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Saturday, April 27, 2019


Actually, it is the accounting list  for "outside" legal services paid by the City of Hartford for outside legal services  for 2017/2018. The list was obtained through an FOI request to the City.

Job creation and economic development seem to be the key buzzwords every time an election is coming in Hartford, but it seems they are just that. Buzz words that not much seems to be done with.

 But one thing is for sure, we have no trouble keeping the legal industry in the Hartford area employed and very well funded as the list below indicates

The accounting report for outside legal services used by the City of Hartford for the past 2 years is rather extensive It actually makes me wonder what Hartford's Corporation Counsels Office actually does, even basic legal functions like real estate closings are contracted out.

Maybe the legal term "quid pro quo" defined as  "a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something" should be used somewhere along the line here. You can be sure a percentage of these dollars are eventually paid back as rewards for loyalty in the form of campaign donations to many politicians..


Anonymous said...

To be crystal clear, only one politician has been paid back in donations for these unprecedented legal fees: Luke Broin; His campaign finance report is filled with these vendors.

Check out the $$$$ spent on Greenberg Traurig for the hypothetical bankruptcy that was never going to happen. Not one dime of that legal work was ever used. Look at the numbers for Murtha Cullina for all the ongoing stadium litigation.

Luke is certainly keeping lawyers employed.

Anonymous said...

The lawyers always get paid. Look at all of the politicians that are lawyers, they write the laws and make the loopholes for themselves, friends and families. They are the real problem. Wake up Hartford! Wake up America! The political systems are corrupt. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, THE LAWYERS ALWAYS GET PAID! THEY TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER AND SCREW THE REST OF US!

Anonymous said...

Let the revolution begin, take back our government from the lawyers and special interests

Anonymous said...

@6:03 you got that right !! And in CT you can not even complain about them they have the entire system RIGGED..

Anonymous said...

Sorry but there really needs to be a forensic audit.. the city is into Greenberg for millions for advice on restructuring the school district.. come on literally millions..SMH And then the HBOE conservatively spent over 140K on outside fees for special education cases and that number does not include all the CHRO and federal discrimination cases against HPS human resources practices. See a pattern of incompetence here within the city schools or what..

Anonymous said...

Law license = License to steal. You don't need a gun to rob the city, ask any lawyer.