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Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I have requested the documents from the Hartford Board of Education related to the resignation of Jill Cutler Hodgman. The Board hasn't provided them yet , but luckily I was able to obtain them through "alternative means" and they are disgusting. (The documents, not the alternative means)

In a system that is claiming a deficit and threatening to lay off teachers and para-professionals, it just seems absurd when  you see some of these salaries and related benefits. A $2700.00  car allowance for Cutler Hodgman? Are you serious? Is this a system for educating children or is it more about lining the pockets of adults?

I guess the $183,846 per year salary just wasn't enough so I guess I sold just be sympathetic and hope she cold survive and cover her vehicle expenses with the additional car allowance of $2700.00. Some people have it tough.

From the documents:  "Effective July 1,2013,the annual salary shall be$165,025. Effective July 1,2014, the annual salary shall be $171,626. Effective July 1,2015,the annual salary shall be$178,491. Effective July 1,2016, the annual salary shall be$183,846. Any adjustments in salary made during the life of this contract shall be in the form of an amendment and shall becomepartofthis contract.

An Automobile Allowance at the annual rate of $2,700 pro-rated and paid on a monthly basis. The amount shall be in lieu of all other reimbursement to Cutler Hodgman for use of personal vehicle."

And whoever on the Board that allowed this nonsense should be shown the door. And as a note, the documents are all stamped in large letters "CONFIDENTIAL". I would understand why they wouldn't want any of us in the general public to be able to read about their extravagances, but I would hope that Cutler Hodgman in her role as "Chief Labor and Legal Officer" would hopefully have a better understanding of the term "public documents" and the public's right to know and that nothing in government is "Confidential". Maybe that is where her problem started

And if Jill Cutler Hodgman was actually being paid $183,846 a year as the " Chief Labor and Legal Officer" ,why did we the have to provide a hack lawyer from the Corporation Counsel's Office to advise her? Should we be asking for a refund?


Anonymous said...

24 sick days a year and paid for 30 percent of them at the end. Talk about bloated benefits.

BassReeves said...

This is really disturbing!

Alyssa said...

To all BOE employees,

Please read Paragraph #7. It is obvious that the BOE expects Jill Cutler-Hodgman to be named in a lawsuit for her conduct as a so-called "Labor and Legal Officer". Pathetic. Another lawsuit and more settlement dollars to take away funds from students.

PLEASE, this is the appropriate time that one uses an "Anonymous" post on this blog -- to reveal tips so that Kevin can pursue them with his sources. Can anyone provide some detail as to what we should anticipate that is coming?? Reason for her phony resignation?? Does it have to do with Genao or how many others that she covered up for or helped promote or move on in the past?

Kevin, you've outdone yourself as an investigative blogger once again. Kudos for obtaining the docs. It's been said here before -- you should charge for your content.

BassReeves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have generally been supportive of Mayor Bronin in the face of the herd mentality and online bullying that so easily takes place. But his silence leads me to believe that in his overly cautious manner, he is not showing appropriate leadership. In my opinion, he should declare Hartford broke and let the state intercede because there are no competent political leaders in Hartford. They mostly all stink and are more concerned about getting friends employed then placing the needs of Hartford first. I nominate Bob Killian to run again.

Yes, Mark is correct that we need a whistle blower clause. And we need to rein in a future mayor from being able to enact an authority to circumvent the will of the people or it will happen again.

BassReeves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wipe the board of ed out completely everybody is walking away because people are finally speaking up against this nonsense.. the district has no money but all board members pay for nothing expect everything handed to them. The last superintendent left for japan cause she had knowledge of all this going.. cut there salaries cut there allowances stop allowing these people to get rich at are childrens expense.. tim Sullivan is the most qualified for the job.. but torres is part of the corruption at the board she did nothing to stop anything and now cause she is bilingual tim will most likely get skipped over once again.. Hartford public schools do not want a voice they just want yes men

Anonymous said...

I been saying this for 3 years now! the only reason that Hartford schools are loosing money out of school budgets is because the Finance Directors keep taking money out of the schools to pay for high bloated salaries and stipends at the BOE. At my kids schools they cut security guards and support staff that was essential for watching kids and keeping the school safe all because the finance department sucks the Principals dry out of their budgets.

Anonymous said...

Tim Sullivan is the best man for the job. He's a stand up guy !!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Tim Sullivan related to Geraldine Sullivan.

Anonymous said...

This huge payout and the contract before it was signed under this administration. If we can afford this, and loose $milions from the newest Yard Goats stadium deal signed by this Mayor. Its doubtful anyone will believe in the fiscal "crisis".

Anonymous said...

Number 10!!!!!!!!!

William M. Brown said...

Utterly disgusting! Whether elected or appointed Hartford School Board members are tasked with the job of checks and balances. While apparently insignificant to some outrageous salaries in central office positions at the expense of our children's educational needs..UNACCEPTABLE. Kevin we might not always agree but the "bird dogging" you did on this one--KUDOS TO INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM.
William M. Brown

Anonymous said...


Leave Bronin out of the Yard Goats fiasco. He had nothing to do with it and had to fix it the best her could. You either have a political agenda or you are just plum stupid.

And thanks Alyssa, for pointing out paragraph seven. You are on the money as usual. Why did the Board have to agree to defend Hosgeman from any future legal challengers. That should be ger responsibility.

Anonymous said...

You gonna do a story on the sex ring that was going on in Ct and exposed by the FBI???

Anonymous said...

Yep, keep blaming the cops and fireman for hartfords fiscal problems..........

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I am curious as to what woulde be a comparable compensation package for an attorney working for the city of Hartford? what was her starting salary for this position? If we pay the superintendents 275k a year, where should the compensation level below a superintendent make? What do principals and teachers get paid annually for comparison purposes?



It is called "public service" for a reason. If a good attorney wants to go into the private sector and make $100,000 a year plus, go for it. But a person working in the school system should at least be halfway decent in their job to earn a six figure salary, which Jill Cutler Hodgman was not.If you search the archives here for the $100,000 club, you will find a list of people at the BOE making over $100,000 per year. And just as a side note, that was another document JCH refused to release to me under an FOI request, and I had to obtain it from "alternative means". here is the 100 club posting



Why would I? Was Jill Cutler Hodgman running it? Maybe Genao was involved?

Anonymous said...

What did the alleged sex ring have to do with the city of Hartford?

Anonymous said...

Publish the salaries of all board of education personnel. Including bonuses, allowances, stipends and other income.

The board of Ed is a separate government from the city of Hartford, why not have the board of Ed manage it's own budget. State and federal funds intended for the school system should go directly to the school system and not through the city of Hartford.
The City of Hartford government should not have the opportunity to raid the board of education's funds to cover City of Hartford's deficit.
Why is Daryl Hill employed with the City of Hartford after his failures and mismanagement of both Dillion and Dunkin donuts stadiums?

Mr Dirty Streets said...

Go git em, Mr Tiger Brookman. Just publically apologize for being so desperate to support Trump for president.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I cant speak to her qualifications or whether she did a good job so I take your word for that. Trying to be objective relative to the salary. It appears by the contract you posted that 4 percent raises were granted annually. If she was making 100k after 15 years at the city then she would have had to start at less than 65k. If 4 percent raises were the norm over the last 15 years, then if I do my math correctly, she started within a 110-115k salary range. A starting salary of 110-115k is not unreasonable for an attorney at the city. Take the person out of the mix and tell me if you believe that is reasonable?


Dirty Streets,

apologize for what, your candidate losing?

Anonymous said...

I've been following this blog since it started all stories did not pertain to or exclusive to hartford including the Newtown incident had its own post so miss me with that BS

Just Call Me Dirty said...

Kevin, no. Apologize that your candidate won. He is and will go down as the most damaging president ever and I thought it couldn't get much worse under W Bush when he invaded the WRONG country and as a result, has forever upset the body politics for much of the world.

Now, little George is looking more like Girl Scout cookie baker in comparison to Trump.

Anonymous said...


You must be main lining the KoolAide like the rest of the pathetic losers around the country. The Brown Shirt Socialists lost and now they are using the media to try to create reality. The remainder of the citizens of the US are not buying. What you fail to see is that the previous president Barry O dethroned Jimmy Carter as the worst president ever. Jimmy said thanks Barry O!

The Democratically controlled Congress voted overwhelmingly to go into Iraq. Trump was against it. Its all on the record. But that does not matter to you because all of the lies of Clinton were clearly visible by anybody with a brain and not blinded by party. Your partisan blindness is like the rest of the moronic dems in this state. Don't you ever look at the results of their failed approach to government? Socialism is an abject failure - - I suggest all of the anti-Trump folks move to Venezuela where they will fit in.

As your lot calls Trump a Nazi, you have to remember that both Hitler and Mussolini were socialists as are Sanders and Obama. Know your history before your lot goes public . . . oh wait reality does not matter to liberals. That is why you were so surprised in November.

The left is so afraid of the possible success of a non-politician that they will sacrifice the well-being of the American population to recover power. What you fail to realize is that those who support Trump will soon not be so quiet and we will not remain quiet as liberals and the media / Hollywood elite attempt to berate us for taking our culture and country back from the abject failure of the progressive agenda.

Move out if you don't like it. Many in this country had to deal with the progressive failures yet we did not try to shut down free speech, burn buildings, or protest endlessly to try to obstruct everything. As your hero Barry O said, "Elections have consequences, get over it."

We need to stand up to the thugs and Brown Shirts who would attack anybody who shows support for our president. How many times did we see people beaten or attacked for showing public support for the Obamanation or Clinton?

Our state will elect a Non-moron non-stuttering fool for Governor this next time. If the people of our state get out of their partisan way, will rid us of those to leftie political sycophants Blumie and Murphy - - Get them out.

Kevin - - keep the independent and open mind of truth open, the free thinkers of our state appreciate your work.

Anonymous said...


lets be realistic here, you and the rest of the Democratic Party should be apologizing for running such a flawed, incompetent and arrogant candidate that thought the White House was her entitlement that then made it possible for another somewhat flawed candidate to win the election. Even Joe Biden was a better candidate than Clinton

Mr Dirty Street said...


Agree. There was no love loss with Clinton. I felt she had a strong chance in failing. You won't find me shedding tears. But Trump is a mentally unbalanced dangerous hombre. A real bad man. Trump's only interest is making money. He has no capacity to empathize with anyone. He is a master of manipulation. He will go down the list of campaign promises and after each one fails, will report that he did his best. His health care proposal would have removed insurance coverage from the very demographics who supports him. This is how twisto this hombre is.

Got it?

Mr Dirty Street said...


You have written a lengthly diatribe on matters of public interest that need to be rebutted. On socialism, you fail to understand that many areas of our government utilize these concepts. Let's try a few samples shal we? For example, you are the benificary of educational socialism. You had the option of free schooling through 12th grade. If you are retired or have reached the age of at least 62, you have accessed another element of socialism; social security. At the age of 65, you will be able to access Medicare. Public transportation is available for all and hence, a socialistic endeavor. As with the streets and expressways you travel on. All forms of socialism. Indeed, taxation is a form of socialism. Taxes are raised to the benefit of the public or We, the People. Oops, even our Declaration of Independence is a socialized document.

You had better run for the hills, brother. Or better yet, fly to the moon because the world is socialized. Let me see, what other nonsense gibberishness may I correct for you. Oh yes, that Hitler was a socialist. Well. I'm not a historian, but I would suggest that he used the word "socialist" similar to a modern-day scaly wag uses a word to expand their ideas although the word has little to do with the agenda. Hitler's Nazis were anything but socialists. They were nationalists, racists and... And... And... Well, you can deduce, I am running out of words.

Enjoy your Trump while his brief moment shines and quickly tarnishes in the sun.

Oh, and Happy April Fool's Day. There is most definitely one born every day.

Anonymous said...

It appears that unsubstantiated opinion, laden with political snark has become what the learned posters have come to. Defining word narrowly or broadly depending on the point a poster wants to convince themselves and others. It appears that these folks are still debating what "Is" is. The failure of partisanship is evident everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Miss you with that BS? You make no sense. Nobody cares about that sex ring in Danbury. The news did a fine job reporting it. Kevin does a great job reporting local Hartford stories. Why don't you write a story about it and post it here for us?

peter brush said...

you are the benificary of educational socialism
Indeed, the whole city is the beneficiary of the State's "free education." 41% of Hartford adults are illiterate according to the National INstitute for Literacy. If you believe the 2012 census the number is 65%. (
The State Supreme Court twenty years ago declared the Hartford District of the State's Education apparatus unconstitutionally segregated. Normal middle class people have left the city since WWii because the schools have been wretched and not getting better. Socialism works great. I understand that in Venezuela people are now eating zoo animals.