mayor, I find it hard to believe that you are this blind as to what is going on in your administration. You are just getting caught at it now. Can you honestly say that no one at that table at Max's questioned how the bill was being paid, and only in February , after I started requesting documents, that you realized something might be wrong? I don't recall ever walking away from a table at a restaurant without making sure someone was paying the bill.

In the Courant article, you apparently told them "I think the way this matter was handled shows this administration is unwilling to sweep things under the rug," .
You had no clue what was going on until I e-mailed your office asking for a comment. Doesn't it bother you that I know more of what is going on in your City than you know? Haven't you built the relationships that people feel free to come to you with these things.

Or is it that maybe they know nothing will happen because you won't make the difficult decisions , so why bother. Is it any news to you that you have department heads lying to you as to where they live. Small issue I know, but it goes to the sense of betrayal that people you trust have no problem lying to you.

It seems as though you prefer that people tell you that the tie you are wearing looks good, rather than actually giving you the truth.

Another quote from the article "You need someone who's definitely energetic and hard-working, but you also need the wisdom required to make good decisions," Segarra said, "and that often comes from experience."

I am pretty confident that is what many residents were thinking when they voted for YOU. Where is that wisdom to account for your decision making or does it only apply to a Chief of Staff. And I guess it is fair to ask, who selected him in the first place.

I also want to ask, what took so long? Why did you hang on to him for months after the Credit card issue was exposed, and then why did you go out of your way to protect him by keeping him on the payroll until the end of September?

I guess maybe you are hopefully learning from your mistakes. You also told the Courant "Segarra said that when he chooses a new chief of staff, he will seek someone with ample experience.". Well there is a novel idea. Might I add that you also find someone that loves both the City of Hartford and its people and doesn't just see Hartford as a large paycheck or a political stepping stone. And maybe even someone that has made the commitment to actually live here.

It is just sad that people are actually telling me your actions are making the Perez Administration look good.

Cut the salary in half and see how many takers you will have. That will separate the public servants from the leeches  hoping to live off City Hall. And while you are at it , try cutting a few other salaries and see how long those people hang around. Not long I'd bet.

But Pedro, please stop playing the victim here. You don't do martyr well. The people of Hartford are smarter than that. The power is in your hands to change things, now start doing it and quit the lip service, it is growing thin. Do the right thing and  you might just be respected, I think you will like that better than trying so hard to be liked


Anonymous said...


why is it that you seem to get it yet Segarra doesn't? Is your phone unlisted? If he was smart he should have you on speed dial.

The Rock said...

Well well well, The Rock sees that Mayor Cavair isn't getting it. A trip down memory lane is in order but I don't think it would do any good since you act like your got hit in the head with the stupid stick. Stop whining and being nambi pambi and blaming everyone else for your failures. it doent matter who you blame, you surrounded yourself with a bunch of ass clowns and jabroni's from the boy blunder to the wicked witch of the west. That thing you caught called the ostrich syndrome the Rock has a cure for that, hell take his size 13 shoe and kick you straight in your candy ass and dislodge your head from it.

Scandle riddle is your tenure so far, from dept. heads who don't live in the city like Andrew " HOV lane" Jaffee, Juan Rivas " I stay in the garage" Colon, to dining on fish eggs while threatening layoffs, to Jared " Grand Theft Auto" Kupiec and the creation of a position for SKB's boyfriend and that's just to name a few. Your lack of relationship with those 9 Jabroni's who call themselves council members has hurt the city, those idiots are so incompetent that they couldnt find their own a$@ with both hands. Trying to remake your image is like putting a mask on Andre the Giant and telling everone he's a midget wrestler, it won't sell. If their are any dopes out there that buy that I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Your recent quotes in the media is like watching Mr.T wrestle Roddy Piper, entertaining but painful. The rent activity n the Blog and the pening investigations are going to hit you like a runaway train.

What are you going to do or say when your so called best friend SKB sticks her broom stick right in our back. You'll be left at "I didn't see it coming Lane and WTF Blvd." If you smellllll what the Rock is cookin.

Christian Cage said...

Hey crock,
You are a fake city cockroach using a famous name tag in order to boost your own self diluted ego. I bet you resemble a 40 yr old sitting in front of a computer with no life. I do agree with you on the point that the city is a mess, but Mayor Wooden will fix it.

Anonymous said...

I see from the most recent article in the Courant that DPW lacks management and supervision in its parks. I thought with the layoffs of superintendents and the department becoming more streamlined would improve the park system . The Mayor doesn't have a clue. His department head must be blowing smoke up his ass saying everything is alright when it is definitely not. Incompetent leadership leads to more problems which will accelerate an already bad situation . When will the Mayor wake up and say enough is enough. Just wait until they complete the investigation at DPW maybe then he will realize the ineptness he has let continue under his watch.

James Brown (Good God) said...

You know who really doesn't get , its that group of 9 idiots that call themselves "city leaders". You cut the budget and the crime numbers go up. It's obvious what the Chief is doing with the former downtown detail isn't working. A homicide right in the heart, no pun intended, of the entertainment district isn't good for the city or the PD. If I was the Chief I would be opening the flood gates and spending like a drunken sailor to get a handle on this violence that has ravaged the city lately. You can point the finger back at the council and the bar owners. I would make every bar hire two officers and if they refused to then they would be shut down, zero tolerance for this type of stuff.
Chief you need to stop trying to play nice with these idiots and lay the smack down. You run the PD not them, do the right thing and stop pandering to a group of individuals who don't care about the city or you.

Anonymous said...

The mayor sucks. Very simply put.

Hartford Native said...

Mayor Segarra;

will never get it, after all he became Mayor by default.
The Hartford machine with the aid of Governor Malloy afford him an opportunity to real show what he is made out of.
in the end we have a showman and no content.