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Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Jeff Cohen at the Hartford Courant continued his coverage of the Perez Administration Corruption scandal in today's edition. Cohen outlined the search warrant served on Verizon Wireless for Perez's cell phone records, an apparent critical piece of evidence to establish probable cause for Extortion, Conspiracy to Commit Extortion and Larceny 1st charges. These allegations appear to be above and beyond the initial charges of bribery and larceny already filed against Perez.

This affidavit details conversations, e-mails and correspondence involving Perez, Abe Giles, Deputy Corporation Counsel Carl Nasto, Lee Erdmann and others regarding a $100,000 "pay-off" to Giles.

The affidavit was originally on

The affidavit in its entirety can be viewed here:

Perez Cell Search Warrant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Brookman, Thanks so much for this website and all the work you put into it. The Courant is pretty useless except for Helen's columns and there's no doubt that they are afraid of Eddie and Co. We don't have many avenues for finding out the truth here in Hartford, so you are greatly appreciated, as is Pastor Stan and a few other courageous folks that speak out for the good of all. On a related note, I was at the city council meeting this week and was shocked at the arrogance of Councilman Cotto who not only threw his working party ally under the bus but then proudly declared that he had only his family to answer to at the end of the day. This from someone we elected! Eddie Jr. anyone?