According to sources within the Hartford Fire Department, Jimmy Ngo has officially been terminated from the Hartford Fire Department this afternoon.
Sources claim the decision was made based on information from the Connecticut State Police, given to HFD that Ngo had admitted in both written statements and through audio and video recordings that he was shot on April 21st as the result of a "drug deal gone bad".
That has yet to be proven and the suspect arrested in the shooting seems less than credible, to me at least, in his statements..
This termination may prove problematic for the City eventually. Although Hartford does have a "zero tolerance" policy for drug use, there is no direct evidence that the drug deal was factual and actually did occur.
If Jimmy Ngo was an alleged drug dealer, there is no place nor should there be, a spot for him at HFD. If it is proven that there was a drug deal in place, so be it, the termination is warranted.
Hopefully the accusations will be proven baseless and if so, Ngo should be restored to his position, with full back pay and benefits.
The HFD contract apparently does not allow for discipline for "off duty" incidents unless it involves a felony arrest. At this point there has been no arrest for Ngo and no indication that any is planned by CSP.
Hartford Fire Chief Reginalg Freeman issued the following brief statement this afternoon:
"On Wednesday, July 05, 2017, the Hartford fire department conducted an internal
investigation pertaining to one of its members (Jimmy Ngo) that was allegedly
involved in activity that is in violation of city and department policy. The
facts obtained from this internal investigation warranted disciplinary action
from the fire department’s administration. As a result of the findings, the
member’s employment with the City of Hartford has been terminated, effective
immediately. The City of Hartford and Hartford Fire Department has a zero
tolerance for violation of its said policies that are counterintuitive to the
hard work, dedication and sacrifices made by the greater body. "
Oh here we go again, jumping to conclusions, Chief said >> " He was (allegedly) involved in activity that is in violation" Wait till he gets reinstated, back pay, sick days, and vacation time,settlement monies and of course a promotion to Lieutenant. "the Hartford fire department conducted an internal investigation pertaining to one of its members" The Department has NO one who knows how to conduct an "Internal Investigation" PD does and they are still investigating, or is it > "Reggie's' rules" ?
another loser, who didn't get hired..jimmy ngo should be me the drugs in this drug deal, oh there wasn't any just the words of the man who shot jimmy 6 times...dont worry jimmy the firefighters got your back unlike chief freeman
I don't think you can make Chief Freeman out to be the fall guy here. I think he made the only decision he could make with the information provided to him by CSP and detailed in the arrest warrant. It is quite possible that information was wrong or maybe misleading, in which case I am sure Chief Freeman will be the first one in line to make sure apotential wrong will be corrected. Only time will tell the truth. There is definitely a liar here and my gut tells me it is not Jimmy Ngo
Come on Kevin. It's obvious who the liar is here (maybe the convicted felon) just by reading the warrant. And CSP had definitely proven they couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag. They should stick to tickets and accidents on the highway. I'm more than positive Rocky Hill would've and could've done a better job, they definitely do more criminal investigations than CSP. I'm sorry, but from what I've seen with CSP, they really suck at investigations.
Take a breath, relax, and let's not forget some of the important factors. We are reading an arrest warrant that only needs to have probable cause for the accused person's arrest. It does not nor should it have the complete and detailed information about the incident. Along with the Detective's colleagues, his supervisor, probably a division commander, a state inspector, and a state's attorney all read this warrant before it was signed by a judge. How about we have some faith in our judicial system before we render any opinion about a case that hasn't even come to trial.
You the public will never know nor should you know the entire detailed facts and circumstances of any open investigation.
The CSP from the start of the investigation knew it would be a somewhat "high profile" case; I think they have dotted their I's and crossed their T's.
Hey James , you have your own credibility issues and are the perfect example of why we can't blindly trust law enforcement. Maybe we can meet Loretta Lynch on a tarmac somewhere and work this all out and then you can sound the all clear.
6:35pm Give me a break. What exactly was Jimmy doing in a dark, industrial area in Rocky Hills late night. Was he "walking his dog" or something like that?
Please email your activities for the last 7 days so I can make a decision as to whether or not you are a drug dealer based upon your travels.I must be a drug kingpin based upon my travels Throughout the City
I wonder if both guys have been given lie detector tests yet.
Kev,Chief Freeman should appoint Dan Nolan to head a special investigation into this Gno thing now that the incompetent dynamic duo of Chief Huertes and Chief "I ORDER YOU BACK TO THE TRAINING ACADEMY" Brady are long gone. As soon as Danny started making headway into THE TRUTH about the Bell incident , Huertes and Brady dismissed him of his assignment . I always wondered why? Nothing personal but I never considered Nolan's replacement,Roger Martin ,to be the Detective Colombo of HFD.Maybe Danny was ordered by Huertes and Brady to re-train E-5 Group C on proper donning of a nasal cannula. Those two Chiefs really knew how to prioritize the important issues of fire service. Bust the balls of non-issue firefighters and look away when it came to dealing with our shitbags. Great job! What a legacy you two left behind.
Lie detectors are for the movies. They are not admissible in court. However it could help Jimmie get his job back.
I'd like to see JIMMY's activities - as well as cell phone calls and messages - for the last 7 days, even 7 weeks
City of Hartford needs to immediately implement random drug testing asap.
10:39 PM
freeman has no balls. way to throw your employee under the bus. He's at the worst possible moment in his life, and claimed to be the victim. you give him no chance by doing anything close to be called an investigation.
Anonymous at 11:53pm: The issue here is not if Jimmy's blood is drug free or not. The issue here is if Jimmy had a second job after the firehouse trading in drugs.
lie detectors prove nothing. that's why it's not admissible in a courtroom. cops are either really honest or the best liar on the planet. and they all pass the lie detector.
@1:49am, I am sure CSP obtained all Ngo's phone sms, and calls.
The fact that CSP did not mentioned anything incriminating toward Ngo with his personal sms in the affidavit makes this case against Ngo even more ridiculous.
At the moment CSP claims Ngo willfully admitting to be a drug dealer. Everyone forgot that Ngo was shot in the face, 1 in the arm, 3 in the stomach. He lost a kidney. I remember Ngo passed out while I was talking to him during my visitation at his house (during month of June 2017, when he was discharged). CSP interrogated Ngo (April 21, the day after he was shot) and May 11 (3 weeks after he was shot) while he was heavily medicated. CSP should release the video or audio of this interrogation. I would love to see their micky mouse interrogation techniques.
I am not sure why they didn't arrest Perez on April 24th. The fact that his story is not believable and Ngo said "Jesus Perez shot me" on April 21th. Ngo told me he didn't know if he's was going to make it while being transported to the hospital. While being transported to Hartford Hospital, Ngo told officers who were on scene repeatedly Jesus Perez shot me, he lives at:***. Sad that it was not mentioned in the affidavit.
I am no rocket scientist but that's enough probable cause to lock his ass then and there on April 24th. Instead, you read through the entire affidavit, from April 24th to 6/19/2017 CSP didn't do much. It takes two months to write this 10 page affidavit, any HPD detective could knock this out in a working shift. Send this detective back to the academy please.
Perez was also involved in another missing person a few years ago. He was the last person to be seen with that missing person, who is presumed to be dead. Ngo is lucky he didn't become another missing person. CSP is lucky that Perez is such an idiot who did not fled the county/state.
In the past "Bad Boy Firefighters" were suspended with-out Pay, not fired on the spot, the "3" Musketeers are running scared now, and screwed up big time ! Also about FF Ngos' phone showing locations of drug houses, HE is in Co. 1, who covers in and around Park Street, the Drug Heaven. Anyone think of that. City, just get that BIGGGGGG check ready for Firefighter Ngo.
Your last sentence is the most telling. But a lot of investigation needs to be conducted. Can't understand why Perez wasn't arrested unless it is ok now to shoot people at will. I am waiting for that to happen soon. The fireman will definitely be suing big time. I guess even if Hartford goes section 9, it won't have any effect of the future settlement. But truely, this is a made for cable movie. Oh wait, I want the rights. Filming will begin next year.
July 7, 2017 at 8:49 PM. said, "6:35pm Give me a break. What exactly was Jimmy doing in a dark, industrial area in Rocky Hills late night. Was he "walking his dog" or something like that?"
Did you ever think that maybe Jimmy received a call from a "friend" who concocted a story to lure him there? Jimmy is a good natured person and like many of us, would have gone out at any hour to help a "friend" in an emergency. On or off duty.
Two facts here. One, Perez is a convicted felon POS. Two, Jimmy wasn't arrested or in possession of drugs. He is innocent until proven guilty. Knowing Jimmy, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Comment by 11:30 AM very interesting and on point. Perez involved with a missing person sure fits these circumstances as we know them.
Doesn't say much if CSP are hanging their Big Hats on the word of a convicted POS who is no doubt trying to save his sorry a$$ by lying it off.
Let's remember city taxpayers about a recent HUGH payoff a Firefighter's family was awarded. M,m,m!!! How long did it take to record that there was drugs in the Firefighters system!!!! Did the former Fire Chief Charles Teale hire his COUSIN Bell.....I think so....and he knew he had a drug problem. Teale was a remarkable CHIEF!!!!! Still trying to make money any way he can to pay for his fancy HOUSE near Sandra Kee Borges and her little guy Terry Waller!!!! What a JOKE!!!!
Protectors of guardrails!!!! Now that's good, and so accurate!
This joke is a reality in the City of Hartford. Dose anyone remember "GO HARTFORD"?
A cheerleader at his best. However, his lovely Westend sister Geraldine at her best ran City Hall. What a joke? Third term Peters was told he could not run again.....Remember.....
Jimmy Ngo ain't no drug dealer!!! It's absolutely mind boggling that csp would give any credence to a convicted felon who just tried to murder a good man. And on the phone the felon told csp he needed "time" to get his story together?!?! He should've been locked up immediately.
All this proves is Freeman is about as much an administrator as he's a fireman or Dpw worker for that matter. NGO will have his job back. Refer yourself to a substance abuse program and get a good attorney. Let's just review the past. Firefighters caught high and drunk on the job , can't walk or talk with pockets of contraband, nips, mouthwash,cocaine, the list goes on...given multiple chances to clean up themselves on the city's dime. Jimmy gets caught with nothing , shot , recovers on his own time, has one 20 min. meeting with the fab three and is terminated without the investigation being complete. Great work
Kevin- Do you know if Jimmy Ngo had a Laudermill hearing before he was terminated? If not, why not? I am questioning this because as of yet, it does not appear that he has been charged with any crime.
Yes, he did have the laudermill hearing on Thursday, terminated on Friday
All I wanna know is ,,,CAN JIMMY TAKE A HYDRANT? Think of all the men and women who get paid for going into a burning building and went entire careers not doing their job! THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED FIRST!
Kevin, Do you or any of your blog readers know if Jimmy Ngo has decided to take his termination to arbitration?
jimmy is filing a grievance.
the next step for jimmmy is to get a retraction from paragraph 16 in the affidavit.
then maybe he could get his job back. but these things take forever. the earliest reinstatement is at least a year away. all of these downtime will wreck him, sitting at home feeling sorry for himself. i talk to him today and he was in shell-shock but all of this is hitting him hard.
CSP basically victimized the victim. They're absolute garbage. They should stick to protecting guardrails.
I can't believe anyone is defending this guy. If he is a drug dealer then they were right to fire him. If he LIED TO THE POLICE on both audio and video, then he should STILL GET FIRED. WTF are you people thinking? He should also be arrested for obstructing justice if he lied to the police. If you're going to say he was on narcotics so we should give him a pass, then we have to give very loser out there who gets arrested for acting up while on narcotics a pass, too. I can't believe what I'm reading here.
he was on narcotics because he was shot 6 times moron
John Moree finally fired for workman's compensation fraud!
Great news for Lieut. John (The Coward) Moree, The Lieutenant who stated "I'm Not His Baby Sitter" when asked why he left FF Bell !
Hartford downgraded to junk bond status. Now finally I can win my dinner bet at Black eyed Sally's
Kevin, Please, Please open a blog on Moree, we are dying to air our frustrations on this POS, trust me even before Bell, you had to get in line to hate this guy. John, you been threatening people with your lawyer for years, no , decades. Lets see him work some magic for you now.
When is city hall going to pay the internet certification update bill so we can stop operating like an elementary school instead of a bankrupt multi million dollar capitol city.
Email is still down?
Probably no $$ left because they just ok'd DPW to spend $$$ to put in a bunch of new speed bumps around the city at $35k a piece!
No frickin email? Cheeses.
What's the homicide count at?
I think technically 16, 15 plus the woman on Park St who starved her child was ruled a homicide
West indian weekend is good for two or three.
What are you more apt to have to dodge and duck in the city of Hartford?
A- Stray Bullets.
B- Reckless stolen cars.
C- Both
7:02 pm
D- mertes inappropriate comments
City cops are watching and doing nothing as stolen cars race by (3 accidents in one day), as bullets fly (innocent man catches one on Westland st), all due to a mayor, city council and state legislature that continually bash police and do not stand behind the blue. It's only going to get much worse. Dems and libs have got to go.
Just call DPW and they'll tell you
Take a look at my post , Luke Bronin's Russian Roulette with Public Safety, feel free to add anything I missed.
what does Luke care, he lives out of town , his family is out of town, even if he has an address here, it's likely the bullets won't be whizzing by his head where he and his family sleep.
This age well and now he's missing since January 2nd 2025
M issjng? any details?
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