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Friday, June 28, 2019


Saturday July 13th is expected to be a traffic nightmare in the City  of  Hartford. Please plan ahead to arrive early, avoid the traffic delays and spend some time enjoying Hartford's restaurants and events. No Traffic whiners needed as Hartford hosts several  large events that day , including the Riverfront Fireworks which always draws a large crowd.

From HPD:Coming to Hartford on Saturday, July 13th? Get in the city early! Expect the most traffic we have likely ever seen. Cirque du Soleil, Yard Goats, Wiz Khalifa
, Hartford Athletic soccer, ConnectiCon, Riverfront Fireworks & more!


Anonymous said...

Only in Hartford are they stupid enough to have all that at once. Ever think of spreading the events out to bring more business in on different days? And why not fireworks more reasonably around the 4th? Like maybe Wednesday the 3rd, Thursday the 4th or Friday the 5th? Hartford is a complete failure. I’ll pass altogether on the 13th, rather not dodge bullets again this year.

Anonymous said...

You may have missed the recent article, Hartford makes the top of the list of the top ten worst ran cities in America. Could help explain why Hartford is such a mess. Great job Luke Bronin. Your a complete disgrace, along with your entire administration. Your failing so miserably, your handing this election right over to felon ex-gang member Eddie Perez, who won’t fail nearly as miserably as you.

Anonymous said...

When we was Little Eddie Perez
use to beat Us Up.
He stole and Sold Drugs
In Hartford. He sprayed GRAFITTI EVERYWHERE.


Anonymous said...

Haha! Funny 9:24!
So, I guess you can graduate from Yale and study as a Rhodes Scholar and still not know what hell to do to get the job done.

Maybe Lucas is reading said study and reflecting mindfully, “ At least I beat out Washington D.C.” .

Lucas, you big dummy! That is where you learned it from!

Rudy Caduddy said...

A@ 5:15 and 9:24

You may be correct but City Hall is rife with incompetency throughout. Yes, the administrative leader, in this case, the mayor, sets the pace and tone, still, every half-brain poky has been hired by political considerations and now, are getting fat (opps, let’s not put weight into this equation) waiting for the pension to kick in. It’s a sorry day when an ex mayor who should have gone to prison but through the incompetence of state legal system, who lost their first political case, and now is running for mayor. This election cycle is like a replay of 2016 presidential race: who to vote for, a mad dog or a dog who only wants another job but won’t get it. And that dog is unwilling or unable to make substantial structural changes personal changes. Let’s face it, often, when dealing with city personal, it becomes a frustrating affair.

So vote for Bronin because the alternative is much worse.

They all continue to suck on the titt of Mother Hartford. But the titt has done run dry.

Anonymous said...


You might have something there. I observed him once leaving a lunch spot with Pedro Cigars and that probably followed some very strenuous exercises, if ya know what I mean. So what. I think the Britney Spears gear gets used more than on halloween outings.

Anonymous said...

“The titt has done run dry”? Go back to school, once that is completed vote for trump. Let’s allow him to run the city, watch how many jackasses get dumped on the lawn of city hall, maybe they can pay a bunch of mutts to go to summer school!!

Anonymous said...

Your sign should read; Expect Shootings