For those not familiar with the "Broken Window" theory, it was introduced in 1982 in an article by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. Essentially the study apparently showed that if you ignore the little things, the larger issues are allowed to occur without check. It was meant to apply to crime issues in an urban environment, but it would seem to apply to a much broader spectrum of behavior.
Can the same theory be equated to job performance and accountability? Very rarely are government employees held to a standard that might apply to their counterparts in the private sector. Part of that I think is based on the hiring of supervisors and department heads who in many cases, particularly in Hartford, are political cronies who receive their positions based upon political influence rather than any actual legitimate selection process.
The picture above is a perfect example. It happens to be in the rear lot of the Hartford Police Department, but I'm sure most of us have seen the same conditions of trash barrels along Franklin Avenue, Park Street or even many of Hartford's parks. And although the picture above was taken today, several people I asked said the overflowing trash is a regular condition. It apparently is not one that occurred because it was a holiday weekend.
I have to wonder how long someone working at Westfarms Mall or the Travelers Insurance would be employed if their boss pulled into a parking lot and saw something like this?
I know in the great scheme of things, this may seem like a minor issue, but that is what the broken window theory is all about. If no one is held accountable for something like this, they will have no problem escalating their incompetence to the next level knowing the consequences are non-existent.
Isn't it time that we insist that those we pay to actually supervise, start supervising? And this is not a police department issue, the picture just happens to have been taken in their lot.
And according to mayor hug a tree segarra is more important to plant a tree than just pick up the trash from the city off course he is way busy visiting parks and hugging trees
hold on! you can't blame the mayor on this one anymore than you can blame the chief for residents who refuse to clean up their own property. If you want to blame someone, blame the headquarters Captian, what's his name billy long? from what I've been told this condition would never have happened at his old castle located at 550 main st. This is his back yard. I think that trash can is adjacient to his parking space. Does this property have a community officer assigned to this area of Hartford. How hard would it be for capt long to look out his window to the west, and see a fleet of parked city garbage trucks and WOW, the Public Works Headquarters. Does he have the personality to work with those valuable city employees and work out a soultion?
He were too busy towing cars from the front of police headquarters and cutting stupid egotistical quotes out of magazines to paste on his officer door. really. ?? A leader is someone who can lead many. Not few
It would be illogical to request a few more garbage cans. But that is too simple for the sheriff of notingham
Hold on here all you guys. Its simple...Pulbic Works does not work. You can request that the grass be cut and bada bing the grass is cut two years later. I ahve to admit they have kept up with the lawn care, making sure the grass does not get over 2 feet. Picking up the garbage is the next hurdle. I think the request to have garbage collection 6 days a week was proposed, but those public work guys were up in arms, because they have so much to do.
I think Segarra needs to rid the public works of all the old and lazy staff. Guys that mop the halls, and cell areas then use the same mop to clean the staff bathrooms, and use the same black water.
So its not a billy long issue, its about the public works supervisors, leading the workers to ensure they do thier jobs..
Headquarters. I see guys paintin. Maybe we should see guys pickin up trash. Or hav the community court convicts pick up the rear lot. Hav officers on lite duty supervise. Or even better. Have sgt mertes supervise trash pick up. She has a law degree. That kinda helps.
Since everyone reads this. Teleserve ran out of accident pads. Order some cause i had to do my accident on a napkin at moe's the other day .....
As the picture shows. We need more police tape !!!!!!
Ok, we'll take care of that. All set on infraction books? misdemeanor summons?
The snow removal at headquarters is also a mickey mouse operation .....
Hey. They put a new tan garbage can next to teleserve. I will put someone in for a medal
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