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Thursday, October 29, 2020


A report from October of 2019 details some very poor accounting procedures and questionable behavior in handling of tens of thousands of dollars in student activity funds.

The report has been a well kept secret at the Hartford Schools for over a year. I had requested the report though a Freedom of Information request from the Hartford Schools Executive Director of Finance Maureen  Colman when I was first made aware of the report. The Hartford Schools have been less than transparent  and as of this date, they have not provided a copy of the report. Fortunately, I was able to obtain a copy of the report through "alternative means".

A quick review of the report will answer the question as to why they refused to release it. The report documents one incident after another of shoddy practices  and suspicious behavior in handling student funds from the activities account at Bulkeley High School. Although the report does not identify any one individual, sources have told me that an employee responsible for the mishandling has been terminated.

The report details as much as $35,000 in discrepancies in the listed balance on the account. There is no mention of any attempts to recover the unaccounted for funds or any referral to the Hartford Police Department for an investigation.

For several years, the Hartford Internal Audit Commission has been pushing for these and other Hartford School's Accounts to be entered on MUNIS, the City's accounting program. Apparently the Board has  refused those requests and the funds are still maintained in secrecy with open opportunities for mishandling and criminal intentions.

This report should show why the change is needed to prevent further loss or thefts of funds meant for Hartford's children.

The entire report can be read here: just click on the link  view report here


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to that big insurance fraud investigation at the BOE? That was supposed to expose numerous culprits who were bilking the system for thousands of dollars for years. There was smoke then... nothing. How do things like that disappear? I remember one scapegoat was fired but that was at the very beginning of the investigation. Obviously the were more. What happened to them and who are they???

Anonymous said...

Missing funds is nothing new in the Hartford Public Schools. This has happened for years. There are excellent Principals.Vice Principals and teachers ect…… However, there are some who are cheats and steal from the students. I remember when a Naylor Principal and a highly respected teacher raided a student fund. Not a thing was done about it. It was covered up quickly and there were no arrests made. Funny how nothing ever changes. HPS Superintendents are pathetic. The present one is unqualified yet the Board of Education granted her the position. The students always suffer.

Anonymous said...

Democratic leadership at its best. They are the reason that Hartford schools are not prospering. They are the reason that our children find it challenging to be successful academically. Where is the money allocated to the students? Their should be a federal investigation into any fraud case involving government funding. They use and abuse our tax dollars by milking the system for all it's worth. I am fed up with their lies. I hope Trump and all republicans win. I hope that we can be the change that is needed.

Anonymous said...

$35,000? Is that all? $35k theft in Hartford is no big deal. It's breakfast money for some crooks in Hartford.

Anonymous said...

The real rip off is how top heavy and dysfunctional central office is. How many six figure salaries are being paid out to people who have zero effect on the teaching or well being of students? Most times it seems that these people, who make all of that money, are a detriment to education.

Anonymous said...

The central office needs to be eliminated. The superintendents after Adamowski have added layer upon layer of administration and coaches and more bull sh!t than can be imagined. Teachers are now working remotely, in person, and both at the same time. We do not need the layers of EXPENSIVE bull sh!t at the central office. The citizens of Hartford and of the State of Connecticut (who pay the bills for Hartford Schools)need to throw the self-aggrandizing resume bulders out of their positions. We do not need them. Look at the horrifying layers of crap that have no effect on the day-to-day impact on students. Board of Education, grow some gonads and toss them out. They are stealing from your children. Not just those who steal the student funds, chump change compared to the daily withdrawal on the payroll of all of the central office parasites. Fire all of the IT folks that have collected big salaries who have allowed a simple malware attack to cost the district tens of thousands or over 1000k. Kevin do an FOI request and see how Drexel covers his ass.

Those at the central office From the parasites in the HR or as they call it Office of Talent Management. Horrifying overpaid secretaries (BANKS), to the rest of the PARASITES on the district stealing the resources from the students.

It is time to clean out - - - fire them all and start over. Now more than ever.

Anonymous said...

WAIT!!! Are we talking about the “AWARD WINNING” Education Department in Hartford ? The one that sent 33 teachers and administrators to Florida on the taxpayers dime to accept a recognition “TROPHY” ? 33!! NO SHAME

Anonymous said...

Hartford Schools has been infiltrated by bunch of abusive imposters who spend their time and energy trying to cover up their incompetence. Central office is full of people who micromanage and abuse dedicated educators. They don't treat us as professionals and wonder why everyone is leaving the district. There is a revolving door of "higher ups" who have no dedication to the students and simply use the position as a "stepping stone." Meanwhile, they are more worried about people not questioning their "authority" while they create a hostile working environment for dedicated teachers and staff. Out with the dictatorship of incompetence!